I have been playing the game for a long time and in my opinion it has an excellent quality and a promising future.
-The world feels unique
-A lot of content
-Good gameplay
-Beautiful art
-One of the best combat system i see for a h-game
-Interesting characters
-The missions of the king are sometimes annoying
-Messy interface
IMPORTANT: Just update the images. These are old and obviously worst than what the game actually is. I really want that this project still alive and improving with the time and i think that he is loosing potencial patrons for this.
First edit: Nowadays, damn, this is definetly the best 2D game in all the page. And the visuals rework... 10/10. And thanks for nerfing the king.
-----------EDIT 2: 4 YEAR'S AFTER------------
I usually make reviews as unbiased and concise as possible. This is because I don't want to waste anyone's time with irrelevant details. This here is not a review like the others, it is a letter of love and respect, because this game deserves it.
I am limited to expressing myself in words to describe the game, and even more so, using Google translate. Don't worry, I'll look at it to make sure it's as readable as possible .
What to love about this game?
As a user I am a very simple person, I enter the site from time to time looking for something good in the pregnancy tag, not like most of "bad ending pregnancy", but as a real mechanic, or even more, a user which is still waiting for the “impregnation” tag to be added. Something that hasn't happened yet, you'll know why.
The game is unique like Teraurge but with updates, complex like Eratoho K but visually appealing, mechanically demanding like MaiDenSnow Eve but undestandable, interesting world like LonaRPG but not morally questionable, and with world mechanics like CloudMeadow but without being a scam (sorry but after so many years earning 20K they haven't done anything really outstanding).
Like most of the games mentioned (and other highlights such as Roundscape Adorevia, Lilith's Throne, Free Cities, Flying Princess -Inter Breed, etc) a mechanic of "impregnation/pregnancy" is handled, being the one that best manages to adapt it to its gameplay. Not only is it relevant here, but it's the difference between dying miserably with your team of lvl 5 centaurs, versus destroying entire hordes with a henkidama throwing demigod.
About the developer: Syvaron
It is incredible how with perseverance and dedication he carried out this project with only 1K per month. The guy deserves a lot more recognition for this game. The only time it was relevant was when YouTuber SsethTzeentach put a few frames into his Pharaon video. He knows how to find gold among titles that require a high level of autism, and this is no exception.
Btw, the game is free for all, last version created, last version for public. No making you wait 1-2 months just for the game to be pirated.
In theory, the game is easy, due to its adaptive difficulty level. But honestly, nobody will play with less than 100% on the difficulty score, because otherwise the progress will not be saved permanently. This naturally makes newbies jump in and without any guidance they are easily torn apart by the mechanics.
Luckily the game has been more and more balanced and unless you set very high parameters the experience is enjoyable.
My recommendation, without going into depth, if it is your first time when starting DO NOT select creation and as elemental affinity DO NOT select water. The other options have a stronger start. Put on 500 base gold and unselect Breeding on kingquests, with this you should have the minimum necessary to unlock everything (100%).
Also, get used to using quicksave a lot, the game makes use of RNG by seeds so you can slightly foresee the future in some aspects, you can experiment with trial and error. If you can abuse the system do so, otherwise you are very likely to get crushed.
There's a lot more, but chances are you'll still be discovering things on your third playthrough, so it's best left to experience.
It's beautiful, in my opinion. It is a unique style that goes very well with the theme of the game, it is not Japanese plastic, nor cartoon, nor realistic, it is something special and that is in continuous development. I love how the designs are creative and not walking stereotypes.
Basically, the game has three possible routes for its three playable protagonists, each with their point of view on the matter.
In this magical world, there was a conflict with the gods and after X time the final battle will take place.
There's more, but I'm not even tempting with spoilers, the steps are given by the game itself, unlocking its own content, you don't even need the wiki.
In its current state, this strategy game went from an S-Tier to a God-Tier, it's amazing what has been done, this is the work of real love for a work. I hope you can enjoy it as much as I have all this time. Its replay value and extensive and procedural content ensure hours and hours of fun.
It doesn't matter if i am one of the first reviews so nobody will see it, this game deserve it, give it a try.
-The world feels unique
-A lot of content
-Good gameplay
-Beautiful art
-One of the best combat system i see for a h-game
-Interesting characters
-The missions of the king are sometimes annoying
-Messy interface
IMPORTANT: Just update the images. These are old and obviously worst than what the game actually is. I really want that this project still alive and improving with the time and i think that he is loosing potencial patrons for this.
First edit: Nowadays, damn, this is definetly the best 2D game in all the page. And the visuals rework... 10/10. And thanks for nerfing the king.
-----------EDIT 2: 4 YEAR'S AFTER------------
I usually make reviews as unbiased and concise as possible. This is because I don't want to waste anyone's time with irrelevant details. This here is not a review like the others, it is a letter of love and respect, because this game deserves it.
I am limited to expressing myself in words to describe the game, and even more so, using Google translate. Don't worry, I'll look at it to make sure it's as readable as possible .
What to love about this game?
As a user I am a very simple person, I enter the site from time to time looking for something good in the pregnancy tag, not like most of "bad ending pregnancy", but as a real mechanic, or even more, a user which is still waiting for the “impregnation” tag to be added. Something that hasn't happened yet, you'll know why.
The game is unique like Teraurge but with updates, complex like Eratoho K but visually appealing, mechanically demanding like MaiDenSnow Eve but undestandable, interesting world like LonaRPG but not morally questionable, and with world mechanics like CloudMeadow but without being a scam (sorry but after so many years earning 20K they haven't done anything really outstanding).
Like most of the games mentioned (and other highlights such as Roundscape Adorevia, Lilith's Throne, Free Cities, Flying Princess -Inter Breed, etc) a mechanic of "impregnation/pregnancy" is handled, being the one that best manages to adapt it to its gameplay. Not only is it relevant here, but it's the difference between dying miserably with your team of lvl 5 centaurs, versus destroying entire hordes with a henkidama throwing demigod.
About the developer: Syvaron
It is incredible how with perseverance and dedication he carried out this project with only 1K per month. The guy deserves a lot more recognition for this game. The only time it was relevant was when YouTuber SsethTzeentach put a few frames into his Pharaon video. He knows how to find gold among titles that require a high level of autism, and this is no exception.
Btw, the game is free for all, last version created, last version for public. No making you wait 1-2 months just for the game to be pirated.
In theory, the game is easy, due to its adaptive difficulty level. But honestly, nobody will play with less than 100% on the difficulty score, because otherwise the progress will not be saved permanently. This naturally makes newbies jump in and without any guidance they are easily torn apart by the mechanics.
Luckily the game has been more and more balanced and unless you set very high parameters the experience is enjoyable.
My recommendation, without going into depth, if it is your first time when starting DO NOT select creation and as elemental affinity DO NOT select water. The other options have a stronger start. Put on 500 base gold and unselect Breeding on kingquests, with this you should have the minimum necessary to unlock everything (100%).
Also, get used to using quicksave a lot, the game makes use of RNG by seeds so you can slightly foresee the future in some aspects, you can experiment with trial and error. If you can abuse the system do so, otherwise you are very likely to get crushed.
There's a lot more, but chances are you'll still be discovering things on your third playthrough, so it's best left to experience.
It's beautiful, in my opinion. It is a unique style that goes very well with the theme of the game, it is not Japanese plastic, nor cartoon, nor realistic, it is something special and that is in continuous development. I love how the designs are creative and not walking stereotypes.
Basically, the game has three possible routes for its three playable protagonists, each with their point of view on the matter.
In this magical world, there was a conflict with the gods and after X time the final battle will take place.
There's more, but I'm not even tempting with spoilers, the steps are given by the game itself, unlocking its own content, you don't even need the wiki.
In its current state, this strategy game went from an S-Tier to a God-Tier, it's amazing what has been done, this is the work of real love for a work. I hope you can enjoy it as much as I have all this time. Its replay value and extensive and procedural content ensure hours and hours of fun.
It doesn't matter if i am one of the first reviews so nobody will see it, this game deserve it, give it a try.