
Dec 24, 2019
Don't know about trait, but there supposedly unique characters that appear if your reputation is high(either positive or negative) according to discord. Maybe they have unique traits?
they have some outrageous unique passives and unique skills (especially drain life on the negative rep side), but their traits aren't unique.


Jul 2, 2019
Hi. Great Game. Never had heard of it in all my years here.

Quick question: How to I restore "Health" after a battle for example in the Arena. Not Injuries just the points in Max Health I lost after a battle. Can´t seem to figure it out. Can´t use the Healer at the market and sleeping also does not work.


New Member
May 12, 2023
Hi. Great Game. Never had heard of it in all my years here.

Quick question: How to I restore "Health" after a battle for example in the Arena. Not Injuries just the points in Max Health I lost after a battle. Can´t seem to figure it out. Can´t use the Healer at the market and sleeping also does not work.

You have lost max health ? I believe that its impossible aside of few story specific battles
And after round in town arena all hp automatically restored.

Didn't you have permadeath and mistook one character with another ?

And game autosaves at the beginning of a day. Try checking your character's stats before fighting in the arena, perhaps unit got a levelup and this cause confusion


Jul 2, 2019
An enemy hits me I loose health. How do I restore Health after battles? Normaly I would have assumed resting / a new day would give me back health. But it doesn´t. I just want to know how lost health is regenerated.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2016
Hi. Great Game. Never had heard of it in all my years here.

Quick question: How to I restore "Health" after a battle for example in the Arena. Not Injuries just the points in Max Health I lost after a battle. Can´t seem to figure it out. Can´t use the Healer at the market and sleeping also does not work.
Arena battles you have full health back.
In Portals you need health potions or skills or use the things on the map that restore health or camp.
Some enemies have abilities that remove your max health, in which case you have to fuse to remake your character, which you can't do on some uniques as they would lose the stuff that makes them special, in which case you are completely screwed, better luck next game.
Sometimes the enemies you see on the screen does not translate the sheer horror you should feel.


Jul 2, 2019
Ok thx guys. So there is no "regular" way to restore the health of my MC or my other party members? I have to either use consumables like healing herbs (do I have to take the herbalist trait during Character Creation to get a good amount of them, or can the be bought cheap in game after some time? Are there cheap crafting receipts for health potions (or something else?)

I get health back after Arena battles? Not in my game sadly.

Camp? How do I do that and what do I need for that?

Thanks again for your help. But this games has a lot of things that you can do, and also quiet a bit of frontloaded complexity caused by the Character Creation.


Apr 11, 2022
Health isn't a resource in the town menu, though you might be looking at the stamina bar. That one is spent on most actions including taking on fights and some abilities, but is restored by resting at the home in exchange for time and a few trickle sources like energy potions, milk at the bar and events. If you enter another arena fight your characters health should be at full outside of something weird but the stamina of the various participants should be a little bit lower.

The new tutorial is good, but as pointed out the character creator screen has a LOT going on. The tutorial should maybe be a button on the very first menu that starts you with a pregen build.


Jul 2, 2019
I understand what Stamina and what Health is. When I open the character screen for my Maincharacter it reads:

Health 33 (37) so I miss 4 points in HEALTH. And since I used spells it also says: Mana: 17 (21).

So the question is not how to regenerate Stamina but how do I regenerate HEALTH. I don´t know how I can state this more clearly. I would have assumed that there are more natural ways like sleeping or resting to restore Mana and Health after battles but it seems I must use consumables for that. Like the mentioned herbs or Health Potions. I just wanted to know if there are cheap / easy ways to do this since I would like to focus in the beginning more on the Arena / Portal stuff and later learn about the management stuff like brothel etc.

I just seem strange that a core mechanic like Health Regeneration is not explained in the Tutorial or in a beginner Walkthrough in game with this levle of complexity.

Thank you again for your help!
Dec 14, 2019
The attachment unlocks everything as of 2023-11-11 ( It was originally created on Linux.

I guess instructions are needed (for some people?):

Place the file into PoP_V*_Data/saveData, overwriting your own. You must use new saves for Unlockables to work (as far as in-game stuff goes, Gallery should be unlocked no matter what), no matter who creates an Unlockables. I can't believe this needs to be said: Use exact filename and make sure you're not some idiot one using Windows without file-extensions shown... >_> If you can't figure it out, that is your problem, no support offered. By the way, you can restart the game (entire process) to re-shuffle the starting bonus traits (the ones highlighted in blue). For instance, getting God with a bonus.

Edit: Quote me and I'll update it. Try to only do that if it is something that you can't easily do. If I ever miss something, quote me, and I'll fix it.
This new one seems to be missing the Unknown trait, the one for version v24.01 had it though.


Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2018
This new one seems to be missing the Unknown trait, the one for version v24.01 had it though.
Oh, woops. I thought Unknown was a placeholder, my bad. Edit: Try it now. If I forgot anything else, let me know. I lost my usual reflection tool that automates it all, so I've been simply rewriting the binary temporarily until I find time to rewrite my reflection tool.
Last edited:


Dec 24, 2019
Oh, woops. I thought Unknown was a placeholder, my bad. Edit: Try it now. If I forgot anything else, let me know. I lost my usual reflection tool that automates it all, so I've been simply rewriting the binary temporarily until I find time to rewrite my reflection tool.
Might be easier to just use cheat codes?


Jul 2, 2019
You're not missing health. The left number is base health, the right number is health after modifiers. For example if you equip Talisman with 4 hp onto a Lymean with 20 hp, you get 20 (24). The one in parentheses is actual health after all the modifiers (from equipment and traits).

Thank you very much.


Dec 24, 2019
The codes that exist in the game won't do what I can do reflecting. (.NET IL reflection) Cheating also marks your save (not Unlockables, just the save) and having cheated.
They'll unlock all the achievements (starter perks, professions), the gallery, and all the characters. I guess there's a few starter traits they don't get.


May 15, 2018
Ah, while I had certain things that prevent me from playing frequently and other products, I tested the update and here's what I can say about it; plenty of changes that change overpowered things into more balanced state and make less useful things more useful overall, which is a good thing, but in detail:

So first thing I noticed is the addition of a new item system, which allows you to upgrade items to their upgraded tiers, which allow multiple uses on sufficient combinations, like +2 wisp amulet having 2 summons per battle, alongside doubled stats, which makes otherwise amassed items from boss battles into strong and reliable gear to use, alongside making legendary items having stronger usage as well, especially with the addition of market/reputation system, which allows you to buy items you want for a certain price. Fairly important change, since it makes characters who have capped growth being usable via items, and making main characters who suffer from limits usable as well.

The companion system, reputation one rewards infamy/fame by doing cowardly things like recalling home/giving up arena battles/stealing items in town with free items, black market access and a special character that gives a extra turn at cost of 5 stamina from each party member while in the party per battle, while denying tavern recruitment and constantly losing relation below a threshold with characters, while natural fame that is earned from success gives you more quests/recruits, legendary item pools and a character that synergies with enlightenment and can snipe enemies from afar. I can say nothing stops you from getting both, first by recalling your main character multiple times and then ending a day while at minimum reputation, and then work all the way back to get another, though missing out on benefits of high relation can be a annoying deterrent from doing so. And the black market offerings are rather pale in comparison to normal ones, since its clearly made for shadow element specialists, with a consumable that changes type to dark, a kraken tentacle and shadow element special equipment which is craftable as long you have shadow plants.

Now on farming - the magic strength effectiveness is now diminishing, making incubating trait pretty much a necessity, but nothing stops you from using hatching trait and certain shenanigans to make 100% hatches without even skipping a day, while also making that trait more useful. And fusion now has extra options to choose, like extra learned skills and so on, which makes it more helpful.

As for nerfs...volt blade was apparently too good despite the penalties, but if you use high armor/health characters which the new item system makes it easier to get, for sure you could get a decent value for a high risk high reward item...but I could say the bigger nerf was on characters that increase world hostility - namely the creator summon one gives +3(used to be +1)while being less useful than Oriel overall, the alternate ending boss gives +6(used to be +3), which combined with loss of armor makes it not as strong as it supposed to be, and the creator alternate ending one gives...+12(used to be +6). Which translates into hostility 25+ unstable portal right from the start, brutal arena battles, and outright impossible games at higher challenge ranks(like +40 hostility unstable portals). In fact, you can choose a evolution special form and have better results than if you were playing those characters. The other alternative ending characters, who are literal glass cannons are not nerfed despite their initial insane power, because they generally become useless late-game due to lack of any survivability as a result of 0 growth, requiring potions in order to make up for such handicap, which takes plenty of time and resources. Even putting points into health growth with hidden power doesn't give them enough health to survive late-game threats, only enough to not get one-shot in general expect bosses. Sure, being able to always attack for high damage at 0 mana is cool, but how long it can help if you cannot hit all of them on the spot and they are fast enough to hit your sniper?

And the settling mechanic is quite cool, and while its bugged to allow any character regardless of relation to be put to work, it offers plenty of options that are worthwhile, be it simple skill points to help your main character in dates, additional daily income in resources including money, or my favorite, extra portal space, which is available if a character has 110+ morale and good strength/magic strength, which you often get from fighting bosses. It all makes up for all hard work put onto characters, one way or another. Still encourages using good characters to settle due to their good stats which translates into greater options, but that allows of disposing things that aren't best of the best without being wasteful.

The new spirit evolutions include: a shade, which previously used to be exclusive to the guardian world, with all advantages for shadow teams it can have, a love spider, which has a passive that allows intercourse with enemies no matter the lust, a jelly fish that amplifies poison damage for enemies on water and a nature arachnid that has solid stats but lacks photosynthesis.

Due to new vision mechanics not revealing a tile with vision penalties fully unless you have sufficent vision to counter it, it gave characters like eye girl true vision trait, but on top of that, 2 exclusive characters - triclops in caves and cyclops in frost worlds, which also have true vision and have solid abilities as well, one of which is passive that amplifies damage against stunned targets. And with all that, a nerf - magic vision ability consumes 5 stamina instead of previous 2, making it less flexible in terms of characters who aren't solely scouts, but also makes ice beast which is a animal spirit with magic vision fairly more valuable than it already was. After all, flexible vision comes with a price.

The flexible trait that evolution gets after a certain event now allows changing non-inheritable abilities on characters, as well allowing you to put your skills on it, including ones like elemental ones such as holy light, summon wisp from a specific trait, and others that you gain from events. I can see it can give birth to certain strategies but general need in skill change is mostly done by flexible trait in the same tree you get the radiation immunity trait.

On a smaller note, seedlings trait now apparently gives gendered seedlings, allowing you to breed the unbreedable summons, which is a big deal for non-druid/creator since the only way they can get seedlings is druid fights, and its not guaranteed they can get one.

Still, this update pretty much ensured that money is not for nothing, now that you can spend it on settling characters or extra items you need, which helps to combat late-game inflation of currency. And the art updates show the difference between the old and new, an improvement compared to previous variants. Till next revision of tactics and experiments, though I can say creator post-update that allowed gene bonuses for main characters give bonuses besides growth made them better than druid in general, due to fact they have both solid stats and ability to summon characters you want, including evolution special forms if you get one from gacha modifier(really lucky, they are in mystic pool not without reason since both creator/evolution benefit from them in one way or another like getting access to their forms early), or after interacting with one during artifact/story fights which also retains its native bonuses; a strength form gives its bonus per character, and due to fact you can summon them, it allows you to have highest possible carry capacity with a party of those plus portal girl from 60 exploration rewards event, and the speed forms retaining 50% chance not to consume stamina when moving. Sure, its not easy to get such power due to randomness involved in both cases, but that gives its own strengths to a summon oriented character, if only they got more skills towards supporting allies in general.


Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2018
They'll unlock all the achievements (starter perks, professions), the gallery, and all the characters. I guess there's a few starter traits they don't get.
The traits and professions as well. Plus most people don't wanna be bothered to create a junker save just to cheat on that and then find out they need an Unlockables.sav to get the traits and professions.


Jul 21, 2017
The codes that exist in the game won't do what I can do reflecting. (.NET IL reflection) Cheating also marks your save (not Unlockables, just the save) and having cheated.
Can still just use the cheat tables, both the ones in here still work to some degree. Though friendlybuddyguy's reveals that the pointers for characters stats got shuffled around, so they still point to stats just the wrong ones now.
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