
Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2016
Alright thanks for the help, looks like it's just that the tutorial is broken and tells you to do stuff that doesn't work without grinding out levels first, you'd think something called "peaceful meadow" can be explored as is.
To some extent it also depends on your luck in what encounters you get.
But yes any combat in the early game can be much more dangerous if unprepared and with not that good party members.
This is why I would put exploring portals as the last thing you would do in the tutorial. Just get some resources like wood and stone and come back.
I would put dating and brothel stuff first because that is what you can do in town to get some money to get you started.


Dec 9, 2021
I distinctly remember the disappointment that soul potion don't work on crea, but just tried it by cheating just in case and oh boy case it was, it works now !

I can finally do my "keep crea at level 1 until all genes are 10" run.


Feb 20, 2021
So I didn't expect the massive nerf to fusion. As of now it is objectively worse than Breeding due to the cost. Meh, at least it just revert everything back to the old days before fusion was even implemented

Edit: interesting the phenomenon only happened if you choose a fusion specialization. Dunno if it is a bug. I will be waiting for the bug fix version before playing either way
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Jul 2, 2019
Ok so on day 35 of my first longer game now and it is a daly struggle for "stamina". Are there any hidden tips and tricks to get faster / additional regen for it? Is there a receipt for "Stamina potions" ? Or an NPC or essence or something else?

Took Endurance as a trait and it takes 24 h to fully regain my stamina from being completely empyt. Meh.


Dec 9, 2021
You get stamina potions from dates ( aim for 51-99 score, seems to give best chance. Still quite low though )
If you get Portalmancer ( you'll know who she is ), and have a decent source of crystals, you can spam partyteleport in portals and gather all the light fairies ( yellow insects tiles )
Events on lake tiles can give you the siren one, gives stamina.


Apr 11, 2022
Drinking milk at the bar, if you chose to sleep with the assistant at the library you can get better stamina sleep 1/day, a few home improvements to very slightly increase the stamina recovered per day are the more easily accessible ones
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Feb 6, 2021
Does anyone know if some items don't upgrade properly is a bug or a "feature"? Like I have a bow+5 that gives 2 to strength, echoblade+2 with 3 to strength, leatherboots+5 with 2 to speed. Stats on them don't increase with each upgrade.


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2016
Ok so on day 35 of my first longer game now and it is a daly struggle for "stamina". Are there any hidden tips and tricks to get faster / additional regen for it? Is there a receipt for "Stamina potions" ? Or an NPC or essence or something else?

Took Endurance as a trait and it takes 24 h to fully regain my stamina from being completely empyt. Meh.
Get Easy Modifier at the start of the game. Drink milk.
Otherwise just sleep and stop micromanaging.
If you are playing endless there is no need to rush. You need time in terms of days for breeding and hatching anyway.

For Portals it entirely depends on the Rest mechanic that gives you a number of steps before it costs stamina, you get Rest from the daily bonus, some events, and camp or just waiting around.
Walking on Roads doesn't cost stamina. If you have enough wood Druid could technically build highways everywhere.
Portals act as your save points for launching further exploration so it's good to have enough stone and crystals to build it.
Anomalies also, if you scouted and area with magic vision teleporting randomly means there is another part you can scout.
For Resources you should use your Workforce, it's a waste of time and stamina to use your party for that.

Does anyone know if some items don't upgrade properly is a bug or a "feature"? Like I have a bow+5 that gives 2 to strength, echoblade+2 with 3 to strength, leatherboots+5 with 2 to speed. Stats on them don't increase with each upgrade.
+1 ranks gives a percent increase to stats so you need more ranks, common items have 25% increase, and they have low stats, so you need +5 to see the next change if it has stats of 1.
Higher rarity has better scaling and better stats so you always see changes.
Not that common items are bad, getting 2 speed from boots is still good if you put some work crafting and upgrading.
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Active Member
Sep 23, 2021
Just an add-on to the drinking from the bar:
Milk give 20 stamina for 50 gold (or free if high relation)
"Milk" give 30 stamina for free (must have high relation +futa potion for it to even be an option)

To unlock sleeping at library, need to read at the library when the assistant is there for 3 days(only once a day is enough for event)
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Jul 2, 2019
Thank you.

1) Stamina: Didn´t know about the library option for stamina. There are also Stamina potions but these can´t be crafted / farmed right? They are just random drops? Also there are no traits that help the main character concerning stamina.

I play with Fusion Focus so I need quiet a bit of stamina for fusing.

Also there is an intersting Starter Essence Bonus for Water:

Mermaid_2Mermaids have +50% Stamina regeneration.

So does this only count for "pure" Mermaids or does it work for all species with a Mermaid gene (so for all hyprids as well)?

Of course "saving" stamina on actions is just as good. Does anyone have tips how to: travel faster in portals, maximize sight radius, etc?

Thx for all your help guys.
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Dec 9, 2021
Did a quick test, mermaid bonus affects hybrids too.

Huh, wonder if the mermaid bonus affects evo if shifted to mermaid.
...No, tried stamina potion too, to no avail.
Only the daily regen, which MC don't have.


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2016
Does anyone have tips how to: travel faster in portals, maximize sight radius, etc?
MC has an overworld action called march that speed things up, especially with air mound and roads. On road is down to 1 minute meaning you can travel 20 steps for the cost of 4 steps. But that is overoptimization.
Magic Vision is good for scouting especially with anomalies, just teleport 3-4 times and scout and you pretty much explored the whole map. Party teleport is much more limited in range.
The only issue is it costs crystal fragments.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2021
Ahh, I missed a chance to answer questions on my favorite character

So the new dating game is just wait for the Limit Breaker to randomly appear and then mash green cards until the LB card is unlocked?
Meh, I actually prefer the old game with moods and unlocking new levels by having the correct level card in hand.
Yeah, I'm going to be honest, I'm with you on that.

The one thing that I think *needs* to be changed in the new game is the scaling dating xp gain. If you were constantly getting XP and levels and able to cycle out cards and actually experiment with it, it wouldn't be nearly as bad. It'd also make the fact that you need to recycle all the default cards less punishing.

But really, it's just kinda slow and boring compared to the old game.

Thank you but I actually play with the Fusion+ setting so no breeding for me.
Fusion+ never seems worth it to me. Specially with the fusion essence existing.

I'd pretty much always recommend going with just the first point in fusion. Lets you still use breeding to get skill points and easy access to the queens quest, but also lets you use fusion's more broken features.

Fusing for meteor storm is still OP as hell.

(1) It's just that I have a feeling I have more or less all that I want to have with my Evo from her skill trees and I still half the hyprids not used for "ritual" or not at level 20 at least. So it seems that Biologist gives me what I want very early but now I mainly look for an additional + Mana unlock and try to avoid the 50 differnt + Virility "upgrades". Especially the "Plant" skilltree seems very underdeveloped.
Biologist on Evo is awesome for short games, but you've kinda nailed the problem with it in longer games. It'll let you unlock all of the important stuff fast, but you'll end up with way more skill points than you need. But it is *very* reliable for short games.

(2) But what should I replace my starters with?
Once you learn how to use fusion to boost genes and max level, it really doesn't matter what you pick. It's pretty much just down to play style.

Without giving anything away, the one annoying piece of RNG with the normal Evo/fusion strats is finding the catalyst perk.

Before you hit that point though, I like centaurs with spears. Can't go wrong with that.

(3) Well with Biologist I don´t really need breeding for high level characters I find / recruit enough to get everything I want. Except for Tanid. With Fusion+ Focus any thips how to get these points (tanid)?
That's the other reason why I only go with one point in fusion lol

The easy answer is simple recruiting higher level tanids during combat.

But there's also nothing critical in that skill tree.

(4) So I need a character with Teleport as an acitve skill and the character needs magic 10 (base or with equipment?) and then I can teleport the whole party around? I have now a Light-Fox which has: Heightened Sense, MagicVision and Glowing and I gave it Eagle Eyed as a Trait. Anything else here? Equipment?
You can very easily get Evo herself to that point.

Ok so on day 35 of my first longer game now and it is a daly struggle for "stamina". Are there any hidden tips and tricks to get faster / additional regen for it? Is there a receipt for "Stamina potions" ? Or an NPC or essence or something else?

Took Endurance as a trait and it takes 24 h to fully regain my stamina from being completely empyt. Meh.
Honestly, it's mostly just about accepting that you won't be able to do everything each day. Picking and choosing what's important is part of the game.

When I'm running a fusion strat, I'll often spend 4 or 5 days doing nothing but resting to get the stamina to

Of course "saving" stamina on actions is just as good. Does anyone have tips how to: travel faster in portals, maximize sight radius, etc?
Teleporting is the best option. But the real trick is using the terrain bonuses to improve sight. You get a vision boost on mountains and water, and the trees you can climb are huge for mapping things out. And you don't need 100% vision most of the time.
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Active Member
Sep 23, 2021
If teleporting is too costly as an option, mount is a must, air mount trait in particular. was long as the sizing situation is correct, you can cut down bunch of travel time, even if there some slow crawler in the team.

Once your crystal & stone situation is stable, bring some to set up portals & beacons. Both give vision around them, and going to portal refill your hp, mana & give the option to hire scouts. Setting up resource collect points(mine/farm/logger house) around the portal, when you use the order to collect, you can harvest all the nearby resource, even exceeding your carry limit, as long as you are on the portal to be able to teleport back home (afaik, this is an intended mechanic).

Edits: forgot to mention, once more then 2 portals are in a realm(? is that what they are called?), you can freely teleport between them at no $ or time cost. Since the cost of setting up portal/beacon stay constant, late game, you can just have a 'runner' team with run & build portal, then tp home and bring the slow heavy hitter to come out of the portal. It just an option though, some airmount hit like a truck, so they could be the same team, just mind the stamina if you using 1 team for everything/everyday.
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Jul 2, 2019
Hi all,

2 questions:

1) I got the following rare essence:

DevilPotentialGain the ability to increase characters' max level by spending their max morale.

How do I use this? Normally new buttons for adapt or Devil pact etc. show up in the character screen of the units. But I don´t see an option to use this. Anyone used it?

2) Are there any "standard" unit to look out for with ? I would really like to "fuse" a few for . Or do I have to use earlier skills like spark and lightning bolt and fuse a lot?


Feb 20, 2021
For Lightning Storm you can get it from the Kitsune boss in the overworld map. It's rare but you can savescum until one appears, or if you choose the starting options to get Boss Baits it will be easier


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2021
Hi all,

2 questions:

1) I got the following rare essence:

DevilPotentialGain the ability to increase characters' max level by spending their max morale.

How do I use this? Normally new buttons for adapt or Devil pact etc. show up in the character screen of the units. But I don´t see an option to use this. Anyone used it?

2) Are there any "standard" unit to look out for with ? I would really like to "fuse" a few for . Or do I have to use earlier skills like spark and lightning bolt and fuse a lot?
There should be a button for Angel/Devil potential on the character sheet. The one you click into, not the hover over one.

And I don't remember seeing any easy to collect unit with lightning strike. Going through each step is always easier.

But it should only take 7ish fusings to get to lightning storm. That's how much it takes to get to meteor storm, at least. I prefer meteor storm most of the time since you can reliably get it by fusing 8 fire spirits, and it targets all units instead of just five.


Jul 2, 2019
Devil Growth:

Hm, I can use it on a Max-Level 5 Character, but not on a Max-Level 10 Character (play with "Free Play" and current max-level is still level 10) so this seems kind of useless since I can just fuse a level 5 character with a level 10 spirit (light-spirits level ultra fast) and not tank max Morale ...

Lightning Storm:

Meteor Storm is nice and I get it very easy just from Fire Plant and Fire Beast (Plant and Beast + Fire Hyprids) which have Meteor. So just fusing 2 of them gives you Meteor Storm (The plants ALWAYS have Meteor, the Beasts have a 50% chance but with Evolution I can just change the skill set). But If I have to fight "fire" enemies Meteor Storm is obviously very weak and I want other stuff like, Tsunami and Lightning storm on my team. And Tsunamis you just get from the water spirit evolutions directly. Lightning storm is especially nice when fighting water enemies (that take very little damage when in Water from fire (like Meteor Storm) and Tsunami but take DOUBLE damage from lighning attacks ...


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2016
Devil Growth:

Hm, I can use it on a Max-Level 5 Character, but not on a Max-Level 10 Character (play with "Free Play" and current max-level is still level 10) so this seems kind of useless since I can just fuse a level 5 character with a level 10 spirit (light-spirits level ultra fast) and not tank max Morale
It's extremely useful for uniques which can be screwed by fusing, losing some of their special skills.
It's a bit like using king's potions, and max morale you can get from bosses.You have boss baits you can use to farm them.
Or if you can adapt traits you can use Shirotama trait for an instant 100 max moral.
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