Identify Please help me finding this Game ♥


New Member
Feb 15, 2021
Greetings Experts <3
I try to give you as much Informations i can remember!

The Details/Keywords stand below.
At the End i tell you something about the Beginning of the Game.

For those of you that want a short description i try to bunch together some informations before in one sentence.

-> You play as a Woman in a City without Rules/Police and have to make Choices.


- Its like a "post-apocalyptic" setting --> maybe not that hard but atleast there was no "order/police/rules" active and some kind of destruction around
- The Location was a City
- I think it was a "flash-based-game" (atleast there was no need to install)

- You can make choices
- Your Character is a Woman/Girl
- You find something like a shelter/sancturay (it was a room, you can rest there/start new day)
- There was Text and Pictures/Backgrounds, mostly you just click and make decisions (mby some X-scenes where animated but not sure)

- There was maybe some kinds of bars (mind / horny / hunger / cash?) --> im not sure about this....
- The progress was in Days like 1, 2, 3 ....and so on, at the end of each day you'v to sleep in your shelter (not sure)
- Your Character must survive / she can die/give up on wrong decisions/empty bars (not sure)

- The Art-Style was more Hentai then RL-based (atleast i think so)


I can tell you some content of the beginning:

-> You start hiding somewhere until you see a man raping a women, then he kills her. After that you run away

-> There was a police station. There where no officers but 2 prisoners in their cell.
A young man, looking innocent and an older man looking suspicious
You can release one of them.
The young man is evil and gonna rape you after that
The older man was kind of a good guy

-> There was a "mall"
before the entrance of the mall where 3 girls
2 of them was kinda "evil" and wanted to attack the third girl
you have the option to interrupt them and talk with one of the girls after that

That was all i can remember for now...
It was years ago i seen this the last time
sadly i'v no pictures/link

Whould be amazing if you can help me! :love:
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