Unity - Portals of Phereon [v0.30.0.0] [Syvaron]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    The art easily makes it, and the game is pretty fun tbh. Decent chunk of replayability and the author is pretty active in the discord as well.

    The beginning can be a bit rough, I'd say definitely focus on your first go through just learning a few mechanics at once. Assume you won't be running the most efficient team, making the most gold you can, or finding the best compositions.

    And for the love of god save before EVERY portal, if the autosave doesn't catch it you can lose a lot of work should something unexpected happen
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    [v0.13.0.1 review]
    I see people praising this as a great GAME as if that would somehow make up for the lack of lewd CGs and animations. No dude, just no. If I wanted a nice exploration/management GAME with minimal adult content then F95 is the last place I'd look, and this game ain't it.

    The complexity of this game makes it near-incomprehensible. To enjoy this I guess you have to feel a real sense of fulfillment watching some stats numbers increase. You'll also need a PhD in game mechanics. It really can't be understated how complex this game is. I don't want to be forced to study how a game works for hours on end just to see some tiddies.
    If you're the kind of person who likes to jerk off to Excel spreadsheets then I guess this game is for you.

    This game is 95 % incomprehensible overly-complex game mechanics and 5 % lewds. If it was the other way around I'd consider it. It's too bad really, the little art I've seen so far is actually quite nice.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    When I first tried the game, I was taken aback really quickly.
    As in, played for 30 minutes, got lost and deleted the game. But after a few updates I decided to give it a try again and got really pleasantly surprised,

    The game is steadily getting more "user friendly" while growing in content exponentially. Although a plot is simple, the game offers a lot of different approaches to achieving it, giving you a choice from 3 protagonists with variety of traits and bonuses. The game also offers a really well done breeding system, and now after more than a 100 hours I still discover a lot of new stuff. The art is really well done, unique in it's style, with no static images for races, but changing and adapting with physical traits of your girls and guys.

    Overall the game has a lot of potential and almost infinite replayability, coupled with challenges based on starting seeds and a variety of approaches and race mixes.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    If you like fire emblem based combat you will love this game. The art is beautiful and the number of character types is massive. There are so many options to play this game with specific stats and genes and talents that can all enhance a play style. All of these options make for the amazing moment when you can create a powerful character and add that powerful item onto them.

    I have spent maybe 30 hours in this game just min-maxing genes and enjoying the combat. The game would be good enough without the porn and that's why it gets 5 stars. However...

    The one issue I have with the game is its sex with your companions. It is complex and the sprites don't do much for me personally (there is an option to turn them off in combat). Some of the descriptions don't make sense or do what you thought they where going to do.

    The town NPC dating is still in progress for some characters, and I would like to see more scenes in each location. All the scenes you do get are pretty short, that's not to say they are not good. It would just be nice to see the extension and expansion of sex scenes (since the core game play is already amazing).
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    При первом знакомстве с игрой, я подумал, что это обычная сложная гриндилка, потыкал в сложном UI разные кнопочки, увидел пару эротических сцен, понял, что это не мое и бросил игру. Но недавно, я обнаружил, что игра обновилась и, о боже, она божественна.
    В игре присутствует:
    - Отличные арты
    - Простенький, но интересный сюжет
    - Увлекательный геймплей

    В то же время игра изобилует эротикой, однако, если вы пришли за быстрыми ощущениями, то, эта игра немного не для вас.

    When I first got acquainted with the game, I thought it was an ordinary complex grind, poked different buttons in a complex UI, saw a couple of erotic scenes, realized that this was not mine and quit the game. But recently, I discovered that the game was updated and, oh my god, it is divine.
    The game has:
    - Great art
    - A simple but interesting plot
    - Addictive gameplay

    At the same time, the game is replete with eroticism, however, if you came for quick sensations, then this game is a little not for you.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    It's actually a great game in terms of gameplay. The drawings are nice too. I'm doing my second playthrough right now. I like the unlocking and breeding mechanics. Be warned, that it can be quite hard to get a good start going. Best way to get money is to train soldiers and elite soldiers.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    PoP is an EXTREMELY solid and satisfyingly complex game. It's completely free, updates are frequent and large, and the dev is available and open to suggestions while also frequently dumping art. The amount of content is already large for one playthrough, but it becomes staggering when factoring in that the game has three different main characters with very different core mechanics and that the game has enough general content that it will be a good amount of playthroughs before you see absolutely everything.
    That said, it's definitely still fappable but the game's sex scenes are pretty meh. You'll have a boner but you likely won't find yourself needing to clean up too often. Ultimately, It's less a porn game and more a lewd strategy rpg/management game. This may change as more sexual content is added.

    ^No longer the case. The game has plenty of monster girl T&A&D to rob you of your seed currently as of version
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    PoP has multiple three separate playstyles based on which protagonist you choose. It also has plentiful character customization for you and your monstergirls as well as actual gameplay elements. There's time and exhaustion management during the non-combat town phase. I would recommend giving this a try.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I was pleasantly surprised by this game. The game's mechanics are fun, and seem well made. I enjoy the art style, and the characters are interesting and unique. There is quite a bit of content hidden in this game. Looking forward to future updates, more art, and more story
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I think the latest reviews are kinda unfair.

    The game should be judged for what it is which is a Tactics/Strategy RPG with management aspects acting as support for the combat.
    And as that the game is Excellent with a lot of content and challenge to keep you satisfied.

    Porn wise you are looking at pretty hot character sprites for the creatures.
    There are also some occasional sex scenes for the NPCs and events as well as some Text Based Sex Training Game.
    But sex scenes aren't the focus of this game.

    Personally I would like to see more games like this where the updates can make the game more interesting rather than string people along with a couple of scenes each update.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    The art is the only reason it gets two stars. The art is fantastic.

    However, beyond that, there isn't much here. The UI is a mess, the game is extremely confusing as to what does what, there is very little content, and what is there is exceedingly slow and grindy. On top of that, there is very little porn content.

    Hard pass.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    This game doesn't have a proper introduction on how to play the game.
    If it weren't for a fellow community member (@DuniX ) I wouldn't have been able to play this game at all.

    The things you do in the town are nice, training your minions in sexual skills etc even tho' the process could be much better.
    But as you need to expand your farm and home to be able to have more minions the troubles begin

    You have to gather resources to build these and those resources are in the portals and 1,2,3 you are forced into combat, the opponents are higher level than you are and without an introduction how combat works it's a guessing game, fleeing doesn't work even tho' you have your character on the tile next to the edge and next you're dead...
    So the game is utterly frustrating in terms of balance.

    The menus are covering each other too which is bad and there's little porn to be had in the game as well.

    Actually this makes me sad because I like breeding management games and unfortunately this wasn't the game I was looking for either...

    Review based on: v.

    btw, is it only me or is the artist the same as in Champions of Lust the images look very similar.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I loved this game.

    There is a step learning curve in the beginning but once you get a hang of it (tip: summon some spirits early on) you'll love it. I only played, bet the game, once with the male char but saw that if you play with other starting chars the gameplay/leveling changes drastically, and that's a nice addition. The breeding part is great, loved to see the different possible combinations of races and how it changes the uses of each unit. The combat is based on a strategic turn-based RPG and is greatly implemented. The art in this game is top quality painted style. So if you’re not only looking for a quick fap but for a good STRPG game, I’d totally recommend this game.
    EDIT: Review based on version v0.9.9.1.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    It has good potential, but I think it needs a better tutorial for new players(like me).
    The artwork is pretty good, it shows that it is made by hand(in a computer program).

    I can't really give it more then average as it is quite hard for new players to orient themselves..
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    the fact you can only recruit at lvl 1 while most enemies are at least level 2 even from the beginning is crap. provide cheats without the penalty of not being able to unlock traits for future new games. or balance the game properly
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    Horny Police Robot

    That game become game of that year. Flexable gameplay, a lot of content, huge open world, RPG system with "red light house" and you home managment. Oh, i forgot about costumisation. They very - very flexable. You can be on 10% human, 18% Fish, other percents be centaur. 10 of 10 futanari centaur dicks with sperm!
  17. S
    4.00 star(s)


    Easily the best GAME on this site. fun, interactive and strategic combat, requires a lot of good management and breeding, and has plenty of options to do as a semi-sandbox. HOWEVER as a porn game, it is rather lacking. sex is mostly text based with a big picture in the background, unique characters still have most art missing, and the ones that are present are pretty much only available in random events or dates. It is written pretty decently and has actual english in it. I have been playing this quite a lot since 9.5.1 and patches do add stuff, as opposed to other patreon milk games that constantly rework their game.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    When I started this game I felt lost nothing made sense and I stumbeled from one place to the next just to figure out how I can get stronger or where to get new units. My whole party got annihilated in my second battle and i was left with nothing.
    This game doesnt take your hands it tells you some basics and tosses you out into the world you have to figure out most of it for yourself and thats refreshing and ejnoyable.
    Yes the beginning might be a bit hard but after you spend some time you will learn most things and notice that the game has much to offer.

    This game has beautiful artwork and bountiful content if you like the respective H genre you will love this game.
    I substracted 1 star because the beginning is very confusing and you cant play at your pace you are forced to get stronger.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I downloaded this some time ago and I have not been dissatisfied so far playing it. I can't say how many hundreds of hours I've put in, but it's very clear that while this game is still unfinished it is exactly what it promises to be.

    Bugs are plentiful but not excessively disruptive. The gross amount of included art in the game beats about every other game I've ever played from this type of genre. Not to mention this game is a hybrid of turn based combat with hexagonal movement on a 2-D plane as well as a management and dating simulator.

    It runs extremely well, the art style is appealing, and the emphasis on replayability was not exaggerated. Every character in the game outside of the male starting character and one other are girls while the sexes are between male, female, and futa. It's advisable to play on an unlimited time basis as to not have to pressure yourself to handle the kings quests which will likely stump you on your first few games until you've managed to gather a few new traits for your starting characters by unlocking them.

    If the game ends, you have the opportunity to continue by cheating where any requisites you meet for an unlock will not be counted and you won't have to worry about the penalties of failure from then on.

    I haven't actually attempted to "beat" the game as I've mostly been consumed with the exploration, management, and discovery of all of the different species that can be unlocked through sexual interaction or main character transformation upgrades.

    Stellar game if you don't mind the dicks. I certainly don't.
  20. 3.00 star(s)

    Takoto Ama

    Tentative review:

    I love sex combat games. I love what I've seen of the art, and what I've seen of the gameplay. But I feel this game isn't ready yet. Between rough edges on the art (is that final?), the crazy difficulty curve that had me flunking every single mission I tried to do, and the lack of story content, I can't recommend it right now.