- Apr 28, 2021
- 500
- 170
I made it to 3 stars but then fell back and I am now stuck at 2 stars. I guess flooding the camshows was a bad idea lol.
But the trade-off is that tax is based on your net income now and not your gross income anymore. Basically, you're only taxed on your actual profits now. If your monthly income is -$10000, your taxes should be at -$0 for that month.Aww booooo
You should visit the carwash when the owner is there. (for me happens in saturday morning)Hey everyone, does anyone know how to do this mission? I don't know how to add this at all.
I believe you need to visit the carwash anytime between 8am and 14:00 (2pm). Vivien is the unique character that spawns there, continue her story and eventually you unlock the carwash for free.Hey everyone, does anyone know how to do this mission? I don't know how to add this at all.
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what version are you playing? looks oldHey everyone, does anyone know how to do this mission? I don't know how to add this at all.
View attachment 3092965
only thing that really matters for scene profits is % buffsSeems like something is terribly broken with earnings in the current version uploaded.
Playing as a female, I am pushing out videos that average ~500 chemistry and ~2500 popularity at around $800 production cost, but they only generate around $20-30 dollars total.
depends what you've set at the start. if you left on default it should be 90% of chicks will be from USA.Traveling seems to be irrelevant. Spawn variety of other nationalities is still the same as before
1st. i know if and will be fixed.0.84 was definitely better. There's 2 big downsides or cons that ruined my overall gameplay, there might be more along the way but I won't list future ones or it'll look more like a complaint.
1st is that modded models you make no longer work all that well, they relocate to different countries after you meet them even if you edited them be U.S.A. girls.
2nd is the editors taking all night and possibly all morning editing videos now, I fired a few so far and just made my char do the editing.
a bit, but you have a lot of other means to keep it up. office, reputation, ...were there changes to staff happiness? my crew keeps quitting even though I only have shoots 2 times per week and their pay is set to "happy"
Also my stars keep dropping even though I am making more profit and completing more quest... I have no clue why it's going down not up when half of the parameters are office size or home, which I am upgrading.
camgirls will ALWAYS lose happiness, otherwise they would stream 24/7 forever. but you can keep it low enough, so they stream for weeks before going on a a break.i tried the 0.9 devbuild and its troubling me a lot.
i hired 4 girls. all with 100+ beauty and attractive, cute, blue balls traits and so on. i promised them to be femous in 3 months (means 50 fame) to raise the hiring chance. all 4 did camshows (never a released porn scene) supported by a lvl 10 merketing dude. i also hired 2 extra lvl 10 marketing guys to raise their fame (1 marketeer can handle only 2 girls since 0.9). first day the fame raised by 2,5%. at secont day the fame raising dropped rapidly down to an average of 0,2 - 0,5 fame per day and stood there for ever. i tried to get everbody happy, the camgirls and my emplyes, with weekly spa visits and good wages.
my result from this experiment is: all 4 girls left me after 3 months, i couldnt hold my fame hiring promise. they reached at max 30% after 3 months. they all streamed only 2-4 times per months. there wasnt any income, only expenses. and no matter what i did, their happines jumped nearly daily from happy to very annoyed and back without any explanable reason.
this 0,9 build isnt playable at all in opinion. i went back to 0,84.
beauty marks. you can disabled them in the options.why does everyone have a mole on their face in conversations?
button shouldnt be grayed out if you have a director. at least it isnt for me.very clunky menus.. they had so much time to polish this game out but everything is so clunky. The gameplay itself is fine i suppose. The studio management is the worst. It says "no director" yeah ok then let me assign it but the buttons are greyed out despite me already having hired a director.. what bs