I understand but the problem is one eye blink and after some time the other eye blink, i want both eyes blinks at same time
sorry, like i say, be sure tocheck on the option on teh right tha the timing is the same for both eyes animation (the speed of blinking)
also, be sure to actually place both eyes animation BEFORE trying to test (clicking "create image" will save the setting and so it will break the timing for the next placed animation)
in my exemple, i placed the 4 eyes animation before clicking on "create image". so its saved all together and work all together in same time.
But if i did 2 and then tested by clicking "create image", and then came back and placed the 2 others , they would have different speed.
maybe that's what you did ?
if so, good way is to delete the eye animations zone and redo them in same time before testing. it should fix them.