I was going to summarize my thoughts on the game but I ended up saying a lot, spoilers ahead:
I really don't understand the point of this game, the whole game theme is about showing us that mind control would be bad and dangerous in a realistic scenario, but the thing is that that is really a common sense to be honest, I would say it is almost like a critic on the mind control kink as I don't see the necessity of dedicating a entire game just to explain such a basic notion. I don't think realism is necessarily bad but it seems as the game was built in order to try and shock you to prove that mind control in reality is bad, so the moment you realize the whole story is focused in doing that you can only find yourself expecting when will the protagonist screw up next? or when will the girls discover everything and raid his house and subdue him into destroying his penlight.
Another thing I don't understand about the game is the protagonist, the story tries to be grounded in a realistic scenario and the girls will usually have realistic personalities, but the protagonist usually doesn't seem like a real person, he is almost comically dumb when he needs to be but also a normal capable person, it is almost like he is not a real characther but only a plot device for the story to happen, I played the whole game so far and I haven't seen any real quality to give him as a characther, most of his problems would be solved if he was just a little bit more thoughtful or if he was more resolved as a person to either accept his own flaws or to try to improve, but it is difficult to even fell anything about the story when most problems could easily be avoided, making the tension of the story really feels artificial a lot of times.
On the topic of the 3 main girls, what I don't understand about them is that in contrast with the protagonist they don't seem to face any repercurssion for their behaviour or flaws, even when they are being extraordinarily and nonsensically despicable it is all ok, because we can always blaim it all on the protagonist, even when he was just trying to help them, I think the story could be better if the girls also had more meaninful and impactful flaws in their charactherization, as good tension could come up from the conflict of their different views of the world, as it is right now the conflict of all routes is pretty much, the protagonist is this really bad and evil and creepy guy and the girls are Mary sues that can do no wrong, so even when the protagonist is just trying to help and is respecting their boundaries he still is sometimes treated really badly.
To finish the game is not all bad it does have its moments, and it is far from finished so there is a lot of potential to explore, I think the dev should just calm down a little with this obsession to state how non-consensual is bad and try to write a story less black and white since it takes on morality, and maybe develop any good quality in the protagonist as he is in a great need of some;