Been a while since I played properly, sorry if I've missed something:
1. Is there a way to turn off the stage names, at least for the MC?
2. Is the tax lady recruitable or at least sexable like the bank lady?
3. The PA role list could do some rework. For example, the right hand role doesn't have any explanation, and just a guess, talent search has been replaced by human resources. The list and options could also be in the same order for clarity.
4. When choosing a PA role from the Empire -> Personal Assistants tab, the role selection could use a confirmation. Currently a misclick of a wrong role leads to having to wait a month to switch it to the correct one.
5. Paula Sanderson's weight might be a bit off with 89 kg at 151 cm
6. Asked in the past, and have seen some other people suggest it as well: Proper implementation of monster cock would be welcome as it's such an essential porn trope. It could for example be an optional perk slightly modifying the game experience:
- With regular women, chemistry and happiness loss, some possibly even refusing the scene (perhaps the ones with a possible "tight pussy" trait that would increase chemistry when shooting a scene with a smaller dick)
- With size queens an increase in chemistry and happiness for both.
- Size queens could be divided into two groups, the ones that know they enjoy a big dick and the others who are unaware of it (lorewise 'cause they haven't experienced it yet). With the first group you're able to see the SQ trait during introduction like the other traits and you're able to increase their favor a lot by having a huge dick. The second group appear regular first but having sex with them reveals whether or not they're size queens as well.
- Regardless of which group they started in, a portion of the size queens (so very rare overall) could turn out to have a "completely bottomless" sub-trait that could only be found out by having sex with them with the monster cock. The pair would increase the scene chemistry and happiness considerably.
- And ofc different dirty talks and introduction options depending on the woman.