So, because of the scoundrel who leaked my game here, it is now in the public domain. There is no worse demotivation for me. Good luck to you all.
You know, i can only give my subjective advice not to get too worked up about it, otherwise it might burn you out!
There is a fairly well-known team of NTR game devs, the head of which also often came and scolded in the thread for an early liсk, they also had a model after a month the release was given out for free, but they were not against the fact that the release did not happen immediately, but at least after 10 days, allowing them to make money on high tiers, but for this you will have to raise the prices of your product and make a gradation by tiers and to move on to this you need to provide better quality content!
Don't get me wrong, but constructive criticism should also be taken calmly and with "dignity"!
You know what path interests me more in this game, so as a pirate i will say that i agree with those who said above that this update is "short-bad", there is little content in it - content that interests me!
A couple of points to make everything clearer:
1. Yes, as i assumed, it was Karl's car and Lisa felt sick, but in the position in which he sits and which the last update ended with, it says otherwise,i understand that this is AI, but i would do so that Karl's right hand lies on Lisa's back and he himself is either surprised.
2. Black and white footage from a surveillance camera, as some one said above, almost nothing is clear on them, yes, i understand that this is the idea, but it was possible to make high-quality AI images and remove the color in a photo editor by making them black and white and in Photoshop add a frame from a surveillance camera and a grainy or interference effect!
Then, when you enlarged these pictures on a phone, you could more clearly understand what was on them.
3. Many bugs, "thoughts" run in front of the text and pictures, i.e. the scene has not yet been, but the thought has already appeared. In one of the scenes the thoughts just froze in place and the text underneath them was hard to read!
In Love Path it is said that Karl helped Lisa get to bed, although in the pictures from the camera she is there completely alone!
4. Since i also play NTR path, i didn't like that the cliffhanger is the same for all paths.
Lisa feels sick in all options - i would like her to suck him off on the NTR path, but these are my personal wishes, so that there would be a difference between the paths not only in the texts but also in such key moments!
As for blackmail, it's not about what you added it, but how you did it!
Yes, i know that there is an option not to go this way or to choose not to give in to blackmail, but for now this option ends the game.
As for blackmail, i personally don’t understand what it’s for!?
Lisa in NTR paht behaves in such a way that she does not need to be blackmailed (what can i say, even on the Love Path she has such thoughts ), she kisses Karl and thinks about how good she is with him, etc. This is the path to slow corruption, why blackmail if Lisa herself will want Karl after some time!? Personally, i do not understand this - probably like other people, that is why there is so much hate at this point!
Well, if you still decided to use blackmail in your game, think it through better. Karl is blackmail the MC and not the object of his desire! It seems to me that in this case Karl would be better off blackmailing Lisa while corrupting her! The fact that he knows that they falsified reports, etc., and now Lisa has to please him so that neither she nor her husband lose their jobs and positions!
This would be more logical.
I know that we discussed it with you and you told me what you mean by the NTR path in your game, but i still miss the classic one where the wife cheats and the husband doesn’t know or guesses, etc.!
The result of this update is that for me it turned out "bad" - but i see how much work you did, because it is visible from the paths and choices in them, if someone doubts this open the gallery, i have many unopened photos, because i do not follow the NTS path, but also that i made the "wrong" choice in the NTR path!
By the way, from here there is another point of minuses, the last photo in the gallery opens in the neutral option, it open on freedom points 150+, but no matter what i do, i gain. maximum 140, and i don’t want to replay from the very beginning, maybe it’s worth thinking about the option of opening the gallery via a code or optional by decision of the player himself!?