Porn games Dying


Apr 3, 2022
Like many have said there are plenty of quality porn games being made two that were recently finished that I know of are My tuition academia tbh the best from that dev I tried playing the other games and didn't really like it all that much and karryns Prison which most already know of I'm sure. There's no lack of porn games in fact 3 or 4 .01 builds came out for games this past week none of them looked amazing but they are just early builds with a lot of room for growth.
Man I miss the old times with actual studios instead of people with HS2 and a laptop pretending to be devs... even those meet and fuck games look like the Mona Lisa compared to this shit show.

I believe he should have said "death in quality of writing, planning, and art".
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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2017
There's no lack of porn games in fact 3 or 4 .01 builds came out for games this past week none of them looked amazing but they are just early builds with a lot of room for growth.
That's also true, but many of these 0.1 build games i think, that don't get 10/10 reactions for 1 release end up being on hold or get abandoned often, maybe some will get to update 0.3.

There's also some new "standard" for these games, good chunk of people won't play a game that don't have photorealistic renders or animations even when the game has an interesting story, which many fresh devs can't do at the time before getting some funds.


Apr 3, 2022
It's perfectly fine to have a character waking up at the start the scene needs to be more interesting than a mundane morning routine though for example skyrim a quite famous game opening scene begins with you waking up the scene however draws attention and keeps the player interested now if your going for text based I'd avoid that as an opening scene but with visual aids you can make it quite interesting.
But you don't wake up in bed you wake up in a carriage on the way your way to be executed there is build up and action, meanwhile in 98% of games here "wake up> go down and meet mum and sisters> go to school" absolutely original.


Forum Fanatic
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Sep 27, 2018
Littrealy said just that not a metaphor behold:

Jerry B Jenkins said it and I can't find it...

Film courage have like 10 videos describing how not to write someone waking up in bed and starting story waking up in bed.

And these people make millions of dollars but here I'm for the 3rd time explaining a pretty established thing to a random person and the game developer using HS2s worst brother...
The very first link, on the very first sentence, says and I quote:
"The thing is, this advice (just like most advice, for that matter) isn’t necessarily true."

Also, I do not use HS2.

Sometimes it is better to say "I am sorry, I was wrong." rather than looking like a fool.


Always tired
Jun 15, 2021
But you don't wake up in bed you wake up in a carriage on the way your way to be executed there is build up and action, meanwhile in 98% of games here "wake up> go down and meet mum and sisters> go to school" absolutely original.
True I was just arguing for the sake of arguing its what I do. But yeah 90% of renpy games start like that and it takes a good amount of willpower to continue through tbh.
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Apr 3, 2022
The very first link, on the very first sentence, says and I quote:
"The thing is, this advice (just like most advice, for that matter) isn’t necessarily true."

Also, I do not use HS2.

Sometimes it is better to say "I am sorry, I was wrong." rather than looking like a fool.
Oh really? What about the other 5? Film courage and every screenplay consultant book?

Also don't act as if HS2 and kokikatsu are not form the same dev and littrealy the same if you turn off the cel shading.

Count Morado

Conversation Conqueror
Respected User
Jan 21, 2022
It's not just "someone" littrealy writers and screenplay consultants all say the same thing and infact say your screenplay will get rejected because of it.

"Originality" and "never seen before" are not in the same definition for instance tomb raider is an original even though it was inspired by indianna jhons, his franchise died while tomb raider stays. And before you say "first female adventure heroine" many before her lived and died and many after lived and died and no one remembered them for instance "Danger girl".
Your screenplay will not get rejected if your opening scene starts in bed. Your screenplay will get rejected if it is boring. Lacks substance. Lacks an inciting incident. Lacks development. Lacks an arc. Lacks proper screenplay formatting. Your screenplay will get rejected if the person who is assigned to read your spec script had a shitty morning with their partner.

I once said I would never write a screenplay where the opening scene starts with the character brushing their teeth - this was about 15 years ago when every indie film seemed to start that way. Guess what, the treatment for a short film I wrote this week opens with the lead brushing her teeth, brushing her hair. I recently had a short story receive acclaim that opens with the main character waking up on the sofa.
Littrealy said just that not a metaphor behold:

Jerry B Jenkins said it and I can't find it...

Film courage have like 10 videos describing how not to write someone waking up in bed and starting story waking up in bed.

And these people make millions of dollars but here I'm for the 3rd time explaining a pretty established thing to a random person and the game developer using HS2s worst brother...
It is a metaphor. Yes, you shouldn't write a scene that is boring where the person wakes up in bed. The key is making the scene intriguing ... and it can be anywhere.
  • Your first link states "The thing is, this advice (just like most advice, for that matter) isn’t necessarily true." in the first full paragraph.
  • Your second link states "This is why it’s important not to start your story with your character waking up under mundane circumstances.... If your character yawns and a bee flies into their mouth, then that’s something." And then they show you "How to start a book with your character waking up"
  • Your third link states "... now if they woke up to a gunshot, or an alien invasion, or to a missing wife, those would all be exciting ways to wake up."
  • Your fourth link is a bit more hard against waking up but they are talking about mistakes made by "unknown and unpublished writers" because "They put a lot of pressure on the writer to have a compelling point-of-view character or literary style—to give the story life, charm, or tension that keeps us reading." Again - if you can make waking up important or setting up a routine that soon gets blown apart by the inciting incident.
That's just like the advice to new writers to "write about what you know" ... that's to get writers better at the craft of writing, the semantics, character development, building tension, the crisis, proper timing and resolution. Writing about what you know is pure crap (for most people) if you want to actually sell a fucking book or script. Andy Weir was never a fucking botanist or astronaut - he was a computer programming geek - but he wrote one of the most read books and sci-fi movie that brought in over half a billion dollars at the box office.

Read the articles, synthesize the information and advice shared ... don't just read the headlines and take them for face value.


Forum Fanatic
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Game Developer
Sep 27, 2018
Oh really? What about the other 5? Film courage and every screenplay consultant book?

Also don't act as if HS2 and kokikatsu are not form the same dev and littrealy the same if you turn off the cel shading.
I am not going to cherry pick things out for you.
It is quite obvious you simply misunderstood the point they were making, and given your poor grammar it is no surprise that your comprehension of the text is as lacking. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that.

However, it would be best if you noticed this weakness of yours, and at least consider the possibility that you might be wrong.
Trying to always be right and belittling someone (wrongly, even) then proceeding with throwing links that prove you are in fact wrong as your "Source" is saddening.
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Apr 3, 2022
I am not going to cherry pick things out for you.
It is quite obvious you simply misunderstood the point they were making, and given your poor grammar it is no surprise that your comprehension of the text is as lacking. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that.

However, it would be best if you noticed this weakness of yours, and at least consider the possibility that you might be wrong.
Trying to always be right and belittling someone (wrongly, even) then proceeding with throwing links that prove you are in fact wrong as your "Source" is saddening.
You littrealy cherry picked the first one to say the rest are invalid.

Then went on to mention grammar to kill my argument which is one of the biggest signs that someone lost an argument.

You littrealy fit the image for everything I have complained about in the AVN industry.


Forum Fanatic
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Sep 27, 2018
You littrealy cherry picked the first one to say the rest are invalid.
View attachment 1851560
Yeah... Except that the post prior to mine literally went through each link.

If you want a heartfelt suggestion from me, change your poor behaviour.
People that act like you are eventually simply mocked or ignored, because no one wants to waste their time having a discussion with someone that even in front of evidence will keep saying "No, I am right!"


Forum Fanatic
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Game Developer
Sep 27, 2018
Then went on to mention grammar to kill my argument which is one of the biggest signs that someone lost an argument.
No, I mentioned your poor grammar because the topic was your lack of comprehension when reading a text, as you are once again proving. I never killed your argument with that, you killed it on your own by providing sources that prove you are wrong.
In fact, I even said that there is nothing wrong with having poor grammar or a lack of comprehension, I mean I am not a native myself.

It is pretty factual to except poor text comprehension if you are not good in a language.
My point is that you should understand as much, be more humble and less of a fool.

You littrealy fit the image for everything I have complained about in the AVN industry.
Hardly so.

I have quite a few completed projects in my belt, with regular updates.
As for the whole DAZ/HS2, I never used HS2 nor I have always used Koikatu.
In my last two projects (the ones in the signature) I did use Koikatu, but I also made 2D games in the past, one of which had weekly updates for 40 releases straight without a single delay.

I do not consider my games to be good by any means, to this day I am still aiming to do better in the graphics part, and even when I am not making parodies, my games tend to be pretty niche.
However, I am not lazy nor do I fit in any of the points you have made.

Anyways... Beats me why you feel the need to belittle someone only because they point out a mistake you have made.
Ironically, you are wrong even when trying to belittling someone though. :p Just a joke, do not kill me.

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
It is a metaphor. Yes, you shouldn't write a scene that is boring where the person wakes up in bed. The key is making the scene intriguing ... and it can be anywhere.
I wonder if one have once said, "always start a story face to a closed door" ; and what he would have said in this case.
After all, it's the perfect counter metaphor to the "never start in bed" one. There's nothing more mysterious than a closed door, and you can almost be as boring as you want. The longer you'll stay face to this door, to a given extend of course, the more people will want to know what's behind.
Write it correctly, and you can even make the whole story resolve around this door in the player/viewer/reader mind. Each time MC want to open it, there's something that stop him. If you pace it correctly, people can perfectly stay just because they want to know what's behind this fucking door that is so often "near to be opened", but never effectively opened.

And obviously, I say it twice just in case, it's a metaphor, not an advice. It summarize what you said, not tell people to effectively starts face to a door. What you said about the "start in bed" also apply here ; everything will depend in fact of what will happen behind this door.

  • Your third link states "... now if they woke up to a gunshot, or an alien invasion, or to a missing wife, those would all be exciting ways to wake up."
Yes, but with limits. As you said, the start must be intriguing, or at least interesting ; we talk about indie adult games, most of the players want to be entertained more than to be captivated, so "interesting" is already not so bad.

Too many authors seem to have heard this and starts their games in bed... by a dream featuring a BJ, or sometimes directly sex. But as interesting as it can seem as beginning for an adult story, the problem here is that it's a dream. You start with 1 minute of top action (for an adult game), and then come the cold shower. It was a dream and MC appear to be the exact opposite of what was sold by this minute. Boring, unsubscribe !
What doesn't mean that you can't start with a dream, but you'll have more chance of success if it's in fact a nightmare. People will pass more easily through the boring awakening part, because they want to know what hide behind this nightmare.
But except the nightmare case, starting in bed by an exciting event is good only if you can keep the rhythm long enough.

It's the difference between a boring:
MC awake because of a gunshot and think, "Thanks god, I'll leave this shitty place today. I hope that I'll encounter many chicks where I go".

And an interesting:
MC awake because of a gunshot, the shooter is right in front of him, the headlights of a passing car make him appear for an instant.
Without hesitation, MC roll on the bed, the shooter missed him because of the dark, as long as he stay in movement he have a chance.
Another gunshot, still missed. The shooter will probably wait, trying to figure if he hit his target this time. MC use this instant to evaluate his options. The window is opened, the shooter surely enter through it... One meter to the ground, it's grass and it was raining when MC goes to sleep.
MC don't hesitate, he jump through the window and run, run and run. No time to think, he need to go as far as possible, hoping that the shooter will not try to follow him, or at least lost his track.
MC enter a dark alley, he hide on a door frame and listen. No noise...
MC is safe, now you can put the boring "I need to leave this city... I hope that I'll encounter many chicks in the next one."

That's just like the advice to new writers to "write about what you know" ...
I heard that everywhere around the world, authors of polar and thriller were under constant police surveillance.
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Engaged Member
Mar 25, 2018
Daz and HS2 made it easy for anyone to make a game which is an issue because those people are consumers and have consumer mentality so they don't bother spending time to create original stuff like seriously why is Victoria 8 and 3 so common when it comes to faces of female characters? And why so many bloody times the guys looking like Michel 8 and 3? LAZYNESS!

And don't get me started on stories, I'm planning on a game and I have done a lot of research from reading books about screenplay (similar to game writing) to watching videos about the matter and almost every expert says the same thing "don't start a story in bed" almost all games start in bed then they go to the kitchen to meet there family! What a fucking cliché.

And the worst part is they get money and leave like seriously it's a rule on patreon that you can't just play the flute on YouTube and when you get $700 become absent... littrealy know a guy who makes 2000 and haven't posted in God knows how much or the icstor that people mentioned that littrealy haven't done a thing for 3 years and still makes a minimum wage annual salary in a month! Wtf.

So yes consumers with no standars helping other consumers... you get shit games that people with standers don't want and eventually the consumers take over in the creator category and they make everyone leave.

Sorry for the long rant
Well you are known for your long rants............


Super Moderator
Game Developer
Nov 3, 2017
In their own twisted way, porn games are an art like any other. Like other creators do in music, cinema, non-porn gaming, cooking etc, some developers do it for cash, some do it for passion and most do it somewhere on the spectrum.

Porn games, like their less smutty forms of art, are here to stay in the same way other forms of creativity are here to stay.

Meaning Less

Engaged Member
Sep 13, 2016
This website had 6000 games exactly 2 years ago. Right now it is almost reaching 12k (11457).
This is basically 100% increase in 2 years... So no, they aren't dying.

What might be giving some people this impression is that since there is so much new crap it starts to become harder to find out gems in the middle, and that is true.

Before f95 each new western game released was instantly spread around like wildfire and every adult game fan would be aware of its existence even if they didn't care about the game. But today there is so much stuff that this isn't feasible anymore, you actually have to look for stuff to find them, much like you do with non-adult games.

I'm sure there are many games you would consider "good" but just haven't stumbled upon yet, so crack some tags you enjoy into the latest updates page and go looking for them.
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Active Member
Jun 3, 2021
Like normal games...There are a lot more dev's now...Meaning there is a lot more mud to diamonds ratio's...
This website had 6000 games exactly 2 years ago. Right now it is almost reaching 12k (11457).
This is basically 100% increase in 2 years... So no, they aren't dying.
The 1st reply and this other one are the answers to your question OP.

Others mentioned steam and that is a good parallel: back in early 2010's people were mentioning a "indie-apocalypse" because the number of new indie low effort games were being released and this would kill the scene. Now a decade later it is pretty clear that the scene is still going strong and we got some amazing gems amidst the admittedly big number of crap that invariably accompany it.

Therefore it is just your misaligned perspective : you're noticing the increase of crappy games but failed to notice that new good games are also coming; the point is that now you actually have to put the effort and go searching harder for them, as opposed to before where essentially every good game was rare so it got more attention and more or less fell down on your lap.

Now you have to use the search for tags and check out more games, look in more different places, try more demos for an hour or two to see if they are to your liking, and search thorough the mud... you will 100% find new diamonds because they are there, just buried deeper nowadays.


Dec 31, 2017
First thing is that the site is filled with a lot of visual novel, which aren't games by definition.
Then you have two main categories of games : male or female protagonist.

And then the number of correct games is by itself extremely low. So the vast majority of what you find here is completely useless : either not a game, and/or not your type of game, and extremely lazy work.

I think i tried 98% of female protagonist games here and there is maybe 4 or 5 of them that was worth it. Karryn's Prison being one of them 'cause you can easily tell that the author actually care about his work. It's not for every body taste, but at least it's a hrpg that can be used as element of comparaison to tell if someone is actually doing something or either don't give a damn or has no talent to create a game of value.


Active Member
Jun 27, 2020
agree for the most par, 2017-2018 was a pretty era for games on this site, only a few decent devs left


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Sep 26, 2019
Too many authors seem to have heard this and starts their games in bed... by a dream featuring a BJ, or sometimes directly sex. But as interesting as it can seem as beginning for an adult story, the problem here is that it's a dream. You start with 1 minute of top action (for an adult game), and then come the cold shower. It was a dream and MC appear to be the exact opposite of what was sold by this minute. Boring, unsubscribe !
What doesn't mean that you can't start with a dream, but you'll have more chance of success if it's in fact a nightmare. People will pass more easily through the boring awakening part, because they want to know what hide behind this nightmare.
But except the nightmare case, starting in bed by an exciting event is good only if you can keep the rhythm long enough.
It's called a hook, and what it is doesn't really matter what it is as long as it grabs the reader's attention, the reason starting in a bed is a bad idea is because most authors turn waking up into "normal morning routine" and that isn't very interesting. If after 5 minutes you aren't interested in the story then there is no "it gets better later" because whatever is coming later is most likely as weak and uninteresting as what you've seen so far. A good author that can tell a good story will grab your attention then keep it for the entire duration of the story.

For example, you can start a story with a blowjob, then the girl decides it's enough and hovers over him in the cowgirl position, he remarks excitedly that he will finally lose his virginity, then just before he penetrates her he wakes up, as soon as it comes together he is frustrated that he can't even manage to get laid in his dream. Then the story goes on to be about the protagonist seeks to put an end to his lonely life.

The mistake a lot of people make is that often they don't realize that while the hook is primarily used to grab the readers attention, if you use a hook you also set the tone of the story, one of the most famous and best examples of a hook is the opening scene in Indiana Jones, where he goes through the cave, grabs the gold idol, then runs away from a big rock. Imagine if after that it was a Romantic Comedy that takes place on campus without any action scenes. The incongruity between the hook and the rest of the movie would have broken your suspension of disbelief and you would have lost interest. So, if you start out with a sex scene you're basically telling the audience that there will be a lot of sex and it will occur often, so if you start with a blowjob then there isn't another scene for several hours then it is unlikely anyone will bother finishing your VN.

As a writer you have 5 minutes to catch the reader's attention, which is why you don't want to waste it on character introductions and groggily climbing out of bed on a normal Monday morning.


Forum Fanatic
Sep 28, 2018
Porn games aren't dying at all.

But I think we're in a lull simply because the top games of 2-3 years ago are mostly complete, and the next generation of top games are still in production. And since that new generation of games are generally higher quality that leads to more of them being abandoned or stuck in a prolonged development hell. Which makes it feel like games are "dying".

And on the "getting out of bed" stuff. I don't think, in general, that applies to adult games. The "hook" in adult games are the renders/art 95% of the time. People who play these games for the story aren't going to not play a game because the opening scene is MC getting out of bed. Getting out of bed is just a convenient way to start, since most of these games are character based and don't have an overarching plot.