
Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2021
normal portals are a real pain without a flying unit... somehow spending time and resources to build roads and relays simply means wasting more time in one portal.

Does anyone know how to determine which essence you'll get with the essence unstable portals? It's impossible to collect them all in one run and a lot of them are specific for certain strategies.
For normal portals, I honestly just kinda... don't do any of that. I've never found a reason to do more than a one and done with any of the portals. At this point I don't even gather any resources or anything in them. I mostly just hit them to hit all the events and get out. I get all my resources through the tavern quests, and then boosting the farm.

I bring 10 crystals with me everywhere to occasionally rebuild portals. Just because they give you a free HP/MP reset. But otherwise I mostly just don't do any of that.

For essence portals, I've found it impossible to predict what you'll get. There seems to be some deterministic stuff based on what type of biome the portal opens into, but even that isn't helpful. There's just too many random essences that can appear in any given tier for me, personally to figure out.
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New Member
Apr 5, 2019
Can't wait to see what's in the next version. The last update was huge and was the first time this game popped up on my radar so I'm not sure how optimistic I should be for another big update. Then again, it has been a few months...

Great replayability in this game, I'm still getting the hang of it but one of these runs I'll actually beat it! I love how there's a bunch of viable strategies and the starting bonuses are pretty interesting. And of course the art is amazing. Impressive for (I assume) a lone dev!

Still trying to figure out the best ways to use Evo/Creation's abilities to transform/create... any general tips? I like Creation but it seems like her creations are really weak till mid to late game? I've only done one run with each (30-40 days) so far.


Nov 10, 2019
Creation's powers are great to set up farm pairs for ingredients/crystals early, gene unlock shenanigans mid-game. Also good to breed and complete your skill tree in a snowballing manner (the more points you spend, the stronger your summons, the stronger their offspring, the more points you get, etc... and you'll get all missing species very fast). She also has access to mind control the easiest imo (prince is the fastest for real, but no one levels up the seduction tree first...right?).

Evo can and will accelerate your breeding of very strong units with the trait copy/pasting, skipping breeding generations entirely for traits. Her special forms also have interesting effects to play with.

As for what's next for the game... Yes, Syvaron is the lone dev and artist for the game. Check out his twitter for more of his awesome art. And from the discord server, he's considering lowering healing/making it costlier and adding in some shielding mechanics instead.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2021
Can't wait to see what's in the next version. The last update was huge and was the first time this game popped up on my radar so I'm not sure how optimistic I should be for another big update. Then again, it has been a few months...

Great replayability in this game, I'm still getting the hang of it but one of these runs I'll actually beat it! I love how there's a bunch of viable strategies and the starting bonuses are pretty interesting. And of course the art is amazing. Impressive for (I assume) a lone dev!

Still trying to figure out the best ways to use Evo/Creation's abilities to transform/create... any general tips? I like Creation but it seems like her creations are really weak till mid to late game? I've only done one run with each (30-40 days) so far.
Yeah, the replayability is my favorite part. I really like constantly having things to unlock and chase, a bunch of which are pretty game changing.

I mostly play Evo, so that's what I'm best at. Learning which perks are the most important and how to perk stack using spirits is the biggest and most important thing that I learned from this thread. Look for the catalyst perk, it's the key to pulling it all off.

The other useful part of her kit is being able to add the beautiful/royal/albino perks to minions in the brothel. Those all give big boosts to your income if used correctly. Specially if its a character with all three and a high base beauty stat lol

And don't forget to to look at the chimera form. It's the one where you select each body part based on species you've slept with. You can use this for insanity. If you figure out the right combination of arms, abdomen, and head options, you can get to crazy high magic or strength values.

Creation's powers are great to set up farm pairs for ingredients/crystals early, gene unlock shenanigans mid-game. Also good to breed and complete your skill tree in a snowballing manner (the more points you spend, the stronger your summons, the stronger their offspring, the more points you get, etc... and you'll get all missing species very fast). She also has access to mind control the easiest imo (prince is the fastest for real, but no one levels up the seduction tree first...right?).
I feel called out.

I also probably should have considered just breeding to get more unlocks. With the new tavern changes, I've just used that to get like 15+ max level characters. Breeding is probably much faster and more consistent once you're hunting for specific species combos.

Evo can and will accelerate your breeding of very strong units with the trait copy/pasting, skipping breeding generations entirely for traits. Her special forms also have interesting effects to play with.
Honestly, the special forms are awesome but I never use them anymore. Not even the hidden one really. Chimera is just too OP.

If Evo gets another balancing pass, touching chimera form is probably a good idea.

As for what's next for the game... Yes, Syvaron is the lone dev and artist for the game. Check out his twitter for more of his awesome art. And from the discord server, he's considering lowering healing/making it costlier and adding in some shielding mechanics instead.
Shit, I should finally join the discord... Healing could use a hit too. But hopefully just in-combat healing. I like having easy out of combat healing lol


May 15, 2018
So I've been playing this game for a while, and to my surprise, it was fairly solid; at first, I thought the strategy is slowly expand and then win(which I did won, because I did decently enough, but without powerful party to decisively win rivals), but in reality, you really want every day count - by exploring and fighting in portals as quickly as possible using a light fox scout(highest vision possible early on while also doubling as support)and a pegasus mount, while also fighting in daily/ranked arena, because that's what matters the most. You can also perform town tasks and as one of two female protagonists, do shows, but all of them, expect tavern missions give a terrible time scale and stamina wise amount of money, compared to what you can get from portals, and better yet, high beauty brothel strats, which I'll explain later.

And a bunch of things, both being tips and things that can be described as gameplay discussion and tactics.

For protagonists, only the first one can reach the highest individual power potential - the other two have to rely on items that increase their stats, not to mention being restricted to what their skills/stats offer, while also being flexible at what you need - either a fighter, support, or a all-rounder, not a summon based spellcaster or a nature based fighter/tank, neither of which can give a free turn for the entire team, which allows for very powerful one-turn victories. Or special mana drain/insta-kill/full heal and buff abilities later on.

In terms of time, the 30-day time limit is actually the best option, because at longer times, you'll experience worse scaling in terms of power - if you take too long, the alternative ending will be even harder - I had to fight level 30 guardians using level 25 demons and seraphs, but that's obviously only that one - the wasteland and final portal still has armies of 20's enemies, but the final boss is always level 30, no matter how early or late you are, however, I found a strategy for it:

One, you have to complete the succubus homeworld and kill the guardians, then give up the succubus for a another crystal - what makes it hard, if not annoying, is the fact that the familiar that is required to open the portal, needs 100 mana, which, combined with poor growth, non-unique tag which means it will die forever in permadeath mode, no genes, and reliance on skills like Focus and Blink to even be tolerable in the first place(only possible if you take the dexterity option), makes it very annoying in the first place. The guardians are no slouch, having great stats, but if you make your own one(more on that later), it becomes fairly easy - just troubling to get in the first place, that is.

Two, after completing the wasteland and the guardians, go to the crafting tab and click at crystal - you should see 4 recipes, of which only 2 matter: the mana spear and the crystal. The first one is a weapon that sets a victims armor to 0 on attacks, which makes the final boss killable without relying on spectral swords and using cursed daggers and other support weaponry, while the other makes the giant beast defeatable by removing its passives, meaning if you cannot kill it in 1 turn without time stop, you now can kill it, cleanly.

Obviously, those 2 steps already require a party that is strong enough, like demons(fighters) and seraphs(all-rounder casters), if you want a versatile party for late-game, not counting for specialized tanks and casters. Now people always talked about kitsunes, but in my case, I ended up not using them - instead I opted for a thing called guardian, which, if the succubus hybrid characters do not tell you already, can be bred, and you'll either get impure succubus that can be fused, or a pure guardian - their genes are as a result, not good, but using fusion, you can make a perfect one with all traits and genes you need before you'll begin the ultimate elite of the elites, that can have the highest level without unlimited modifier, but also the highest stats that make the final boss cry. I had a level 40 once, then a level 50 guardian on another run, both of which made many enemies including bosses weak enough to be killed in a single turn, while being supported with others to kill them faster - with spectral sword, and if they are magic based, telekinetic, you can deal the highest possible damage with those - and while fun, their growth process is rather...reliant on how many characters you have to sacrifice them in the right order, which means you have to start from the weakest to the strongest, which makes it very exhausting - I spent several hours just trying to see from what I have to feed it in the right order to attain highest possible power. Practically any other elite(including the main character)is getting outmatched solely by its existence.

You can have 2 guardians for a run in practice, by not giving the succubus in their homeworld, but since you really need the spear if you do not have spectral swords/piercing claws, it's pretty much mandatory. Not helped by not having the highest genes, and having to sacrifice trait fodders, if you have any first - just hope they won't have much growth or you'll miss on potential levels.

The seraph event, which is fairly uncommon-rare without raiders modifier, is practically impossible otherwise on harpies side, but if you end up not getting it because of how sparse the events are with raiders modifier, you can actually defeat it in the first non NG+ run, using the strats I just explained - get a strong party and you can quickly kill it - you'll get a 100% experience essence, 8 level up shards which are perfect for guardian with ancient power, if it has one, and a bunch of weak harpies that well...better off being turned in for a quest.

Before discovering the guardian, I had to rely on just strong characters and supports, but now I know - level the succubuses, make them breed, then get highest possible genes and best percentage traits and lots of growth fodder and now you have the character that can end any engagement in your favor.

...Expect equality modifier, because that was...fairly weird one - on one hand, you'll get a level 10 final boss, which is much easier but not so different considering you are also capped and HAVE to get a guardian to make it fair anyway(and with limited power because it can't go beyond level 10 either), while making anything that requires higher level things like king's quests and tavern quests unattainable - and also making every enemy with level lower than 5 to be at least level 5, which makes early game much harsher than I expected. And even worse, the seraph event outright becomes a nightmare in such case, because it still has 600 health and 100 damage, which is higher than final boss and its beast combined, having 50 damage 200 health and 25 damage 200 health respectively. Unless you use a guardian, because it's still mandatory for such things.

The only modifier that is more help rather than hurt is plentiful, because even though it doubles item value making buying items from shop less useful, it pretty much makes resource management an non-issue, because generally by late-game you'll often need food for quests rather than feeding your members, and buying one apiece per click is terribly annoying. And makes reaching objectives of the shop much faster, and if you have merchant job, quadruple the sell value of items - a 100 value item becomes 400 due to how modifiers combine, while you'll only pay 50% more to the shop when it comes to buy value. You'll have others like historic, intelligent, diverse and so on, but none of them remove annoyance completely(if not making it harder)like plentiful itself.

Remember when I told about the beauty strat earlier on? All right, let me explain what it is; it basically boils down to having 2 breeding partners: the siren/angler fish with mermaid/lymean genes, and a lymean/water angel with lymean/lymean genes - which if bred together, results in a angler fish, which has a base beauty of 100, which, considering how it rolls on average, you'll have no trouble getting a 150+ beauty character. Obviously, high base beauty and beautiful trait is mandatory on both, and better yet, albino/royal for maximum value - and since they are all spellcasters, you'll need telekinetic and bunch of other traits to make them good enough as recruiters and support fighters. Now the brothel is going to be full of nothing but those things, raking in money that only one can dream of, especially if you use a profession that effectively doubles its profits. Expect maybe the plant madam, because she apparently collects materials while working in there as long she's recruited. And unique characters, because once you'll make a party that outmatches them all, what else they are good for expect the certain ones like the necromancer fish? I miss using them though, because of how fun their unique skill combinations they have, or the fact they are different from normal ones, like a succubus hunter which also the only one with both sniper/quickshooter combo, or a lightbug that is extremely fast at draining mana and fighting head on as one such examples.

I even speedrun the ending before getting the otherwise normal one in a 30-day setting by getting lucky with an artifact portal to have enough events for the special character in a single run to allow to make the special portal and then complete that one and surrender her because of not having strong enough party to fight the boss.

Well, I explained a lot of what I discovered in the game(for the current patch), including bugs and suggestions that I think, as long people tell where I should post them for potential approval, I would be grateful. Can't wait for a content/balance update and bug fixes. I would like to write a good review, but I think I should wait till it releases.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2021
So I've been playing this game for a while, and to my surprise, it was fairly solid; at first, I thought the strategy is slowly expand and then win(which I did won, because I did decently enough, but without powerful party to decisively win rivals), but in reality, you really want every day count - by exploring and fighting in portals as quickly as possible using a light fox scout(highest vision possible early on while also doubling as support)and a pegasus mount, while also fighting in daily/ranked arena, because that's what matters the most. You can also perform town tasks and as one of two female protagonists, do shows, but all of them, expect tavern missions give a terrible time scale and stamina wise amount of money, compared to what you can get from portals, and better yet, high beauty brothel strats, which I'll explain later.

And a bunch of things, both being tips and things that can be described as gameplay discussion and tactics.

For protagonists, only the first one can reach the highest individual power potential - the other two have to rely on items that increase their stats, not to mention being restricted to what their skills/stats offer, while also being flexible at what you need - either a fighter, support, or a all-rounder, not a summon based spellcaster or a nature based fighter/tank, neither of which can give a free turn for the entire team, which allows for very powerful one-turn victories. Or special mana drain/insta-kill/full heal and buff abilities later on.

In terms of time, the 30-day time limit is actually the best option, because at longer times, you'll experience worse scaling in terms of power - if you take too long, the alternative ending will be even harder - I had to fight level 30 guardians using level 25 demons and seraphs, but that's obviously only that one - the wasteland and final portal still has armies of 20's enemies, but the final boss is always level 30, no matter how early or late you are, however, I found a strategy for it:

One, you have to complete the succubus homeworld and kill the guardians, then give up the succubus for a another crystal - what makes it hard, if not annoying, is the fact that the familiar that is required to open the portal, needs 100 mana, which, combined with poor growth, non-unique tag which means it will die forever in permadeath mode, no genes, and reliance on skills like Focus and Blink to even be tolerable in the first place(only possible if you take the dexterity option), makes it very annoying in the first place. The guardians are no slouch, having great stats, but if you make your own one(more on that later), it becomes fairly easy - just troubling to get in the first place, that is.

Two, after completing the wasteland and the guardians, go to the crafting tab and click at crystal - you should see 4 recipes, of which only 2 matter: the mana spear and the crystal. The first one is a weapon that sets a victims armor to 0 on attacks, which makes the final boss killable without relying on spectral swords and using cursed daggers and other support weaponry, while the other makes the giant beast defeatable by removing its passives, meaning if you cannot kill it in 1 turn without time stop, you now can kill it, cleanly.

Obviously, those 2 steps already require a party that is strong enough, like demons(fighters) and seraphs(all-rounder casters), if you want a versatile party for late-game, not counting for specialized tanks and casters. Now people always talked about kitsunes, but in my case, I ended up not using them - instead I opted for a thing called guardian, which, if the succubus hybrid characters do not tell you already, can be bred, and you'll either get impure succubus that can be fused, or a pure guardian - their genes are as a result, not good, but using fusion, you can make a perfect one with all traits and genes you need before you'll begin the ultimate elite of the elites, that can have the highest level without unlimited modifier, but also the highest stats that make the final boss cry. I had a level 40 once, then a level 50 guardian on another run, both of which made many enemies including bosses weak enough to be killed in a single turn, while being supported with others to kill them faster - with spectral sword, and if they are magic based, telekinetic, you can deal the highest possible damage with those - and while fun, their growth process is rather...reliant on how many characters you have to sacrifice them in the right order, which means you have to start from the weakest to the strongest, which makes it very exhausting - I spent several hours just trying to see from what I have to feed it in the right order to attain highest possible power. Practically any other elite(including the main character)is getting outmatched solely by its existence.

You can have 2 guardians for a run in practice, by not giving the succubus in their homeworld, but since you really need the spear if you do not have spectral swords/piercing claws, it's pretty much mandatory. Not helped by not having the highest genes, and having to sacrifice trait fodders, if you have any first - just hope they won't have much growth or you'll miss on potential levels.

The seraph event, which is fairly uncommon-rare without raiders modifier, is practically impossible otherwise on harpies side, but if you end up not getting it because of how sparse the events are with raiders modifier, you can actually defeat it in the first non NG+ run, using the strats I just explained - get a strong party and you can quickly kill it - you'll get a 100% experience essence, 8 level up shards which are perfect for guardian with ancient power, if it has one, and a bunch of weak harpies that well...better off being turned in for a quest.

Before discovering the guardian, I had to rely on just strong characters and supports, but now I know - level the succubuses, make them breed, then get highest possible genes and best percentage traits and lots of growth fodder and now you have the character that can end any engagement in your favor.

...Expect equality modifier, because that was...fairly weird one - on one hand, you'll get a level 10 final boss, which is much easier but not so different considering you are also capped and HAVE to get a guardian to make it fair anyway(and with limited power because it can't go beyond level 10 either), while making anything that requires higher level things like king's quests and tavern quests unattainable - and also making every enemy with level lower than 5 to be at least level 5, which makes early game much harsher than I expected. And even worse, the seraph event outright becomes a nightmare in such case, because it still has 600 health and 100 damage, which is higher than final boss and its beast combined, having 50 damage 200 health and 25 damage 200 health respectively. Unless you use a guardian, because it's still mandatory for such things.

The only modifier that is more help rather than hurt is plentiful, because even though it doubles item value making buying items from shop less useful, it pretty much makes resource management an non-issue, because generally by late-game you'll often need food for quests rather than feeding your members, and buying one apiece per click is terribly annoying. And makes reaching objectives of the shop much faster, and if you have merchant job, quadruple the sell value of items - a 100 value item becomes 400 due to how modifiers combine, while you'll only pay 50% more to the shop when it comes to buy value. You'll have others like historic, intelligent, diverse and so on, but none of them remove annoyance completely(if not making it harder)like plentiful itself.

Remember when I told about the beauty strat earlier on? All right, let me explain what it is; it basically boils down to having 2 breeding partners: the siren/angler fish with mermaid/lymean genes, and a lymean/water angel with lymean/lymean genes - which if bred together, results in a angler fish, which has a base beauty of 100, which, considering how it rolls on average, you'll have no trouble getting a 150+ beauty character. Obviously, high base beauty and beautiful trait is mandatory on both, and better yet, albino/royal for maximum value - and since they are all spellcasters, you'll need telekinetic and bunch of other traits to make them good enough as recruiters and support fighters. Now the brothel is going to be full of nothing but those things, raking in money that only one can dream of, especially if you use a profession that effectively doubles its profits. Expect maybe the plant madam, because she apparently collects materials while working in there as long she's recruited. And unique characters, because once you'll make a party that outmatches them all, what else they are good for expect the certain ones like the necromancer fish? I miss using them though, because of how fun their unique skill combinations they have, or the fact they are different from normal ones, like a succubus hunter which also the only one with both sniper/quickshooter combo, or a lightbug that is extremely fast at draining mana and fighting head on as one such examples.

I even speedrun the ending before getting the otherwise normal one in a 30-day setting by getting lucky with an artifact portal to have enough events for the special character in a single run to allow to make the special portal and then complete that one and surrender her because of not having strong enough party to fight the boss.

Well, I explained a lot of what I discovered in the game(for the current patch), including bugs and suggestions that I think, as long people tell where I should post them for potential approval, I would be grateful. Can't wait for a content/balance update and bug fixes. I would like to write a good review, but I think I should wait till it releases.
lmao, holy shit. You played this game on hardmode or something lol

Like, every part of this looks like you did things the hard way, and I'm honestly just impressed. It almost sounds like a completely different game from what I play. You appear to have discovered a lot of stuff I just never bother with while completely missing a bunch of other rather important things. And it looks like you managed to brute force your way past the difficulty cliff in an impressive way, since it sounds like you didn't use any of the normal methods we talk about in the thread a bunch.

This is a long ass read, so I'll go over it in parts just because I can't remember all the questions I wanted to ask.

For protagonists, only the first one can reach the highest individual power potential
I assume you mean Evo/Nila, yes? If so, hard agree. She's really strong.

ou can also perform town tasks and as one of two female protagonists, do shows, but all of them, expect tavern missions give a terrible time scale and stamina wise amount of money, compared to what you can get from portals, and better yet, high beauty brothel strats, which I'll explain later.
This is just weird to me. Normally for the first half of my play throughs I'm *burning* stamina just to use it. Like, I'm using the training option at the arena to use it up because I have too much. We seriously play this game differently lol

In terms of time, the 30-day time limit is actually the best option, because at longer times, you'll experience worse scaling in terms of power - if you take too long, the alternative ending will be even harder - I had to fight level 30 guardians using level 25 demons and seraphs, but that's obviously only that one - the wasteland and final portal still has armies of 20's enemies, but the final boss is always level 30, no matter how early or late you are, however, I found a strategy for it:
I cannot disagree harder. I'd say 60-day or 90-day for new players. You missed a few things that drastically changes the difficulty curve. And I almost feel bad saying this because of how impressive your win sounds lol

Check the Cave location. There's a repeatable quest there that lets you reduce your rival's power. Like, if you try you can keep them at zero power permanently, although that's annoying and not at all needed. It doesn't make the dungeons easier, but the rival encounter will be a snooze fest if you use the bug queens quest.

Also, it sounds like you went pure breeding focus. Did you try out any of the fusion methods listed in the thread? You can easily get max stat, max level characters that are more than strong enough to beat everything except the true ending easily.

The guardians are no slouch, having great stats, but if you make your own one(more on that later), it becomes fairly easy - just troubling to get in the first place, that is.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who tried that. Did you ever get Familiar's strength boosted to a ridiculous level so you can just run around eating everything? Because it's really funny when you do lol

Also, if you're going down that route, Avy's friend is infinitely stronger and more hilarious. Her devour skill is based on her *magic* stat rather than strength like Familiar, and also gives one mana per enemy eaten. So you can very quickly get to the point where she has enough magic to just eat everyone. And then she has an character skill that lets her convert five max mana into one magic. You can literally boost her to seemingly infinite magic damage.

The way I killed the true ending bosses in one of my runs for a guide I'm writing was booster her magic stat so far that she was able to one shot the bosses lol

I was trying to do it again in my current run, but instead I want to get her enough magic strength that she can eat the final boss lol

The secret to leveling those characters is using the arena, btw. Just keep doing all the level 1-10 arena fights every day with a team that's all tanks and the one your feeding. Just hop around the arena eating low level enemies over and over lol

Now people always talked about kitsunes
Kitsune were mostly popular on the previous version of the game. You used to be able to have a full party of them, so you could AOE everyone down on the first turn.

You can still get that skill, but its better to put it on normal characters now.

which if bred together, results in a angler fish, which has a base beauty of 100, which, considering how it rolls on average, you'll have no trouble getting a 150+ beauty character.
Hadn't thought about that way. I still think holy spirits are probably easier. Specially if you unlock the light spec. Being able to pump them out on day one is hard to beat. Plus you can put the rejects in the farm to collect light semen for XP potions.

And unique characters, because once you'll make a party that outmatches them all, what else they are good for expect the certain ones like the necromancer fish?
I definitely disagree with this one in general. A lot of the unique characters are super strong. Avy's friend with the name I can't remember (starts with an X) is probably the most broken character in the game.

Avy herself, when magic specced, is super useful and I tend to keep her around most games.

Pyrea or however its spelt is also super strong for the mid-game. Phy and Lisa are also really good early/mid game characters as well.

A lot of them are also really good a specific jobs or have special jobs. Pyrea's bard job, for example.

Terra is basically mandatory in every party I create. Even if I'm using super boosted, ten perk teams, I'll bring her with just for map control.

The rest get fishing duty. Getting lots of fish for XP potions is great.

I even speedrun the ending before getting the otherwise normal one in a 30-day setting by getting lucky with an artifact portal to have enough events for the special character in a single run to allow to make the special portal and then complete that one and surrender her because of not having strong enough party to fight the boss.
What's your record? And were you using ascended and the bonus perk?

Using ascended and the bonus perk, I beat the game on day 10 lol

The hard part is gathering enough crystals to pull it off. You need to be able to teleport because you absolutely cannot win a fight. I'm not actually sure if it'd be possible to beat it faster than day 10, but I only barely kept it on the same day. Someone with better RNG could probably get it done earlier in the day. Or you can save scum lol

I also notice you didn't touch spirits at all. Spirits are the secret to getting OP teams.


May 15, 2018
The artifact portal, from what I think is at day 15. The reason why I explicitly mention artifact portals for consistency is because druid cannot have any of such(first encounter)before an artifact portal itself. That's the only limiter to what I did. I also noticed you assume that I'm inexperienced, but by the time I wrote this you should already know that I already know how to do things, including the insect queen one. Only say something of that if I deliberately say a wrong assumption, but for certain examples, like time scale, its the most optimal one, because as long you are performing decently enough(which I always end up with experience), you don't want to prolong your game in such manner. Past 30 days, you'll encounter max hostility groups, which makes everything harder, because you really don't want level 30 guardians being your enemies. Of course, that's where the advancing modifier comes in - as long you unlock the portals as early as possible, you wont have a problem later on with such special portals. On top of an vicious cycle of explore-fight-reward that helps a lot.

As for spirits, considering that certain people always prefer to use the "no spirits" modifier, and instead hire or catch them, unless you are elementalist, which is really good with halved stamina cost for summon you choose on top of extra traits and genes, I mostly end up catching them and raising them to either give me a max rank elite, or trait bank if I get lucky with catalyst, or extra hands for myself in other cases.

You say that you use the 10 challenge rank reward, and a bunch of other stuff that essentially becomes common knowledge once you learn the prerequisites, but I'll explain my results; the 600% difficulty mostly requires game knowledge - specifically general knowledge to what to do without relying on saves, and picking negatives that barely affect you in the long run, like hardmode and lone wolf, maybe fragile if you keep your distance from combat or have good equipment/stats to pull it off, which barely even matter once you start doing stuff. The traits/professions as a result you pick in it are...mostly ones that benefit from being simple but very useful, like merchant, architect, scientist and so on, for traits mushroom farm, knowing if you done the alternative path, no need for 10 challenge rank job that is extremely under-priced for its power. It also teaches how to win games with less, as a result of more basic traits/professions. I did it without much trouble before the challenge rank 10 one, and for a good reason - going from rank 1 to 10 takes an abysmal amount of time, assuming you are trying to perfect your run to ensure you won't fail final missions/rushing alternative ending which results in level 10 armies, but also discovering/experimenting new things to see what works.

From what I see with ascended, although I haven't unlocked it yet, is that it gives a divine favor similar to knowing trait each day, and of course I wont deny its power, but putting entire reliance on it sounds...a little bit too dismissive of anything else. Sure, you can get assassins, oracles, extra growth, skill points, and other things which may or may be not effectively questionable, like getting random traits, but it always lacks a way to boost your own main character, ability to loot more from enemies and more shop items, maximizing brothel profits and ability to see all likes/dislikes, cheaper home upgrades for more food/housing, improved breeding and so on.

When I found a seal, I tried to see its potential - well, the spiked seal you can get from a event plus those in unstable portals can be turned into a super tank with hundreds of health, and if you use spirits, able to create water for itself and others or crash into them while taking minimal damage. Heck, that category of animals, on top of synergy with each other, also turn out to be the best animals overall - while rare, once you start breeding them, you wont have a shortage of very effective units and quest products, that are good for preserving your humanoids for harder tasks, or before you'll get the strongest ones, protect/assist them.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2021
The artifact portal, from what I think is at day 15. The reason why I explicitly mention artifact portals for consistency is because druid cannot have any of such(first encounter)before an artifact portal itself. That's the only limiter to what I did. I also noticed you assume that I'm inexperienced, but by the time I wrote this you should already know that I already know how to do things, including the insect queen one. Only say something of that if I deliberately say a wrong assumption, but for certain examples, like time scale, its the most optimal one, because as long you are performing decently enough(which I always end up with experience), you don't want to prolong your game in such manner. Past 30 days, you'll encounter max hostility groups, which makes everything harder, because you really don't want level 30 guardians being your enemies. Of course, that's where the advancing modifier comes in - as long you unlock the portals as early as possible, you wont have a problem later on with such special portals. On top of an vicious cycle of explore-fight-reward that helps a lot.

As for spirits, considering that certain people always prefer to use the "no spirits" modifier, and instead hire or catch them, unless you are elementalist, which is really good with halved stamina cost for summon you choose on top of extra traits and genes, I mostly end up catching them and raising them to either give me a max rank elite, or trait bank if I get lucky with catalyst, or extra hands for myself in other cases.

You say that you use the 10 challenge rank reward, and a bunch of other stuff that essentially becomes common knowledge once you learn the prerequisites, but I'll explain my results; the 600% difficulty mostly requires game knowledge - specifically general knowledge to what to do without relying on saves, and picking negatives that barely affect you in the long run, like hardmode and lone wolf, maybe fragile if you keep your distance from combat or have good equipment/stats to pull it off, which barely even matter once you start doing stuff. The traits/professions as a result you pick in it are...mostly ones that benefit from being simple but very useful, like merchant, architect, scientist and so on, for traits mushroom farm, knowing if you done the alternative path, no need for 10 challenge rank job that is extremely under-priced for its power. It also teaches how to win games with less, as a result of more basic traits/professions. I did it without much trouble before the challenge rank 10 one, and for a good reason - going from rank 1 to 10 takes an abysmal amount of time, assuming you are trying to perfect your run to ensure you won't fail final missions/rushing alternative ending which results in level 10 armies, but also discovering/experimenting new things to see what works.

From what I see with ascended, although I haven't unlocked it yet, is that it gives a divine favor similar to knowing trait each day, and of course I wont deny its power, but putting entire reliance on it sounds...a little bit too dismissive of anything else. Sure, you can get assassins, oracles, extra growth, skill points, and other things which may or may be not effectively questionable, like getting random traits, but it always lacks a way to boost your own main character, ability to loot more from enemies and more shop items, maximizing brothel profits and ability to see all likes/dislikes, cheaper home upgrades for more food/housing, improved breeding and so on.

When I found a seal, I tried to see its potential - well, the spiked seal you can get from a event plus those in unstable portals can be turned into a super tank with hundreds of health, and if you use spirits, able to create water for itself and others or crash into them while taking minimal damage. Heck, that category of animals, on top of synergy with each other, also turn out to be the best animals overall - while rare, once you start breeding them, you wont have a shortage of very effective units and quest products, that are good for preserving your humanoids for harder tasks, or before you'll get the strongest ones, protect/assist them.
Just going based on what you're talking up as being difficult in the game, I don't think my assumptions or leading questions are quiet as wrong as you think they are. In fact, I think I was pretty on the mark with my last post.

Just to give you some idea what I mean, my last run was on challenge rank three (fresh save, so no bonus or ascendant), 609% difficulty, 120 days. I beat the true ending bosses in a single turn. I actually one shot both the boss and the guardian using the joke strat in my previous post.

It was honestly hilarious how well it worked. I got lucky and the spawned in a line or it would have taken two turns. That strategy is *absolutely* going to be nerfed in teh next version lol

Sadly I couldn't eat the boss. I probably could have on a 30 day, but not on a 120.


May 15, 2018
Just going based on what you're talking up as being difficult in the game, I don't think my assumptions or leading questions are quiet as wrong as you think they are. In fact, I think I was pretty on the mark with my last post.

Just to give you some idea what I mean, my last run was on challenge rank three (fresh save, so no bonus or ascendant), 609% difficulty, 120 days. I beat the true ending bosses in a single turn. I actually one shot both the boss and the guardian using the joke strat in my previous post.

It was honestly hilarious how well it worked. I got lucky and the spawned in a line or it would have taken two turns. That strategy is *absolutely* going to be nerfed in teh next version lol

Sadly I couldn't eat the boss. I probably could have on a 30 day, but not on a 120.
Without the guardian, it took me 50 days to defeat the final boss, on 200% with druid, who despite lacking access to both empowered and god(you can technically breed but druid is obviously a terrible breeder, so you have to use blood magic to sacrifice seedlings, but seedlings wont have god unless you breed first and then learn that), at very least, using the 2 special items and a solid team, beat them decisively using weakening items - and that's in 30-day setting, while many portals, including the final one, have a hostility level of 15(excluding special ones, like wasteland and succubus homeworld, where I had 30+ due to how late the days I ended up opening them in). Yes, on average(because of fact you really need the spear and the crystal)it takes anywhere from 40-80 days average, depending on how (un)lucky you are with familiar upgrading and unit gathering for genes and traits, as long you are performing decently. Get as many good special hybrids for your team, and a guardian mixed in with skills appropriate to its growth type, like consume(affects all enemies, so eating unique/boss ones isn't really an achievement)/swipe for strength based one and pretty much you are set. Taking too long makes for you know, even worse succubus homeworld, normal portals don't matter much when it comes to hostility level at longer time settings, that's the only thing that I call annoyingly difficult that makes shorter time settings the best option for most of the time. And boring because you really don't want take too long doing anything of importance, and you already get most of what you need to finish the game normally at day 25 using tavern quests and such, any longer and it's just waiting.

I do have however, a save where I could theoretically beat it while on 627% difficulty, with a pretty solid starting point and such(expect upgrading the familiar is a terribly annoying process that requires pretty much safeguarding it on permadeath, only thing saving it is blink + focus skill combo and AP potions), but I'd rather wait for an update that gives me an alternative saving method where you can only save a few times, not ironman to rely on autosave and then bear the burden of either playing another run before switching back because of focus required to perform well, or annoying things like power outages that reduce your save counts just because you never expected them - better save when you really need it, then load the save whatever you want.

I'm in no mood to play it until it updates, considering it really needs a balance and bug fixing update after pretty much exhausting its content at the moment.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2021
Wow this game surely gets dedicated players, might try it later
I'm ADHD as fuck, and when something catches my attention for more than 10 minutes I tend to go all in on it. Not actually a good thing, but at least it lets me go crazy with games lol

Also like, this is one of the few porn games that's actually a game that's fun enough to keep repeating. That's pretty rare, in my experience.

Syvaron said on the discord he's trying for an end-of-august release, so give it a couple days/a week more and it should be out.
Nice. I'm looking forward to seeing how things shake up this time. The last patch had a bunch of game changers in it.

I still really need to join the discord lol
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Feb 20, 2021
Meh for some reason I lost all of my saves. I will probably have to start over again, and that's a bitch. Anyway, restarting as Prince again because I'm used to it now. I legitly can't play as the other two main. But I will probably wait until the new update to see if something is changed before starting, last time, only having one Seedling Dragon was a surprise


Oct 5, 2017

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[!] pretty big bug for now, the event with info required for the new end doesn't trigger correctly (an_3 upgrade quest). Can still be done and not much context other than the info is given. info: Take her to Neora with Guardian/Lymean genes


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2021
Okay cool. A complete overhaul of the dating system sounds interesting. It'll be fun trying that out. Sounds pretty gamey, which is dope.

Healing/shielding changes don't affect me all that much. I've been going with cheese or first round burst comps for the last patch, so not a lot of in-combat healing being done. Losing the big out of combat heals will be too bad, but its fine. Maybe I'll actually use consumables lol


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2019
Finally new update! Since the surprise of 16 (I hadn't tried playing it since the disappointing v7) I can say lost many days to this game, even discovered a few new species myself (or bug?, how two humans made a guardian), not to mention the surprise of fighting lv 150 characters when my cap was only 20 (secret side quest to hell ;) ).
Can't wait to try it out once a more stable version comes out.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2021
The new dating mini-game is pretty fun, but it took some getting used to. It's not well explained, but once you get everything sorted and figure out how to modify your decks you can do some cool stuff with it.

The rewards you get for doing well can be pretty surprising though. I got a legendary item on day three lol

Sadly it was the magma hammer which I generally avoid...

The system does have a ton of spelling/grammar issues mixed in, along with placeholders and some inconsistent behavior. It'll probably take a bit to fully fill it out completely, but if it gets there it'll be great.


Oct 15, 2019
Is there a reason not to just take all the negative traits for your starters and just fusion them all away?
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