My bad bro, didn't mean to come off "that" way. I'm actually still playing my last save and I've got it to the stable spot where I'm set and can kind of just mindlessly play it while thinking. All that said, this is a more calm rundown on my experience with sanctions so far.
They're unbalanced, as you've noted, so I'm saying this with a grain of salt, buuuuut they suck but that's mainly because I wasn't used to them and didn't know how to combat them. I still dunno how to stop the market share one but that's fine as I can combat the rest.
The overall marketing sanctions are simple. Preconceived notions killed me the first time, but once I knew to pay attention to how much marketing I was doing those sanctions took care of themselves. Those are probably the easiest to combat. For me at least. I also cheated 5 stars which gives you the 155% marketing cap sooo.... Yeah, no problem there. But even if I didn't cheat the stars, it's easy to understand and plan for.
The undercutting sanctions are a little less straight forward and I'm not 100% sure on what the threshold is but as far as I can tell, as long as you don't go over 115% membership satisfaction you won't be sanctioned. Maybe have a tool tip in there somewhere like with the marketing tooltip, but still, not complicated once you know what to look for.
The market share sanctions seem to be some shit that's just going to be a reoccurring problem. But oddly enough, I don't mind this one. I look at it like the death throes of the rival companies as you slowly eat their market share. Honestly can't say shit about it. Currently those are the only sanctions I've seen. Not sure if there are more. That said...
Again, didn't mean to come off "that" way. You probably don't care and you didn't ask me this but I'm going to share anyway...
I interact with other devs in a way I would like other people to interact with me. Which you might think is odd considering what I've been saying but everything I've said has come from a place of constructive criticism. I just like to give my honest opinion, not that my opinion is correct or the best way, I just want to give my feedback on the product you're creating because I enjoy it. What scares me is apathy. People that play the game then don't say shit. Good or bad. I'm not criticizing because I thing the game is shit or anything. If I thought that I just wouldn't say anything at all. As a fellow dev I ain't about to be out here shitting on anybody's work. I'm just trying to give my opinion in hopes that it might lead to a better product down the line. No offense is ever intended. Then, even if it were, considering the state of my game, who the fuck am I to putdown another game? It's all love bro. I'll just try and post after the bowl pack not before in the future
Happy New Years!