
Feb 27, 2023
Hello there! Can you pls help me with some questions?
Neoran MC (Oriel by default) - how can i change her bodystats, like breast and cock size? And how to obtain new genetic traits?
Is there any source of knowledge where can be obtained specific traits, like Shadow/Light affinity?


Active Member
Sep 23, 2021
not sure on trait for 4th MC trait+ but size are easily modified by fertility & virility potion. Right click in town to bring the whole map up. If you have any, it would be in the 'party/free' item slot in the upper right. If you don't have any, they can be found as rare(rarity) drop from battle(unlikely), Lumira's shop(you can speed up refresh from 3 days to next day with $), and if 25+ town reputation, from rare rarity market. - Reputation also should have a black market, but I have not tried that yet.

should also check crafting. Some of them can be pretty useful.


Feb 27, 2023
not sure on trait for 4th MC trait+ but size are easily modified by fertility & virility potion. Right click in town to bring the whole map up. If you have any, it would be in the 'party/free' item slot in the upper right. If you don't have any, they can be found as rare(rarity) drop from battle(unlikely), Lumira's shop(you can speed up refresh from 3 days to next day with $), and if 25+ town reputation, from rare rarity market. - Reputation also should have a black market, but I have not tried that yet.

should also check crafting. Some of them can be pretty useful.
Generic fertility/virility potions doesn't work.


Dec 4, 2019
Generic fertility/virility potions doesn't work.
they do, i was curious, started a game, and quickran the potions.
Virility potion increases cock size by like 5 cm per use, fertility potion increases tit size. it doesn't get represented in the art though which might be whats confusing you. just hover over "body features" on the character sheet.
Mutagen potions is how you get genetic traits, and you can reroll what trait you will get by using a different genetic potion like a beauty potion. You can also do some quests to get a couple other ones like casta gives you a trait when you max her questline. Its mostly just mutagen gambling though.
You can also change any of these with a save editor if you'd rather cheat than reroll muta potions legit.


Feb 27, 2023
they do, i was curious, started a game, and quickran the potions.
Virility potion increases cock size by like 5 cm per use, fertility potion increases tit size. it doesn't get represented in the art though which might be whats confusing you. just hover over "body features" on the character sheet.
Mutagen potions is how you get genetic traits, and you can reroll what trait you will get by using a different genetic potion like a beauty potion. You can also do some quests to get a couple other ones like casta gives you a trait when you max her questline. Its mostly just mutagen gambling though.
You can also change any of these with a save editor if you'd rather cheat than reroll muta potions legit.
Literally this


May 15, 2018
More unique character results; the mermaid hunter is a prime mechanist pick, more than the collector unit I'd say due to fact they can gain triple amount of resources when destroying robots, which means reaching gene cap on said robots much faster, and having spare crystal fragments to do whatever you please. If you breed robots(like using a impure spicies with robot gene)with familiar trait/potential upgrade, the extra mythril/fragments do help in maxing their stats out to not fuse them and lose said bonuses as a result. And iron does help in making armor from a certain event as well, so that is double win after a while of effort. It all requires running the robots trait, which makes the encounters harder if it contains robots, but since mechanist is weak without easy access to materials anyway unless you run that collector unit that can mine mountains for mythril(kings quests aren't exactly consistently easy), it is pretty much mandatory most of time.

The overseer actually kind of sucks due to fact that you lose armor each time you get hit until you get that oracle on 5th day and rush their path to make a specific crystal, which ensures any armor you have left is now 100% permanent, but considering how likely you can get hit no matter what, that sounds a lot of work just to preserve your main strength in the first place. I though hope they get a unique gameplay change where you play in their world with all their advantages to reflect said gameplay/world difference. And then the problem of all giant size uniques is inability to take part in daily arena fights, while not exactly a fatal disadvantage, it does mean that you have less means of leveling up your characters on demand alongside decent amount of money to help yourself.

The soul born character that uses morale for abilities at first looks not that great, until you realize as a main character, they have access to both sets of abilities that you otherwise have to choose, especially the fact you can drain morale from characters you are about to turn in for quests and so on, resulting in lots and lots of max morale that will take a while to max out without divine favors/frequent dates/boss fights, though the main power comes from abilities that deal true damage, which scales really well with powerful items/transformation, and in fact, due to fact said transformation has cleanse, you can basically transform, use the soul blast ability then cleanse yourself, transform again and do it all again until you run out of health/mana to do so, which deals comparable damage capacity as the 2 human creator characters, and better in certain aspects if you consider easy healing for max morale and having better flexibility due to having a weapon slot for things like soul scythe. Strong, though their low base health makes them very dependent on items/stat boosts, just like anything with nonexistent growth.

Well, the assassin hybrid loses power in late game as a main character due to fact 1 character restriction is very brutal in terms of flexibility and ability to answer something you cannot take on, so you pretty much have to rush alternative ending as soon as possible before the world hostility becomes too much to take, but its offset by great power they have at the early game that makes it rather easy, albeit annoying due to fact you have only 1 character to help with loot/scouting. But still much easier than guardian characters that increase world hostility, making for a brutal early game in such environment.

Didn't thought that a character that is somewhat unflexible can carry high challenge ranks all by itself with such ability/true damage combo, but up to a point since I suspect 40+ is where not even that character can pass anymore due to how strong enemies become, even with robust protecting you from getting one-shot. Still, they get 4% to magic per tier instead of 2%, resulting in enemies with devastating magic stats compared to strength. Not fun, but...pushing it to the limit kind of is.


Dec 4, 2019
Literally this
Two possibilities

One: you used too many stat change items, base 5 uses per run total without drinking a stability potion, which increases the uses available by 1. This includes basically any permanent change items except gender swap items btw.

Two: Your character does not have a penis if female, and cannot use Virility Potions / Your character does not have tits if male, and cannot use Fertility Potions.

If neither of these are true send a screenshot


Aug 29, 2020
I think it's time for a sequel with some of the systems cleaned up and actual animation implemented. Even the tutorial isn't very clear following it I got a few game overs it wasn't until I just did freeplay to actually learn some of the systems that some of it made sense. The whole dating card system still doesn't make sense. but hopefully if the dev has been paying attention to comments and feedback and sequel would improve on all that is presented.


Feb 27, 2023
Two possibilities

One: you used too many stat change items, base 5 uses per run total without drinking a stability potion, which increases the uses available by 1. This includes basically any permanent change items except gender swap items btw.

Two: Your character does not have a penis if female, and cannot use Virility Potions / Your character does not have tits if male, and cannot use Fertility Potions.

If neither of these are true send a screenshot
Yeah, figured it out already, i accidentally clicked on some of the wrong potions several times. But thx anyway.


Dec 4, 2019
I think it's time for a sequel with some of the systems cleaned up and actual animation implemented. Even the tutorial isn't very clear following it I got a few game overs it wasn't until I just did freeplay to actually learn some of the systems that some of it made sense. The whole dating card system still doesn't make sense. but hopefully if the dev has been paying attention to comments and feedback and sequel would improve on all that is presented.
The Dev is working on like 3 games concurrently, i don't think ending development of PoP to work on PoP 2 when the first ones not finished is a good idea, thats quite literally one of the biggest complaints people have about indie games and open beta releases. While animations could be good, i rather like the art style Syv has already in the game, and im not sure how much animations would even add to the game. Though i could see it being done in the battles, that could fit very well. The games tutorial is pretty well explained i feel, and so long as you read the blurbs it's really not hard to understand most of it, that being said the battle boosts like morale, armour systems, etc could use more explanation.
The card system is like 2 updates in, and they have a game suggestion and bug report section in their discord that they pay attention to, so if you want them to see your suggestion i'd advise joining the discord :)


May 15, 2018
There's a wiki, but due to game's complex nature it isn't constantly updated, so the best way of maximizing character's effectiveness comes with experimentation, which is also the point of the game. But I will try to post an updated variant of what I previously thought but with post-update changes.

Druids main strength comes from simplistic progression, similar to neutral character option, but at a certain point it comes to a cap, at which the only way to upgrade your character become consumable potions that aren't exactly easy to craft or get, as well equipment, which is much easier but becomes harder to do as item levels become higher, especially for boss drops.

But then there's seedlings, strength of which is heavily dependent on magic power, previously it used to count bonus ones from traits like infused and such, but now it only counts base power, so you pretty much have to get magic potions, especially ones that can be made with a alchemist job, which I will talk later. But while seedlings upgrade worse than spirits in terms of reshape which encourages holding on summoning them till later, they do make up for solid characters, like a strong mount, a fast but frail support and a support caster that is a centerpiece of seedling parties.

The most powerful thing in druid's arsenal however is blood magic, which means without killing the king, druid's late game is rather weak, making it effectively an requirement if you want to compete, considering that it gives you access to blood fairies, a very good seedling unit with strong growth, abilities and stats, sacrificing seedlings to non-seedling characters to improve their genes and traits, allowing you to upgrade unique characters, but still not yourself, which comes to another 2 points I have to explain.

First one is why I suggest alchemist. As you see, druid cannot gain stats by growth like regular characters, and eventually you'll reach a point where druid has stats comparable to a mid-game character but with more abilities(and terrible lust damage in spite of having upgrades to it), which means their stats will be surpassed by many late-game units easily without consumables, and alchemist gives the option to make ones that improve their stats, and while items can mitigate that, it won't be enough for higher challenges where you'll need every boost you can get. And since seedlings(and spirits but compared to other characters you are going to need much more magic power)you summon are tied to your magic power, it means more reasons to run exactly that.

Another point is hidden power trait. While not exactly necessary, druid compared to others needs it arguably the most due to fact it gives you the option to get skills like side step, that ensures you can keep up against others, a way to change your type to what elemental power you have chosen at the start, especially crystal for stone, but most importantly, ability to give soul fragment to said seedlings and spirits, which gives you a way to synergize with them without breeding, but due to fact druid is level 5 with no genes to speak of, as well stats clearly not meant for breeding, it means the results will be underwhelming, and fusion/non main character results gets rid of soul fragment, so it is mandatory for them in order to utilize their full strength.

So yes, druid is kind of a character that was decent but not exactly weak previously, and is now somewhat weak unless you use blood magic they get from killing the king, making said step mandatory most of the time, and hidden power, which comes from a certain path in alternative ending is also similarly mandatory if you want them to not be weak most of time. Hard to make it work without good knowledge of the game itself, but until they get buffed, it is pretty much the only way to make them compete. In fact, the male creator is better at melee combat than male druid nowadays for far less investment, with the ritual dagger giving them an extra attack on demand per turn(and better yet, can be spread to other characters via breeding/fusing results), and allocating health/strength genes on them gives a strong attack and health stat, on top of ability to have characters that are hard to get normally like seals much easily by summoning them after extracting genes. And using said seals to get powerful items that make you strong further until you can ensure that you can breed them regularly.


Oct 5, 2018
Playing for sometimes now and feel like most base species transformations are pretty underwhelming for Evolution. Is there any reason why we should invest in them instead of focusing on special forms like Neoran or Devil?


Mar 25, 2021
Playing for sometimes now and feel like most base species transformations are pretty underwhelming for Evolution. Is there any reason why we should invest in them instead of focusing on special forms like Neoran or Devil?
They're base species. What do you expect from them? Lightning Storm? Points you spend on species give stats and unlock skills/passives to all forms including special ones. Also investing points will eventually unlock some really special forms on the skill tree including magicform and godform
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Oct 5, 2018
They're base species. What do you expect from them? Lightning Storm? Points you spend on species give stats and unlock skills/passives to all forms including special ones. Also investing points will eventually unlock some really special forms on the skill tree including magicform and godform
Finally completed a playthrough and I get what you meant now, but apparently some of the juicy end game forms ain't even as strong as Neoran and Orc so its just specifically these 2 forms that are busted I guess lmao.
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