i want to notify that there is something at one point that causes the game to loops after the intruduction of alice and lucy. you compelte their introduction, the bloc administrator name and surname is set to "n", and after you complete this rout and return to the desk to choose another character to visit, completing them causes this loop. it happens in both male and female MC paths, and either choice for lucy doesn't seem to change anything. also, probably here is where the game ends, so here i'm asking for confirmation, but after you visit everyone, you only have the options to talk to mrs jefferson, or change your title. overall it's really interesting and seeing that you are the developer of college daze i'm pretty sure this it's a certificed banger and finally if i must say, an HTML game that will not just give hope to be a game and end abandoned 2 months in. good luck for this project and sorry for my english if not completely clear