Someone posted a name so I thought that was a special girl. I 've tried hosting a party before but no rival models showed up. Maybe because I'm still level 3?
That might very well be.. personally I wait with hosting parties until level 4, because at that level all models would agree to join my porn business, even level 10 models

and ofc by then I got everything else set up nicely.
Earlier party hosting would be to try and get models with particular details, as explained in my former post about all this, they would be of lower model levels then, or their max possible levels would be lower.. you can set this as well btw, if you want a certain experience parameter for models attending.
Once again, if you want rival models to show up, don't choose any particular model parameters when planning the party and save the hour before the party begins, so you can reload in case you didn't like the "guest" group who showed up
The game auto saves at midnight, in case you forgot to make a save before the party.
Also I found out the game is bugged if you leave the party early, then the balloons stay up and you can't plan a new party.. like ever!
To avoid this, stay at the party till all guest are gone..
Or if you did leave the party early, go back to it and stay until all guests are gone, which could be around midnight to be sure.
Always check if the party balloons are showing in upper right corner or not. If they are, another party can't be planned, not for this version anyways.. not sure if the Dev was aware of this bug or not and I forgot to mention it earlier.