If you don't care about improving your skills or your game I suppose that attitude is fine. But if you have any interest whatsoever in getting better at what you do, then you need to learn that if tons of people are consistently criticizing the same things, then those things are worth taking a second look at. That doesn't mean bowing down to every demand people make. It means you should try to sus out the root problem and address it in a way that you are satisfied with. Amateur feedback is important but it needs to be treated kind of like a riddle since most people won't be able to identify or articulate exactly what needs to be changed and how, all they can do is relay their experience. Spitting venom at people for bringing these issues to your attention is just going to make people stop wanting to share their thoughts with you, which means missing out on valuable feedback in the future. If you honestly think that a popular complaint is "wrong", at the very least you should say nothing, or better yet try to explain your vision in a non-judgemental way. And don't try to hide behind the old "you plebs just can't understand what I'm going through" excuse. Plenty of developers go through the exact same thing without lashing out at their fanbase for their complaints.
I have several issues with your point of view. But just to be clear, I think you have something valid. I just don't think you're applying the full picture, because you're not a dev. You cannot claim to empathize with my position without actually walking a mile in my shoes. So let's address everything you have to say. You want civility? No problem. At least this particular response isn't purposely trying to rip my head off.
"Improving my skills and my game."
Problem no 1. Improve in what way? The balancing? The difficulty? The scaling? Because while I do receive many complaints about this, I also receive an equal amount of praise and support from old-school players (who are my target demographic) who enjoy it and don't think its broken. Do I think its perfect? Nope. But making any changes will only serve to do absolutely NOTHING. No matter how I balance the game, I cannot please everyone. There will be people who wont like me making it easier, there will be people who applaud the change. As you pointed out, I'm not here to bow down to everyone. There is no way for me 'Balance the game' without ticking off one side or the other.
"sus out the root problem"
Problem no 2. Root problem, which once again, is dependent entirely on player experience. Some won't think its a problem at all, others will say it is. Here's MY problem with all the complaints: Few of it is actually constructive. Go ahead and filter through these 59 pages of comments and try to find for yourself how many comments actually seem helpful to me, and arent consisting almost entirely of drivel that just tells me "Hurr, game too hard." I'm quite serious. I'm willing to bet that at least 80% of the "criticism" is saying the exact same thing, without ever offering an idea or solution for how they think a game should be balanced. And for the 20% who actually DID give me something constructive to work with, I almost always respond to them in a much more cordial tone. And I dare you to find me examples where I'm a 'being a dick' to helpful, respectful people. In fact, many changes has already been made to this game BECAUSE I listen to criticism, and even the briefest look at my convo history with the players on the game's discord server will PROVE IT.
But of course, in order to paint a narrative where I'm a nasty tyrant with 0 tolerance policies, I doubt any of you will make the effort to check it for yourselves.
"And don't try to hide behind the old "you plebs just can't understand what I'm going through" excuse. Plenty of developers go through the exact same thing without lashing out at their fanbase for their complaints."
Problem no 3. This game has a target audience. It has specific type of player in mind. This is like telling Fromsoftware to "stop making hard games". In fact, let's use them briefly, for an example. The Souls series are almost universally praised. Even people who hate the difficulty still enjoy the aesthetics, world-building, narrative, music, etc. However, there will ALWAYS be detractors who hate the game, even if it praised by many others. But do the devs backtrack and start patching the game to make it easier for the complaining players? No. Unless there is a game-breaking bug, or the enemy is universally complained about, they will not change the difficulty.
But lets get to the part about my attitude, since that is apparently the main issue y'all have with me. Spitting venom at people who bring issues to my attention? Hmm. Maybe the things they say are I dunno, part of the 80% drivel that I've already heard before? I could ignore them, sure. But sometimes I can't help myself, and that is a fault I can readily admit. Once again, I dare you and everyone here who has a one-sided opinion of me, to find EXAMPLES in this thread and and in my discord, where I AM ACTIVELY SHITTING ON PEOPLE WHO REPORT BUGS and other VALID PROBLEMS.
On top of that, I want to remind people that I'm working on this game solo. I do not have someone else to work with me, I don not have people to share my burdens, I do not have any support aside from beta-testers. The stress of working on this alongside my day job, is stressful. It is not Easy. NOT EASY. I'm not asking for sympathy, I'm asking you to understand that my mood will be shit from time to time. I will be giving dick responses, and I will be an enemy to some. But this is not who I normally am. I do not like it, but it is a necessary evil for someone in my position.