3.70 star(s) 87 Votes


Jan 1, 2019
Purposely making a game hard is purposely making a game bad. Easy is fun, hard is not. The purpose of a game should be for people to play and have fun.
I'm going to explain what the modern game is about for you. It primarily comes from three separate sources, which, while entertaining, had other purposes than JUST having "fun".

1. Sports, where teams work on tactically beating other teams each game.
2. Board games(think "Go"), where the elites of society competed in strategy.
3. Gambling(Or "gaming") games of chance, where there's usually a mix of computing possibilities and comparing it with whoever your opponent is(either dealer, or other players at a table or alley).

Try telling a sports fan that it's not fun to play against a tougher team.
Try telling a chess fan that en passant should be banned because it complicates the vanilla game.
Try telling a professional poker player that they have an equal chance to win as a pleb.

You'll get laughed out of the room.

Modern games typically contain at least one of the sources, if not multiple, in all its genres. The ones that don't are generally included when they should actually be put in a side category called "Interactive Fiction".


As far as the game itself, it pretty much has already been said. Quite an enjoyable effort so far, although my interest is more on the gameplay than the adult content.

SINtax EroRR

Game Developer
Jun 21, 2017
The first two reasons are fair.
The last... Doing that sort of thing won't make players give you the time necessary to work on updates, it's simply not going to work. The time needed is such that most folk, if they seriously have to grind that long and hard, will just ditch the game entirely. It's okay to make things less of a grindy chore to overcome comfortably.
It's okay to just take time to update as is comfortable.
Trying to force others to wait through indirect mechanical means such as this will inevitably just frustrate and annoy the playerbase.

Think of every game which has artificial difficulty such as health sponges, RNG so nutty it can insta-gib, games with absurd pay-to-win that causes the base game's grind to skyrocket... Even if you're not employing the exact same mechanics to the same degrees, it'd be wise to consider just how folks will approach the game if it spits in their face and holds them under heel.
Even if I excluded the last reason, the first two will still hold up. The game was made to be challenging. If the casuals want to complain, they can always ask for a guide. Heck, if you want to skip the grind completely, just dig through the game's folders for the porn. This game is first and foremost, a Pokemon game. The porn is simply a part of the narrative, and is essentially a reward.
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Apr 17, 2021
Cheat Engine
(Money x 2) + 1

Same goes for exp

Though porn games and get gud don't generally mix well together, think of the sound of one hand fapping :HideThePain:

Being able to name our protagonist would be good.

Less trash mobs and more sexy girls, pokemon with tits but even if you evolve the starter she doesn't do anything. Bunny girl in cave and gym leader are the only ones worthwhile.


Oct 19, 2019
And yet, you ignored my previous answer where I revealed all the mechanics (which other players figured out on their own without my hand-holding). None of it are obtuse except to people who have next to no experience with Pokemon games. Artificial difficulty? In what way? By making enemy trainers much tougher, smarter and able to use items to be on the same ground as the player? If that is artificial difficulty, then we clearly have two very different views on what it means. Good day.
I more found disdain with the way you used "git gud". It was rather... Disgusting.
It doesn't reflect what I believe to be the truest sense of the term.

As for artificial difficulty... Believe it or not, most fair games do not place the enemy on the same level as the player.
The reason is simple; they are many, you are alone.
In a Pokemon-style game this becomes more pronounced battle after battle, as the resources you require to match them will inevitably rise as time goes on. You simply cannot sustain such without a constant stream of resources to counter that.
Furthermore, most folks that have played Pokemon only really used consumable items (aside from Pokeballs of course) in unexpected 'no other choice' cases that would otherwise lock them into a game over.

Actual challenges aside, such as Nuzlock or however it's spelled... People just wanna have a good time.
Again, a challenge is fine, but giving every NPC you face the ability to pump Pokemon with potions is a cheap, unfun deal.
If you've ever read any kind of DM's manual, you'd know just how badly received an enemy healing all the damage you've taken the time and effort to inflict can be. It's a massive taboo and generally feels unfair.

Furthermore, healing items such as potions and those revive crystals in Pokemon are notoriously broken. Even Pokemon's devs admit as much. Those items exist as a fall-back for more tame gamers.

If you insist on the enemy being so broken on the basis of "matching the player", you have entirely dropped the ball on the balance between player and NPC. Your idea is certainly a pain in the ass... And sadly, no matter your intent, if you don't carefully consider how you build the game from the base up and just slap such broken gimmicks onto NPCs, folks will call it out.

Because you can't really change the minds of the players when you yourself fundamentally do not understand why Pokemon had such items in the first place... Nor can you understand that the majority of players rarely used them, as again, they were more of a crutch left for actual kids.
Because Nintendo recognizes the potential for such a thing as selective difficulty through in-game item inclusion.
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New Member
Sep 28, 2017
I will give this a try just because ppl rant about it being hard.
I love when a game gives you a challenge, please don't let people convince you make it easy.
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Jul 26, 2017
I know you wanna be the cool kid and all, and i don't mind that.
But you clearly never played (any)kaizo (successfully)before, when you struggle here or when you honestly tell me that you run into pacing-problems when you literally get oddish's with that kind of moveset, houndours or even that completely broken starter. (And let's not talk about the clear path with good pacing from the different points of interst like the cave) And now let's forget that you tried to compare a highly user-time-competitive rom, with an experienced team behind it - with a literal 'passion-hentai-game' made by one person.

This game has no bad design. It's just that you have to think 'out of the usual rom-box'.
Everyone complainin' in this thread basically knows nothing about pokémon or, admittedly, just joined for the faps.
And, honestly, if you guys can't spend 5 more minutes on 'breaking your pace' for additional grind, using items, which a lot of you are, for some reason, heavily against..?? Or simply.. do it differently that usual.. In that case, well..

I've gotta break it to ya', you won't be havin fun anytime soon. This game has a clear, visible path ahead and i'm sure the developer will be loyal in following it. Much to my delight, honestly.

If everyone would be having problems, strugglin' .. I'd be more willing in taking a closer look into actual pathing and pacing.. But if it's just a few inexperienced edgelords and fapkings that are having problems and the others don't.. Well.
I kind of .. Get that certain impression, y'know?
(Just made some exaggerated implications to drive that home)

Don't wanna come off rude, i'm just trying to be honest.
This was the last time i quoted or replied to you tho, not here to argue, neither are you, i hope.


Apr 17, 2021
it is virtually impossible for me to tailor the difficulty of the game to suit everyone's needs. If I made it easier, people who like the challenge will complain.
That's what difficulty settings are for :p
Easy = Less damage taken, More damage dealt, and Exp x 1.5
Normal = Balanced
Hard = More damage taken, Less damage dealt, and Exp x 0.5

It's also why you could choose a starter as different ones catered to different fans

People will complain anyways as in porn games they expect porn not a slow grind with a starter who only has 1 attack move.

Nero the Bard

Oct 15, 2020
will you ad loli waifumon in the future or only big-breasted ones?
Also will patreons be abele to waifuifai pokemon that are not humanoid at the start? (cophigrigus into a Pharao girl for example)
Ill wish you the best of luck regardless but I would like to know.

SINtax EroRR

Game Developer
Jun 21, 2017
will you ad loli waifumon in the future or only big-breasted ones?
Also will patreons be abele to waifuifai pokemon that are not humanoid at the start? (cophigrigus into a Pharao girl for example)
Ill wish you the best of luck regardless but I would like to know.
No lolis. And yes to your second question.


Mar 21, 2020
Hey Dev do you think adding male pokemon would be something you would consider in the future? I get that it's a big ask considering the enormous amount of time and effort that would take but it would be good to know if it's on the table at all. Regardless the game's aesthetic and UI looks pretty authentic. I wish you the best of luck with your game.

SINtax EroRR

Game Developer
Jun 21, 2017
Hey Dev do you think adding male pokemon would be something you would consider in the future? I get that it's a big ask considering the enormous amount of time and effort that would take but it would be good to know if it's on the table at all. Regardless the game's aesthetic and UI looks pretty authentic. I wish you the best of luck with your game.
Depends on what you mean. If you're asking about Yaoi content, the answer is no. But of you're asking whether there will be scenes involving male pokemon, then yes.


Aug 15, 2018
Yep, I'm done with this one. Lost all my starter money and items trying to avoid getting shit on by the first fight due to absolutely horrible rng and in turn lost all interest in the game. Had high hopes and those faded fast.
just put on leftovers i had no trouble with the first fight was over in 3 voices, once your starter evolves and gets a broken typing and grande jete/draining kiss + the leftovers it becomes easy


Jan 26, 2020
Would you (the dev) be offended if I posted an edited script file for the people that wants an easy life without wanting to put any effort into the game? :unsure:


Aug 8, 2022
Would you (the dev) be offended if I posted an edited script file for the people that wants an easy life without wanting to put any effort into the game? :unsure:
There will be also need for non-human pokemon fan-patch, as otherwise they will not get love
3.70 star(s) 87 Votes