You should be able to work around it using this:
dd if=/dev/zero of=case_insensitive_ext4.img bs=1 count=0 seek=10G
mkfs.ext4 -O casefold case_insensitive_ext4.img
sudo mount case_insensitive_ext4.img /mnt
sudo mkdir /mnt/case_insensitive
sudo chown youruser:youruser /mnt/case_insensitive
chattr +F /mnt/case_insensitive
Then put the game directory inside the case_insensitive one. Obviously you can mount this wherever you like, somewhere in your home directory even.
Know what you're doing with mounts and remember to umount it when necessary. This requires kernel 5.2 or higher.
I'm making a 10G sparse image file here but you can tweak to your liking (sparse means it won't actually use the space until it gets filled).