What to do after rooted the phone?
dont know the exact path, but you find the porn empire save directory, go one directory up and create /mods/ dir. then it's the same as on pc.
put the characters in /mods/characters/ , events in /mods/events/ , custom sprites in /mods/sprites... and so on.
Cool beans. So you know how Starfield basically took the settlement mechanics from Fallout 4 and made your home base mobile by putting it inside a space ship? I was thinking for your next game you could do something similar. Recycle everything you can from this game and make a sci-fi themed game where you've got the same UI, models and basic mechanics only instead of mansion upgrades it's ship upgrades, instead of different countries it's different planets and instead of "staff" it's "crew" (they serve the purpose, of course).
So it's more free-roam than base-building, so to speak, as you travel around to meet new & exotic ladies to make inter-species porn with for profit.
few pages back i listed my ideas on what i'll do next. scifi spaceship brothel was one of the ideas.
problem with that is that it would be the same game again -shooting movies.
what i'll most likely do after v1.0 is start adding lifesim elements and allow modding of your own actions for locations.
this will include fantasy & brothel, since a lot of people want this, but like said it's too similar to PE.