The art easily makes it, and the game is pretty fun tbh. Decent chunk of replayability and the author is pretty active in the discord as well.
The beginning can be a bit rough, I'd say definitely focus on your first go through just learning a few mechanics at once. Assume you won't be running the most efficient team, making the most gold you can, or finding the best compositions.
And for the love of god save before EVERY portal, if the autosave doesn't catch it you can lose a lot of work should something unexpected happen
The beginning can be a bit rough, I'd say definitely focus on your first go through just learning a few mechanics at once. Assume you won't be running the most efficient team, making the most gold you can, or finding the best compositions.
And for the love of god save before EVERY portal, if the autosave doesn't catch it you can lose a lot of work should something unexpected happen