Choosing preferences at character generation is kind of a hassle and also doesn't feel realistic.
First of all, for the right-side column of sliders, I don't understand why a greater preference for one group type necessarily means the others are reduced. Maybe instead the player character's preference should be on a single spectrum with single partner on one end and large groups on the other end. A separate slider decides whether the character prefers swarming the opposite sex with many participants of the same sex, or whether the player prefers to be the one being swarmed. Then the actual preferences used for scene types are generated into a gradient. For example, if the slider is set to prefer group sex, boy-girl preference will start low, then threesomes will be somewhat higher, and gangbangs and fffm even higher. If the slider is in the middle, they will all be equal.
Secondly, the left-side column of sliders is a mess to deal with. I suggest dividing them into their own categories: Race, Age, Shape, Hair, Preggo. Within each category, all the sliders must add up to 100%. Then, on top, each category also has its own slider to indicate how important it is to preference. Between each other, they must also add up to 100%. A category with low importance means the final preferences will stay near 50% once generation is complete. A category with high importance takes greater consideration of the sliders within it.
Just an idea. Regardless if you like it or not, I think that page needs to improved.
Edit: Not actually "add up to 100%" but you know what I mean — the sum must remain the same.