Lust Demon

Apr 22, 2018
Thank you for the confirmation. I suspected something along those lines, since Evo is already pretty powerful compared to the other characters, and relying on the upgrade skill tree alone does make sense from both in-game and balancing perspectives.

Eh... not really. The starting stabilized portal already has centaurs and harpies by default, I believe. Your chance of getting lymean in non-stabilized early portal is pretty high, from my experience, too.

Sure, it's randomized, and getting that Bloodline or Nimble character early on makes a huge difference, but I wouldn't say it's determinant of your success in the game. I'm actually considering doing an Evo run now with MC starting as seducer rather than damage dealer to see how that plays out precisely because I think viable early recruitment availability is high enough to support it.

You don't need a superstar recruits early on, just decent enough to carry you until you get your first breeding results, and then focus on having no downtime in increasing gene potential for your preferred melee race. It's why I like centaurs so much - they are easy to breed (virility through the roof that offsets the low fertility), not being hybrids easy to pair up if you need gene or trait injection, and improve pretty fast, too. Technically, from what I noticed, beastaur has even better damage potential, but I don't like running hybrid breeding.

Wait, are you genuinely using "tank" characters, or just mean melee fighters?

I never really breed for "tanking" - even on melee characters, I consider HP gene gain nice, but not necessary. You get enough HPs from leveling up, and my playstyle is based on minimizing taking damage in the first place.

It's why I think centaurs (and pegasus MC) really shine, especially once you get Nimble on them - "charge" gives you, even without Nimble, two initial attacks that generally are enough to drop most enemies. With Nimble trait, this is something you can do through the entire fight, as long as you mind your positioning.

Basically take out highest damage dealers if possible with one character engaging each of theirs, lock down those less dangerous with positioning so they are in melee mode (something the spawn placement of enemies very much helps with). Anything humanoid with high HP pool gets seduced, the rest generally goes down in the next turn due to sheer DPS.

In PoP, the best defense is good offense. My lymean is there mainly for healing in between fights, with the occasional "oh crap" combat heal, rather than to support any kind of intentional tanking. Also main reason why I use Crystal Flower instead of Magic Focus even when I have the latter - usually my healer also serves as offhand seducer (and gets bred for that).

It's why I like starting with 5 Strength/MaxLevel7 centaur - it's doable points-wise without disadvantages, gives you a leg up early on, and gives a good breeding start.

Also, remember that with the new update levels don't matter as much as gene potential does. Getting that early Strength-focused centaur breeding program up and running definitely makes the game that much easier.

It's not just cheats, there is a starting trait you can select that lets you legitimately have that as well.

Would be nice to have some clear indication it's useless for Evo, though.
For starters, it's ver 10.0.0 so we're on the same page. I've read that earlier versions were easier in some ways. Also, it's very possible that my entire issue is focusing on the wrong things and not picking the best choices to start with. I've liked the game so much I've more "just played it" than sat down and calculated everything out like I usually would.

I start with a centaur and succubus and found that I can start recruiting around lvl 3. My first play through I got lucky and the succubus had the charming personality trait, but you can work without it. Pick fights in the newbie portal and they'll level up before you get out.

Also, I tend to aim close to 100% min difficulty and use points on traits and max level rather than gene stats. I should rethink that.

My general plan is to get cowgirls breeding for income while finding creatures with traits that I'm looking for. Unfortunately, by the time gold isn't an issue, it's 10 days ish in and that doesn't leave a lot of time to buy upgrades, breed, level, repeat. Which is why I'm going long term this time around. Even with farm potions, some things have to be leveled just to make breeding realistic (looking at you lymean).

Also, I ran into the prince in an event portal. There's no between fights camping/healing unless I'm doing something wrong. And I didn't have much luck with mana potions. Prince and Siene (bad with names) used a lot of pets/summons, so seduction wouldn't have worked even if I had brought it, but I wasn't expecting that kind of fight. I just wanted gear.

I actually haven't tried a pegasus yet. Lavataurs work well if your party is set up for them. Lizardtaurs are OK. Fishtaurs have high health, but that's it. Beasttaurs seem to work the best, but to get the best ones your best bet is breed better bases and then get the final product. Again, 30 days doesn't really allow for much. Honestly, with the lack of prep time, I've just been grabbing whoever's got the highest levels and most useable skills and shoving them into combat. I really don't like doing that and need to find a way to streamline the whole process.

TBH there's a lot of stuff in this game I haven't messed with yet. The large amount of variable mechanics is what keeps it interesting for me. Example: The last play through I finally started using the fusion mechanic but not early enough to capitalize on it.

I feel like crap and I'm exhausted so I'm likely missing several points I should touch on, but I greatly appreciate the feedback. It's definitely a help in figuring out how to approach things in future plays.


Nov 13, 2019
If you want to be evo and just go around seducing everybody. You need a decently high beauty stat but when you use chimera form it defaults to 70 for some reason even if you pick parts that are supposed to raise it. WHICH I KNOW FOR A FACT... is not intentional but annoying non the less.
The racial upgrade tree has a couple of easy "Beauty" points you can upgrade early on if you luck out with the right species spawning.

Even if that wasn't the case I dont think its really fair that potion states dont save on evo, makes certain tactics and styles of play either less viable or straight up useless.
I think the lack of explicit information on it is unfair, but to be honest, Evo is already pretty OP compared to the others even without potions. I can certainly understand why the potions aren't intended to work on Evo for exactly these balancing reasons.

For starters, it's ver 10.0.0 so we're on the same page. I've read that earlier versions were easier in some ways. Also, it's very possible that my entire issue is focusing on the wrong things and not picking the best choices to start with. I've liked the game so much I've more "just played it" than sat down and calculated everything out like I usually would.
It's not so much calculation as realizing you will need to tackle combat sooner or later (and the sooner, the better) and preparing for it.

Getting a proficient combatant as a starting character makes a huge difference.

I start with a centaur and succubus and found that I can start recruiting around lvl 3. My first play through I got lucky and the succubus had the charming personality trait, but you can work without it. Pick fights in the newbie portal and they'll level up before you get out.

Also, I tend to aim close to 100% min difficulty and use points on traits and max level rather than gene stats. I should rethink that.
Definitely. as an example, that "Strong" trait is not going to do much if the character that has it has limited Strength gene base (or no points there at all). I'd much rather have solid gene base to start breeding ASAP than a trait or two I'll be able to pick up a Adapt into the breeding line anyway.

This is why I pump Strength on my starter centaur as high as I reasonably can - it gives you a jump start in the starter portal, and I can usually find enough decent traits on potential recruits there to mitigate no traits on starters.

My general plan is to get cowgirls breeding for income while finding creatures with traits that I'm looking for. Unfortunately, by the time gold isn't an issue, it's 10 days ish in and that doesn't leave a lot of time to buy upgrades, breed, level, repeat. Which is why I'm going long term this time around. Even with farm potions, some things have to be leveled just to make breeding realistic (looking at you lymean).
Have you tried brothel instead?

I haven't even bothered with fluid production because one or two mid-value characters in brothel pretty much resolve all my early cashflow limitations. Just have to spend some time raising their sex skills to at least "decent," and pick somebody who's not outright butt-ugly.

Also, I ran into the prince in an event portal. There's no between fights camping/healing unless I'm doing something wrong. And I didn't have much luck with mana potions. Prince and Siene (bad with names) used a lot of pets/summons, so seduction wouldn't have worked even if I had brought it, but I wasn't expecting that kind of fight. I just wanted gear.
IIRC, you always meet them in the second story portal. Though remember that you can postpone visiting those (and might be a good idea to delay entering them to the last moment) if you feel unsure of your combat strength.

I actually don't camp. It's 30 minutes my party could be doing something more productive, and with a dedicated healer in the team it's never been a necessity. I generally go with a lymean before MC gets Mana Drain and can fully take over maintaining the party at top health through entire expedition. Had pretty good experience with an Angel for floating island party (pegasus MC + two pegasi and an angel), too, but that was with already some good gene base on the breeders.

I actually haven't tried a pegasus yet.
I wouldn't recommend it for non-MC characters where you can use land-based chargers (centaur, beastaur, whatnot), but for combat-built MC it's probably the best pick. Especially if you do a Knight start and have the armor to offset Pegasus' lower HP pool. It also has lower strength growth than non-fliers, which can become noticeable at higher levels, where a pegasus can have even 13 points less than a centaur with the same gear.

The way I play, my MC with knight's gear gets a greatsword as soon as I can find one, and clears out clustered groups. Since MC generally will have highest level anyway, with the gear and flying it makes for best "lock-down" tank. Meanwhile the land chargers hit isolated or high damage characters outside the primary cluster, and whatever they can't take out gets seduced (or they just tank the hits for one round).

So far it works pretty well, and the benefit to centaur breeding is that it goes fast. Around day 15 I get 4+ eggs with a single "speed up," and since I'm just pumping up strength and level genes (in that order depending on what I can afford crystal-wise), it doesn't take long to get max Strength. Level 10 is pretty solid for anything short of Hostility 15 or so.

Again, 30 days doesn't really allow for much. Honestly, with the lack of prep time, I've just been grabbing whoever's got the highest levels and most useable skills and shoving them into combat. I really don't like doing that and need to find a way to streamline the whole process.
I easily get Strength 10 centaurs by day 20.

Probably helps a lot that I already start with Strength 5, so even with RNG going against me, it doesn't take that many breeding pairings to get one. Three-four generations and I'm probably there.

TBH there's a lot of stuff in this game I haven't messed with yet. The large amount of variable mechanics is what keeps it interesting for me. Example: The last play through I finally started using the fusion mechanic but not early enough to capitalize on it.
Hah, you and I both!

I really like just how much leeway PoP gives to trying different things, but ultimately do believe having solid combatants is crucial to effective play, especially in early days.

I feel like crap and I'm exhausted so I'm likely missing several points I should touch on, but I greatly appreciate the feedback. It's definitely a help in figuring out how to approach things in future plays.
Always happy to discuss something I'm currently greatly enjoying myself, especially if it helps others enjoy it as well! Hope you feel better after some rest.

Edit to fix quotation attribution derp.
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Porn Pleb

Active Member
Jun 23, 2019
The racial upgrade tree has a couple of easy "Beauty" points you can upgrade early on if you luck out with the right species spawning.

I think the lack of explicit information on it is unfair, but to be honest, Evo is already pretty OP compared to the others even without potions. I can certainly understand why the potions aren't intended to work on Evo for exactly these balancing reasons.

It's not so much calculation as realizing you will need to tackle combat sooner or later (and the sooner, the better) and preparing for it.

Getting a proficient combatant as a starting character makes a huge difference.

Definitely. as an example, that "Strong" trait is not going to do much if the character that has it has limited Strength gene base (or no points there at all). I'd much rather have solid gene base to start breeding ASAP than a trait or two I'll be able to pick up a Adapt into the breeding line anyway.

This is why I pump Strength on my starter centaur as high as I reasonably can - it gives you a jump start in the starter portal, and I can usually find enough decent traits on potential recruits there to mitigate no traits on starters.

Have you tried brothel instead?

I haven't even bothered with fluid production because one or two mid-value characters in brothel pretty much resolve all my early cashflow limitations. Just have to spend some time raising their sex skills to at least "decent," and pick somebody who's not outright butt-ugly.

IIRC, you always meet them in the second story portal. Though remember that you can postpone visiting those (and might be a good idea to delay entering them to the last moment) if you feel unsure of your combat strength.

I actually don't camp. It's 30 minutes my party could be doing something more productive, and with a dedicated healer in the team it's never been a necessity. I generally go with a lymean before MC gets Mana Drain and can fully take over maintaining the party at top health through entire expedition. Had pretty good experience with an Angel for floating island party (pegasus MC + two pegasi and an angel), too, but that was with already some good gene base on the breeders.

I wouldn't recommend it for non-MC characters where you can use land-based chargers (centaur, beastaur, whatnot), but for combat-built MC it's probably the best pick. Especially if you do a Knight start and have the armor to offset Pegasus' lower HP pool. It also has lower strength growth than non-fliers, which can become noticeable at higher levels, where a pegasus can have even 13 points less than a centaur with the same gear.

The way I play, my MC with knight's gear gets a greatsword as soon as I can find one, and clears out clustered groups. Since MC generally will have highest level anyway, with the gear and flying it makes for best "lock-down" tank. Meanwhile the land chargers hit isolated or high damage characters outside the primary cluster, and whatever they can't take out gets seduced (or they just tank the hits for one round).

So far it works pretty well, and the benefit to centaur breeding is that it goes fast. Around day 15 I get 4+ eggs with a single "speed up," and since I'm just pumping up strength and level genes (in that order depending on what I can afford crystal-wise), it doesn't take long to get max Strength. Level 10 is pretty solid for anything short of Hostility 15 or so.

I easily get Strength 10 centaurs by day 20.

Probably helps a lot that I already start with Strength 5, so even with RNG going against me, it doesn't take that many breeding pairings to get one. Three-four generations and I'm probably there.

Hah, you and I both!

I really like just how much leeway PoP gives to trying different things, but ultimately do believe having solid combatants is crucial to effective play, especially in early days.

Always happy to discuss something I'm currently greatly enjoying myself, especially if it helps others enjoy it as well! Hope you feel better after some rest.
Hey dude I didn't say half of this shit but you quoted me for all of it.


Nov 13, 2019
Hey dude I didn't say half of this shit but you quoted me for all of it.
Indeed, I borked up when copying the quote headers.

My bad, should be fixed now unless I messed up something else (hey, I make these mistakes even when I'm not having another bout of insomnia, much less being barely aware ;) )

Duke Greene

Active Member
Feb 6, 2018
I'm trying to get into this game, because the art looks awesome and all but so far I have to say it seems even more confusing than Free Cities is for a newcomer. I picked the Prince because "screw the gods, the world belongs to its people" is an ideology that appeals to me and I'm currently trying to finish the tutorial but for some reason the game refuses to recognize I performed a fusion but w/e.

I keep reading about the King's Quest but I assume it doesn't apply to the Prince and that I'm supposed to gather power to beat up Evolution and Creation, right? So I suppose I should just try to level up, breed/fuse monsters until the portal appears at day 30? Well, so far I have big difficulties killing anything since my seedlings are weaksauce and I can't seem to be able to recruit fusion material either. I have a centaur and a plant as starting monsters and I'm starting to feel the latter wasn't a super idea considering I'm very well stacked on healers but lack damage, like, a lot.


Nov 13, 2019
Honestly, start with the futa Evolution.

Since it's a character you can far more easily (and earlier! especially if one of your starters is a centaur) build up into a very good combatant, it makes a huge difference early on. Far easier to learn the basics of the game than Prince.
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Active Member
Nov 18, 2018
One other thing to note, restarting is actually highly recommended for another reason. On a fresh build without anything unlocked, you have but a handful of general traits available to both player and starters. There's actually many times that in traits that can be unlocked for player and starters that can be huge in making the early game less of an issue. Some hard-to-get ones are even downright OP and can make the start easy-peasy compared to what it is for a beginner. Best yet, progress such as the unlocked starting traits can be carried over from build to build even when saves cannot so you don't have to quite start all over. When you encounter something with a generic trait you've never seen before in the field, mouse over the trait to read up on how to unlock it (if possible, some cannot be chosen at start).

This includes more than the starting traits but also what species and hybrid species are available to choose from as well, some of which are useful than others especially at the beginning. As for seedlings, yes they initially are pretty low-tier and hard to keep alive, but can be "raised" as I call it into more powerful versions. Each time they hit their max level, you can choose to evolve them into a different hybrid (not really that useful at first) or, even better for the long run, choose to reset their experience and stat increases; the trick to the last choice also raises their max level beyond what it was before, up to 20 if you keep doing that. Then you can make a much more powerful seedling form from that. They still are not the best by that point but serve way better in the end when you level them up, reform them, then level them up again, and keep repeating that until they hit level 20. Point is, they are hardly better than cannon fodder but can grow into being much stronger later on.

Duke Greene

Active Member
Feb 6, 2018
Pretty sure my current run is going to end in abject failure lol

I can get why SpikyHair advised me to start with Evo. Despite her growth method being rather convoluted it's somewhat interrelated with breeding and recruit so it's a good way to familiarize oneself with those subsystems. I unlocked a few stuff already so yeah it seems the game pretty much assumes some measure of trial and error, hence the recommended setting for beginners being a 30 days campaign.

Pretty addicting game in any case, I think I like it better than Strive 4 Power.

Edit: huh I actually beat Creation without much problem. Just gotta deal with the King and then the Prince I guess.
Edit2: holy shit the king wipes the floor with me
Edit3: adding a lust-based girl to my team to put him over 50% lust made him trivial
Edit4 (lol): couldn't save Creation but I still won. At default difficulty the rivals really don't scale very well huh
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Nov 13, 2019
Edit4 (lol): couldn't save Creation but I still won. At default difficulty the rivals really don't scale very well huh

As crash mentioned, the game is designed with replays in mind (honestly, I'd brand it a tactical roguelike >.>). The balance is also all over the place, since the developer (at least at this point) prefers to add more content than polish existing features. Considering it's work in progress, can hardly blame them for going with what feels right to them.

Funny, I also found this game after messing around with Strive 4 Power, and have similar opinion. Though I'm waiting for to get mostly feature-complete, sounds like it reworks a lot of the more "boring" original elements. And, of course, Maverik's sequel.

Duke Greene

Active Member
Feb 6, 2018
I still have plenty of stuff to unlock and the difficulty is very customizable so I'm pretty sure I'll be playing this for a while.


New Member
Dec 4, 2018
Welp, my hard drive went under and I lost that really shitty CE table I was trying to make.


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
Wow lots of changes since I last played this. Creator was balanced a bit better I see, with the summon limitations. Still no indicator in the wild if you have already submitted a hybrid to the library though that I can see, that would be nice. Through multiple playthroughs its a pain to remember who I've already captured/submitted.

I think I like the overworld changes with the no random encounters, I mean, it sucks getting chased at level 1, but once you get passed that it seems like an improvement.
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Duke Greene

Active Member
Feb 6, 2018
Still no indicator in the wild if you have already submitted a hybrid to the library though that I can see, that would be nice. Through multiple playthroughs its a pain to remember who I've already captured/submitted.
The library resets every playthrough so you always need to re-submit everything. I don't know how it was in earlier versions but now it only exists to have a stable income and transform one of your units into a Super Hybrid.


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
The library resets every playthrough so you always need to re-submit everything. I don't know how it was in earlier versions but now it only exists to have a stable income and transform one of your units into a Super Hybrid.
Yeah I'm saying it would be cool if there was an indicator that says "You've already submitted this hybird to the library" out in the field, so I don't have to write down which hybrids I've already captured for the library income boost.

Duke Greene

Active Member
Feb 6, 2018
Huh so if you take too long recruiting Pyrea or AN_3 it's possible for a rival to snatch them and pit them against you. Neat.


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
Is there somewhere we can see all the achievements/unlocked stuff in game? (I mean an achievement window, not just the mouseover tooltips).

Also damn, the shop window/ui could use a revamp. With all the items we get from combat now, that shit gets wicked cluttered. Have to scroll down to find equips/items to sell for 10 minutes. Went in there and had about 40 different powders/consumables all not stacking lol. Even if they just made the stuff with similar uses stack, that'd be a lot cleaner.

The brothel is way better than it used to be, wow. I remember you pretty much had to fish/rely on library profits for months because the brothel income was so iffy. Glad that was relaxed a bit, makes mid game less stressful/obnoxious. I'd often restart around then. If anything it might be a bit too strong now. Threw some of my starters in there after a couple days of sex training/resting and thousands of dollars of profit a day already.

Crystals are super common now too. I guess the dev just tried to kick out some of the grind. Used to feel like I always had to pick a long or unlimited game type to enjoy it with all the grinding, but seems like the normal game mode might work okay now. I still don't like time limits in my rpg games though, so I'll stick to unlimited still, least till I unlock some crap again.
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