Porn Games are now Allowed on STEAM


May 1, 2017
@Dev.Omar Valve aren't a government agency and you don't have a right to be on their platform. They are a private corporation and they can allow or remove any games they want at their own discretion. BTW, here is the Steam Direct signup page which includes the current rules on submissions:
In the last month steam talked allot about porn games first they wanted to delete all then they said all games are allowed on steam unless illegal so porn is now allowed

Dr PinkCake

If patreon was not soo attached to paypal there would be no incest ban....Its all paypal foult Thats why is betetr to use grown man credit cards like Mastercard
I haven't read anything about Payoneer's stance on adult gaming but they are an option on Patreon. They are also cheaper than PayPal for transferring funds to your bank account (if you transfer above a certain limit).
I hope that this will put some pressure on PayPal, which I will never use unless I'm out of options.


Active Member
Jan 4, 2018
In the last month steam talked allot about porn games first they wanted to delete all then they said all games are allowed on steam unless illegal so porn is now allowed
*Sigh* I'm hard pressed to tell if you just didn't bother to read my posts or if you have some sort of learning disability that's left you with a poor reading comprehension skill. I covered everything you just brought up and then some. I'm not going to bother to reiterate myself. But suffice it to say that porn games are not allowed on Steam just yet; it's clear as day in their rules if you'd bother to check.


May 1, 2017
*Sigh* I'm hard pressed to tell if you just didn't bother to read my posts or if you have some sort of learning disability that's left you with a poor reading comprehension skill. I covered everything you just brought up and then some. I'm not going to bother to reiterate myself. But suffice it to say that porn games are not allowed on Steam just yet; it's clear as day in their rules if you'd bother to check.
So for you steam is lying when it says it allows all adult games unless illegal.......Even if its like you say....Hosueparty is still on steam we just have to put a censored version and a mod online to get the full game so no problems


May 1, 2017
If sex was not allowed there wouldnt be a sexual content category on steam.Theyr rules are confusing but they accpeted games with sex already


Active Member
Jan 4, 2018
Looks like we have another contender for the least able to read award in this thread. House Party on Steam is censored, Steam took it down last year for a while until the devs submitted a new version that Valve had to approve. If you want the game in its full glory on Steam then you have to patch it after you get it. Mutiny is on Steam as well, but you can't see any of the futa action without patching the game, there are dozens more I can list in the same boat. So please stop pointing to House Party as if it's some smoking gun that Steam allows porn games that none of us has ever heard of, when neither could be further from the truth.

Here again I share the Steam Direct link:

And for the lazy fucks who won't even bother to open the link and navigate down to the rules and guidelines section, here is a clip and paste:
Rules and guidelines
We have a few guidelines about the content that can be distributed via Steam. Please keep these guidelines in mind when choosing whether to proceed with distribution.

What you shouldn’t publish on Steam:
  1. Hate speech, i.e. speech that promotes hatred, violence or discrimination against groups of people based on ethnicity, religion, gender, age, disability or sexual orientation
  2. Pornography
  3. Adult content that isn’t appropriately labeled and age-gated
  4. Libelous or defamatory statements
  5. Content you don’t own or have adequate rights to
  6. Content that violates the laws of any jurisdiction in which it will be available
  7. Content that is patently offensive or intended to shock or disgust viewers
  8. Content that exploits children in any way
  9. Applications that modify customer’s computers in unexpected or harmful ways, such as malware or viruses
  10. Applications that fraudulently attempts to gather sensitive information, such as Steam credentials or financial data (e.g. credit card information)
I added bold to the 5 rules most likely to cause issues for various games found here. As of this moment you won't get a straight up porn game approved. That may change in the near future once Valve finish revamping Steam for better filtering and more accurate game content descriptions. Until those changes roll out, the above rules will likely stay the same as they've been since Direct became a thing.


May 1, 2017
Looks like we have another contender for the least able to read award in this thread. House Party on Steam is censored, Steam took it down last year for a while until the devs submitted a new version that Valve had to approve. If you want the game in its full glory on Steam then you have to patch it after you get it. Mutiny is on Steam as well, but you can't see any of the futa action without patching the game, there are dozens more I can list in the same boat. So please stop pointing to House Party as if it's some smoking gun that Steam allows porn games that none of us has ever heard of, when neither could be further from the truth.

Here again I share the Steam Direct link:

And for the lazy fucks who won't even bother to open the link and navigate down to the rules and guidelines section, here is a clip and paste:

I added bold to the 5 rules most likely to cause issues for various games found here. As of this moment you won't get a straight up porn game approved. That may change in the near future once Valve finish revamping Steam for better filtering and more accurate game content descriptions. Until those changes roll out, the above rules will likely stay the same as they've been since Direct became a thing.
You are not updated....steam took it off they censored it then steam changed mind on porn games after some months and now allows all of them uncensored


Oct 3, 2017
"Lets have a look at that one discussion thread and see how it goes"

"Oh no, oh boy. Oh, no."

Alright one more try from me, trying to make it short. First, as mentioned by many others, you get a censored version on Steam. House Party needs a patch to be uncensored, one you dont get from Steam, but from the developers website. But that one is quite easy to find.
Until you apply that patch though, you will have a censor bar when it comes to sex, even if you turn off the ingame censor. The ingame censor is for breasts for example, so you can make it extra censored, which was implemented for streamer/youtubers who cant show anything at all. Thats a whole different story though.

Second, until Steam makes tools so people can filter out content they dont want to see, and some other things, they will go by their current system.

Here is a direct quote from Steams blogpost:

"In the short term, we won't be making significant changes to what's arriving on Steam until we've finished some of the tools we've described in this post."


May 1, 2017
"Lets have a look at that one discussion thread and see how it goes"

"Oh no, oh boy. Oh, no."

Alright one more try from me, trying to make it short. First, as mentioned by many others, you get a censored version on Steam. House Party needs a patch to be uncensored, one you dont get from Steam, but from the developers website. But that one is quite easy to find.
Until you apply that patch though, you will have a censor bar when it comes to sex, even if you turn off the ingame censor. The ingame censor is for breasts for example, so you can make it extra censored, which was implemented for streamer/youtubers who cant show anything at all. Thats a whole different story though.

Second, until Steam makes tools so people can filter out content they dont want to see, and some other things, they will go by their current system.

Here is a direct quote from Steams blogpost:

"In the short term, we won't be making significant changes to what's arriving on Steam until we've finished some of the tools we've described in this post."
I guess we have to see if some devolper tries to put his adult game on steam and then see who is thing is sure if devolpers cant make theyr games reach steam the adult genere will never grow and it might die or stall for years


Oct 3, 2017
I guess we have to see if some devolper tries to put his adult game on steam and then see who is thing is sure if devolpers cant make theyr games reach steam the adult genere will never grow and it might die or stall for years
The biggest discussion in this thread is because Steam said they are not ready yet to try and allow the things they said. Thats what most people here in this thread tried to tell you, they want to work out filters for people that dont want to see some content, and maybe also work out some age gate for worried parents. Those worried parents that most likely also watched porn at a younger age than 18, but hey, being a hypocrite is a trend it seems. Whatever, thats a whole different discussion.

Now, what they will allow when the time is right for them, thats another big question. They dont have to follow through with their word, but that would be some bad press they also dont want. Theres a reason why they changed their opinion in the first place, most people dont like censorship. So just wait for now.


May 1, 2017
The biggest discussion in this thread is because Steam said they are not ready yet to try and allow the things they said. Thats what most people here in this thread tried to tell you, they want to work out filters for people that dont want to see some content, and maybe also work out some age gate for worried parents. Those worried parents that most likely also watched porn at a younger age than 18, but hey, being a hypocrite is a trend it seems. Whatever, thats a whole different discussion.

Now, what they will allow when the time is right for them, thats another big question. They dont have to follow through with their word, but that would be some bad press they also dont want. Theres a reason why they changed their opinion in the first place, most people dont like censorship. So just wait for now.
Dude many things changed from when they said that.....go look the news...Now they got A NSFW protection tag too and sexual content tag


Oct 3, 2017
Dude many things changed from when they said that.....go look the news...Now they got A NSFW protection tag too and sexual content tag
Those tags existed for quite a while, google for "steam sexual tag" for example, its dating back many months, maybe even years. Most likely with the first VN's that appeared. Thats all not news, and the blogpost from Steam was from the 6. June. Yes, this month, its not even three weeks from when they announced they want to change things but need time.

NSFW/Sexual Content is not the same as Pornography, thats also why Steam has multiple categories to report something.

One category is for content thats not sufficently tagged as not safe for all ages.

And the other category is literally called Pornography, where you report content on Steam that has Pornography in it. Look it up, check any game on the webbrowser and click that flag somewhere on the right side.

So they still even have the option to report something that has pornography in it, doesnt matter which kind. That might also tell you something.

I get your enthusiasm, and Steam saying they want to change things does sound mostly good for many people, but we will have to wait what really happens.


May 1, 2017
Those tags existed for quite a while, google for "steam sexual tag" for example, its dating back many months, maybe even years. Most likely with the first VN's that appeared. Thats all not news, and the blogpost from Steam was from the 6. June. Yes, this month, its not even three weeks from when they announced they want to change things but need time.

NSFW/Sexual Content is not the same as Pornography, thats also why Steam has multiple categories to report something.

One category is for content thats not sufficently tagged as not safe for all ages.

And the other category is literally called Pornography, where you report content on Steam that has Pornography in it. Look it up, check any game on the webbrowser and click that flag somewhere on the right side.

So they still even have the option to report something that has pornography in it, doesnt matter which kind. That might also tell you something.

I get your enthusiasm, and Steam saying they want to change things does sound mostly good for many people, but we will have to wait what really happens.
They been asked about adult games in the news i posted and they said they accept all now.I dont know if they lied or if the rules still are like before but they showed the intention of allowing porn games without needing a censored version


May 1, 2017
I really feel like devolpers are missing out a big chance to make money.even if you have to censor your game like Hosue aprty still its one of the few adult games on steam and it got all positive reviews people appreciate porn games and are eager to pay for them on steam as there is not many


Jan 5, 2018
They been asked about adult games in the news i posted and they said they accept all now.I dont know if they lied or if the rules still are like before but they showed the intention of allowing porn games without needing a censored version
I really feel like devolpers are missing out a big chance to make money.even if you have to censor your game like Hosue aprty still its one of the few adult games on steam and it got all positive reviews people appreciate porn games and are eager to pay for them on steam as there is not many
Real talk, you've been warned about this not being a chatroom, post one fucking well written message, if you forgot something then edit it. Your whole argument is "porn games are good, everyone against porn is evil, sell porn games without porn on steam, make gud mony, devs put games on steam, make other devs sell porn games on steam"

You've been answered many times by many users and you not only not change your views or much less what you're saying, instead you dismiss every comment and just keep posting the same. Ubisoft won't make porn games, blizzard wont make porn games, and if you didn't know this, most games on steam don't do well, so even if they could send unfinished and unpatched porn games on steam, chances are they wouldn't until they're complete, and if you haven't noticed those aren't a common sight around here.

Quit spamming. Thank you.
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May 1, 2017
Real talk, you've been warned about this not being a chatroom, post one fucking well written message, if you forgot something then edit it. Your whole argument is "porn games are good, everyone against porn is evil, sell porn games without porn on steam, make gud mony, devs put games on steam, make other devs sell porn games on steam"

You've been answered many times by many users and you not only not change your views or much less what you're saying, instead you dismiss every comment and just keep posting the same. Ubisoft won't make porn games, blizzard wont make porn games, and if you didn't know this, most games on steam don't do well, so even if they could send unfinished and unpatched porn games on steam, chances are they wouldn't until they're complete, and if you haven't noticed those aren't a common sight around here.

Quit spamming. Thank you.
Freedom of speech is very important and yes if people keep being bigoted tehre will be no growt in the adult industry we have to do something and make our voices heard.Actually they did it and steam changed mind on banninh adult games and now is improving the filters and tags so yea this genere got the power to grow and become mainstream

Agent HK47

Active Member
Mar 3, 2018
Freedom of speech is very important and yes if people keep being bigoted tehre will be no growt in the adult industry we have to do something and make our voices heard.Actually they did it and steam changed mind on banninh adult games and now is improving the filters and tags so yea this genere got the power to grow and become mainstream
It is funny how you keep mentioning that Steam is the key to the survival of adult games. Steam is not the key to anything in regards to this matter. Compare the amount of games available right now, to the amount that was available 3 years ago. The adult games market is growing at an insanely fast rate. In fact, it is growing so fast that Patreon and yes, even Steam, are feeling the pressure of world's eyes on them as they try to deal with it.

This rate of growth has been accomplished without Steam, and won't slow down unless the demand for adult games slow down. Patreon has been a much bigger player in this matter, and will likely continue to be more important than Steam for quite some time.
The porn industry is making more money than Hollywood. Porn games are being made outside of steam and they are doing fine (as long as the developers are making a proper game, because all games are doomed to failure if they are riddled with bugs or badly designed). Pornhub, Redtube and many other porn sites has traffic which dwarfs Steam's in comparison, so it is easy enough to get exposure for adult content, in other places than Steam.

The adult games would benefit from being allowed on Steam, yes. How much? That is impossible to answer. However, even if Steam proclaims that adult games will never be allowed on their platform, I HIGHLY doubt it would slow the rate of expansion the adult games industry is seeing right now, and I am CERTAIN that it would never be able to kill it off for good.

An alternative site to Patreon, which allows adult content in all forms, would be a WAY more important thing than Steam.