
May 15, 2018
When going through the ranks, I prefer speedrunning it via alternative path(which also works at ranks beyond what you normally want, but I still wait for more, I think up to 30 ranks but anything above is just not worth it without a change of the system), but otherwise, going for short games and accumulating power while testing various starts and synergies that I will learn and keep for future plays. Well, I do admit everyone needs optimal results, and so am I, spending from minutes to hours thinking of optimal results, especially when saves and lives are limited, and when not, to ensure it won't bite me later on. But forget my past rivalries, my thoughts on something I forgot to mention...

So yes, now everyone with sexual affinity is a better worker than one without, even if they are not able to reach highest beauty easily, purely because of much faster speed to train them(which makes the insect queen quest easier by training mosquito girls if you cannot breed full energy characters for some reason, as well tavern ones that require skilled characters, especially the highest skill, the god level).

Turns out, you can actually adapt yourself as shapeshifter and use potions to adapt yourself more, which is somewhat balanced, but still doesn't deny potential power of stacking powerful traits like lumbering, ancient power, and others on demand. Sure, you can't summon powerful things on demand including good growth special forms if you ever get them, or having exceptional plant synergy with solid characters that consume no food, but being a strong body that can have fastest travel time with support transform, highest carry capacity with strength one, summoning 10 gene spirits with max level and full magic bonuses in skill tree and so on makes up for (if any)shortcomings they have.

And the casual modifier penalty is well, mostly just hurts non-farmer/breeding focus farming, the recruitment is still mostly defeat non-valuable enemies and recruit the last one, with exception of creatures of course. And by late game, you will make so much produce, that the penalty mostly gets rid of lower gene characters before they are even created, but for good ones you now have to spend crystals of course to make sure they will be made. Alongside traits like stable and with good incubating character, slow hatching.

The shows still have rather unimpressive characters, that even if they join you for free, they are not worth it due to fact their richness is well, goes like this - poor ones are level 5's with appropriate stats, medium ones are level 10 with stats of a rank C tavern recruit, while rich ones are level 15 on average, being comparable to rank B-A and not even S rank, while also being difficult to recruit due to their rather low chance which gets even lower with casual modifier itself. Still waiting when shows at max rank still give out reward points for either unlocking the other path rewards, and/or generic rewards from beyond that point.

But the most value however was well, tavern recruits - while casual modifier makes them...pretty much a late-game thing, the special job/trait that gives divine favors can make them free, especially on challenge rank that makes them even more expensive to point of unaffordable in general, while also skipping low-pay shows by advancing you to next rank where they are actually giving you money at great efficiency. Unless you play the druid, but free high rank recruits is still worth it, meaning the money problems it may have is pretty much none, surpassing other money making professions by itself alone.

And robots work like anomaly trait - they can be mixed in tavern reward eggs at any level(which is annoying since they ruin the otherwise hybrid characters, but also give a strong character if you mix them with another robot or a non normal species), possible tavern/show recruits, arena fighters, and overworld enemies of course, that are beneficial despite their stronger stats because you can mass produce the otherwise 1-2 per run condensed crystals, while also making general encounters more desirable due to fact they drop valuable materials, that are good for mythril armor, crystal equipment, and of course, the mechanist profession that heavily relies on them.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2021
When going through the ranks, I prefer speedrunning it via alternative path(which also works at ranks beyond what you normally want, but I still wait for more, I think up to 30 ranks but anything above is just not worth it without a change of the system), but otherwise, going for short games and accumulating power while testing various starts and synergies that I will learn and keep for future plays. Well, I do admit everyone needs optimal results, and so am I, spending from minutes to hours thinking of optimal results, especially when saves and lives are limited, and when not, to ensure it won't bite me later on. But forget my past rivalries, my thoughts on something I forgot to mention...
What's your favorite speedrunning strat?

Turns out, you can actually adapt yourself as shapeshifter
Wait... what? How the fuck did I not know that? Is that new in this version? Am I really that fucking blind?

which is somewhat balanced
Oh, I disagree. Evo is already broken as hell if you know how to use her, and this is just straight up adding another 25-50% damage on top lmao

And the casual modifier penalty is well
It's good for Crea. I probably won't use it for the other two, but the random chance of unlocking broken species for Crea to create early is pretty nuts.[/quote]
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May 15, 2018
Yes, the casual modifier can get you things like energy girls, which are normally exclusive to 2 characters, seedlings, bosses with giant trait(which they lose if fused/bred and the fact they are capped at level 5 means you will have to breed/fuse them), and many other things excluding the special forms. But if they are in the pool...

I only thought the trait adaptation was balanced, but of course, it gives more power, forgive my ignorance, just saying the possible traits to use that are for menial needs, such as ones that boost other abilities, but the damage/health boosts(lumbering and such)are more important. Still, I am waiting when other characters get an actual specialty for once beyond being improper late-game bodies, like the creator well, being a support leader that boosts allies and/or debuffs enemies en masse beyond relying on slime terrain, the hidden power special that relies very heavily on it, but ends up being too slow to use in the first place when combat becomes decisive as game progresses. Or druid turning from a master of none into a nature specialist that instead of being only powerful because of being easy to use and having solid seedling characters like fairies/dragons/nymphs, to being the naturalist that the shapeshifter can only compare at best.

My own strategy is where you pick the strongest traits overall, namely setting the modifiers so you and your starters have 50 points to use and combat penalties/saves at minimum, while applying modifiers that do not affect the game much, like raiders/sparse/advancing combo, or ones that can be counteracted via traits, like rivalry, or ones that have minimal impact due to rushing things like taxes.

Then when it comes to jobs - if you are still have to reach rank 10, take god, since it gives level 20 starters and makes main character though enough to survive most threats, otherwise, the special profession, for obvious reasons.

Traits are where you need to have plenty, depending on what you run, but regardless of character, you need knowing, prepared, familiar, famous, and other traits that your character needs, if you play the shapeshifter/summoner, beautiful due to fact it allows you to run combat characters while you recruit enemies yourself, allowing stronger characters to take recruiters places. And the fact it helps with breeding in shapeshifters case, a powerful thing indeed to create the prettiest characters possible.

Starters - in the old system before the species essences were introduced, I used angel/shadow lizard combo due to how solid they are, but mainly because you either use characters with agile and they are too frail to last, or characters without and they are too slow to eliminate threats, but the focus skill on angel cleans that issue while having strong healing skills to defend allies. And its still strong, but if angel doesn't get focus skill, I suggest restarting a new game. Obviously, the new skill adaptation system means you can change their skill to what you need, but only the shapeshifter can do it freely I think, others have to use an adaptation cost, while lacking a potion to remove it in the first place and only on slimes/seedlings.

Now, with the new system, I got liking to light fox/eagle girl, due to fact having 2 beast essences gives a bonus to vision, allowing your main character to have 5 vision with eagle eyed + heightened sense traits, meaning you can afford not having a scout beyond yourself, which is also enough to teleport around at max range, and if you do have a scout, 6 vision means you can see just enough in unstable portals without relying on magic vision unless needed. And because those 2 characters are solid fighters, one is agile and other is a fighter/healer, and if you can afford it, you can give the light fox focus skill, which eliminates its weakness.

But anyway, back to the strategy itself - using the now level 10/15/20 starters, maybe with head start, but it doesn't give chance skills, so you have to adapt skills yourself on them in that case, you get a character, either from casual modifier or a town character via dating, and go fighting in arena, preferably with brothel lady since its very important to make money from a high rank character. Naturally at higher challenge ranks above 10 you will need a special job that gives divine favors due to initial challenge being beyond normal levels, but if you did that at day 1, you are set, expect you have to harvest resources so you will be strong enough to rush the alternative portal as soon as possible by completing portal tasks to get fragments.

You need to rush the portal warping character as early as possible, at day 5 via an essence portal, then visit regular unstable portals in order to get the portal cues with said character, naturally you need to have plenty of crystals, so water portals are the way to go.

Then, the hardest part - since the only characters you'll have as a result are the portal character, the insect mercenary, 2 of your starters and whichever the 5th character is, you have to ensure you are strong yourself, meaning you have to play the shapeshifter and use the special forms, and thanks to fact that you rushed it, the enemies in it are weaker(expect the boss, but fighting it at such strategy is suicide), which doesn't help with the fact they are still strong characters like assassins and oracles. And if you use hard mode trait, they will be stronger, so do hope you picked a strong trait to counteract faster scaling. Though if yo

So that's how I managed to rush through challenge ranks, by skipping the would be spent otherwise days by picking the fastest way to win the game, while also using it in order to advance beyond what you would need. Yes the game becomes somewhat unfun, but if the game only becomes harder as time goes on in highest challenge ranks, why not try to end it before the first king's quest is even completed in the first place?


Active Member
Jan 24, 2020
You need to rush the portal warping character as early as possible, at day 5 via an essence portal, then visit regular unstable portals in order to get the portal cues with said character, naturally you need to have plenty of crystals, so water portals are the way to go.
I was under the impression that you could only find her in artifact portals though, unless that changed too? If it did, it wasn't mentioned or I didn't see it.

As far as starters go, barring the very first run of the save where you're limited to the default centaur/plant girl, I usually pick light fox/shadow lizard, futafy (that's a word now) one of them so they can start producing the necessary materials for exp potions as soon as they become obsolete. The light fox's inherently decent beauty also makes for decent brothel offspring eventually.

Also after trying very long games, I can't do short games anymore, it just feels unsatisfying because I enjoy beefing up characters, whether it is the MC (evo is still broken) or special hybrids, just to see how they do in combat. My latest experiment was a lvl 100 holy seel. Those poor shadow creatures.

I tried the druid multiple times since my last rant last year but I have yet to have actual fun playing him. Still don't know if I'm doing something wrong, or just playing him wrong, if that's even possible.


Feb 20, 2021
So, I notice something new with Druid recently. There may be a new solo build (?)

The new hidden power trait allow druid to add Soul Fragment to any Seedling character. Soul Fragment can allow a lot of effect, but the most important part is that it grant each of the holder upto 3 strength and magic charge if the entire party has it. 1 Charge grant 50% strength/magic buff. It is strong enough.

However, each seedling after being born also can has their skill change by the druid (instead of adapting a new trait, you can have them learn 1 skill), and they can learn Final Power

Final Power kill them and transfer all their mana AND buff to the druid and it costs 0 mana

So even if the entire party consists of low level seedling, however, if each of them has 1 strength/magic charge, 5 of them grant a total buff of 250% strength/magic buff to the druid (500% or 750% (?)). So if you have a party of 5 seedling with soul fragment and Final Power, you can have a souped up Druid constantly. And you can regrow them after each battle.

However, admittedly Druid's own combat power ain't much so even that super power state mean nothing to late late end game.

I'm going to try it out

edit again: Oh wait, with Symbiosis and Diversity and creative team building, it can bring Druid up to 250% buff, still do nothing though.

Edit: I tested it. Each charge only give 10% buff, so even though Druid got 10 of those, it only translate to 100% increase in strength. Not really worth it
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Active Member
Jan 24, 2020
Decided to randomly browse the wiki and two things caught my attention. The overseer and the two alt ending bosses are listed under "uniques", it also says you can "get him/her" even though you can't really, not like all the others in the list. Or did I miss something in the game?

Cuska allegedly has an extra CG if you raise her sex skills. I've read this one before and the proceeded to not only lvl up her skills but also give her a ridiculous level but never got to see any new events related to her. What am I missing here? Or is that information outdated/wrong?


Nov 10, 2019
Decided to randomly browse the wiki and two things caught my attention. The overseer and the two alt ending bosses are listed under "uniques", it also says you can "get him/her" even though you can't really, not like all the others in the list. Or did I miss something in the game?

Cuska allegedly has an extra CG if you raise her sex skills. I've read this one before and the proceeded to not only lvl up her skills but also give her a ridiculous level but never got to see any new events related to her. What am I missing here? Or is that information outdated/wrong?
Some events only happen playing certain characters. For Cuska's event, you need to play Evo.

Also anything Unique/bosses can't be turned o your side by any means, artifacts and spells be damned.


Feb 20, 2021
I test the whole new Druid mechanic some more and here is what I found

Seedling's Final power skill only transfer magic/strength charge. Each charge grant 10% buff

The current easy way to gain magic charge with the new dynamic

Druid give the entire party 1 soul fragments each allowing everyone to now have 2 strength/magic charge

Druid FUSE the trait Amplified on everyone allowing everyone to have 1 more magic/strength charge .

Druid use support type, allowing everyone 2 magic/strength charge

Now about Essence

Diversity gives everyone 2 charges if they are different species (seedling, seedling monster, seedling dragon, seedling battery, seedling nymph are different species)

In total each member has 7 Magic/Strength Charge, with 5 member, Druid can be boosted to a beast that has 350% buff in every fight


Instead of using basic seedling, you use a line up of 5 different species that share the same genetic base, and get the Symbiosis essence. Symbiosis gives everyone 4 strength only charge. For a total of 200% strength buff. Then you change them into seedling

At which point the Druid is now hitting at 550% strength buff and 350% magic buff in every fight. If you can get the essence, it's still 250% buff. With good item and God trait, Druid average strength is 22, meaning at maximum he hits 121 strength and 77 magic and at minimum he has 55 strength and magic. His ceiling is much higher than Evolution.

Problem is that his skill aren't useful enough to properly utilize that. And really why would you go with this play style? When your entire party can mangle the other just fine with the 110% buff they can get instead of stacking all their buff onto the Druid. And at around level 27, a Liferoot hit that hard anyway, so why would you really bother making a super druid?

It's an interesting play style to be sure, a bigger stat stick than Evolution with permanent 121 strength and 77 magic every battle. But Druid cannot properly utilize it. Good for short and medium game though
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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2021
At which point the Druid is now hitting at 550% strength buff and 350% magic buff in every fight. If you can get the essence, it's still 250% buff. With good item and God trait, Druid average strength is 22, meaning at maximum he hits 121 strength and 77 magic and at minimum he has 55 strength and magic. His ceiling is much higher than Evolution.

Problem is that his skill aren't useful enough to properly utilize that. And really why would you go with this play style? When your entire party can mangle the other just fine with the 110% buff they can get instead of stacking all their buff onto the Druid. And at around level 27, a Liferoot hit that hard anyway, so why would you really bother making a super druid?

It's an interesting play style to be sure, a bigger stat stick than Evolution with permanent 121 strength and 77 magic every battle. But Druid cannot properly utilize it. Good for short and medium game though
I'm going to be honest, I was expecting that setup to be stronger. My normal end game Evo build end with her around 120 magic and 50 strength, but also has the skills to really make use of those stats. I always value magic over strength due to all the AOEs I like using basing their damage on magic. Even with melee builds with the volt blade now.

So yeah, I kind of agree with your "why would you go with this" conclusion. Seems like going way out of your way for not much of a boost.


Active Member
Jan 24, 2020
Kinda makes you wish he would come up with "average joe" MC that can only raise his strength and has access to all the hard hitting melee skills, just for the luls. I always found melee in the game to be so incredibly underwhelming beyond early game unless you're either evo, Shadow or Phy.

edit: I mean, I guess strength form exists but it'll never be as broken as magic form.
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Feb 20, 2021
I'm going to be honest, I was expecting that setup to be stronger. My normal end game Evo build end with her around 120 magic and 50 strength, but also has the skills to really make use of those stats. I always value magic over strength due to all the AOEs I like using basing their damage on magic. Even with melee builds with the volt blade now.

So yeah, I kind of agree with your "why would you go with this" conclusion. Seems like going way out of your way for not much of a boost.
It's actually not hard to get it set up, the problem is getting the essence . Like, if you set up a hatchery with potential modifier, and a breeder with Amplified trait passing it on to all of their children, the Druid is getting boosted to 250% Strength/Magic every battle extremely early game. But early game doesn't have the God trait to boost him further so it's like a permanent 30 strength in like day 10-15. Useless


May 15, 2018
Of course the shapeshifter has best magic for summoning maxed spirits, telekinetic bonus, spells, spectral sword, you name it, to point it eclipses anything else, and then there's new essence mechanic that allows you to get even stronger by stacking the passives, alongside amplified trait that gives a bonus to that. And then special forms bonuses, make it the master of all, besides summoning.

If only others got comparable powers, but we'll see. I would like the change of pace from powerful master of all into a specialized but powerful force, not a specialized force that is also inferior and harder to set up. Like being master of temporary but powerful summons for the creator, or a nature master for the druid who manipulates grass like no one else.

But hey, some things are game changers like the essence that gives growth bonus for every egg hatched, while others not so much, like one that gives water characters free water tiles that they could easily make themselves with skills, sure it costs action points, but that effect being a legendary is questionable to me. And hero profession disables essence portals, which is a fun change to get one of the strongest professions but useless thereafter beyond challenge, I can only wonder when a similar profession/traits get introduced that while generally making the game harder, often compensate with powerful effects. Or anything in the middle.

By the way, the unique devil character produces souls, which are useless if you are not soul reaper, but is very powerful indeed. Has a trait that improves stacking physical/magical damage bonus(and its an unlockable), which with new elemental mechanic can prove very powerful or improving things like berserker trait, all at the cost of fact that non stabilized normal portals will have only 1 day before closing, plus morale penalty. If only uniques were useful beyond mid-game, due to fact you cannot improve their genes besides slow methods like gene adapters, or costly ones like soul reapers potions, or using druids seedling sacrifice which is character specific and doesn't do much for characters that already leveled up, the main issue itself.


Active Member
Jan 24, 2020
I would argue that most professions, while not entirely useless, are really only there for the sake of variety, or if you want to try something different for a change. At least I found myself only using Trainer, Doctor (look, I'm lazy, ok?) and occasionally God. The new unique devil giving the Reaper prof. a push is a good thing, I tried it once and found the early game exceedingly boring, with the whole having to kill enemies at precisely 1 hp thing. I wish he would do that with some of the others, like having a new unique with all the hatching related benefits for Farmer. The unique harpy is ok but hardly ideal. (you can likely make such a character yourself using Evo I suppose, that was probably a poor example)

edit: English.exe needed a reboot
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Feb 20, 2021
I don't know what I'm doing wrong but Orana (the cat girl water summoner) recruitment event never trigger for me even as a Water Elementalist. I wanted the full collection in one run too, but it's hard


Active Member
Jan 24, 2020
I don't know what I'm doing wrong but Orana (the cat girl water summoner) recruitment event never trigger for me even as a Water Elementalist. I wanted the full collection in one run too, but it's hard
Probably late but if my brain isn't gassing out on me, I think Orana is supposed to just up and show at your door one morning. Although you need to sleep either at home or in town, I can't remember which. She may never show if you spend your whole time in portals. It's also possible that there's a small window of time during which she shows up, much like Pyrea, and if you miss out on recruiting her, that's that.


Active Member
Jun 16, 2017
this game has most confusing and obnoxious interface that i have ever seen
the art style is decent but it only blurs things even futher
also i suggest putting a toturial mode or just toturial side story
Edit: one more thing to consider: any game that requaires player to "go look up wiki" is done wrong and breaks immersion


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2021
this game has most confusing and obnoxious interface that i have ever seen
the art style is decent but it only blurs things even futher
also i suggest putting a toturial mode or just toturial side story
Edit: one more thing to consider: any game that requaires player to "go look up wiki" is done wrong and breaks immersion
The game doesn't require looking anything up on the wiki. But the UI definitely is a mess.
4.10 star(s) 85 Votes