600% diff 0 unlocks
Just desided to test things out and spammed sleep button for 7 days to see how the four of them will perform without exh management.
The lessons i've learned is:
-the modifier % rules the numbers

-You need only one character with high sex stats. And since the starting characters are loyal and wont flee by any means they can work endlessly at 0 morale providing the best Highest stats and train sex skills at the fastest speed.
-Then for the Average stats the Beauty gives crazy bonus for show and basic, and they are the best to attract rich customers.
-Then One At A time doubles the bonus from Character Count. So from 4 girls the modifier scales as 400% 300% and 150% for "one at a time" "one per girl" and "unlimited" amount of customers accordingly. With unlimited option the % modifier is almost 3 times smaller, the amount of interested customers 3.5 times larger, but they can serve only 1.5 times more of them. Resulting at steady income 2 times smaller than one at a time. For 4 girls and One At a Time they will attract around 27-30 customers per day and serve only 18
-But still in the first few days you need to set them to work as a gloryhole to upgrade their skills and attract more average and rich customers.
-As you can see with One at a time option one girl still has 100 morale. Ironically thats the starting girl. For this you'll need 1 girl with Funny Personality and every Nympho living in a basic housing without upgrades will be always at max. Seems to be achievable with the upgrades to lower exh. At One At a time they really gain very few exh.
-Always check the tavern for low cost Giant and Enormous girls. Having Centaur at 120hp and 24str in the first days is crazy

and she will help to collect wood and stone for upgrades. Check for beautiful characters too.
-You can gain some (8 two times) early crystals at a date with any girl by going to the beach and relaxing there. Probably the best way of gaining crystals early on if the event of girls with ball will proc fast.
-Same with dating Sylvie - easy items on a date in forest explore - easy relation on other events there - she's the only lvl 20 gene npc which can be aqcuired by the 3rd day - faster with some conditions met. Crea doesnt have a cock to please her on a date =(
-Aila date gives two items in forest