How to put an incest into PE in few easy steps.
Step 1. Open the game.
Step 2. Open the mod tools.
Step 3. Create/edit model/s
Just remember to made them related to mc by choosing mother/father/sister/brother/daughter/son etc. as relationship
(also you can choose your model as starting chcaracter, so you don't have to wait to steal her from your rival company)
Step 4. Start new game
Step 5. Make scene with your mc and model that you created (and name it something like "Family fuckfest #15. Mommy cums second")
Step 6. Have fun and profit by repeating step 5.
Jokes aside. PE is sim/light tycoon game. You can even skip playing sex scenes. Just like in any other game like that.
If you are looking for game, where you could boink mc family member(s), than maybe you should rather play some vn or rpg, not PE or any other iteration of SimBrothel. It's just a thought.
As always, sorry for my poor english. I just hope it was at least understandable enough. Oczywiście mógłbym całość napisać w swoim rodzimym języku, ale po pierwsze zaraz byłoby bólodupienie "english please!", a po drugie translator googla czasem bywa nadal durny jak szpadel, więc wolę polegać na swojej kulawej angielszczyźnie