I'm gonna be checking this out when it finishes downloading, btw
@Izzi (if you are the dev) you may want to be careful about what you post on your patreon to avoid getting your account suspended. I think nudity is enough, so you might consider censoring the images you post there at the least.
Okay, where to start.
Pretty fair demo for first release. Like all first releases there are some things that need improvement.
Starting with the graphic settings, glad to see there is settings at all. However after changing them, the menu does not remember which settings you chose. You should support more resolution scales, and give an alternate method of changing the resolution instead of selecting them one at a time. This can be bad for video cards.
Likewise with most Unreal projects, the frames are tanky. Thankfully you did give us shadow options which is usually my culprit. But in this case it's the foliage, you really need to use LOD or occlusion so the entire map doesn't load in the player's vision.
The standstill animation for the player needs to have some more fluidity, as soon as you stop they instantly begin the loop. Similarly, player control needs some additions, ie, sprint, walk, crouch, et cetera.
I really like the minimap radar, it looks very good and I can see some survival aspects emerging. The map itself looks massive, and I didn't take too long exploring because the frames are not great. Had no idea where to go, and ran into a large amount of invisible walls while exploring.
I think I will keep my eye on this one, not many people try making games like this which are highly preferable in my book. Most of the adult games genre is lazy visual novels, so you have my attention.