
New Member
Mar 9, 2018
I've been playing the game for a little while. any tips on how to most effectively progress to getting higher max levels and how to not run out of money? I'm assuming freeplay isn't very good to unlock anything for new playthroughs either but I don't like having a time limit in this kind of game.


Mar 18, 2019
Only problem is mutagen is not random and will always give what is shown
Ex. If your creation gets slow on the first mutagen then it will always get slow, meaning you have to go through countless summons just to get one that doesn't suck when it comes to mutagen
mutagen effect on one creature can be rerolled by some events for example using mutagen on another character. Also if you dont have lots of mutagens it is better to use them on MC


Jul 15, 2020
I've been playing the game for a little while. any tips on how to most effectively progress to getting higher max levels and how to not run out of money? I'm assuming freeplay isn't very good to unlock anything for new playthroughs either but I don't like having a time limit in this kind of game.
You can unlock lots of stuff in free play (Except for story related stuff) as long as the difficulty meter is at or above 100%


Jul 15, 2020
mutagen effect on one creature can be rerolled by some events for example using mutagen on another character. Also if you dont have lots of mutagens it is better to use them on MC
If only they didn't take portal fragments (The easiest, but most annoying material to get)


Jul 15, 2020
do I just need to just 'see' something or finish the playthrough?
Hybrids need to get to level 10(by using kings potion(get from completing his quest) or by playing as creation
Spirits need to get to level 15(can be shaped to raise their max level)(Their is an achievement to get a level 20 spirit by day 15)
You can hover over a character and then hover over their traits to see what you need to do to unlock them (Not all are unlock-able)
You can check your journal to see what achievements you can do to unlock new things (The little pouch above the mc portrait)
You can complete non-Story achievements in free-play mode
It's easier to dedicate a run to a specific achievement
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Jul 15, 2020
I've been playing the game for a little while. any tips on how to most effectively progress to getting higher max levels and how to not run out of money? I'm assuming freeplay isn't very good to unlock anything for new playthroughs either but I don't like having a time limit in this kind of game.
For Exp you can do the following
1.Fight in ranked battles(Party Members only)
2.Fight in the Training Room(Yourself,Party only, or All)(Arena)
3.Your Party size determines how the exp is split up
4.Having intelligence(1.5*) or light affinity(50%for holder+25%for party) boost exp
5.Find,Craft(V),or buy Exp potions(+50exp per use)(Each have 2-3 uses)
6.Go into a portal and seek out bosses (once your strong enough)
7.Train with Aila(Arena) when she's in the training room(you only) or pay her to train one of your recruits for $500
8.Put your highest level character as a teacher and lower level as students
9. Castaila can teach your recruits the Trainer Hobby which lets them train lower leveled recruits at camp when in portals
10.The Kings Potions(Complete King Quest) can raise a recruits max level by 1 up to 15
11.You can empower your starters up to level 20 at the cost of 50 stamina(them)
12.(If you choose the Fusion Path at the farm) when fusing recruits if they're the same level you can boost their max level by one, by clicking on the level of both recruits (up to level 20)
13.You can reshape Spirits to raise their max level then fuse with another recruit to have a the spirits max level be theirs (Spirits just pass on stuff and don't actually change the recruits species)
14.Seedling can also be "reshaped", but this only affects the seedling since it can't be fused with anything other then other seedling characters
15.If a character has the catalyst trait it can be fused into any other recruit/creature(The exception is if the other recruit/creature has Bloodline)
16.Breeding allows you to raise the max level slowly(depending on the room and person assigned)

For Money you can do the following
1. Submit unwanted fusions to the library(only once for each fusion) to get $20 daily for each submission(Creation's summoned fusions work too)
2. Fight in the arena (Some fights will only have your party fight, so be careful also you can sometimes can materials)
3. Doing jobs at the tavern can yield money,resources,eggs or items to sell for money
4. Completing the portal challenges can lead to Money,Exp,Items,resources and eggs
5.Unwanted Eggs can be scrapped for one crystal per egg
6.There is a random event that will let you plant a money farm(One time only for $100-daily)
7.If the Creature Merchant is in the market(Go from the shop or check the map) you can spam spawn Spirits/Seedling(Druid/Creation) and sell them to the merchant(More Money per their current level)
8.Always set your Recruits to fishing (unless you need them to do something else) to generate fish which you can sell
9.You can sell Materials from the Crafting Menu(V) by holding alt and clicking on them (you can also buy useful materials here too)
10.Put your recruits in the brothel on glory-hole to train there sex skill and make you money(best with creation)
11.Train a couple of recruits specifically for the Labor(Strength)/Research(Magic) jobs (I would suggest Mantis(Beast/Insect) and Seer(Lava/Lymean) as the easiest)(Make Sure it says Job and not Submit)
12. Completing the Kings Quest yields Money and the Kings Potion(Raises a Recruits Max level (up to 15)(or sell for 100 each)
13.Kill the king(once your strong enough) for a one time boost in Money and Items (This obviously stops king quest)(Leads to blood magic for the druid)
14.Pick the Noble profession/Hobby(Unlocked by beating the game without your money going in the negatives)
15.Pick any perk which gives you items and sell them
16.If the Creature Merchant is in the market(Go from the shop or check the map) you can Spawn any creature you used gene-extract(unlocked in succubus page) on and sell them
17.When playing as creation you can most of the time easily complete the Submission quest at the tavern with summoned recruits

I think that covers everything o.o
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Jun 7, 2018
Ladies and Gentleman I seriously need help here, I tried to figure things by myself for months now(I'm not kidding) but it's not working. Look, I'm in absolute love with the concept of the game, the art, worldbuilding, characters and mechanics, but I'm almost giving up playing this amazing game because I can't make my characters strong, I have read multiple times every single one of the tips and in-game tutorials and I still have no idea what the actual fuck I need to do to make my characters strong, because simply leveling them up it's not working, breeding kinda works but takes too long, the main portals expire before I get good/strong offsprings, fusion probably works but I have yet to try because I get my ass brutally kicked before I manage to recruit anyone.

Can someone please explain to me what in the 9 circles of hell am I doing wrong? It's my profession? My starter characters? My starting traits? It's the length of the game? It's just that I'm way too dumb to play it?

I tried to look the wiki but almost all info there is outdated so I'm completely lost here...

Please help me...
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Jul 15, 2020
Ladies and Gentleman I seriously need help here, I tried to figure things by myself for months now(I'm not kidding) but it's not working. Look, I'm in absolute love with the concept of the game, the art, worldbuilding, characters and mechanics, but I'm almost giving up playing this amazing game because I can't make my characters strong, I have read multiple times every single one of the tips and in-game tutorials and I still have no idea what the actual fuck I need to do to make my characters strong, because simply leveling them up it's not working, breeding kinda works but takes too long, the main portals expire before I get good/strong offsprings, fusion probably works but I have yet to try because I get my ass brutally kicked before I manage to recruit anyone.

Can someone please explain to me what in the 9 circles of hell am I doing wrong? It's my profession? My starter characters? My starting traits? It's the length of the game? It's just that I'm way too dumb to play it?

I tried to look the wiki but almost all info there is outdated so I'm completely lost here...

Please help me...
My Strength Build
Best Strength Parts
Lizard-Twin Horns, Scales,
Spider-Spider Body-Centaur/Insect(Best Movement)
Fire Demon-Lava Horns-LavaGirl/Succubus
Mantis-Pincer Arms-Insect/Beast

Skill Tree Unlock
PlantGirl-Armored Chest Perk
Centaur-Core Perk
Harpy-Magic Wings Perk
Lizard-Armored Arms Perk(Replace Pincer Arms)
Insect-Agile(A MUST HAVE)(Always have 2Ap on start of your turn unless you get affect by a slowed effect)

Recommended Skills
Power Flight(Great on Small Groups of enemies)
Swipe(Don't use elemental weapons for best effect)
Long Jump(Extra Free Movement)
Slice(Good Close Range Attack)

Best Starting perks
Strong,Resilient,Endurance, Eagle-eye, Intelligence, focus, fast and do whatever with any remaining points (Don't put points in the gene list, they don't effect evolution)
Partners-Just put there Gene Level to 10, Make Small, and two negative traits to have enough points

When creating the Game
MC-Points 50
Starter-Points 10
Starting Money 2,000
Game Length-Very Short
Saving- Town Only
Difficulty Bonus
Dating, Adamant, Hostile, Sparse, Raiders, Advancing, Unique Starter, and Wild(Can replace wild with Wasteful&High-standers if the plants are too much)
Kings Quest- Portal-Exploration/Fighting and Training (easiest ones to complete)
This will put you just above the difficulty to unlock stuff

Good Luck :3 (And always kill Seducing enemies first -_-)(Cause the seducing mechanic is bs sometimes :3)(Also the Training Room and Arena are your friend, you'll get way more exp then the portals)(Also copy Intelligent on anybody your training, though this is more of a solo build)
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Mar 18, 2019
Can someone please explain to me what in the 9 circles of hell am I doing wrong? It's my profession? My starter characters? My starting traits? It's the length of the game? It's just that I'm way too dumb to play it?
What character and difficulty you want to play? Length always preferable very short
" And always kill Seducing enemies first " - always kill fire girls and other fire type mages first.
Jul 16, 2018
Once you use up all the charges that's it
well, i can get it works on some unique weapons like Blood Sword, but why the heck bows have limited ammo, that cannot be replenished by any means. Because of this bows are utterly useless, and spears/hammers are way better since they add aoe to attacks.
Jul 16, 2018
My Strength Build
Best Strength Parts
Lizard-Twin Horns, Scales,
Spider-Spider Body-Centaur/Insect(Best Movement)
Fire Demon-Lava Horns-LavaGirl/Succubus
Mantis-Pincer Arms-Insect/Beast

Skill Tree Unlock
PlantGirl-Armored Chest Perk
Centaur-Core Perk
Harpy-Magic Wings Perk
Lizard-Armored Arms Perk(Replace Pincer Arms)
Insect-Agile(A MUST HAVE)(Always have 2Ap on start of your turn unless you get affect by a slowed effect)

Recommended Skills
Power Flight(Great on Small Groups of enemies)
Swipe(Don't use elemental weapons for best effect)
Long Jump(Extra Free Movement)
Slice(Good Close Range Attack)

Best Starting perks
Strong,Resilient,Endurance, Eagle-eye, Intelligence, focus, fast and do whatever with any remaining points (Don't put points in the gene list, they don't effect evolution)
Partners-Just put there Gene Level to 10, Make Small, and two negative traits to have enough points

When creating the Game
MC-Points 50
Starter-Points 10
Starting Money 2,000
Game Length-Very Short
Saving- Town Only
Difficulty Bonus
Dating, Adamant, Hostile, Sparse, Raiders, Advancing, Unique Starter, and Wild(Can replace wild with Wasteful&High-standers if the plants are too much)
Kings Quest- Portal-Exploration/Fighting and Training (easiest ones to complete)
This will put you just above the difficulty to unlock stuff

Good Luck :3 (And always kill Seducing enemies first -_-)(Cause the seducing mechanic is bs sometimes :3)(Also the Training Room and Arena are your friend, you'll get way more exp then the portals)(Also copy Intelligent on anybody your training, though this is more of a solo build)
I think you get a bit more space by setting Penalty to Death, and save to anywhere. 144% for Death and Save anywhere and 117% for nothing/limited. So the first option is waaaay better, since saving anywhere is OP because encounters are somewhat randomized (positions) every time you attack them, and some event encounters even randomize all creatures pool for them (like fights against other MCs).


Jan 24, 2020
So I just started, doing the tutorial as Evolution, and I'm only a couple steps in. It's asking me to transform, sure no problem, but testing the mechanics, I've noticed two things. First, that I can't seem to be able to transform back into a human afterwards, is this normal, or not, or am I missing something? Second, various stats seem to be randomised, for example if I just do the advanced form and change my face shape, my milk production is random, I've seen between 150ml to 600 ml. Is this just something I just need to deal with, or can it be manipulated to ensure I get what I want?


Jul 15, 2020
I think you get a bit more space by setting Penalty to Death, and save to anywhere. 144% for Death and Save anywhere and 117% for nothing/limited. So the first option is waaaay better, since saving anywhere is OP because encounters are somewhat randomized (positions) every time you attack them, and some event encounters even randomize all creatures pool for them (like fights against other MCs).
._. and what happens if you forget to save, a lot of dead people


Jul 15, 2020
So I just started, doing the tutorial as Evolution, and I'm only a couple steps in. It's asking me to transform, sure no problem, but testing the mechanics, I've noticed two things. First, that I can't seem to be able to transform back into a human afterwards, is this normal, or not, or am I missing something? Second, various stats seem to be randomised, for example if I just do the advanced form and change my face shape, my milk production is random, I've seen between 150ml to 600 ml. Is this just something I just need to deal with, or can it be manipulated to ensure I get what I want?
There's transform and advance form
Transform is basic species/Hybrids
Advanced form is made from the stuff you learn by doing rituals with other species, and unlocking certain perks in the skill tree
Doing rituals also gives you points to spend depending on the Species and their current level(max level is 20 without potions)
Jul 16, 2018
i whould love a SFW version of this game so more people could enjoy it
agreed, the exloration/battle mechanics are quite cool, but i feel like breeding/brothel will be problematic to realize in terms of SWF. Also the worlds itself isn't really SFW here, either. so don't get your hopes high, actually transforming this game into SWF is equal to making a new game.
4.10 star(s) 85 Votes