
Apr 11, 2019
The futa potion is from Avy's quest line, get her relationship up and then go to the lake to summon
Xhana (strongest character in game) then you just need to get Avy's pet's mana up to a base of 100 via its devour skill thingy and evolve it into the portal monster. Then you open a portal to their world and unlock the recipe when you first enter it.

And lastly you need to find a bloodfruit and then take it back and give it to the plant girl in the forest area so she can grow it.
wtf? no. Avy's portal does unlock a new futa potion recipe, after a ton of grinding to get the portal in the first place, but you START with a futa potion recipe. On day 0. All starts. It's 30 semen & 30 milk. Even if you somehow didn't have that recipe, it's dramatically easier to get futa potions from castalia, who sells them after you contribute some amount of library submissions.
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Dec 2, 2016
wtf? no. Avy's portal does unlock a new futa potion recipe, after a ton of grinding to get the portal in the first place, but you START with a futa potion recipe. On day 0. All starts. It's 30 semen & 30 milk. Even if you somehow didn't have that recipe, it's dramatically easier to get futa potions from castalia, who sells them after you contribute some amount of library submissions.
Yeah just now noticed that as well.
Maybe the recipes you unlock via avy portal are random or somethin, not sure why else it would be one of the recipes since the other is vastly easier to do.


New Member
Jul 24, 2017
This might come in handy for some people that might want to cheat without flagging their savefile as cheated one. I'm assuming most people here knows how to use basic functions of Cheat engine.
It is a Cheat Engine Table file with two functions: read and modify main player Stamina and Action Points in combat. It has been through limited testing on game version, on Evolution, it may not work on other player characters. Since its my first time learning what pointers mean in CE it may not work 100% of the time.
First of the addresses read into the Unityplayer.dll file whereas the second options read into the mono-2.0-bdwgc.dll file. Second file seems to be one that gives the most stable results. Do not lock or modify the two of the same cheat address at the same time. The table file should be placed in the "Documents/My Cheat Tables" folder for CE to auto detect it when you attach into the game's process.
Load a saved game and then attach CE for the addresses to update.
If CE reads to the correct memory address it should show a number under the value column.
If it fails to read it will show ?? under the value or a value that is not correlating to the game. Example shown below.
If all the values show ?? or the value that you want to modify is ?? close the game, relaunch it and attach CE again and see if it works.
The cheats should persist through loading transitions, if it breaks then load the same save file again. Resources like stone, crystals, gold and wood have not been included since you can modify them once to 9,999,999 and be done with them practically forever for that save file. Any confirmation on whether or now if this works on Druid or Creation would be welcome.
By downloading and using the cheat table, you waive any responsibility over Cheat Engine crashing your game or corrupting your save data, (idk how it might do that but i don't know for sure it won't do that).
CE CT Download:


Apr 24, 2017
Any of you guys have an Idea of how I can breed a light spirit to have a catalyst trait? Its hard looking for Light/Shadow spirits that have the Light/Shadow afinity along with Catalyst just for a Celestial.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2019
All three heroes/characters have a way to learn and add traits to spirits. The easiest way is to summon spirits whenever you are waiting and have too much stamina and check the bar for the traits on the mercs/recruitable girls.

Not every run will be successful, especially if you are playing a short game. Thus, as you replay the game, you'll learn to prepare for a few things you might wanna do later on, chance permitting.

Angela hot

New Member
Nov 3, 2018
Unlocks everything as of 2022-01-10 ( Originally created on Linux.

I guess instructions are needed (for some people?):

Place into PoP_V*_Data/saveData, overwriting your own. You must use new saves for Unlockables to work, no matter who creates them. And I can't believe this needs to be said: Use exact filename and make sure you're not some idiot one using Windows without file-extensions shown... >_>

Edit: This was created with some assumption and may very well work on future versions (unless author changes some things). Just Quote me and I'll update it. Try to only do that if it is something that you can't easily do.
I think it's not working
Forget it already fixit I'm just dumb
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Active Member
Jan 24, 2020
It's come to my attention that I always seem to have trouble deciding between breeding and fusing focus. I find fusing more practical and less random than breeding (largely because I tend to hoard truckloads of characters that I would otherwise never use throughout a run) but I also can't deny the benefits of breeding, despite the rng involved.

The problem is, I don't think I've been using breeding properly other than to farm specific fluids/materials, so I've been trying to pick that focus and sort of make myself learn its ins and outs, because I can't help but feel I'm missing out on something decent otherwise.
To that end... is the farmer profession a must-have when focusing on breeding, or is it just a nice extra? I find that I usually get more mileage out of fusing, despite the crystal costs, when it comes to increasing genetic levels and maxlevel, so I'm wondering if I have to pick that profession to make breeding worthwhile as a main focus in the long run, or if I'm just missing something else entirely.


Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2018
She said forget it :D
"Forget it already fixit I'm just dumb" The part that throws me off is the “fixit”. I'm the kind of guy who ignores text messages from short-speakers because I don't understand them, particularly when they lack punctuation.


Nov 10, 2019
It's come to my attention that I always seem to have trouble deciding between breeding and fusing focus. I find fusing more practical and less random than breeding (largely because I tend to hoard truckloads of characters that I would otherwise never use throughout a run) but I also can't deny the benefits of breeding, despite the rng involved.

The problem is, I don't think I've been using breeding properly other than to farm specific fluids/materials, so I've been trying to pick that focus and sort of make myself learn its ins and outs, because I can't help but feel I'm missing out on something decent otherwise.
To that end... is the farmer profession a must-have when focusing on breeding, or is it just a nice extra? I find that I usually get more mileage out of fusing, despite the crystal costs, when it comes to increasing genetic levels and maxlevel, so I'm wondering if I have to pick that profession to make breeding worthwhile as a main focus in the long run, or if I'm just missing something else entirely.
Breeding is just slower than fusing, since you can just chain-fuse stuff upwards if you've got the focus. Farmer is a nice bonus rather than a must.
The combo farmer profession+fusion focus is pretty great though! it effectively negates all downsides of the fusion focus, and you get a 4th hatchery room upgrade on top of the bonus potion recipes and stuff.

Best mileage will always have you both breed and fuse units in the end, but i agree the fusion focus can feel more practical. Breeding focus lets you afk breed stuff and replace your breeding pairs each time a new gen hatches because the chances you got the max gene roll are very high.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2019
"Forget it already fixit I'm just dumb" The part that throws me off is the “fixit”. I'm the kind of guy who ignores text messages from short-speakers because I don't understand them, particularly when they lack punctuation.
I get it. My gander is she (since Angela is generally a female name) wanted to write "Forget it, already fixed it. I'm just dumb." since the d and t do often roll together when pronounced.
Oct 5, 2020
I get it. My gander is she (since Angela is generally a female name) wanted to write "Forget it, already fixed it. I'm just dumb." since the d and t do often roll together when pronounced.
My guess is that they are one of those people with keyboards that have tacks glued to keys, so they want to type as few letters as possible in order to limit the owpain.
  • Haha
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Active Member
Jan 24, 2020
Best mileage will always have you both breed and fuse units in the end, but i agree the fusion focus can feel more practical. Breeding focus lets you afk breed stuff and replace your breeding pairs each time a new gen hatches because the chances you got the max gene roll are very high.
Given my strange addiction to collecting every stray non-unique character that I come across and then either fusing them away just to see what I get (I've purposely avoided special hybrid spoilers just so I can accidentally stumble upon them myself), or just to level them up and then hand them over to Castalia, I always gravitate towards fusion.

When it comes to breeding, honestly I've mostly been half-assed about the whole thing. I use it to slowly max out the genes of whoever will eventually be on my map clearing team(s) for the late game, but most of the time I either forget who is breeding what (or that there's ongoing breeding at all), check another area to do something else and completely forget about the farm, or just forget to swap out the older breeding pairs and then be left wondering why the genes aren't improving. Maybe picking farmer and centering a playthrough around breeding as a mechanic would help me improve.

Though I've also been having surprising amounts of fun with that bot building profession I keep forgetting the name of. Mechanic? Mechanist? The things end up packing a punch even early on, despite the very short supply of mythril.


Nov 15, 2017
How do you unlock the futa and titjob scenes for Lumira?
iirc you need to have that specific action on you date deck and then just use it when dating her, most of the NPC CGs can be unlocked by dating them multiple times and trying things.

Also, can someone tell me the ID for the game lenght? accidentally used the very long one and now i'm kinda of waiting for things to happen, i played around with the freeplay to learn how things work without having to worry about things but i forgot that 140 days is a REALLY long time on this game, i'm 15 days in and i already have a stable income of gold, food and materials, now i'm working on having a stable source of crafting materials, especially fairy dust since i need those for the exp pots, also, does anyone knows of a good way to farm light shards? the max lvl pots need those and i'm trying to find a easy way to get them, so far only beating the shit out of light based creatures has worked for me.

Edit: I see a lot of people saying that Xhana is the char with the greatest potential, but to me that spot is taken by Phy, she gets a max lvl up every perfect date, that means she gets a max lvl every day, i know it seems like low, but it's not as grindy as Xhana, you can do both of them, by taking Xhana on a grind fest and then dating Phy after coming back, and then there's also Avy, she gets Guardian genes after her quest, that means she gets soul drain, you can use the fusion strategy in the wiki to get her to a really high max level, max 50 ( possibly higher because max lvl pot ) since the fusion strat has 35 fusions plus 15 from her base max lvl, if you do her quest, then get enough potential potions to zero her lvl then do the fusion strat and lvl her to max again after that you get a fucking monster that can basically steam roll the entire game, also you can save a really good starter char with lot's of growth traits ( ideally a vampire since i don't know if growth traits affect the growth values the soul drain skill takes ) and the god trait for the end of the strat, after all this and lvling her to max, you will have just created the ultimate overlord of phereon, capable of turning people into a bloody mist with nothing but a sigh, also, she likes your dick, so all's well with life

This is a really nice game, had it laying around and had actually forgotten about it, then i got the cof and had to stay stuck at home for 2~3 weeks so i finally got around to playing it, kinda addicted to it right now, and persona 4 golden, because persona 4 golden
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Active Member
Jan 24, 2020
there's also Avy, she gets Guardian genes after her quest
I believe Avy has guardian genes as soon as you get her, that's how I've been getting my own guardians relatively early. Whether that's intended or an oversight from the dev, I can't say.


Nov 15, 2017
I believe Avy has guardian genes as soon as you get her, that's how I've been getting my own guardians relatively early. Whether that's intended or an oversight from the dev, I can't say.
i was talking about unique\npc characters but you can breed guardians with her even before she get's the dominant guardian genes, but i don't think making a bunch of guardians is a good idea, since you need to sacrifice certain characters in a certain order for them to get really strong making a bunch of them makes that a chore and really difficult i think, need to look into that


New Member
Jan 31, 2020
Completed the game for the first time (After spending a good time on the free play) right now... and it was pretty hard, so I came here to see what I could do to be able to beat the game more easily. But it didn't help a lot, I don't have idea how to make all the things that were recommended here, so I have some questions!

1 - What it's the best way to get new characters with different traits? Almost every character that I found had the same traits. Just the NPCs had a different one. Every trait that I found here on the forum, I don't have idea how to get them.

2 - People keep talking about food, I just let the game buy for me... Money is never a problem when you can dance, I'm in the wrong doing that? Should I be buying food?

3 - What are the best races? Normally I just get the ones with best stats, skills, traits and breed/fusion them. Centaurs always have priority, I have 2 on my team.

4 - How do I get more characters events? There's a lot of characters in the gallery that I don't have idea how to get. I imagine that most of them are some in the city and others inside the portals. And how do I get the events of characters that I already got, I tried to have date with them and do their mission, but their events looks random.

5 - Lust team are worth it? I couldn't make it work.

6 - Game length matters? New content will be available after the first 60 days, or it's the same content with different difficulty?

That's it, if you have something to add, I would love some tips.
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