Invader Grim

Nov 29, 2017
One more question, so creation, before i go through the effort of checking, does the futa potion work on them or they locked to female


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2018
One more question, so creation, before i go through the effort of checking, does the futa potion work on them or they locked to female
Futa potion won't work, you need to progress through to one of the skill nodes in the Centaur skill tree to unlock the option to grow a cock on Creation and turn her futa.

Invader Grim

Nov 29, 2017
Futa potion won't work, you need to progress through to one of the skill nodes in the Centaur skill tree to unlock the option to grow a cock on Creation and turn her futa.
Hey, now that iv unlocked that option i dont actually have the option to modify creation, unless im blind that is, which is very possible


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2018
Hey, now that iv unlocked that option i dont actually have the option to modify creation, unless im blind that is, which is very possible
You levelled the "CockGrowth" passive in the "Centaur" skill tree?
There should be just a green "Change Gender" button:
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Jul 2, 2019
Hi guys.

Does somebody know how to get the "Hidden Power" Achievement? So I can unlock the special powers of the 3 main characters?


Feb 20, 2021
Hi guys.

Does somebody know how to get the "Hidden Power" Achievement? So I can unlock the special powers of the 3 main characters?
I don't remember, it was either>Beat the Game one > Unlock Hero > Beat the Game as Hero > Unlock God > Beat the game as God

Or, if that bug was fixed , you need to recruit

And may be

You need to
>Complete Terranva quest but don't open the final Portal just yet
>Either Fuse Any with a Lymean (easy way) or complete Avy quest so you can breed Guardian/Lymean Hybrid
>Use AN_3 to copy the Lymean/Guardian hybrid
>Have Terranva open the special portal and bring AN_3
>Beat the Overseer and the Terror at the end of the map
>AN_3 opens a new boss battle, which you can either choose to surrender or fight
>Win that final battle
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May 15, 2018
Well, more testings and noticed more changes that not explained anywhere;

Time stop ability has been nerfed further - now it consumes 20 stamina and can only trigger its effect once per battle, making the infamy unique character an alternative to it that also consumes way less resources to get a extra turn, and also making the strategy of having multiple support/god forms as creator character pretty much null, though they are still strong as units, especially if you stack strength forms for maximum possible carry capacity alongside portal exploration unique character that gives 100 for a total of 200, though gacha modifier can also give you those forms as mystic pools, and skip their unlocks for shapeshifter character.

The item upgrade system gives truly expensive items at higher tiers, which results in legendary items costing hundreds of thousands in gold, to point they are the most profitable stuff if you run merchant profession, which the system made even better due to increased sell value they have, especially with a world modifier that doubles item value after the merchant buffs them first. And of course, farming bosses using giant hunter as soon as possible is pretty much a requirement if you want to survive 10+ challenge ranks where you really need that gear as soon as possible to tip the scales back in your favor.

And the new event that involves an elf and a human gives an option between a sex weapon or a human that gives armor some time later, although I haven't got the 2nd one, the resistance one gives you an armor piece that is basically knight armor but better and cheaper, with 5 lust resistance and only a cost of 5 iron and 2 leather, making it simple but powerful piece of equipment to have.

The new creature, eleoxotl, is a lightning support that is weak, but can give actions to allies damaged by electric damage, including volt sword passive effect, though they have to take health damage, so if they get shields via passive abilities and so on, that means no bonus, though its rarity makes it hard to get one that is high enough level to stick around, though their lack of growth on durability or offense makes it a moot point. Still, if you combine it with a unique shadow character that has insulated trait which reduced lightning damage by 75%, and has abilities that damage everyone that is on water, suddenly you have a character combo that will kill anyone within range as long they have mana to spare and water to spread around.

And while breeding did took a hit at lower levels, high level one is still normal, just now requires the now stronger eagle girl mercenary to get the now booster trait that also gives magic growth, itself enough to take into consideration. My strategy now involves rushing bosses using certain traits as soon as possible after arena fights, which gives...mushroom essences, which create a character with a copy of genes and traits but different abilities and purpose, however if you get an alternative ending character that has a strong gene distribution and have fusion focus, you can literally upgrade your way to max gene characters early on, though it can't be done earlier than day 5, obviously. But it is really strong, especially if you somehow reached high tavern rank which requires having plenty of characters to answer for quests in the first place, with tavern recruits being the side help until they cannot compete anymore.

Diminished modifier does make the game harder due to fact you get upgrades much later, but druid has a bug which doesn't actually doubles cost on upgrades, and it is already not bad for characters who do not grow normally anyway, as it makes items that boost stats stronger and so for characters that badly scale with growth but have strong statline to compensate.

Hi guys.

Does somebody know how to get the "Hidden Power" Achievement? So I can unlock the special powers of the 3 main characters?
This one requires you to uh, related to 2 unique characters, one for alternative ending, another is a robot, won't spoil much, but its a hard road to success anyway, I can tell about the perk however;

For shapeshifter, it allows you to change element types for attack/defense, which also affects egg results, but you cannot put crystal/true ones, let alone back, so if a character that has crystal type/true damage as a base gets changed, well, no more getting it back unless you fuse/breed it. Elemental lock modifier makes it really useful to have in order to mitigate its disadvantage though, in normal games it takes plenty of points that better be spent on improving yourself.

For creator, it gives a skill that summons 6 tentacles, which is good, but only if you can get that much slime tiles, meaning in cases where you cannot have slime as soon as possible like the unknown character, it is not really that great of a skill, especially if your strategy doesn't involve slime characters, which is very likely considering the changing nature of the gameplay.

For druid, it unlocks the last node in skilltrees, which is pretty much a requirement because you will have plenty of unspent points one way or another, and also because said skills can be gamechanging, like rock element magic tree changing your type to crystal, dexterity tree giving you sidestep and so on.

God profession is not related to an achivement in any way. But shapeshifter needs it the most due to fact they are the only character who benefits from percentage related bonuses with transformations, since other characters only get the bonus in stats at the start of the game - later growth is completely unaffected, making it not useful besides having level 20 starters, which you can cover for less using ascended.

Also, doing that special ending unlocks mechanist profession and robots trait(which are separate choices normally), which is on top of hidden power you get. Both are powerful, but only if used together - mechanist requires a lot of resources that are hard to get and amass, which robots trait gives you the means to get said resources, on top of characters that skip the resource requirement, and while you can keep just robots for resources that can be used to craft equipment, as units while they are strong, you can't really make the most of them either without mechanist as most powerful things you can do using them are locked behind it.
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Jul 2, 2019
Thank you very much for the testing. I only played through the game once now and I basically only used a lava ghost and a unique lava girl that I gave "meteor storm" and the pretty much killed everything in every battle between them turn one (with 10 fused traits to maximize their damage output (like charging, infused, possesed etc.) and mop up the rest with godform evolution with "lighning storm"

Question: "There isn´t a way to get "meteor storm" or "light shape" on the MC Evolution is there? So I can damage all enemies with my main character as well? I can have it on Creation but it seems that Evolution has MUCH ,much better stats than Creation or am I mistaken?

Playing on "Free Play" I don´t really have to rush things, do I? The final portal opened at around day 50 and I just killed everything turn one as usuall there.

I started with a shadow-team because they have this nice synergies from the base species perks:
  • Start with 2 random shadow tiles on the map.
  • 2: +20% global dark damage.
  • 3: At the start of each turn: if 15+ tiles are shadow, curse all enemies.
  • 4: Consume random unoccupied shadow tiles to negate hp damage of allies. (after damage reduction)
  • 5: Enemies start cursed for a turn. Cursed enemies take 25% more damage.
And then get nice bonuses on top for being in shadowform and having a shadow-jin in the team and having a celestial that uses "Darkness" and "Blessing" turn one etc.

And then deal damage with "shadow wave" and "Magic Missle" with "windshaper" trait for bigger AoEs. Dealing 300,400,500 dmg (with levle 30+ characters, and 10+ magic charges turn one).

But in the end as I said I pretty much only used "meteor storm".

Of course this was just a normal first time game with no challenge rank and difficulty 100% setting as Biologist with evolution. And fusion+ focus (I don´t like the breeding part)

Any tips for maximizing a "mage" team to deal with higher difficulty runs? Is evo or creation better? With evo and fusion+ I just fused characters a few times and they have 9 "mage traits" and then get "ancient power" at max level as a 10th.

I'd like to roleplay a bit and play a "shadow team" or "fire team" etc. and ideally only use fusion+ and no breeding.


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2016
Question: "There isn´t a way to get "meteor storm" or "light shape" on the MC Evolution is there? So I can damage all enemies with my main character as well? I can have it on Creation but it seems that Evolution has MUCH ,much better stats than Creation or am I mistaken?
Evolution you can buy it as a Skill Node in Lava Girl Skill Tree.
Also in Chimera Form if you get enough Lava Traits you can also use it there.
Not sure how you got it on Creation.
Light Shape is unique to light spirits and there is no way to transfer skills to MC.

Any tips for maximizing a "mage" team to deal with higher difficulty runs? Is evo or creation better? With evo and fusion+ I just fused characters a few times and they have 9 "mage traits" and then get "ancient power" at max level as a 10th.
The difference between Creation and Evolution is between focusing on your MC or your team.
Well technically, my Soul Reaper Crea with max magic genes is basically murdering everything while I am having trouble team building since I can't adapt spirits as easily.
Druid really gets shafted in terms of scaling so except for early game he acts more like support.
He pretty much need the ability to Adapt Spirits before he can even get a good team going.


May 15, 2018
Oh forgot another thing - flexible trait(shapeshifter exclusive)was buffed to allow putting learned skills onto characters, which include event ones like ice beam from a certain event, as well ones you get if you get god trait, which allow to have a party full of characters who can fully heal each other every 2 turns on demand, as well drain all mana from any enemy that can encounter. Pretty powerful, considering that skills is how you turn battles in your favor, and savage trait and centaur essence empty skill slot bonuses do not compensate much compared to how much impact skills can and will have in battle.

I use 2 harpy essence when playing as shapeshifter because you can have a harpy gene on your character, allowing for 3 actions on first turn, considering the strategy I use involves beating opponents before they can react, so having an extra action to ensure it does really help, especially the fact the starters will help you rush bosses to survive through the hell that is 20+ challenge ranks. Which gets boring but shows how with right hands you can preserve even in the hardest conditions. And not forgetting to reach 5 rank lymean essence bonus to deal extra damage to enemies without mana, since it is a great help in such compositions, if possible. Of course, using seraphs since they can have a flexible kit(including teleport ability if needed), leaving 1 slot for a character with bonus vision.

But of course, this is game that encourages having mixed compositions anyway, since regardless of what you explore, you'll need someone who can fight in melee or someone who can engage from a distance, like a kitsune, which thanks to upgradable gear system can reach truly devastating magic levels and high mana to use, while having high vision to help with exploration. Oracle is a closest competitor in high tier support/scout hybrid role, but that requires a special profession to get one.

Of course druid has ever since the release of neutral characters became the weakest character, and while there are certain neutrals who can be said worse than them, most of time they surpass the druid stat and growth wise(druid can only rely on skilltrees which takes plenty to level up like a late-game character but with none of the growth they have, let alone upgrading items or using boosting potions), the novice neoran being the straight example with solid growth and statline, and while they cannot summon the best spirits or have utility like the other main characters do, using hidden power and putting everything into combat genes results in a character that is as strong as a late-game character...basically about the same as creator if not stronger stat wise, but worse in terms of party composition due to lack of utility, though they still lose to shapeshifter, especially the fact you put a lot of points just to upgrade yourself and barely any utility, considering the fact you just put points on strong breeding focus and that one trait that disables fusion and breeding altogether, gimping usefulness further. So much just to make a character competitive with others...Besides seedlings, who have utility but not much in late-game strength and very inefficient food/wood creation ability druid has is ability to upgrade NPCs and spirits(after the update made catalyst trait unable to make spirits to fuse with each other, but you can still breed the humanoid ones at least)have better genes in the first place via seedling sacrifice, but that requires killing the king, which has its own disadvantages, especially if done too early. Yes, alternative to that long requirement is soul reaper, but it doesn't increase the genetic level unlike the seedling sacrifice.

Yes, druid's design as simple to use character isn't bad in itself, but if only they had comparable strength besides relying on seedlings to make up for your weakness, when the others can do literally anything they can much better at the current state. When you can take on multiple forms for any situation and strengthen your party as shapeshifter or create anything on demand including rare characters/creatures as creator, or having unique characters specials otherwise, druid just seems unimpressive besides being most normal...if only said normalcy had strengths of its own. Hell, creator can summon seedlings themselves at certain skilltree, and while they lack druid's specials, they are still a better deal since they start as level 10s and the fact creator is much better at getting anything than what druid can, even blood fairies once you fight with druid after defeating the king.

Fun fact - due to fact seedlings(base ones)don't reshape themselves for some reason and instead "evolve", it means they reapply any traits they have, meaning if you do this on one of the seedlings you get from a starter trait with strong, it will keep applying 0.3 bonus to strength every time you evolve its base form, resetting upon evolving into anything else but at level 19 from 5, it will mean that the seedling will have a growth of 3.6 in strength...and at max level will have around 25 of it, sounds really strong, yet still worse for general usage since if they reach level cap you cannot reshape them on overworld map because you have to evolve them isntead of reshaping, even if what you just did is reshaping of sorts...If you manage to get a level 5 seedling with as many growth related genes as possible including potential reshape all the way to level 20, I can only imagine what statline it would have...
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Apr 11, 2022
I could see Druid getting a special evolution for seedlings to turn them into equipment. Several levers to turn on what character stats translate to the equipment, if they come from base seedlings or different bits are capstones to different evolution directions on the tree, if they can only be equipped by the Druid or not, etc. The ideal is having equipment that inherits a genetic trait that is temporarily applied to the character equipping it. Lets Druid have a unique way of playing with traits that is both straightforward and also limited compared to the other characters.


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2016
Druid isn't that bad as a support character, he gets a lot of support abilities and skills especially on grass.
Especially with items making him more survivable nowadays. Not sure about high CR.
Once he gets the ability to Adapt spirits he can get a powerful team going especially for Uniques that have their own special abilities that you would lose when fusing.
Druid can simply fuse seedlings together which can get the ball rolling without waiting for catalyst, seedling genes are also better early compared to spirits. The problem is without sacrifice you can't mix them into spirits or other characters as easily.
The ideal is having equipment that inherits a genetic trait that is temporarily applied to the character equipping it. Lets Druid have a unique way of playing with traits that is both straightforward and also limited compared to the other characters.
Rather then traits maybe make passives/skills be put on equipment. Genetic Traits is more of Evo's ability.
But Druid can be said to be the one that can work with unique abilities the most.
You can use seedlings or "seedlings" to craft equipment that gives certain stats as well as inherit some of their unique passives.
Last edited:
Mar 13, 2023
Was expecting another light and easy casual game that's less of a game an more of porn delivered in the form of a game. Expectations were shattered, and my weekend completely vanished.


Feb 20, 2021
A fun fact. In fact you can Fuse a Unique NPC (except for the guardian one) with a normal NPC to increase their gene as long as the race that results from the fusion match the original NPC, the original Unique NPC will remain. They can also get new Skills too

I don't know if it was a bug. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. But that was how I brought Pyra with Thunderstorms to battle the Mechanical Gods
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Dec 24, 2019
Hi guys. I have some question on "Soulfragments"

Do these appear randomly on characters? No way to influence them. Is there a limited number of them or do they show up continally? The problem is I got a few of them with a max character level of 11 but I have a max level of 25 on my other characters and if I "fuse" them the loose the soulfragment passive.

So this kind of makes them completely useless since I can´t fuse them with all the nice traits I want on them and their level is much to low.
You can also get soulfragment on any character from either a relationship quest reward or the rebirth option. The latter is only available once, and only if you have that MC trait unlocked and selected at the start of the run.


Dec 24, 2019
A fun fact. In fact you can Fuse a Unique NPC (except for the guardian one) with a normal NPC to increase their gene as long as the race that results from the fusion match the original NPC, the original Unique NPC will remain. They can also get new Skills too

I don't know if it was a bug. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. But that was how I brought Pyra with Thunderstorms to battle the Mechanical Gods
It's not a bug, and you'll even get a log message confirming it was a successful unique fusion. Some stats and skills will usually revert to their normal species default though, which can cause you to lose good NI skills or special movement types. Elly, for example, loses her special lightning attack type. It's not possible on Town NPCs because they cannot be fused at all.
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