Planetarian would be my recommendation if the topic is "which VN should be my first?". This is a short title that manages to deliver on the emotional side, while also providing you with some questions to think about. It's true that other VN's have accomplish the same result, but most of them didn't pull it off with this short of a duration. Really great choice if you want to get into VN's, and a very balanced experience.
- Nice emotional story - Without spoilers the whole thing revolves around "What's really important in life", "The importance of having dreams", and tells you that JADED should not be your default mode. Reactions to the title may vary, but I can guarantee you that reading Planetarian once in a blue moon, can be helpful to your "heart and morals".
- Interesting themes - Planetarian is food for thought. There's the crying and the fuzzy feelings, but there's also important questions that you can ask yourself after reading this. Personally, Planetarian allowing for this much "soulsearching" in 3 hours is the main selling point.
- Unique setting - Planetarian has a desolate and melancholic feeling (post apocalyptic scenario), that is constantly being pushed back by an adorable little robot. It's distinct enough that you will remember it for a long time, and that's how you know it's a great VN.
- It's an old VN. It still looks and sounds OK, but Planetarian will be 20 years old very soon, and time waits for no one. You could argue that just makes it more impressive, though.
Score: Planetarian is an 8/10, a great VN, and my personal recommendation for your first (short) VN. This is a title that manages to do so much with its limited duration, and stays relevant to this very day. Highly recommended, try reading it if you noticed skepticism, and sarcasm increasing in your daily life.
(No sexual content)
- Nice emotional story - Without spoilers the whole thing revolves around "What's really important in life", "The importance of having dreams", and tells you that JADED should not be your default mode. Reactions to the title may vary, but I can guarantee you that reading Planetarian once in a blue moon, can be helpful to your "heart and morals".
- Interesting themes - Planetarian is food for thought. There's the crying and the fuzzy feelings, but there's also important questions that you can ask yourself after reading this. Personally, Planetarian allowing for this much "soulsearching" in 3 hours is the main selling point.
- Unique setting - Planetarian has a desolate and melancholic feeling (post apocalyptic scenario), that is constantly being pushed back by an adorable little robot. It's distinct enough that you will remember it for a long time, and that's how you know it's a great VN.
- It's an old VN. It still looks and sounds OK, but Planetarian will be 20 years old very soon, and time waits for no one. You could argue that just makes it more impressive, though.
Score: Planetarian is an 8/10, a great VN, and my personal recommendation for your first (short) VN. This is a title that manages to do so much with its limited duration, and stays relevant to this very day. Highly recommended, try reading it if you noticed skepticism, and sarcasm increasing in your daily life.
(No sexual content)