When you have 10-15 points invested in the various agencies, you get more males then you know what to do with.
...which is a little strange, since all my points are invested in female stars, but whatever.
Points invested in the agencies?? How do you do that?
So.. I've crashed and burned. I think there is something wrong with the STD thing. I fired EVERYONE who had an STD. I shut down production in both of my studios (because i realized that it was automatically putting me in scenes with people who had STDs) and I can't figure out if there is a way to block my staff from putting my main character in scenes in the studio.
So I fired everyone with an STD. I had no sex of any kind. My main character had an STD. Then... two days pass.. i am informed I have another (?) STD lol. I have -$5000. I go to the hospital to get STD meds. I have the perk that makes the meds free, but when I went to get my meds, it said I didn't have enough money!
I made a few more days pass, and somehow I made a little bit of money. I have $500. So then I was able to get my STD meds for "Free". I'm now in a spot where I can't afford to pay anyone for anything, can't have sex, and am getting STDs while doing absolutely nothing.. so, game over, i think.
This is a really good game, though, i really want to get the night club and the pool and all that stuff, but I'm not sure if i want to start from scratch again and I don't really like using cheats. Maybe I'll give it a try once I've gotten over this devastating turn of events.
Note: I did like the dev said and went to my PA in charge of hiring male talent. I changed the 'minimum level' of person to hire from 1 to 5. For some reason, that worked. Two weeks later, she introduced me to my first male employee... who had sex with one person and got an STD.