
May 30, 2018
Can I ask if there's been report on a bug when dating? Tried dating and this came out instead, and she wasn't even the target of the date.

New game plus btw.



Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2021
First of all, thanks a lot for the hints!
Second, I am not trying to get the OP stuff done anytime soon... I just wanted something like a guideline on the basics. I was thinking something like: Spawn a lvl20 seedling A (or just reshape and level one), combine with monstergirl A and we get monstergirl B. Then fuse monstergirl B with seedling B selecting the traits/genes/whatever you want and so on so forth.
Basically something for dummies if you don't mind indulging me in writing that. Also, this is awfully similar to PSO2 when it comes to pass traits and stuff now that I think about it...
Edit:Forgot to ask, does anyone know at what mg does the seedlings and spirits spawn to lvl20 directly? And how would I go about boosting my mg on Druid?
No problem. You basically got it.

The only thing I do differently is add a few extra steps in the chain to build up a pile of perks or combine skills.

I'll put the full steps bellow in a spoiler box (it's going to be long...). This goes fastest on Evo, and will likely need a couple extra steps if you want to really min/max on the others.

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You don't have permission to view the spoiler content. Log in or register now.

Dude, I just want some of the elites together in a team. visually, thematicly
That's fair.

Honestly, I think they could revert the 'one elite only' change after some of the balancing work that was done this patch. You can't really rock some of the crazy bullshit you could two patches ago anymore.

Can I ask if there's been report on a bug when dating? Tried dating and this came out instead, and she wasn't even the target of the date.

New game plus btw.
Wooh, that's crazy. Never seen that lol

What's the full set up? Who are you playing and all that?

Arashi Blitz

Nov 16, 2016
No problem. You basically got it.

The only thing I do differently is add a few extra steps in the chain to build up a pile of perks or combine skills.

I'll put the full steps bellow in a spoiler box (it's going to be long...). This goes fastest on Evo, and will likely need a couple extra steps if you want to really min/max on the others.

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You don't have permission to view the spoiler content. Log in or register now.

That's fair.

Honestly, I think they could revert the 'one elite only' change after some of the balancing work that was done this patch. You can't really rock some of the crazy bullshit you could two patches ago anymore.

Wooh, that's crazy. Never seen that lol

What's the full set up? Who are you playing and all that?
Yeah, definitely PSO2 enhancement methods.
You're a massive life saver. Sadly the wiki is not finished so I either encounter someone with an attack I can read and interests me or I don't know what to look for or if something specific exists... (guess I'll have to get that from playing experience)
Now, about step 1... 8 spirits that sum a total of 10 in the stat/s I want, mind giving a simple example? Because I'm understanding it as 7 that sum a total of 9 and the 8th one with 1 for a total of 10.
Also, any potions, traits, events or whatever that increase your MC's mg regardless of evo/crea/druid? Or does equipment also count for spawning better spirits?


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2021
Yeah, definitely PSO2 enhancement methods.
You're a massive life saver. Sadly the wiki is not finished so I either encounter someone with an attack I can read and interests me or I don't know what to look for or if something specific exists... (guess I'll have to get that from playing experience)
Now, about step 1... 8 spirits that sum a total of 10 in the stat/s I want, mind giving a simple example? Because I'm understanding it as 7 that sum a total of 9 and the 8th one with 1 for a total of 10.
Also, any potions, traits, events or whatever that increase your MC's mg regardless of evo/crea/druid? Or does equipment also count for spawning better spirits?
Yeah, the wiki is weird. There's a lot of info there, but a lot of it isn't indexed correctly or is only partially complete. Like skill combinations were pretty annoying to find. And there's no complete list of unlockables anywhere.

I probably shouldn't have used the word sum. It's not really adding up their gene scores in any way. There's two main ways to increase genes through fusing.

The first is to fuse two parents where one has a higher gene. So if parent one has a 9, and parent two has a 7, you'll increase it up to 9. That's the easy, straight forward way to do it, but you have to have a spirit with a 10 to reach a 10. So it's not super useful on anyone but Evo, IMO.

The second way, using fusing mastery (chosen at the beginning), is by matching genes. If both parents have a 7, then you can select both of their genes to create an 8. Here's an example. Look at the mana gene's inputs, and then the result.


So when I say add up to 10, I mean having enough matching pairs that you'll be able to increase the total to 10 after multiple fusings. If I took the child of the example, and matched it up with another spirit that also has a 9 point mana gene, I can then upgrade to a 10 when I fuse them.

This is why you'll often actually need more than just seven fusings. Because you may have to fuse a few spirits together before you start that process to get their genes high enough to finish it.

Also, any potions, traits, events or whatever that increase your MC's mg regardless of evo/crea/druid? Or does equipment also count for spawning better spirits?
Equipment absolutely counts. You can get 11 free magic through gear by using a mage focus, magic armor, and any of the +5 weapons. The orb is common, so I usually use that.

If you can get them, you can use five magic potions for an extra 5 base magic strength. But I never bother with that.

Xhana, Avy's friend, has an event that'll boost your magic after you convert her mana into magic like 3-5 times.

I don't know about perks. I don't think there's any you can get that'll boost your magic strength for the MC, but I might be wrong. I'm playing on a fresh save, and I honestly can't remember everything you can unlock when starting a game.


New Member
Sep 14, 2020
I can't seem to find the answer to this, so if it has been asked already, I am sorry. I downloaded the linux package for 16.0.1 and set the .x86_64 as executable. My file structure looks like the examples throughout the threads, and all my drivers and software libraries are up to date. However, whenever I attempt to start the game, the screen flashes black as if it is opening, and then closes. the only terminal messages are as follows:
Set current directory to /home/usr/Downloads/PoP_linux_V0.16.0.1
Found path: /home/usr/Downloads/PoP_linux_V0.16.0.1/PoP_V0.16.0.1_linux.x86_64
Aborted (core dumped)

Arashi Blitz

Nov 16, 2016
Yeah, the wiki is weird. There's a lot of info there, but a lot of it isn't indexed correctly or is only partially complete. Like skill combinations were pretty annoying to find. And there's no complete list of unlockables anywhere.

I probably shouldn't have used the word sum. It's not really adding up their gene scores in any way. There's two main ways to increase genes through fusing.

The first is to fuse two parents where one has a higher gene. So if parent one has a 9, and parent two has a 7, you'll increase it up to 9. That's the easy, straight forward way to do it, but you have to have a spirit with a 10 to reach a 10. So it's not super useful on anyone but Evo, IMO.

The second way, using fusing mastery (chosen at the beginning), is by matching genes. If both parents have a 7, then you can select both of their genes to create an 8. Here's an example. Look at the mana gene's inputs, and then the result.

View attachment 1391845

So when I say add up to 10, I mean having enough matching pairs that you'll be able to increase the total to 10 after multiple fusings. If I took the child of the example, and matched it up with another spirit that also has a 9 point mana gene, I can then upgrade to a 10 when I fuse them.

This is why you'll often actually need more than just seven fusings. Because you may have to fuse a few spirits together before you start that process to get their genes high enough to finish it.

Equipment absolutely counts. You can get 11 free magic through gear by using a mage focus, magic armor, and any of the +5 weapons. The orb is common, so I usually use that.

If you can get them, you can use five magic potions for an extra 5 base magic strength. But I never bother with that.

Xhana, Avy's friend, has an event that'll boost your magic after you convert her mana into magic like 3-5 times.

I don't know about perks. I don't think there's any you can get that'll boost your magic strength for the MC, but I might be wrong. I'm playing on a fresh save, and I honestly can't remember everything you can unlock when starting a game.
Gotcha, now I really get it. If I were to be lazy af, I could do something like 8 spirits with 1hp (for example) for one with 4hp, right? The hard part is now trying to remember the traits part, which I might have to come back quite a bit to check your post.
Last question: You said we only need one lvl20 spirit right? Can you duplicate it somehow? I remember reading on the wiki that slime girls can copy form, but is that just appearance or is it more?
Well then, thanks for putting up with me! I think I'll be good for a while after that one last question.


Feb 20, 2021
About Druid OP combination methods, first you need to get Adaptation from Druid's Dexterity skill tree. Adaptation allows you to take and grant special traits onto your new created Unit and Seedlings. This is quite important.

Then, you should take the Seedling Evolution + from Druid's Strength skill tree. This allows Seedlings to gain 4 Max level every time they reshape, making it faster to create a level 20 gene unit.

The first things you need to know is that depending on what OP unit you want to create, you should pay attention to what main damage they deal. For example, a Seedling dragon depend on Strength, so you should focus on getting Strength to level 10. Some HP too, but really, damage is the most important things.

Also, use Adaptation to pick up any interesting special trait that can help that play style.

For example, I want to make a level 20, 10 Magic, 10 Mana Kitsune.

First, I create a dozen Seedlings. They usually come with better Gene if you have better magic. Then, I pick out the Seedlings with the highest amount of Magic and Mana. I choose Fusion focus in Farm to make it faster for Druid.

When two Seedlings have the same amount of Magic and Mana, I fuse them together to increase their magic and mana to the next level. I don't pay much attention to Level and other stats so it is relatively Crystal cheap.

I keep fusing until their is a level 8 or higher magic stat Seedlings that was born.

Next I go onto trait.

You can only put 1 trait on 1 unit at a time with Adaptation. However, two units with different Traits can be fused (choose their trait in the fusing screen) to create a new unit with both of their traits.

This create a unit with 2 trait of your choosing.

You do it two pair of Seedlings to create 2 units with 4 different trait of your choosing. Then you fuse both seedlings to get a unit with 5 traits of your choosing.

Choose the best traits for your OP unit. You can get trait from other unit, either from spawn seedling for some basic Trait, or you can spend money to get some random unit from the king or tavern with good trait. The King's unit has random trait. I usually cheat a bit by reloading a save and then spending money to see if I can get good trait.

Now you should have 2 Seedlings. One seedlings with all the trait, and one seedling with level 8+ magic and mana.

Now, you should start leveling the Seedling with 8+ magic and mana. Everytime you max level it, you can choose to reshape it, causing it to gain 4 levels. So a level 8 Seedlings > level 12 > level 16 > level 20.

Normally I stop at Level 15 when I don't have a convenient methods to level up my character.

You then evolve that Seedling to a Seedling Dragon. You should probably use 2 level 15 Seedling Dragons to kill the King and tore his heart out to gain the Sacrifice ability.

Now you can click on your level 15+ Seedling and choose to sacrifice it to your Kitsune. However, wait a minute, the Kitsune is still low level.

What happen is that that Kitsune gain gene level instead of level. So you breed the Kitsune in the farm, and its offspring will inherit all of the gene level being the actual Level 15+, Magic 8+, Mana 8+ Kitsune.

Then, you sacrifice the Seedling with all the Traits to give Kitsune all the traits.

After you have gain sacrifice, it is really fast to graft trait onto your OP units by fusing a bunch of Seedlings giving them trait you want and then sacrificing them for the Unit you want.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2021
I can't seem to find the answer to this, so if it has been asked already, I am sorry. I downloaded the linux package for 16.0.1 and set the .x86_64 as executable. My file structure looks like the examples throughout the threads, and all my drivers and software libraries are up to date. However, whenever I attempt to start the game, the screen flashes black as if it is opening, and then closes. the only terminal messages are as follows:
Set current directory to /home/usr/Downloads/PoP_linux_V0.16.0.1
Found path: /home/usr/Downloads/PoP_linux_V0.16.0.1/PoP_V0.16.0.1_linux.x86_64
Aborted (core dumped)
I know nothing about the linux version, sorry. Hopefully someone will be along eventually who does.

Gotcha, now I really get it. If I were to be lazy af, I could do something like 8 spirits with 1hp (for example) for one with 4hp, right? The hard part is now trying to remember the traits part, which I might have to come back quite a bit to check your post.
Last question: You said we only need one lvl20 spirit right? Can you duplicate it somehow? I remember reading on the wiki that slime girls can copy form, but is that just appearance or is it more?
Well then, thanks for putting up with me! I think I'll be good for a while after that one last question.
Yup, that's exactly right. You can go from 8 spirits with 1 health gene to one with with 4 in health.
8 combines down to 4, with 2 in health.
4 combines down to 2, with 3 in health.
2 combines down to 1, with 4 in health.

Don't calculate how much it'll take to go from zero points to 10 points. It becomes a lot lol

The perks part sounds a lot more confusing than it actually is. It's actually really easy. You're just dealing with a lot of perks at once, so it sounds more hard. Just play around with it, you'll get the hang of it fast. The only real trick is just getting as many perks on the parents as possible so you can choose more at a time.

And I'm honestly not sure about that last question.

But with spirits, it's actually really easy to boost them to 20. They get double XP. Even more if you add in the intelligence perk and maybe the light affinity perk. Like, Aila can give them 6-8 levels each time you train one. I just spam them with xp potions. It's easy and enough to boost them that I haven't felt the need to copy them in any way.

If you're using seedlings, there's a perk in the strength tree that lets them get extra levels when reshaping. That saves a lot of time.

And I keep talking about spirits and Evo tricks when you were talking about the druid. Luckily, someone just replied explaining the far weirder druid method lol

It's pretty similar in concept, I just forgot about the sacrifice part, sorry.


May 30, 2018
Wooh, that's crazy. Never seen that lol

What's the full set up? Who are you playing and all that?
Playing as the Druid. Everything's on normal set up (Difficulty etc).

Only started new game plus after clearing the final mission and found this out when tried dating. Dating anyone will bring this up.

Restarting the game doesn't help so probably time to move on to a new save data I guess.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2021
Playing as the Druid. Everything's on normal set up (Difficulty etc).

Only started new game plus after clearing the final mission and found this out when tried dating. Dating anyone will bring this up.

Restarting the game doesn't help so probably time to move on to a new save data I guess.
I just tried it, and it seems to just be a NG+ issue.

As soon as I loaded NG+ on any of my finished games it did the same thing.
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May 15, 2018
Spirits are fairly good source of levels and genes, but is dependent on magic power and whenever you have the will to level them without having them to be killed or doing nothing in a fight - I prefer leveling them up by rank-up arena, because with a proper team, you'll be making both high level fighters and evolved spirits in no time - especially with trainer profession. And unstable portals, because of how on average they have stronger enemies that also means more experience and rewards.

I prefer using stone element, due to how durable they are compared to other spirits, resulting in more levels and less lost experience due to getting injured or especially killed, slowing the adjacent enemies down and because the final evolutions for it has 2 outliners; the rock guardian with ability to throw smaller characters into others to kill 2 birds with 1 stone and powerful earthquake ability that hits all characters on the same tile as itself other than water, and gem girl, by far the strongest elite spellcaster(that isn't reliant on sacrifices that is)in terms of magic power and skills that ensure that you'll hit more than 1 enemy, but difficult to acquire that way due to 0 health gene requirement - so you'll have to recruit wild ones instead, or hire one from tavern.

Anyway, to refute on earlier discovery; the restoration skill doesn't scale with magic power, but the one used by the event seraph you can get by protecting the giant seraph still uses it, probably the only source of targetable healing that still goes by the old formula of magic power.

The seedling dragon strength growth is now 1.7 compared to previous 2.0, which makes it compete with other creatures with similar power, if not higher, but it is still an fairly powerful air mount.

Oh and the holy spirits shield passive instead of giving it an damage immunity shield or 50% of max health shield like the shielding trait that is changed into, it just gains exactly 1 point of shield hp - meaning they are more useless at the moment until the patch fixes everything that is currently messed up.

Arashi Blitz

Nov 16, 2016
About Druid OP combination methods, first you need to get Adaptation from Druid's Dexterity skill tree. Adaptation allows you to take and grant special traits onto your new created Unit and Seedlings. This is quite important.

Then, you should take the Seedling Evolution + from Druid's Strength skill tree. This allows Seedlings to gain 4 Max level every time they reshape, making it faster to create a level 20 gene unit.

The first things you need to know is that depending on what OP unit you want to create, you should pay attention to what main damage they deal. For example, a Seedling dragon depend on Strength, so you should focus on getting Strength to level 10. Some HP too, but really, damage is the most important things.

Also, use Adaptation to pick up any interesting special trait that can help that play style.

For example, I want to make a level 20, 10 Magic, 10 Mana Kitsune.

First, I create a dozen Seedlings. They usually come with better Gene if you have better magic. Then, I pick out the Seedlings with the highest amount of Magic and Mana. I choose Fusion focus in Farm to make it faster for Druid.

When two Seedlings have the same amount of Magic and Mana, I fuse them together to increase their magic and mana to the next level. I don't pay much attention to Level and other stats so it is relatively Crystal cheap.

I keep fusing until their is a level 8 or higher magic stat Seedlings that was born.

Next I go onto trait.

You can only put 1 trait on 1 unit at a time with Adaptation. However, two units with different Traits can be fused (choose their trait in the fusing screen) to create a new unit with both of their traits.

This create a unit with 2 trait of your choosing.

You do it two pair of Seedlings to create 2 units with 4 different trait of your choosing. Then you fuse both seedlings to get a unit with 5 traits of your choosing.

Choose the best traits for your OP unit. You can get trait from other unit, either from spawn seedling for some basic Trait, or you can spend money to get some random unit from the king or tavern with good trait. The King's unit has random trait. I usually cheat a bit by reloading a save and then spending money to see if I can get good trait.

Now you should have 2 Seedlings. One seedlings with all the trait, and one seedling with level 8+ magic and mana.

Now, you should start leveling the Seedling with 8+ magic and mana. Everytime you max level it, you can choose to reshape it, causing it to gain 4 levels. So a level 8 Seedlings > level 12 > level 16 > level 20.

Normally I stop at Level 15 when I don't have a convenient methods to level up my character.

You then evolve that Seedling to a Seedling Dragon. You should probably use 2 level 15 Seedling Dragons to kill the King and tore his heart out to gain the Sacrifice ability.

Now you can click on your level 15+ Seedling and choose to sacrifice it to your Kitsune. However, wait a minute, the Kitsune is still low level.

What happen is that that Kitsune gain gene level instead of level. So you breed the Kitsune in the farm, and its offspring will inherit all of the gene level being the actual Level 15+, Magic 8+, Mana 8+ Kitsune.

Then, you sacrifice the Seedling with all the Traits to give Kitsune all the traits.

After you have gain sacrifice, it is really fast to graft trait onto your OP units by fusing a bunch of Seedlings giving them trait you want and then sacrificing them for the Unit you want.
I know nothing about the linux version, sorry. Hopefully someone will be along eventually who does.

Yup, that's exactly right. You can go from 8 spirits with 1 health gene to one with with 4 in health.
8 combines down to 4, with 2 in health.
4 combines down to 2, with 3 in health.
2 combines down to 1, with 4 in health.

Don't calculate how much it'll take to go from zero points to 10 points. It becomes a lot lol

The perks part sounds a lot more confusing than it actually is. It's actually really easy. You're just dealing with a lot of perks at once, so it sounds more hard. Just play around with it, you'll get the hang of it fast. The only real trick is just getting as many perks on the parents as possible so you can choose more at a time.

And I'm honestly not sure about that last question.

But with spirits, it's actually really easy to boost them to 20. They get double XP. Even more if you add in the intelligence perk and maybe the light affinity perk. Like, Aila can give them 6-8 levels each time you train one. I just spam them with xp potions. It's easy and enough to boost them that I haven't felt the need to copy them in any way.

If you're using seedlings, there's a perk in the strength tree that lets them get extra levels when reshaping. That saves a lot of time.

And I keep talking about spirits and Evo tricks when you were talking about the druid. Luckily, someone just replied explaining the far weirder druid method lol

It's pretty similar in concept, I just forgot about the sacrifice part, sorry.
Spirits are fairly good source of levels and genes, but is dependent on magic power and whenever you have the will to level them without having them to be killed or doing nothing in a fight - I prefer leveling them up by rank-up arena, because with a proper team, you'll be making both high level fighters and evolved spirits in no time - especially with trainer profession. And unstable portals, because of how on average they have stronger enemies that also means more experience and rewards.

I prefer using stone element, due to how durable they are compared to other spirits, resulting in more levels and less lost experience due to getting injured or especially killed, slowing the adjacent enemies down and because the final evolutions for it has 2 outliners; the rock guardian with ability to throw smaller characters into others to kill 2 birds with 1 stone and powerful earthquake ability that hits all characters on the same tile as itself other than water, and gem girl, by far the strongest elite spellcaster(that isn't reliant on sacrifices that is)in terms of magic power and skills that ensure that you'll hit more than 1 enemy, but difficult to acquire that way due to 0 health gene requirement - so you'll have to recruit wild ones instead, or hire one from tavern.

Anyway, to refute on earlier discovery; the restoration skill doesn't scale with magic power, but the one used by the event seraph you can get by protecting the giant seraph still uses it, probably the only source of targetable healing that still goes by the old formula of magic power.

The seedling dragon strength growth is now 1.7 compared to previous 2.0, which makes it compete with other creatures with similar power, if not higher, but it is still an fairly powerful air mount.

Oh and the holy spirits shield passive instead of giving it an damage immunity shield or 50% of max health shield like the shielding trait that is changed into, it just gains exactly 1 point of shield hp - meaning they are more useless at the moment until the patch fixes everything that is currently messed up.
You guys are awesome. You should do something like a recopilatory post and paste everything in it and put it in the first page (or something like google docs and then paste the link to view). New players like me would be so glad to have that; The wiki helps, but is far from being a super reliable source of data (be for stats, items or tips).
Oct 5, 2020
Chiming in with experience boosts - if you raise Aila relationship to 100, you can build a training building that gives +50% exp boost. In addition to spirits x2 and light affinity's +50% exp bonus... Holy spirit that's a lot of exp for spirits.

This is why choosing Aila as the initial partner is so attractive (perhaps even worth the 10 points cost?). Really ramps the leveling curve up.

She also comes with Trainer trait, but I find her training-fu is a bit weak...

Well, at the very least, she's the most powerful partner to have in early game. She obliterates everything!
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Feb 20, 2021
I dunno how I feel about all the nerf to the Seedling Dragons tbh. If it is reduced to normal unit power level, it shouldn't be a special unit. And Seedlings were supposed to be one of the unique thing for Druid. As the way the balance sheet is currently going, I'm going to need to learn how to Evo because I get the feeling Druid isn't going to be viable for long and Evo hasn't been changed that much.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2021
You guys are awesome. You should do something like a recopilatory post and paste everything in it and put it in the first page (or something like google docs and then paste the link to view). New players like me would be so glad to have that; The wiki helps, but is far from being a super reliable source of data (be for stats, items or tips).
I'm sorta, half-assedly working on that. But I just had to scrape half of it with this patch and I've been too busy playing to work on it in a serious way lol

Chiming in with experience boosts - if you raise Aila relationship to 100, you can build a training building that gives +50% exp boost. In addition to spirits x2 and light affinity's +50% exp bonus... Holy spirit that's a lot of exp for spirits.

This is why choosing Aila as the initial partner is so attractive (perhaps even worth the 10 points cost?). Really ramps the leveling curve up.

She also comes with Trainer trait, but I find her training-fu is a bit weak...

Well, at the very least, she's the most powerful partner to have in early game. She obliterates everything!
The power of the famous perk. You can start with both of them with enough rep to date on day one. Recruiting Cas on day one is awesome for your brothel score lol

The chick who runs the brothel is also worth grabbing. Last game she had a brothel value of 2700. I don't think I've seen anyone beat that.

I dunno how I feel about all the nerf to the Seedling Dragons tbh. If it is reduced to normal unit power level, it shouldn't be a special unit. And Seedlings were supposed to be one of the unique thing for Druid. As the way the balance sheet is currently going, I'm going to need to learn how to Evo because I get the feeling Druid isn't going to be viable for long and Evo hasn't been changed that much.
That's kind of how I feel about most of the elites right now.

And Evo's fun. She's got two main things going for her. The first is that you can add a perk to anyone (or two, but at huge expense). So you can do things like add the Royal perk to everyone in the brothel.

She also has the ability to change her own species to fit your playstyle. She has like 5 unique species, and then she can basically become another species you've used ritual on. This lets her be way more useful end game than the other two, IMO. You can turn her into a combat powerhouse that'll rival some of your crazy min/maxed characters.

Also handy is her chimera form, which lets you change every body part based on who you've ritualed with. This is how I do things like get 40+ magic strength for creating spirits.

Arashi Blitz

Nov 16, 2016
I'm sorta, half-assedly working on that. But I just had to scrape half of it with this patch and I've been too busy playing to work on it in a serious way lol
Well, if you ever do finish it I'd gladly read it. You (and the others aswell) did a good job explaining it to me, so imagine how useful it'll be for someone that actually has a brain unlike me xD
Also, today I got to the last portal but I'm unable to beat crea, and since I can't win I assume I don't get the NG+... If I start a new game, do I keep everthing I unlocked? (I assume so)


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2021
Well, if you ever do finish it I'd gladly read it. You (and the others aswell) did a good job explaining it to me, so imagine how useful it'll be for someone that actually has a brain unlike me xD
Also, today I got to the last portal but I'm unable to beat crea, and since I can't win I assume I don't get the NG+... If I start a new game, do I keep everthing I unlocked? (I assume so)
If you restart, you can just consider the non-finished save as a loss. Everything you've unlocked will still be unlocked for your next game. And yeah, you won't be able to enter NG+.

That said, NG+ may not be worth doing right now. It looks like the dating mini game is bugged in NG+.

Plus, at least personally speaking, going through the challenge ranks is more fun lol
Oct 5, 2020
Unlocks are permanent, yes, and you don't have to finish the game either. It's great, you can play a few quick games tailored to specific unlocks, then you try for 300% or even 600% difficulty games that have sweet unlocks.


May 15, 2018
Unlocks are permanent, yes, and you don't have to finish the game either. It's great, you can play a few quick games tailored to specific unlocks, then you try for 300% or even 600% difficulty games that have sweet unlocks.
Second that, extra jobs and traits that make it more fun are good to have, though some traits/jobs like battlemaster, focused, cook/swimmer feel often a waste of points, because of either better alternatives of them existing, or because they quickly become obsolete, like cook, because you'll get a character who can either learn or already has it as a learned skill, eagle eyed, because your main character won't have the highest vision anyway, and so on. Not to mention that camping on overworld is often a waste of valuable time, unless you are really in a bad spot and have to heal yourself.

Chiming in with experience boosts - if you raise Aila relationship to 100, you can build a training building that gives +50% exp boost. In addition to spirits x2 and light affinity's +50% exp bonus... Holy spirit that's a lot of exp for spirits.

This is why choosing Aila as the initial partner is so attractive (perhaps even worth the 10 points cost?). Really ramps the leveling curve up.

She also comes with Trainer trait, but I find her training-fu is a bit weak...

Well, at the very least, she's the most powerful partner to have in early game. She obliterates everything!
The training room boost applies specifically for teacher profession in home, I think - it says so. Which is still slower than combat training, but good to have once resources are abundant and you have a level 25+ character to train others.

I prefer using the partner trait on the brothel lady, because as she mentions it during the explanation, that the earlier you use the brothel, the more money you'll earn in the long run, and she wasn't wrong; when I had a run without the partner trait, and where I had no good ladies to send to work for it, I had hefty money problems, like during my first run(but not to point of debt, thankfully)and not much guests who could pay for it, but also because you'll get others fairly quickly as opposed to her(she needs 5+ lust characters, which takes a good amount of time, while others require their tasks or natural things, all of which are much faster overall). Protecting her during the day 1 rank-ups is quite a task when you have basic characters and equipment(unless you have stronger starters + prepared), but the endeavor is worth it.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2021
I prefer using the partner trait on the brothel lady, because as she mentions it during the explanation, that the earlier you use the brothel, the more money you'll earn in the long run, and she wasn't wrong; when I had a run without the partner trait, and where I had no good ladies to send to work for it, I had hefty money problems, like during my first run(but not to point of debt, thankfully)and not much guests who could pay for it, but also because you'll get others fairly quickly as opposed to her(she needs 5+ lust characters, which takes a good amount of time, while others require their tasks or natural things, all of which are much faster overall). Protecting her during the day 1 rank-ups is quite a task when you have basic characters and equipment(unless you have stronger starters + prepared), but the endeavor is worth it.
I'm not entirely convinced that the partner trait is worth while anymore. Use famous instead.

With the new dating system, I recruited her on day two. Along with Cas, who I got on day one even. Famous allows you to skip the downside of the initial argument between her and Aila. You can side with Cas, giving you enough rep to recruit her after two dates, while still having enough rep with Aila to use her training option.
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