when you start the game there's a cheat mode option. check it and you'll have a cheat panel on top of the screenПривет всем, расскажите мне, как на android использовать читы, кроме Mr. rocco
Hard agree on the first few points about interface design, menu navigation and general UX. Still too many pages to traverse, too much information scattered about, and all-around not enough visual shortcuts. About lists of names also showing faces, it could be done as a background to the text, showing the upper part of their head (eyes and hair) with their names superimposed. And the part about fusing stats and info on the one hand, and likes and production options on the other, is really good.1st thanks for very original game that has so much potential for future extensions and for being caring to read and respond to users feedback. i wrote some comments and bug reports i hope it helps.
1 adding the unavailable status and tab messed things up from previous version. in my game my scenes end up mostly for popularity penalty actresses. player and AI can queue the studios for same girl multiple times a week. also the MC often end up doing a scene with an already scheduled actress during the week or a girl that her scene is still in pre publishing phases. result is clutter of yellow colored movies and money loss problem. >> this should be solved by adding a 'scheduled' tab that you can interact with actress if you need to. same as popularity tab but AI cant use it for queuing from it. so if any actress you or AI queue in a scene will directly be moved to scheduled tab for the rest of the week (since AI plans production on a week basis) and after the scene is actually 'cast and published' it will be moved to the popularity penalty tab.
2 adding a contract and favorite tab within the ALL girls page is making much confusion. a girl might be on contract or favorite but you have to check each one by one if it has popularity penalty, available, or scheduled etc.. much tedious. >> if you make another page maybe named specials or whatever that will show favorites and contract actresses only (maybe GF too in future) and treat the names in the 'all' page all the same way. it will be sort of one page for work sorting out and another tab for planning careers, fun and customizing girls etc and PLEASE make the girl's name show of top of the girl pic, it can get lost really easy with 100-200 names
3 if you can put a copy of the lines from the info on the stats page would be great to read all the important and most used stuff on 1 page, and either put the cast options solo G-G B-G etc checkbox near the likes in likes tab or put the 'percentage like number' near the current cast options check-boxes, less tedious and more user friendly definitely result in more fun.
4 can we have maya chase the library NPC to half the intellect training or was intellect intentionally made longer for these poor beings
5 maybe make publisher PA publish scenes of yesterday only, giving the player 1 day to publish a movie to a website manually not to wait till 50% on website or maybe in future the publisher will have website publishing options?
6 if possible to see condition of all equipment inside inventory tab, same if we can see in staff tab staff per studio.
7 can we have option for girls to enter scene complete naked or have a button 'off all' instead of having a weird sex scene with her skirt as a headbandor manually stripping her 1 by 1 ?
8 can we have options to change colors or shape or bedroom of the house to already ingame shapes and colors (i can change them in the studio but not at home)
1 if you do training for a girl and then do another training overlaps on it the stats of the girl will bug, it will reduce all stats to around 50-ish while her potential remains at 100 and the numbers in training tab shows 100 too. when you cast a scene with this girl it will show the girl as mediocre so its not just a visual bug.
2 sometimes upon editing and publishing bunch of scenes for different girls 1 scene will randomly change name of actress to the name of another scene. it happened some times but i dont know how to re-generate this bug.
3 when i assign a publisher PA, clicking for the next days becomes way longer/laggier
1 how does pregnancy happens? is it a chance of happening when making sex without a condom or do we have to make the scene and press 'cum in' to have chance to happen? and does pressing 2 times 'cum in' increase the chance. it seems very very rare to happen in this update compared to previous version.
2 what is the difference or what do they mean 'special class bonus popularity' and 'special fans class bonus popularity' ? does photo-shoot in girl skills meant the same as movie scene?
3 what does a website admin do. he doesnt seem to do anything for website
sorry for long post![]()
thanks for the feedback1st thanks for very original game that has so much potential for future extensions and for being caring to read and respond to users feedback. i wrote some comments and bug reports i hope it helps.
1 adding the unavailable status and tab messed things up from previous version. in my game my scenes end up mostly for popularity penalty actresses. player and AI can queue the studios for same girl multiple times a week. also the MC often end up doing a scene with an already scheduled actress during the week or a girl that her scene is still in pre publishing phases. result is clutter of yellow colored movies and money loss problem. >> this should be solved by adding a 'scheduled' tab that you can interact with actress if you need to. same as popularity tab but AI cant use it for queuing from it. so if any actress you or AI queue in a scene will directly be moved to scheduled tab for the rest of the week (since AI plans production on a week basis) and after the scene is actually 'cast and published' it will be moved to the popularity penalty tab.
2 adding a contract and favorite tab within the ALL girls page is making much confusion. a girl might be on contract or favorite but you have to check each one by one if it has popularity penalty, available, or scheduled etc.. much tedious. >> if you make another page maybe named specials or whatever that will show favorites and contract actresses only (maybe GF too in future) and treat the names in the 'all' page all the same way. it will be sort of one page for work sorting out and another tab for planning careers, fun and customizing girls etc and PLEASE make the girl's name show of top of the girl pic, it can get lost really easy with 100-200 names
3 if you can put a copy of the lines from the info on the stats page would be great to read all the important and most used stuff on 1 page, and either put the cast options solo G-G B-G etc checkbox near the likes in likes tab or put the 'percentage like number' near the current cast options check-boxes, less tedious and more user friendly definitely result in more fun.
4 can we have maya chase the library NPC to half the intellect training or was intellect intentionally made longer for these poor beings
5 maybe make publisher PA publish scenes of yesterday only, giving the player 1 day to publish a movie to a website manually not to wait till 50% on website or maybe in future the publisher will have website publishing options?
6 if possible to see condition of all equipment inside inventory tab, same if we can see in staff tab staff per studio.
7 can we have option for girls to enter scene complete naked or have a button 'off all' instead of having a weird sex scene with her skirt as a headbandor manually stripping her 1 by 1 ?
8 can we have options to change colors or shape or bedroom of the house to already ingame shapes and colors (i can change them in the studio but not at home)
1 if you do training for a girl and then do another training overlaps on it the stats of the girl will bug, it will reduce all stats to around 50-ish while her potential remains at 100 and the numbers in training tab shows 100 too. when you cast a scene with this girl it will show the girl as mediocre so its not just a visual bug.
2 sometimes upon editing and publishing bunch of scenes for different girls 1 scene will randomly change name of actress to the name of another scene. it happened some times but i dont know how to re-generate this bug.
3 when i assign a publisher PA, clicking for the next days becomes way longer/laggier
1 how does pregnancy happens? is it a chance of happening when making sex without a condom or do we have to make the scene and press 'cum in' to have chance to happen? and does pressing 2 times 'cum in' increase the chance. it seems very very rare to happen in this update compared to previous version.
2 what is the difference or what do they mean 'special class bonus popularity' and 'special fans class bonus popularity' ? does photo-shoot in girl skills meant the same as movie scene?
3 what does a website admin do. he doesnt seem to do anything for website
sorry for long post![]()
beach and park were meant more for stress relief and adding some happiness. both stats don't play that much of a role (yet) so it wasnt really necesary to rest there. you could also relieve stress by fucking PAs which is probably more satisfactory.Hard agree on the first few points about interface design, menu navigation and general UX. Still too many pages to traverse, too much information scattered about, and all-around not enough visual shortcuts. About lists of names also showing faces, it could be done as a background to the text, showing the upper part of their head (eyes and hair) with their names superimposed. And the part about fusing stats and info on the one hand, and likes and production options on the other, is really good.
Edit : Smaller point, but the beach needs to be rebalanced to be useful. Resting at home gives back 13 energy per hour and is free, while the beach gives back 30-40 energy for 4 hours and costs money. The only drawback to resting at home is the current bug where any daily event in your office will repeat each time you rest that day (pregnancy, new recruit, cops visit). Maybe expand the beach's energy bonus to 30-75? Good call on unlocking the full 24 hours to be used by the way.
thanks for your awesome reply, and yes i am playing 0.74b the updated version of 9 Nov, idk maybe cuz i had 9 studios fully staffed and equipped with lot of models and lot of unpublished yellow scenes it was delaying it like ~5 secs per day switch i had to put the publisher off to continue smoothly.thanks for the feedback
1 i'll add the scheduled category. i think this was already suggested and i have it written down.
popularity penalty is removed. at least for dev version. happiness will replace it. so youll only have to worry how happy the model is. if you push her too far she'll become unavailable for a week or so. if you let her rest she'll gain happiness. leave her alone for too long, she'll become unhappy again.
if she likes the type of scene she's shooting happiness hit will be lower.
PP might stay for some extreme cases, like when you have backlog of 10 unpublished scenes from the same model and you start publishing them one by one.
you're saturating the market with this chick, calm down or face the PP. something like that you know.
havent tested the exact numbers but publishing 4 or5 scenes in 7 days might be too much.
2 i already changed favs and contracted chicks to filter options. so you can filter just favs/contracts and then apply additional filters.
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ok, i'm gonna add the name
3 already in my dev
4 she was planned as int trainer, but int doesnt affect scene scores at all. only for some event checks, becoming an addict and other small things. might be more useful in the future.
until then i think she's more useful as a PA/model
5 already added publishing options were. for now i have:
checkbox to set if PA can publish on websites and happiness threshold.
avarage trends treshold. dont publish if trend average is below that number.
if you have any other ideas please write them down.
6 i can colorize equipment based on their condition. that way you can quickly see what piece is in poor condition.
7 when you're changing clothes, what you set there thats how she'll appear in sex scenes. i could make some global option for chicks to always appear naked.
8 planed for v0.8 and after when we're gonna build a mansion and stuff.
i'll look into 1 and 2.
3 which version are you playing? i did some optimizations for 074a & b.
when i measure execution time it's only few msecs more when new week comes around. coz all the scheduling and other weekly things. it's almost unnoticable.
it was pretty bad in 074 tho.
1)4% chance is rolled when you start a sex scene. doesnt matter where you cum. i could potentially make higher chance if you cum inside for that roleplayin purposes.
it was always 4%, maybe RNG isnt on your side.
if you have impregnator perk it's 34%.
2) special bonus is added to scene's end score. honestly, just run out of ideas for usefull skills and i had to do something lol
skills are getting reworked as we speak tho. really simplifying the whole thing.
for those few players who were using skills there are like 3 that are always picked, others are there for filler.
3) yea, web admins dont do anything right now. i really wonder why i havent disabled them few version ago. maybe i like answering this question.
in the future update he'll be important coz this guys and gals will make sure website is running properly. bigger the website, more of them you'll need. soon.
Wait how do you get the Impregnator perk?thanks for the feedback
1 i'll add the scheduled category. i think this was already suggested and i have it written down.
popularity penalty is removed. at least for dev version. happiness will replace it. so youll only have to worry how happy the model is. if you push her too far she'll become unavailable for a week or so. if you let her rest she'll gain happiness. leave her alone for too long, she'll become unhappy again.
if she likes the type of scene she's shooting happiness hit will be lower.
PP might stay for some extreme cases, like when you have backlog of 10 unpublished scenes from the same model and you start publishing them one by one.
you're saturating the market with this chick, calm down or face the PP. something like that you know.
havent tested the exact numbers but publishing 4 or5 scenes in 7 days might be too much.
2 i already changed favs and contracted chicks to filter options. so you can filter just favs/contracts and then apply additional filters.
You must be registered to see the links
ok, i'm gonna add the name
3 already in my dev
4 she was planned as int trainer, but int doesnt affect scene scores at all. only for some event checks, becoming an addict and other small things. might be more useful in the future.
until then i think she's more useful as a PA/model
5 already added publishing options were. for now i have:
checkbox to set if PA can publish on websites and happiness threshold.
avarage trends treshold. dont publish if trend average is below that number.
if you have any other ideas please write them down.
6 i can colorize equipment based on their condition. that way you can quickly see what piece is in poor condition.
7 when you're changing clothes, what you set there thats how she'll appear in sex scenes. i could make some global option for chicks to always appear naked.
8 planed for v0.8 and after when we're gonna build a mansion and stuff.
i'll look into 1 and 2.
3 which version are you playing? i did some optimizations for 074a & b.
when i measure execution time it's only few msecs more when new week comes around. coz all the scheduling and other weekly things. it's almost unnoticable.
it was pretty bad in 074 tho.
1)4% chance is rolled when you start a sex scene. doesnt matter where you cum. i could potentially make higher chance if you cum inside for that roleplayin purposes.
it was always 4%, maybe RNG isnt on your side.
if you have impregnator perk it's 34%.
2) special bonus is added to scene's end score. honestly, just run out of ideas for usefull skills and i had to do something lol
skills are getting reworked as we speak tho. really simplifying the whole thing.
for those few players who were using skills there are like 3 that are always picked, others are there for filler.
3) yea, web admins dont do anything right now. i really wonder why i havent disabled them few version ago. maybe i like answering this question.
in the future update he'll be important coz this guys and gals will make sure website is running properly. bigger the website, more of them you'll need. soon.
1. planing on doing some public shooting or at very least ability to transform studio into some scene. like hospital room or something. you can shoot in other places when doing quick MF shoots, but thats about it.mbmb, at first thanx for the game. At second - I have a huge problem with the cops. I can't find them nowhere. They come in the morning one time and that's all. What should I do, where and how can I find them?
And I have some suggestions.
1. It'll be good if park also can be used for manual scene shooting. (We need more shooting plaeces)
2. I think it'll be good if the nurse also can be an actress. (Dahlia too, but I think in future update it'll be without our comments)
3. New outfit for girls. (Maybe shop where we can buy it)
4. AVN award. (It'll be very funny)
Thanx one more time.
Good idea not to take them out of the available/unavailable sections because they could still be available/unavailable. I find I don't use filtering much to be honest though and I'm not sure its especially useful to filter out favourites. I'd suggest to just highlight them. For example, instead of filtering could the 'star' icon used to make a girl a favourite just change colour to gold instead of white? This lets you see favourites 'at a glance'. I like having the little icon beside the name for contract girls for the same reason and think it would be an improvement to use this approach more for representing information such as 'in training/rehab', 'addict', 'scene shot/published in last 14 days', 'pregnant', 'already paid' etc., with a little icon for each....
2 i already changed favs and contracted chicks to filter options. so you can filter just favs/contracts and then apply additional filters.
Alice's progression depends on the number of fans that you have. Not sure what the exact number you need is but if you keep increasing the numbers of fans you have, things will progress with Alice.how to fuck Alice>
man I was having a weird time remembering who Alice was. Couldn't stop thinking about SimBrothel, where that question was asked constantly.Alice's progression depends on the number of fans that you have. Not sure what the exact number you need is but if you keep increasing the numbers of fans you have, things will progress with Alice.