if loc32_mc_posing == -1:
jump loc1_grace_dream
elif loc2_fath_call == 5 and ev_presentation_done:
jump loc2_fath_call
elif loc2_fath_call == 11:
jump loc2_fath_call
elif loc1_rach_nightcall == 1 and rach_love >= 10 and (rach_got_phone or rach_got_phone2):
jump loc1_rach_nightcall
elif loc1_lin_nightcall == 1 and lin_love >= 20 and lin_dye_hair and lin_got_phone:
jump loc1_lin_nightcall
elif loc1_fio_nightcall_sub == 1 and fio_route == "sub" and fio_got_phone2 and fio_love >= 10:
jump loc1_fio_nightcall_sub
elif loc1_fio_nightcall_sub == 2 and fio_love >= 26:
jump loc1_fio_nightcall_sub
elif loc1_fio_nightcall_dom == 1 and fio_route == "dom" and fio_got_phone and fio_love >= 10:
jump loc1_fio_nightcall_dom
elif loc1_fio_nightcall_dom == 2 and fio_love >= 26:
jump loc1_fio_nightcall_dom
elif loc1_ev_nightcall == 1 and daysn in [1,3,5] and ev_work_problems and ev_love >= 10:
jump loc1_ev_nightcall
elif loc1_ev_nightcall == 2 and daysn in [1,3,5] and ev_love >= 20:
jump loc1_ev_nightcall
elif loc1_kira_nightcall == 1 and ev_kira_lesbian >= 1:
jump loc1_kira_nightcall
elif loc1_oks_nightcall == 1 and loc45_oks_tests >= 3 and gr_got_phone:
jump loc1_oks_nightcall
elif loc1_oks_nightcall == 2 and v_loc13_gr_photoshoot > 1:
jump loc1_oks_nightcall
elif loc1_sky_dream == 1 and daysn in range(1,6) and (mon_route == "bl" or kevhouse_hangout >= 3):
jump loc1_sky_dream
elif new_library == 2:
jump new_library
elif loc1_gr_rach_events == 1 and loc44_allow and gr_love >= 15:
jump loc1_gr_rach_events
elif sak_dream == 1 and days >= 25: #
jump sak_dreams
elif sak_dream == 2 and days >= 50: # Autotrigger after first dream
jump sak_dreams
elif v_ev_photo_allada >= 3 and ev_fm_rach_event == 1: # Autotriggers IF Evelyn. Photo sessions. Allada #2 is complete
jump ev_fm_rach_events
elif v_ev_ps_events >= 11 and ev_ps_rach_event == 1: # Autotriggers IF Evelyn. Dani meeting #3 is complete
jump ev_ps_rach_events
elif days >= 5 and 5 not in news_watched: # Logically, this Dani news scene should be the very first one!
call dani_news(5) from _call_dani_news_3
elif jen_route != False and 1 not in news_watched: # After Art contest
call dani_news(1) from _call_dani_news
elif v_loc36_events > 1 and loc16_sky_model > 1 and 2 not in news_watched: # Triggers if Skylar science club scene and Skylar clothing store scene are complete
call dani_news(2) from _call_dani_news_1
elif loc30_allow and 3 not in news_watched:
call dani_news(3) from _call_dani_news_2
elif loc45_oks_tests >= 9 and 4 not in news_watched: # Available IF Oksana first sex scene is complete
call dani_news(4) from _call_dani_news_4