This game is very good, but it needs pregnancy, I don't understand why all breeding games have that egg mechanic.
Honestly I do not understand, is that perhaps humans are born from eggs and am I an alien or something?
It's as simple as some people aren't into it and preg art would require a shit ton of work usually.
Little rant:
Pregnancy is the type of kink that can also interrupt stories and gameplay and shit. It's not like most kinks that you can just throw in an H scene and forget about when it's over. It's like NTR, to really fill it out requires special consideration and gameplay focused around it to a degree. You can't just stop in the middle of some great adventure to figure out how the heroine is going to give birth in most games, or figure out what you're going to do when one of your teammates gets NTR'd away from you. That's branches of gameplay, options requires additional content. That's a lot of work for somebody that probably isn't into the kink. Compare those to like foot fetish or something and it's just throw in a footjob H scene and that's it.
That's why the games with NTR and pregnancy and shit are often ALL about it. Because it really needs to be. The only exception really is pregnancy being a bad end, or the "Monster births magically only take a day or two" type of shit. It's often not just something that can be easily ignored when it starts to cut into gameplay time beyond a simple H scene.
If we're talking about human birth realism, humans take 9 months to give birth, that alone already fucks over any realistic way to depict human births in the majority of games. These are mostly monster girls anyways, they can do whatever they want. In this game we have the issue of time limits, and a monster being tied up with a pregnancy would make things more difficult. The game designed the breeding so the monsters could be taken out of the farm and used elsewhere at any time.