
Active Member
Jul 10, 2017
Can I get some breeding basics?
1)do you breed for traits or stats? what's the long run?
2)is it better to breed for higher level?
3)how do I raise max level?


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2018
Well, each to they own on why to breed , some want higher stats other care more about traits. So focus on stats first then as you get good trait breed them into the fold. Max level is based off the max level gene but the actual level cap can be raise for non-protagonist characters to a max of 15 with king potions, which you get for completing a king quest(or if you beat him and take the deal). You potentially want high genes and levels, since growth is based of gene and more levels is more growth
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Active Member
Nov 18, 2018
Saves are not compatible between versions if that's what you mean. There is an unlock file that is so long as you have played long enough to unlock something (such as scenes from town events), which contains all of your unlocked content from previous runs. The unlocks file is contained in the same place as your saves, the saveData folder. All the other save files are not transferable.
Feb 21, 2019
the unstable portals are wack.
I'll come back to this game when he changes the 2 action point system, or limits fights to the same character limit as you.
2 enourmous mules and 4 harpies jumping into my backline while a firemage casts fireballs and a unicorn heals them all. Dear god.


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Jan 21, 2018
Yep, when he changed the AP system he pretty much ruined the combat side of the game. Changing how breeding works (laying eggs now) ruined the other half.


Active Member
May 7, 2019
Yep, when he changed the AP system he pretty much ruined the combat side of the game. Changing how breeding works (laying eggs now) ruined the other half.
the unstable portals are wack.
I'll come back to this game when he changes the 2 action point system, or limits fights to the same character limit as you.
2 enourmous mules and 4 harpies jumping into my backline while a firemage casts fireballs and a unicorn heals them all. Dear god.
I'd disagree with both points (they do make some sense).
You're not supposed to win every battle. Syvaron made it much easier to flee for a reason.
Well, sometimes you are doomed indeed.

The new AP system makes most species usable in the field; many of them were useless before. You now have to give some serious thought about your team, and have a reasonable main strategy in mind (ie who's tanking and defending 95% of the time, who's AoEing, who's slaying the enemy's backline, etc.).
If you just want to be OP, hunt a Kitsune (my 1st main goal in any game now).

Breeding is much better now IMO. You can fine-tune pretty much anything, and you no longer find yourself with a legion of useless characters and no way to get rid of them easily. (now you can just ditch them to NPCs in town)

Difficulty is quite consistent now, you don't need to actually fight to level up non-combat characters, and you need to choose your exploration team wisely.

TL,DR:I like the way this is going. The guy's not afraid to make changes, when others would waste months (years?) before they finally do.
Feb 21, 2019
I like the new breeding, being able to give a tiny +1 for a full house of 4 genes is nice. As for combat, dont you drop everything when you flee? How is that encouraging fleeing? Not to mention the hit to morale each time you flee. You're girls will be chronically depressed by the time you hit the final boss. I dont remember having useless characters back in the old combat. Harpies could jump in, attack, and jump out, like in homm3. Now they cant but still have the same health of two used toothpicks at a truck stop. The even distribution of xp is good though, being able to just have that king's incel gened trainee sit in the back while my slime girls mow the lawn is great.
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Mar 23, 2018
Is there a guide that shows the more exotic combinations of characters for breeding/fusion? (ex: "angler fish")


Dec 11, 2017
100% save data? Im focus on gallery but It was locked Ünlockables.sav"dosent worek when I want load nothink happen.


May 6, 2019
100% save data? Im focus on gallery but It was locked Ünlockables.sav"dosent worek when I want load nothink happen.
Here, extract this into your saveData, and don't change the "U" into an "Ü".
Its not supposed to be loadable, it unlocks the gallery and New Game Stuff just by being there.

I noticed the "Heavy" trait was missing in the last file. Well... not anymore.

Usual stuff missing due to bugs (breeder trait and forest tentacles CG).
Aug 8, 2017
Where do you put it? thanks
If you're referring to Unlockables.sav, it goes in the saveData folder next to your normal saves. You can find that under PoP_V$VERSION_$PLATFORM_Data/saveData/

For example, right now I'm looking at PoP_V0.9.5.1_win_Data/saveData/Unlockables.sav


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Jan 21, 2018
I wish someone would stick that in the OP so people would stop asking that question on almost every page of this thread.
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Aug 8, 2017
Thanks, any chance of the changelog though?
Copied from Patreon (Syv doesn't lock these posts):
Known bugs:
- starting trait/profession bonuses don't randomize correctly. bonus professions change after unlocking a new one (could be partially intended though)
- kingsquest portals are set to ng+ bonus hostility instead of increased by it (will always be 0 before ng+).
only unlockables.sav is compatible
V0.9.9 Windows:

  • 3 new unique characters
  • 2 new rare biomes
  • 9 new species
  • new skills etc.
  • Every element has a "net" creature now (first evolution but can't evolve further)
  • updated art +bodypart sizes: Eaglegirl,Unicorn,LavaLizard
  • after beating the game you can carry over 5 characters + equipped items into a new game
  • has to happen the same day as you came back from the final mission (button at home)
  • Enemies will get a buff that increases their stats (The buffs values increase randomly and endlessly every new game)
  • Limits for maxlevel/genes/hostility etc. increase
  • You'll get some worldmodifiers applied to the world (similar to dificulty mods)
  • failed achievement become available again
  • new cheat "newgameplus" to enable the option at any point
  • some choices during story events
  • variations + ways to influence main rivals.
  • different endings
  • 10+ new items (mostly commons/rares)(+ updated some mythic item pics). updated some professions' starting item sets
  • 5 new achievements + unlockable traits
  • 6 new world modifiers
  • some new events
  • new basic starting profession: Merchant (Simple for beginner. when you only want to make money through portals/loot)
  • Shadowform counts as temporary effect for cleanse etc.
  • Spirits change size relative to their original size. (wild spirits can start at different sizes)
  • speeding up enemy turns also affects seduction pics etc. (Rightclick now also speeds up)
  • the non chosen maincharacters get an element you didnt choose and have some of those species in combat
  • submitting characters for the library gives bonus progress based on their level
  • some more combatsex animations/pics + added them to basic sextraining if available
  • Small bonuses to some random professions/traits in character creation to encourage using others
  • some additions to old professions
  • small plantgirl minigame
  • can filter shown items in stash by rarity/type
  • can scroll through pages of characters at home, instead of combination of scrolling + page changes
  • farm window doesn't automatically open when you press "F", as there are now also other things at the farm
  • can also move with keyboard in unstable worlds (jumping 2 tiles)
  • can double click species in character creation to select the base species
  • Less max amount of enemies
  • total gene values scale slower with portal hostility (affects all encounters)
  • Buffed a lot of higher rarity items
  • difficulty of battles against the rivals are more in line with the random encounters
  • power of rivals mostly affects enemy types (spirit/seedling ranks, special summons etc.) + rival, instead of only enemy amount + levels
  • plantgirls have spawn vine as guaranteed skill, switched with healingflower
  • most insectgirls have higher magicstrength to make their extractmana skill useful
  • increased base amount of stabilised portals you can have
  • Most story portals now allow Large characters
Noteworthy bugfixes:
  • spirits never changed size during evolutions, making mounts kinda pointless.
  • maincharacter lost items after losing party-only training battles
  • on no-injury difficulty, destroyed characters always got exp, even when fleeing
  • insectclone ability was bugged
  • wrong foodusage shown for non humanoids (always same as mc)
  • some skillTree nodes didnt do anything
  • some creation buffs from skilltree didn't work correctly
  • token characters(tentacles etc.) didnt get any genes/traits as enemies
  • swampslime's absorb set all genes to min 10 if others were higher
  • creations power scaled on evos power for some things
  • quickloading a game after a random/test battle, reset the maincharacter
  • net skill wasn't based on magicstrength (like the description said.)
  • with the unlimited modifier, you could increase eggs stats infinitely with no stability penalty
  • healing orb artifact behaved really weirdly
Some people in the discord started working on a wiki for the game, if youre curious or want to contribute:
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May 6, 2019
Already a new update with bugfixes, and it seems that saves from v0.9.9.0 are compatible this time.



- kingsquest hostility was wrong (starting at 0, which also made rewards 0)
- sauna/pool upgrades only reduced exh. by 2 instead of 3 (what the description said)
- speeding up combatanimations didnt work
- characters sometimes got duplicated when fleeing after they got injured
- some wrong names in some events for evo
- stinger wasn't flying
- some bugs with seeded rng. (bonus- traits/professions were not changed + probably some other problems)
- ignite dealt dmg based on own burn duration

- reduced portal-hostility scaling for non-hardmode games
- increased range of portal hostility
- some negative traits in the skilltree are less extreme
- ignite costs 0ap and ignores armor, but 1 mana more
4.10 star(s) 85 Votes