Please help me to become more confident in my game


Dec 23, 2019
If "doing whatever you want" is not working on the game, now, before the first release, I would take that as a warning sign. Things will not get easier once you release the game and you have to fix bugs and work on updates. My advice would be to aim for a short game so you can see how it feels and if you are cut out for a longer project.
Thank you for response ^^
Like I said in the top post, it's just me being unmotivated to finish and release the game. Even though I just need to do some adjustments and I could give a playable version of the current game I am developing. What I meant with "not working in the game" is me adding a ton of more ideas i could add but not doing it leaving me waste my time on planning the idea. . I made this post to have more motivation to release a playable version, I did not expect the ton of good responses and I think i did get motivation I was looking for.

It's all thanks to you people! :giggle:
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Forum Fanatic
Apr 14, 2021
If being unmotivated is your problem, then first order of business is restoring motivation. Everything else comes after.
You don't need to rush release, take all the time you need to properly implement all the ideas you have.
No time is wasted if doing what you are doing is fun and interesting to you. :whistle::coffee:


Bear chaser
Game Developer
Mar 23, 2019
Hello! This is actually what I wanted to do, I wanted to release the game on a specific section of this forum and see what people think and give me feedback on it and you seem to point out the dev and art section. If possible so, how did you post yours? I would wanna know since I'm still kind of a newbie here when it comes to posting threads.
here is a link to my thread in the programming and developing section, anyone can make a thread there. You should be as specific as you can. Tags (current and planned), gameplay features, your best screenshots and a good description will help you there.
Jul 21, 2021
If Zun can make a successful game with mediocre art you should be fine. Jokes aside your art looks fine the important part is that you either make the gameplay fun or story good. Im not a developer but played good chunks of different games over the years. And many games had either decent to barely function gameplay with good story. Or gameplay was fun and story was okay. Remember many devs had made tons of games before even making some good ones. We all learn from our mistakes and improve or try atleast. If you can i suggest maybe doing some smaller games to begin with to test out each thing and find out what might need some improvement and what you good at. I hope best of luck and again your art looks fine many artist gets better over the years so dont think too much of it


Apr 11, 2022
I think one story every game dev needs to know is Chipper Brothers. A guy came out with a platformer aimed at children, super basic (Imagine Donkey Kong Country, but WAY slower) called Chipper Bros. The game got roasted in reviews. A big theme was people saying the charecters looked terrifying in a plastic, robotic sort of way, and that no kid wouldnt be creeped by it. It tanked. The dev felt really discouraged, but he lookex at the game, looked at the criticsim, and decided to take parts of it and make a new game. He decided to make a horror game with the creepy charecters since that kept coming up.

That second game was Five Nights at Freddy's.

My point is that your early game(s) may not be great...or even good..and thats ok. Your first games are about finding your strengths and weaknesses and using them to you advantage. I truely hope your first game is good (concept seems solid and drawinga are ok), but if it isn't, thats ok. Learn from it and do better.