People who play corruption games; what do you think should be the motivators or driving forces in a woman becoming more sexual?


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2018
You talk as if you were worried about how a woman would deal with your presentation of corruption
That's not the impression I intended to give. I am first and foremost trying to make a game that's enjoyable for me to play. I know I don't have exactly the same tastes as a lot of other people, so the main benefit of making my own game is that I can attune it to my own tastes. It turns out part of my own taste is for the main character to act in somewhat realistic (relative to the kinky situation that they need to be in for this to be an arousing sex game) ways.

A women's psyche may not be equivalent to a man, but if she's not exactly getting raped
I mean, if she's being coerced into having sex with guys she doesn't want to have sex with, isn't that "exactly getting raped"? That's a far cry from a situation where someone coerces her into being say, a stripper, but says "you don't have to give them a happy ending if you don't want to," while cultivating a situation where she will eventually want to.


Oct 28, 2017
That's not the impression I intended to give. I am first and foremost trying to make a game that's enjoyable for me to play. I know I don't have exactly the same tastes as a lot of other people, so the main benefit of making my own game is that I can attune it to my own tastes. It turns out part of my own taste is for the main character to act in somewhat realistic (relative to the kinky situation that they need to be in for this to be an arousing sex game) ways.

I mean, if she's being coerced into having sex with guys she doesn't want to have sex with, isn't that "exactly getting raped"? That's a far cry from a situation where someone coerces her into being say, a stripper, but says "you don't have to give them a happy ending if you don't want to," while cultivating a situation where she will eventually want to.
Well, coerced prostitution while getting to pick your clients is realistic enough, yeah. The overall act is forced, sure... but whatever, I didn't intend to get into semantics over that. I just meant to say that the premise is missing reasons to carry that behavior outside of the job, but I guess that depends on how far you take the individual acts. And the corruption itself, for that matter.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2018
I just meant to say that the premise is missing reasons to carry that behavior outside of the job
If I continue to develop the game far enough, there may eventually be a point when I make it a full life-sim that includes behavior outside of the job, but for now, it's all business.

Essentially, her being resistant to the more hardcore stuff at first is just the most basic fundamental element needed for this to be a corruption game (which is the genre I wanted to make), so it's kinda working backwards from there to justify what situation would allow her to draw those lines at first but still gradually get more sexual as time goes on.

Deleted member 440241

Active Member
Feb 14, 2018
Make her want it. Women are harder to arouse, have a harder time reaching orgasm, and have a pretty major incentive to avoid sex given what pregnancy will do to their bodies. Regardless of whether you're using blackmail or drugs or whatever else, make her want sex. Indulge in fetishes she has but has never had the courage to explore. Get her mind focused on sex even in nonsexual situations. Use toys to build up explosive orgasms. Drive her to a point where the sex is so good, so ingrained into her life, she stops caring about all the reasons to say "no" and just enjoys herself.

In the specific example of your game, focus on the fetishes. Give her some repressed sexual fetish she never tried before (or give the player the chance to choose it at the start of the game) and then offer clients who are willing to pay more for the fetish acts than for standard sex. This will change the prostitution from something she has to do into an outlet for her own sexual desires. As she starts to enjoy the work more she starts shopping based around the needs of the job. It can start off simple with sexier clothes, grow towards sex toys and props for clients, and eventually she'll be buying furniture and artwork to create the proper mood for clients she brings home.
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Game Developer
Jun 1, 2019
I know what you said about attitudes to sex not being universal. But the allure of the forbidden is. It's the reason why people want to push the big red button. See the car crash .. And if women's aversion to sex/pregnancy was a constant then there wouldn't be so many unplanned ones lol. It isn't always just about the dude forgetting to pull out .. Or forgetting the condoms .. birth control etc.

And it's a primary motivator for forbidden sexual situations. I think the persons life should be very boring. And/Or frustrating. And yet somehow have them somewhat trapped in it. This creates an ideal situation to be tempted by what is usually forbidden fruit. Letting go of restraint allows you to explore new ground and it's exciting. If you don't want to go noncon this should start of mild. With it gradually escalating to the point that the woman has abandoned her old status quo to such an extent that she is willing to burn it all to find new and greater highs .. even internally resenting her former self control.
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