Porn Game Tropes: The good, the bad, and the fugly

5.00 star(s) 2 Votes
May 24, 2018
Love your write up...

Every Day is a Safe Day
View attachment 120565
This couldn't go bad in any way whatsoever
In the world of porn games, an unplanned pregnancy is not a concern whatsoever. Whether it's your mother, little sister, or some random slutty friend you mind controlled with ancient Mayan magic, feel free to nut inside her to your hearts content. In fact, feel free to cum inside all the females in your life several times a day without fear because she will never get pregnant. If on the rare chance she does in fact comment on the risk of pregnancy, she will wave it off with a comment that it's "a safe day" and thus safe from an unexpected surprise. Ignore the fact that it's been a safe day every day for a month.

Assume the Position
View attachment 120564

Perfectly Normal Behavior
So you were lucky enough to stumble upon a perfectly primed woman, bent over and waiting for some fine young lad to just go to town. Maybe she was waiting for her husband or boyfriend to get to work. But that's okay because you're here now and won't hesitate for a second to have sex with an unsuspecting woman. Feel free to hump her to completion, because she won't actually look behind her to see who's entering her until you've finished. Once she's found out the local creep/her nephew has just dropped dork in her, she'll respond with annoyance, but then quickly agree to a casual sexual relationship with the main character.


Game Developer
Aug 16, 2017
This thread may be deader than my bedroom, but I've got some time and have been mulling over a couple more.

Making a Living Aint Easy, Except it Is
This goddamn thing prints money
Despite what the main character may bitch about during the intro, he will never have an issue when it comes to money. He can't get lost in town without being offered a job that requires an education he doesn't have or pays better than most careers. As an added bonus the MC can show up to his job whenever he wants for as long as he wants. He can never be fired and if he doesn't show up for weeks at a time his job will not care.
But even better than a McJob he doesn't have to actually show up for, is the almighty amount of cash that his home computer prints. Sometimes he'll write books, do mysterious programming, or more likely than not an
ambiguous "projects". This effort from the comfort of his desk will pay dividends, and the MC will grow to be the most wealthy character in the game. And if working at your computer isn't your thing, then you can just gamble on it. Worry not, because all the internet gambling games have the odds in your favor or require no luck at all. Maybe its match 3, or a pop quiz. But no worries because whatever you're doing you'll be making bank.

Nothing Makes Dollars or Sense
Welcome to the bedroom of a single mother
So your family consists of a single mother and about 4 adult non-working children who live with her. But worry not, you wont be living in some trailer down by the river. Instead you'll spend your days in a modern mansion the envy of the 1%. Despite the fact your mother works as a secretary and all your siblings are either students or don't work at all you will wake up each day in modern luxury. This beautiful backdrop will frame your family getting in fist fights and fucking one anther perfectly.
But even stranger than your exquisite lodgings, is the cost of everyday items in the world. Energy drinks will cost 20 dollars, simple clothing will push a couple hundred, and your siblings will ask for random loans in the hundreds. But the most expensive objects in the world are sex toys and lingerie. Because a simple vibrator will cost the same as a month's rent and the most expensive item in the game is the lingerie set you need to buy before your mother will have sex with you.

Anal is Easy

It just sliiiides right in there easy peasy
So we're reaching the peak of the Stairway to Heaven and having vaginal sex with your sister has already gotten stale and its time to press against her little brown starfish. While this little experiment could go wrong in a million ways, it wont. Don't worry about having lube, because her asshole will be ready to accept regardless. Despite the fact she was a virgin a week ago, she'll have the wherewithal to relax herself to accept your schlong. And finally, after you've pierced her little exit and hump hard enough to turn her sphincter into a bloody shitty mess, she will instead climax and scream that it's the best thing in the world. No female you assfuck will ever dislike it, especially when you don't use lube and give her no warning whatsoever she's about to take a dick in her ass.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2018
Instructions Not Included

Sort of a "meta" trope...the MC wakes up in this neat little erotic universe...that provides few clues on how to proceed. The MC can stumble along, following what seems like a logical progression (get up, shower, eat breakfast with family/housemates, go to school or work, socialize, come home, study or watch tv)...and get nowhere after repeating the routine 30 days in a row. Turns out you needed to break from the logical schedule, explore a bunch of stuff, pick the counterintuitive dialogue/action choice, wander around town, etc, in order to progress/unlock 90% of the content.
Another version of this is the extensive interaction interface that requires trial and error to master(e.g., superpowered).

A minor game trope is the Go For It Game Over Trap. Your aunt/sister/mom/inappropriate objet d'conquest is passed out on the couch, and your options are:
1) Leave her be
2) Lift her shirt and fondle her boobs
3) Roll her over and FUCK HER ASS RIGHT NOW
Option 3 will end the game 5 seconds later.
Examples are too numerous to mention.

Side note: unless someone is a very heavy sleeper, completely exhausted or has taken a powerful sedative, anything more than a brief grope is likely to wake them up quickly. Even lightly caressing someone's skin can wake up the average person, depending upon which sleep state they are in.


In games where some kind of sexual assault is a frequent occurrence, the female MC or female victim recovers quickly, and is over it within a matter of minutes, hours at the most. After a while, they may even go ahegao and start to enjoy it.
One variant of this involves women coerced or blackmailed into sex acts by the MC. The trauma is not so pronounced that they can't sit across from them at breakfast, or that they skip the beach that weekend, curled up into the fetal position and drinking heavily. Instead, they start to enjoy their predickament.
Incidentally, short of getting the goods on Mom murdering Dad, or Sis running a human trafficking ring, I am at a loss as to what kind of blackmail materials convince them that committing incest with their barely legal child or younger brother is a preferable, less traumatic alternative, let alone what kind of material would cause them to keep doing it, rather than pointing out that now they have blackmail material on the MC, who after all probably doesn't want it known they just fucked a family member.


Knockout Master
May 11, 2017
Here are some tropes I can think of that I didn't see mentioned.

Blind Choices:

A good example of this is when games have options like "enter the left bathroom stall" vs "enter the right bathroom stall"

There is absolutely no way to just know which is the correct door. Sometimes these even lead to bad endings. Basically save it right before this and play both.

RPGM instead of Renpy when Renpy would be better:

Many games use RPGM. The game lacks a battle system. The game doesn't use items in inventory for anything. No need for the walk around when Renpy would do the trick better. RPGM is fine for some games like if they got erotic battles, and clothing damage and stuff like that but most times it's just better to renpy.

Unavoidable Sex:

A lot of games have sex scenes that can not be avoided. No matter what you do you must fuck at certain points in the game even if you did not want to fuck that character.

No Sex for a long time:

A good example of this is "A wife and Mother". Build up is very slow. However no matteer how hard you push the sluttiest choices it's going to be a long time before fucking is on the table.

No Sex Then always fucking no matter what "Slut Activated":

A good example of this is "Elena's Life" You play the first several game days very prudish and classy and trying to avoid the dick. Then one day you get dick and "Slut Activated" and it's dick dick dick dick...

Virgin Protagonist becomes Don Jaun:

At the start of a Male Protagonist game you are pretty much gonna be an inexperienced guy never got any pussy dumbass. No luck, awkward weirdo... Then you go from Beta Orbiter to Chad over time.

Must do things a very specific way:

Some games require you to do things a very specific way. For example if you responded incorrectly to a girl 1 out of 10 times but correctly 9 out of 10 times you don't get to fuck her. I seen this in a lot of those old school Vdate games.

Sleep Molestor:

Self Explanitory, basically go into sleeping girls room (usually fam) then you jerk off on her or touch her naked body, or slip your dick in that mouth without getting caught.


New Member
Jun 15, 2018
Ok -- I've got a question for everyone here:
Are these tropes used because people will only play games that include them? OR, is there an audience that wants intelligent, realistic characters, where they have to be an intelligent, charming, real human dude in order to attract them?

In other words, in porn games, do players just want to bang every chick as quickly as possible, or are they interested in more than that?


Active Member
Apr 6, 2018
Ok -- I've got a question for everyone here:
Are these tropes used because people will only play games that include them? OR, is there an audience that wants intelligent, realistic characters, where they have to be an intelligent, charming, real human dude in order to attract them?

In other words, in porn games, do players just want to bang every chick as quickly as possible, or are they interested in more than that?
that depends entiarly on the type of person or even the mood of a person

I can play a complete crapfest of a story if there's plenty of sex to go around when I'm in the mood for that but I can also enjoy a game with a good story and good characters but with a slow burn when I'm in the mood for that
the tropes themselves aren't necessarilly bad, mostly they're used as acceptable breaks in reality to move things forward

the thing is that your game has to at least have something to give the player
putting long frustrating gameplay between sex scenes or having a bad inconsistent story and a slow burn (or worse, russian grindfest) at the same time are what bad games are made of


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2018
"good" tropes would include: Actual Backstory; Plausible Incest; Real Choices; Women Have Agency aka Mom and Sis Have Motives of Their Own; Being a Creep Loses the Game; and, rarest of all, Flawless Execution(a game with great renders, great story and great gameplay).


Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
I haven't seen it listed here... but I may have missed it... one of my biggest gripes with these games...

Financial Distress

This trope comes in two forms, the male protagonist version, and the female protagonist version.

For the lucky Male protagonist, his work life is awesome! His jobs will usually have one or more cock hungry hotties that he works with, or have a large pool of hottie female customers that come through, also cock hungry. Though innocent at first, he will accidentally get spied on while in the changing room, or in the shower. Possibly in food service something liquid will get spilled on him, and he'll be required to get undressed down to his always super tight boxer briefs...Insert MONSTER COCK trope here. If it's a technology job, all encounters will be with the dimmest of women who shouldn't even be allowed to operate a coffee pot, let alone a computer, or some other form of technology. If he is working at a school, it's usually as a tutor to only hot women, or he's a custodian, and spends a lot of time cleaning up after hours, always around the female locker rooms, or the rooms where inevitably multiple student/teacher or teacher/teacher relationships are going on. Lastly, for the lucky male protagonist, who needs to make money, his job could simply be a quick button press on the screen because he works from home(never available to female MCs).... money made, and on to sex scenes with other hottie females elsewhere. Life is good, all praise the glass ceiling!

For the unfortunate Female protagonist... work life isn't nearly so enjoyable. In most cases the female protagonist really needs THIS job. Usually it's the only job available, or one of very few, all eventually demeaning jobs, that must be done. The character almost always has no option to find more/different work, or move somewhere else(because she just moved to Rape Town unknowingly). The job almost always involves a uniform change, usually without a female locker room, or bathroom(just get changed in my office!). It's easily accessible to prying eyes, or has hidden cameras and two way mirrors. There are no lockers, so options of storing say, extra pairs of panties, or swimsuits, is never an option. Unlike the lucky male protagonist, female jobs are typically never also staffed by other hot women. If there is a female co worker, she is usually also a rapist/bad sexual encounter, waiting to happen, and IT WILL HAPPEN. If she is lucky, she will have one milquetoast male co-worker, or possibly even a single gentleman co-worker, but he is in the minority, as the vast majority of bosses, supervisors, and customers are all dirty, monster cock, rapists, JUST WAITING... for this cock hungry slut(she actually may not be a cock hungry slut YET, but they don't ever think that way) to just start swallowing all their cocks, hopefully at once, and if they're REALLY lucky, while her shitty, small penis, no job, boyfriend, watches. If there are other jobs available, usually the female protagonist is forced by means out of her control, to move to more demeaning jobs. All modeling/photo jobs must invoke a sense of sexual and personal freedom and good feelings, enabling further photos shoots to go further and push boundaries. Any clothing changes required by the jobs will be in the skimpiest thing possible, obviously while still adhering to OSHA standards. If you let anyone else wash your clothes, inevitably the clothes will shrink, or under garments will get lost, and you'll be required to work without them, or get punished physically for not having a "proper uniform". On the rare rare instance that the boss/supervisor is either a female, or not a male rapist, she/he is completely oblivious/uncaring to what actually happens to his employees while they work. If you're raped at work, it's most likely accidental penis insertion into one or more orafices, but DID THE WORK GET DONE?!?!? Usually these jobs also require the woman to work late at night, and/or miss other important things in their life, like time with their significant other/spouse/boyfriend... and usually lead to feelings of loneliness or inadequacy, which results in an eventually breaking down of all of her morals. If while working she is molested by students or children.... well, they're young and they're exploring their sexuality. Encouraging young rapists to develop further along the rapist path is the only way to push forward... or you just give up and let them do whatever they want, because you really need the money. Also, most female jobs almost always lead to blackmail situations. Remember that time you got groped while working, but didn't physically assault the molester... well, it's on camera now, and instead of explaining to your boyfriend what happened and why, and getting a new job. You let him put it in your butt, because your boyfriend doesn't and/or you're saving your pussy for your boyfriend. Also, any sexual encounters at work, almost always lead to a sexual awakening, feeling of empowerment, and loss of feelings towards the significant other. Who knew getting raped could feel so good, I want to do this more.

Uhmmmm..... like 95% of the games on this website. I'd probably have an easier time listing games where cash is not an issue. It could be like an easter egg hunt, find the game where the female MC doesn't lose some kind of morality, sanity, or purity, while working at her job.

I liked this because of the title, but I don't think your Male character actually falls into the "financial distress" trope, so much as a he's engaging in other tropes in his work environment. A better write-up for this trope as a whole would be:

Financial Distress

You're broke. There are many reasons why you might be broke, you're a teenager with no job and stingy or broke parents, your family has always been relatively poor but has just gained a significant financial burden, or some tragedy has just occurred, the death of a breadwinner, divorce, sudden blackmail, you've decided to run away from home, etc.

For a male protagonist, this usually acts as a barrier for sexual activity, you have to earn money to buy gifts for your potential conquests, or you have to suddenly help provide for a family destroyed at the loss of a breadwinner. As a result most of the content in this game is gated behind barriers of how much money you have to spend, and you will likely spend more time grinding for cash than actually playing this game. Often these games turn into . Sometimes they'll include a who forces you to give some of your earnings to the family, either by accusing you of stealing, or just as a dick thing to do. Other times the ladies in your life respond only to worldly goods, you bribe them with gifts or pay them for privileges.

For a Female Protagonist, it's often the opposite. Not having enough money is why you're forced into sexual situations. You need to get your own place so you're forced to take a job, any job, even if the boss is a Weinstein or some other form of rapist trope. There's been a tragedy, your family member has come down with cancer and your only hope is to get a huge advance to pay for a lifesaving surgery, but your boss is a Weinstein who will hold this debt over your head to get what he wants. Maybe you're being blackmailed, your boss or a male acquaintance has incriminating evidence that might ruin your relationship with your boyfriend or lose you your job or freedom. Maybe you just came to this world through a portal and you need to find some cash to get by in this world. Either way, the pursuit of more cash is always your downfall or windfall, depending on your character's outlook, and you never have enough to avoid the often degrading, though sometimes fun, sexual acts that you are forced by circumstances to commit. Sometimes this leads to a , other times, when the game gives the player more freedom to make choices, or a player avatar, you end up somewhere in the category, but in both its the lack of money that tends to drive your actions toward sex that you might not otherwise have had.

Or, as I'm guilty of in my own script, the lack of money is simply the driving force behind a big change that moves the story along. You're forced, because of some reason, maybe a family member died, maybe you lost a job, maybe your parents decided they wouldn't pay to send you to the college you want to go to, but in all these cases, a lack of funds drives the plot to move in one direction or the other. You move to a new city, you reconcile with an estranged sibling, you are forced to change careers, you are now homeless and have to do whatever it takes to survive, either way, the lack of money is the driving force behind your motivations, and it forces you to make difficult choices.

Games guilty of this trope: Big Brother, Man of the House, My Summer with Mom & Sis, Summertime Saga, Milfy City, Incest Adventure, (I'm sure I could list all ICCreations and ICSTOR games under this, though I am not sure about the artifact), DmD Ch 2 (or at least it appears he intends to do this), Mythic Manor, every Retard in Lechertown but specifically the ones that come to mind are, Anna's Exciting Affection, Elena's Life, and Katie's Corruption. A few more Cock Hungry Sluts can be found in California Bound, Coceter Chronicles, and Good Girl Gone Bad. There are certainly many many more, but these definitely define the trope.
I think you hit the nail on the head with the female protag section, certainly, I only hoped to condense it to make it more approachable, and include the distinction that sometimes it can be done well.

Ah, it's The Weinstein.
Quoting this to tag you Burt, because it wasn't giving me the dropdown and I wanted to be sure, but we have never actually fleshed this out as a full trope, you just reacted to the guy who said that you always get raped by George.

Figured I'd let you take a crack at it since you named it.


Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
Anotha one!

Every girl is a heavy sleeper

No matter who it is, EVERY girl in porn games sleeps like a fucking rock!

You can molest her, fondle her, turn her over, poke her, kiss her, rub yo dick in her face, put it in her mouth (even fuck it!), finger her pussy, cum all over her, fuck her in the ass, you name it! She won't EVER wake up.

When night falls it's almost like rapist paradise.

And you know what's even better? She won't notice a thing in the morning! Cool right???

I'm telling you man! She won't notice being all sticky or smelling like cum, she won't feel a funny taste on her mouth, she won't feel sore on her ass, NOTHING! What did I tell you? Rapist paradise!

Oh, THIS particular girl isn't a heavy sleeper? Don't worry, you can always (easilly) get some sleeping pills and spike her drink/food! Sometimes you can even buy them in your local market WITHOUT ANY PRESCRIPTION!

I'm telling you again, RAPIST PARADISE!​

Disclaimer: This post's creator is in no way a fan of rape themes or is attracted by it.
Didn't I already hit this with ?
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Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2018
I liked this because of the title, but I don't think your Male character actually falls into the "financial distress" trope, so much as a he's engaging in other tropes in his work environment. A better write-up for this trope as a whole would be:

Financial Distress

You're broke. There are many reasons why you might be broke, you're a teenager with no job and stingy or broke parents, your family has always been relatively poor but has just gained a significant financial burden, or some tragedy has just occurred, the death of a breadwinner, divorce, sudden blackmail, you've decided to run away from home, etc.

For a male protagonist, this usually acts as a barrier for sexual activity, you have to earn money to buy gifts for your potential conquests, or you have to suddenly help provide for a family destroyed at the loss of a breadwinner. As a result most of the content in this game is gated behind barriers of how much money you have to spend, and you will likely spend more time grinding for cash than actually playing this game. Often these games turn into . Sometimes they'll include a who forces you to give some of your earnings to the family, either by accusing you of stealing, or just as a dick thing to do. Other times the ladies in your life respond only to worldly goods, you bribe them with gifts or pay them for privileges.

For a Female Protagonist, it's often the opposite. Not having enough money is why you're forced into sexual situations. You need to get your own place so you're forced to take a job, any job, even if the boss is a Weinstein or some other form of rapist trope. There's been a tragedy, your family member has come down with cancer and your only hope is to get a huge advance to pay for a lifesaving surgery, but your boss is a Weinstein who will hold this debt over your head to get what he wants. Maybe you're being blackmailed, your boss or a male acquaintance has incriminating evidence that might ruin your relationship with your boyfriend or lose you your job or freedom. Maybe you just came to this world through a portal and you need to find some cash to get by in this world. Either way, the pursuit of more cash is always your downfall or windfall, depending on your character's outlook, and you never have enough to avoid the often degrading, though sometimes fun, sexual acts that you are forced by circumstances to commit. Sometimes this leads to a , other times, when the game gives the player more freedom to make choices, or a player avatar, you end up somewhere in the category, but in both its the lack of money that tends to drive your actions toward sex that you might not otherwise have had.

Or, as I'm guilty of in my own script, the lack of money is simply the driving force behind a big change that moves the story along. You're forced, because of some reason, maybe a family member died, maybe you lost a job, maybe your parents decided they wouldn't pay to send you to the college you want to go to, but in all these cases, a lack of funds drives the plot to move in one direction or the other. You move to a new city, you reconcile with an estranged sibling, you are forced to change careers, you are now homeless and have to do whatever it takes to survive, either way, the lack of money is the driving force behind your motivations, and it forces you to make difficult choices.

Games guilty of this trope: Big Brother, Man of the House, My Summer with Mom & Sis, Summertime Saga, Milfy City, Incest Adventure, (I'm sure I could list all ICCreations and ICSTOR games under this, though I am not sure about the artifact), DmD Ch 2 (or at least it appears he intends to do this), Mythic Manor, every Retard in Lechertown but specifically the ones that come to mind are, Anna's Exciting Affection, Elena's Life, and Katie's Corruption. A few more Cock Hungry Sluts can be found in California Bound, Coceter Chronicles, and Good Girl Gone Bad. There are certainly many many more, but these definitely define the trope.
I think you hit the nail on the head with the female protag section, certainly, I only hoped to condense it to make it more approachable, and include the distinction that sometimes it can be done well.

Quoting this to tag you Burt, because it wasn't giving me the dropdown and I wanted to be sure, but we have never actually fleshed this out as a full trope, you just reacted to the guy who said that you always get raped by George.

Figured I'd let you take a crack at it since you named it.
One variant is the Son Becomes Sugar Daddy, where Dad has left or died, Mom loses her job and your sisters are kinda lazy. The MC son winds up becoming the breadwinner for the whole household, which subverts the Mom's authority and makes all the women economically dependent upon him. Usually this results in an erosion of incest taboos, sometimes even unlocking a hitherto unknown submissive streak in one or more female members of the household.

One of these days I hope to see a game where the MC literally kills their father and marries their mother. ;p


Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
One variant is the Son Becomes Sugar Daddy, where Dad has left or died, Mom loses her job and your sisters are kinda lazy. The MC son winds up becoming the breadwinner for the whole household, which subverts the Mom's authority and makes all the women economically dependent upon him. Usually this results in an erosion of incest taboos, sometimes even unlocking a hitherto unknown submissive streak in one or more female members of the household.

One of these days I hope to see a game where the MC literally kills their father and marries their mother. :heartcoveredeyes:
I'm writing one where the daughter kills the father and ends up with her brother... So I get you.

Burt Reynolds Mustache

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jul 19, 2017
I liked this because of the title, but I don't think your Male character actually falls into the "financial distress" trope, so much as a he's engaging in other tropes in his work environment. A better write-up for this trope as a whole would be:

Financial Distress

You're broke. There are many reasons why you might be broke, you're a teenager with no job and stingy or broke parents, your family has always been relatively poor but has just gained a significant financial burden, or some tragedy has just occurred, the death of a breadwinner, divorce, sudden blackmail, you've decided to run away from home, etc.

For a male protagonist, this usually acts as a barrier for sexual activity, you have to earn money to buy gifts for your potential conquests, or you have to suddenly help provide for a family destroyed at the loss of a breadwinner. As a result most of the content in this game is gated behind barriers of how much money you have to spend, and you will likely spend more time grinding for cash than actually playing this game. Often these games turn into . Sometimes they'll include a who forces you to give some of your earnings to the family, either by accusing you of stealing, or just as a dick thing to do. Other times the ladies in your life respond only to worldly goods, you bribe them with gifts or pay them for privileges.

For a Female Protagonist, it's often the opposite. Not having enough money is why you're forced into sexual situations. You need to get your own place so you're forced to take a job, any job, even if the boss is a Weinstein or some other form of rapist trope. There's been a tragedy, your family member has come down with cancer and your only hope is to get a huge advance to pay for a lifesaving surgery, but your boss is a Weinstein who will hold this debt over your head to get what he wants. Maybe you're being blackmailed, your boss or a male acquaintance has incriminating evidence that might ruin your relationship with your boyfriend or lose you your job or freedom. Maybe you just came to this world through a portal and you need to find some cash to get by in this world. Either way, the pursuit of more cash is always your downfall or windfall, depending on your character's outlook, and you never have enough to avoid the often degrading, though sometimes fun, sexual acts that you are forced by circumstances to commit. Sometimes this leads to a , other times, when the game gives the player more freedom to make choices, or a player avatar, you end up somewhere in the category, but in both its the lack of money that tends to drive your actions toward sex that you might not otherwise have had.

Or, as I'm guilty of in my own script, the lack of money is simply the driving force behind a big change that moves the story along. You're forced, because of some reason, maybe a family member died, maybe you lost a job, maybe your parents decided they wouldn't pay to send you to the college you want to go to, but in all these cases, a lack of funds drives the plot to move in one direction or the other. You move to a new city, you reconcile with an estranged sibling, you are forced to change careers, you are now homeless and have to do whatever it takes to survive, either way, the lack of money is the driving force behind your motivations, and it forces you to make difficult choices.

Games guilty of this trope: Big Brother, Man of the House, My Summer with Mom & Sis, Summertime Saga, Milfy City, Incest Adventure, (I'm sure I could list all ICCreations and ICSTOR games under this, though I am not sure about the artifact), DmD Ch 2 (or at least it appears he intends to do this), Mythic Manor, every Retard in Lechertown but specifically the ones that come to mind are, Anna's Exciting Affection, Elena's Life, and Katie's Corruption. A few more Cock Hungry Sluts can be found in California Bound, Coceter Chronicles, and Good Girl Gone Bad. There are certainly many many more, but these definitely define the trope.
I think you hit the nail on the head with the female protag section, certainly, I only hoped to condense it to make it more approachable, and include the distinction that sometimes it can be done well.

Quoting this to tag you Burt, because it wasn't giving me the dropdown and I wanted to be sure, but we have never actually fleshed this out as a full trope, you just reacted to the guy who said that you always get raped by George.

Figured I'd let you take a crack at it since you named it.
Nice one. As for the Weinstien I'll see if I can flesh it out when I have the time. Just pretty busy nowadays.
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Active Member
May 2, 2018
I think we need to start a wiki for these or something. This is a very long thread.

Nothing Makes Dollars or Sense
View attachment 121182
Welcome to the bedroom of a single mother
So your family consists of a single mother and about 4 adult non-working children who live with her. But worry not, you wont be living in some trailer down by the river. Instead you'll spend your days in a modern mansion the envy of the 1%. Despite the fact your mother works as a secretary and all your siblings are either students or don't work at all you will wake up each day in modern luxury. This beautiful backdrop will frame your family getting in fist fights and fucking one anther perfectly.
But even stranger than your exquisite lodgings, is the cost of everyday items in the world. Energy drinks will cost 20 dollars, simple clothing will push a couple hundred, and your siblings will ask for random loans in the hundreds. But the most expensive objects in the world are sex toys and lingerie. Because a simple vibrator will cost the same as a month's rent and the most expensive item in the game is the lingerie set you need to buy before your mother will have sex with you.
This one is largely the "fault" of asset creators. If you ever perused the environments section of a Daz site, about 90% of the rooms and buildings are basically million dollar homes. It's a challenge to find modest surroundings. I'm running into this with my current game and the result is having to custom build rooms that hopefully seem believable. You might think it's good for me to custom build my settings, but that's a lot of extra work especially when I'm not particularly adept at it. It just slows me down. So it's understandable that people just use what they can find, which are mostly these lavish settings.

Every Hole is a Goal
Sorry if this is a repeat. Basically, if you are a male MC and meet a female in a game, you will fuck them. I think this is probably to avoid player frustration at this point. I think many players expect to fuck every mildly attractive female they meet in a game. I'm sure you'd quickly see the question in the game thread, "Can we fuck X in a later release?" I think it's okay to have some non-fuckable females in the game, but I'm crazy like that.

Milk Machine (aka Unlimited Sperm)
Sure, guys can cum several times in a day. Especially younger guys which make up most of the MCs in these games. Some guys even set personal records. That aside, there is such a thing as a refractory period. The games most guilty of this one are the grindfests or banality sims where even sexual encounters are part of the grind. Wake up to a morning BJ from lil sis, go to to the kitchen and fuck mom before breakfast, head to work and bang the secretary, go to lunch with coworker and give her a protein shake, head to the club after work and fuck in the bathroom, then head home and fuck big sis in her sleep before bed. What a full day.


Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
This thread is so great-I am thinking of making my own game, and am now not sure if I should work hard to avoid every one of these tropes, or work harder to include every one of these tropes.
Tropes are not bad on their face, though some of these definitely are. What's important is that you know how and when to use, them, when to not use them, and when to intentionally subvert them.


I killed Eric
Game Developer
Oct 8, 2017
This thread is so great-I am thinking of making my own game, and am now not sure if I should work hard to avoid every one of these tropes, or work harder to include every one of these tropes.
LOL - I included some things I included in my game solely because they were on this list. For instance, I was going to need a minor character that is kind of a scumbag, pain in the ass, so I said fuck it and made him Eric.

I also included a nod at peeking on girls in the changing room. Sent the group shopping and gave the MC the choice to sneak a peek. Then is immediately stopped by the store clerk on the attempt.


Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
LOL - I included some things I included in my game solely because they were on this list. For instance, I going to need a minor character that is kind of a scumbag, pain in the ass, so I said fuck it and made him Eric.

I also included a nod at peeking on girls in the changing room. Sent the group shopping and gave the MC the choice to sneak a peek. Then is immediately stopped by the store clerk on the attempt.
Been flirting with the idea of naming a guy Eric in a script I'm working on in my spare time just for this reason too. The game is gonna have an NTR tag, the guy is your girlfriend's boss, but the NTR that happens is actually you getting stolen from your girlfriend, so the Eric thing would just be a fake-out, pure trope subversion.


Active Member
Jul 31, 2018
I also included a nod at peeking on girls in the changing room. Sent the group shopping and gave the MC the choice to sneak a peek. Then is immediately stopped by the store clerk on the attempt.
LOL! I do like that one scene in Man of the House where you try to enter the women's bathroom and it says "ARE YOU TRYING TO GET ME IN TROUBLE?"


Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
Not mentioning Eric in the main post was a surprise. For me, this is the most iconic character in adult games :D
Iconic, sure, but he wasn't quite a trope yet. He later gets a mention as a part of the "Dad is a Dick" trope because he's sort of given that power of man of the house, by virtue of being the mom's boyfriend. But that trope is a lot less common than the other ones mentioned, as most dads are dead or gone.
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