
Feb 20, 2021
Honestly, the stamina system still bugs the ever living shit out of me. The MC has so many options for restoring whole chunks of stamina, but all your followers can do is sit and wait for at best 26 stamina per day. I know there's other things to do besides portal runs, but I either have to run them solo most of the time which just leads to me getting my ass handed to me or juggle several dedicated portal teams just so I don't need to sit on my ass most of the game. That just ends up slowing down experience grind to an abysmal crawl honestly.
Stamina does bug me but it's more for keeping Creation's corruption level low for the best ending as Druid. Experience is not really an issues.

There are many ways for experience grind but I found the easiest way is to farm the king's first fight. Another way is with one or two good unit, you can drag the rest of your team level up with a few unstable portal run which gives extra experience. Finally you can take Giant Slayer and spam boss bait in a world. A mushroom or so give good xp
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Mar 3, 2019
thx for reporting of your low INT stat

i wish wiki was more... actual and working...
well thats to be expect when only like 1 or 2 person doing it.
sometime there no progress since no one working on it.
i did help a little bit sometime.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2021
Good god, I stopped looking at F95 for a couple days and we get more activity than weeks before lol

well that's one scary looking UI, I'll be checking it out but that UI... sooo much stuff to look at
That's fair. The UI is... overwhelming.

If you take the game in chunks and ignore anything that's not immediately useful to you, you'll pretty quickly realize where everything is and why its useful to be there. But man its bad at first.

And it gets worse when you realize that just about everything can be moused over lol

I would've been happier with evolution getting an explicitly male form over Creation, since that class is just more interesting to me.

Though it'll probably happen eventually and also evolution can just give themselves male genitals and then I can play pretend if I want. Just have to use some level ups to get rid of the useless romance/casual cards in the deck at that point.
I'm also pretty surprised Evo didn't get a alt starter. Almost all the artwork already exists and the game is already set up for Evo to be either gender. It would have been an easy one to do.

Honestly, the stamina system still bugs the ever living shit out of me. The MC has so many options for restoring whole chunks of stamina, but all your followers can do is sit and wait for at best 26 stamina per day. I know there's other things to do besides portal runs, but I either have to run them solo most of the time which just leads to me getting my ass handed to me or juggle several dedicated portal teams just so I don't need to sit on my ass most of the game. That just ends up slowing down experience grind to an abysmal crawl honestly.
Stamina potions... I horde those fuckers.

This game is truly addictive. I just love the gameplay. Even with simple animations, it really does bring out the min maxer and power leveler in me.

And I guess the sexy stuff ain't bad either.
This is just step one... Next up is figuring out how to truly break the game systems. Then going for a completed unlockables file. Then another. And then you're fourth or fifth trying to speed run it.

One of us. One of us. One of us.

I like the concept but seems too complicated so pass
That's fair. It's definitely 'a game with porn' and not 'porn with a game', so if you're not interested in playing a fairly in depth game this is the wrong place for you.

i wish wiki was more... actual and working...
If you'd like to help us update it, that would be helpful. It's a fan driven wiki after all.


Feb 18, 2018
If you'd like to help us update it, that would be helpful. It's a fan driven wiki after all.
To be fair it's a catch 22. You need people knowing how to play the game to update the wiki. But without a wiki this game is too complicated for many people to get into. Like I've tried getting into it couple of times by now but haven't gotten past day one.

I'm not even sure whether mdruid or mcrea is a better starting mc for a noob (I guess I'm a weirdo who only plays porn games with male mc).


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2021
To be fair it's a catch 22. You need people knowing how to play the game to update the wiki. But without a wiki this game is too complicated for many people to get into. Like I've tried getting into it couple of times by now but haven't gotten past day one.
Fair. Once you learn a bit more about the game you should help us catch up on updates lol

I'm not even sure whether mdruid or mcrea is a better starting mc for a noob (I guess I'm a weirdo who only plays porn games with male mc).
I mean, it's only been a couple days since the alt characters were added. I can't imagine I'm alone when I say I haven't had a chance to play the new characters enough to even know which is better for a newbie as the experienced player yet.


Feb 18, 2018
I wonder whether mcrea and fdruid not having a personality is an oversight or an attempt to make them more relatable :HideThePain:


Feb 18, 2018
How does experience work in this game exactly?
The game told me to fill all slots with units so I summoned a spirit + tentacle and I also picked knight as a profession so I have a high party strength. I walked into starting stabilized portal and I seem to be unable to level up past level 2 eventhough my enemies are level 4-5 and can easily kill my squishier units like healers.
I feel like going into high danger portals will simply end up with my weaker units like spirits getting one shot.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2019
How does experience work in this game exactly?
The game told me to fill all slots with units so I summoned a spirit + tentacle and I also picked knight as a profession so I have a high party strength. I walked into starting stabilized portal and I seem to be unable to level up past level 2 eventhough my enemies are level 4-5 and can easily kill my squishier units like healers.
I feel like going into high danger portals will simply end up with my weaker units like spirits getting one shot.
Base spirits are squishy, Light spirits squishiest but do grant a bonus to XP earned and a smaller bonus to the party they are in. Only stone spirits are sturdier (but you can only summon them small). Tentacles are... disposable. You should just summon them inside the portal already. The stabilized portal is sort of a tutorial portal. The number 7 (the one of the first King Quest) should provide both a challenge and good enough XP for a party to reach level 8. XP gained is conditional on one's level, so keep that in mind, thus, higher level monster girl will gain less xp from the same fight than your lower levels.

My suggestion would be to always have a full party and retreat once you get 3 or 4 extra members (the max) so you won't miss out on any joining events. Then you can sell the pets or new found monsters you don't wanna keep. If you have enough gold, train level 1 creatures, especially spirits, at the Arena. They'll quickly jump up to lvl 4 or 5 thus allowing you to bring them to stronger portals without risk of getting one shot.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2019
I personally like doing a challenge of as many achievements as possible in my first run, which I used to do with Druid, including the virgin and pure, never dying, never recruiting and thus never giving up a monster etc... all of it Solo and at 600% difficulty. It's not for the faint of heart, but if I miss a challenge I can always do it in the subsequent runs since they get progressively harder as you step up the challenges.


Feb 18, 2018
My suggestion would be to always have a full party and retreat once you get 3 or 4 extra members (the max) so you won't miss out on any joining events.
Any tips on recruiting? I decided to learn the game as mCrea and it seems like nobody in the default party is good at seduction (I assume mCrea can't be made into lust dealer). Maybe I should restart and replace the default centaur tank with a seduction focused monster girl since mCrea seems to be more than capable of both taking and dishing out damage in melee.

Also when is a good time to start using the creation stuff? It seems super confusing and I'm not sure where to even start apart from creating tentacles (actually can a tentacle be a dedicated seducer?).


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2019
Any tips on recruiting? I decided to learn the game as mCrea and it seems like nobody in the default party is good at seduction (I assume mCrea can't be made into lust dealer). Maybe I should restart and replace the default centaur tank with a seduction focused monster girl since mCrea seems to be more than capable of both taking and dishing out damage in melee.

Also when is a good time to start using the creation stuff? It seems super confusing and I'm not sure where to even start apart from creating tentacles (actually can a tentacle be a dedicated seducer?).
Can't help you with the new versions as I haven't tried the latest one (waiting the week for last bug fixes). Though Crea has traditionally been the best at seduction due to most Slime creatures being strong with Lust. Crea can create anyone she had sex/did the ritual with... I guess with a male Crea it means females. All in exchange of a bit of stamina. You can unlock species (but not points) by working at the brothel, for example. Other than that, tavern has them and every portal has events where they just ask to join you. I think the chance of that happening is higher if you don't have a full party, but I am not sure about that. You could also just enter a portal and summon tentacles, if you play with permadeth, you won't even need to feed/worry about them if they die in it.
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Feb 18, 2018
By the way, how important is raising the max-lvl of your starters to 10? I saw that you can spend stamina to empower them and was wondering whether I should focus on genes after putting some points in max lvl or raise the max level to 10 first.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2019
By the way, how important is raising the max-lvl of your starters to 10? I saw that you can spend stamina to empower them and was wondering whether I should focus on genes after putting some points in max lvl or raise the max level to 10 first.
As you've probably figured out, Max level is one of the most important stats right before Genes when it comes to potential. Each lvl up, the species will gain stats depending on its... species, as well as its type (magical, strength, etc), then a bonus is added depending on the genes. I don't remember the actual math, but it's something along the line of 10% per gene, so, at gene 5, an average monster will get like 50% more than one with gene 0 in that stat. Thus, your naked starter with 20 hp might have +20 hp at lvl 5 but will have +40 total hp by lv 10, for a total difference between 40 and 60. With HP gene 5, instead of +20 it might have +30 or more quickly being closer in power even if a few levels behind.

So, you can imagine how much more important genes are the higher you level them and as such, max level is a really amazing thing. Since it takes a while to breed good genes and players would either just fuse the starters (to gain an extra species or with spirits to raise their max lvl), Syvaron had the brilliant idea to simply allow the MC to temporarily level the starters so they can come with them if they choose to do so.

As such, when you start a new game, you should choose a starter based on what you'll do with them. Will you fight with them, do you need them for resources or farming? Will you fuse them or use them for a different reason? What combination of the two do you want, or do you just one one and the other is expendable/farm material.
One you figure out how the game works, it has tons of replay-ability value.
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Feb 20, 2021
How do you actually change alternate main character? I only have the centaur unlock in the new slot. I don't know how to change character and tries some run with unique character


Feb 18, 2018
How do you actually change alternate main character? I only have the centaur unlock in the new slot. I don't know how to change character and tries some run with unique character

I think there is a yellow flower button when viewing characters in the gallery, in the top right part next to the close button.


Feb 18, 2018
Wiki says that
  • LvlupStats = Level*LevelType*GrowthStats*GeneMult
where GeneMult is your gene divided by 10. Does that mean that if you have 0 in strength then strength GeneMult is equal to 0/10 = 0 which means you will never gain any strength?

Or is it supposed to be 1 + gene / 10 meaning that each point of gene increases the level up stat by 10%?

God this games feels like learning CDDA or Caves of Qud over again and I hate loving it lol.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2019
Wiki says that
  • LvlupStats = Level*LevelType*GrowthStats*GeneMult
where GeneMult is your gene divided by 10. Does that mean that if you have 0 in strength then strength GeneMult is equal to 0/10 = 0 which means you will never gain any strength?

Or is it supposed to be 1 + gene / 10 meaning that each point of gene increases the level up stat by 10%?

God this games feels like learning CDDA or Caves of Qud over again and I hate loving it lol.
Honestly, don't know. There have been some changes in the past year so the wiki might not be up to date. If you like researching this kind of stuff, you can find the stats of all the monster girls you unlocked in the main title's gallery. If you do figure it out, the wiki does need contributions and a few extra pages are better than none ;)


Feb 8, 2018
tryed out yesterday and am kinda hooked. There is soo much to do, in a positive way, but also it's kinda overwhelming.
What I don't get by now (and sorry I'll rather play than read through 160+ pages of this thread) how farm really works.

The breeding part is somewhat self explanatory, though I til now didn't have enough stamina on mc to try iot more than once. Dating the girls for morale, relation and gifts seems more important rn.
But some of the humanoids and creatures have e.g. "farm produces: plant matter" - but I don't haver any and I don't get how to use that. Does that mean, they have to be a breeding pair for several days and at daychange I get the resource?

Also dev, if you come by: The menu where you interact with the characters (learn trait / adapt...) could use some tooltips what the traits do. The back and force finding the hover menu which does exactly that is kinda a hassle.
Edit: Nevermind, I never tried to click, apparently.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2021
tryed out yesterday and am kinda hooked. There is soo much to do, in a positive way, but also it's kinda overwhelming.
What I don't get by now (and sorry I'll rather play than read through 160+ pages of this thread) how farm really works.

The breeding part is somewhat self explanatory, though I til now didn't have enough stamina on mc to try iot more than once. Dating the girls for morale, relation and gifts seems more important rn.
But some of the humanoids and creatures have e.g. "farm produces: plant matter" - but I don't haver any and I don't get how to use that. Does that mean, they have to be a breeding pair for several days and at daychange I get the resource?

Also dev, if you come by: The menu where you interact with the characters (learn trait / adapt...) could use some tooltips what the traits do. The back and force finding the hover menu which does exactly that is kinda a hassle.
I wouldn't bother reading all of the thread. That'd be silly. Feel free to just ask whatever.

The farm has a bunch of tasks. The basic requirement is that you pair up two minions and assign them a specific role. The minion type matters for the outcomes. This is a passive production setup.

Relax and Breed pair them up to produce either eggs or crystals - Really, really useful for farming crystals. Relax is significantly slower but requires no stamina
Farm has them collect food for you. Not particularly useful in my opinion due to the farm having limited space. Just use fishing instead.
Milk collects milk and semen depending on what each given slave produces. It's really helpful for collecting light/dark semen for xp potions.
Sex training does what it says on the tin.

You can also give them a potion every days. Useful for getting rid of potions for a small boost, but not really needed.

I always try and get two pairs going early. A light/dark male/futa pair set to milking for XP potion materials, as well as a breeding pair set to collect crystals. Double futa with high virility and fertility is helpful for that second one.

In addition to all of this, there's the big button in the center for instant production. That's what you were trying to use when you didn't have enough stamina. This allows you to spend your stamina to quickly push production from a specific pair. The roles are all the same, but the pair doesn't have to stay on the farm (unless you also set them as a pair)
But some of the humanoids and creatures have e.g. "farm produces: plant matter" - but I don't haver any and I don't get how to use that. Does that mean, they have to be a breeding pair for several days and at daychange I get the resource?
Yeah, more or less. I don't think they need to be set to breeding specifically though.

Also dev, if you come by: The menu where you interact with the characters (learn trait / adapt...) could use some tooltips what the traits do. The back and force finding the hover menu which does exactly that is kinda a hassle.
I had to try this just to make sure I wasn't crazy. You can mouse over traits in the adapt list to see what they do.
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4.10 star(s) 85 Votes