Ren'Py - Power Vacuum [Ch. 12 Official] [What? Why? Games]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a fairly long and meaty game wtih a lot of content. It is a bit of a slow burner with not a lot of sexual content until you go a few chapters in, unless you get the NTR bad endings.

    There are a lot of jokes in the game even during the sex scenes and pretty much all the characters seem to have similar humour which makes it both make them appear more like their related but at the same time it can also sound like a person making a joke with him/herself. The jokes does get a chuckle out of me from time to time though some times especially when done during the sex scenes just makes it weird like who would normally toss around dad jokes non-stop during sex???

    The sex scenes are mostly great in my book with characters being from what I could glance anatomaly correct, I honestly can't believe how many sex scenes I've seen on here when the penis for instance seemingly goes into the womans stomach or ass cheek instead of the vagina/anus if you look close enough or sometimes even just by looking at all. This one instead has some really porn level scenes with great renders and you can see a lot of love has gone into making the characters in the game with how detailed they are.

    A nitpick is that there seems to be a lot of NTR/bad ending sex scenes in the game and some of them seem to have quite a bit more content then the normal sex scenes, except they mostly involve an ugly fat old man who's also suffering from burns all over his body while also seemingly being more of a mix between a orc/goblin and a human then a normal human. The second nitpick is that with how much NTR/bad ending parts there are it would have been nice if there was some actual more development in this area since for now all we have is the bad guy being in the background while drugging everyone else and while it's "understandable" that the NTR scene happens because almost always the bad guy uses a drug on them to make them in the mood and then mostly pushes them down or rapes them. In one of the scenes for instance, spoiler alert.

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    Still that is just one scene and these nitpicks are not so much of bad content as in more of my personal thoughts that they should be either more developed as in not more NTR sex scenes but actual interaction from the bad guy's side outside of just having oh you picked wrong (because you for instance never watched a specific movie in RL) so now you get to see an NTR sex scene and instead there is some actual interaction between the bad guy and the girls to show how they actually think of him outside of him appearing to drug + rape them. When it comes to sex scenes there quite a few girls in the game that the MC should have sex with instead since the NTR scenes honestly feels closer to necrophilia at times then actual NTR sex scenes.

    All in all I would say that if you like the games humour then this is golden if not then the game quickly drops from a 5 down to a 3-4 simply because honestly about 50% of the game is reading those kind of jokes. The story outside of the jokes is sort of interesting but again because of how the bad guy is implemented you don't really know much about what or why he's doing all of this outside of some of the stuff he's done or is doing though getting some of the bad endings will give the player more background story. So it's mostly just about the MC and him slowly going from incest is "wrong" to activly seducing every female that moves while finding out what is happening to his family and the bad guy just pops up whenever the MC picks "the wrong choice" during multiple choice and fucks the girls. There is some depth here in the character interactions but a lot of the time like many other sandbox games the content is gated behind some kind of short repetitive scenes where you get some dialogue then it seems to get sexual or there is some very small romantic progress, then you do it 5-10 times once per day slowly moving forward until you get a sex scene then you keep doing most often a shorter version of the initial sex scene another 5-10 times until you get another sex scene, though some times you don't even get a sex scene and instead you just get something like pick the wrong choice NTR bad ending pick the right choice the MC + girl seemingly get's a bit closer.

    Still with all said I am really looking forward to how this game will play out.

    Personally I was intitially thinking of giving this a 5 star because I like these kind of jokes, the girls are all attractive and I like most of the sex scenes but there are some nitpicks and probably because I liked this game so much the parts I didn't like became so glaring while I was writing this. If I could I would give this a 4.5 no questions asked but since that isn't an option I'll give it a 4 since the downsides as mentioned makes me unable to give it a 5 star.

    This is still a highly recommended game that I would suggest anyone who likes sex games and don't mind the repetivness of games that are a mix of sandboxes and VN.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    4.5/5 - As of chapter 11

    - Futa/Trans tag: 0/5 going from Chapter one to eight, 2/5 onwards - As of chapter 9 it did introduce a relatively prominent futa/trans characters but it takes awhile to get there. I would not play this game solely because of the futa/trans tag.

    - Story: 4/5 - I'm not into incest and this game forces incest onto you. Not only that, the incest is accompanied with NTR and while you can turn off the NTR, you're still presently met with an ugly as shit dried up raisin looking ass every once in awhile. As far as story progression goes it's not bad at all and I have to admit that the NTR portion of the story is surprisingly well done and makes sense within the story itself. But I'm still not a real fan of it.

    - Writing: 5/5 - The developer clearly has a large vocabulary and has solid knowledge on the uhh biology behind the erogonous zones. I was pleasantly surprised with just how well spoken the dialogue sounded.

    - Wordiness: 5/5 - Following up on above's point, there's a lot of dialogue going on and at times it gets a bit much for me. Entirely subjective and I appreciate the expansive dialogue regardless even though at some points it does get a bit tiring being barraged by the amount of witty dialogue. If it wasn't the MCs penis making me feel inadequate already, it'd be the sheer amount of witty comebacks all of the characters are able to come up with.

    - Pacing: Slow burn that towards the middle chapters becomes a full on fiery flame.

    - Gameyness: 2/5 - It's a VN first and foremost. It tries to incorperate some kind of gameplay element by letting you visit the myriad of rooms in your home, but at some point it becomes whack a mole trying to find the room that will further the story of a character. It doesn't help that there's a few filler scenes in there which never change and are always visible throughout every day, regardless of progress. If there's any serious criticism I could give this VN, it'd be that.

    - Sex scenes quality: 5/5 - This game/VN features fully animated 3D sex scenes of solid quality. Some of the physics can look a bit jello-ylike however other than that and given the sheer amount of scenes there are, it's top-notch quality.

    - Content quantity: 5/5 - Power Vacuum has been out for awhile and it's noticeable. There's a serious amount of content to enjoy here. I would wager there's at least 10 hours of content to enjoy here.

    Power Vacuum is objectively a quality VN that also delivers on the porn aspect, although slowly. The characters all feel like their own people with their own personali(tit)ties and while the story is ridiculous, it wasn't ridiculous enough to me to the point where my suspension of disbelief became nonfunctional. All of the characters slowly and satisfyingly progress throughout the game with many milestones rewarding the player with some lewdy goodness. The characters interact with each other and it really does feel like you're part of a dynamic household.

    This is not a game I can rate any lower than a 4/5 and considering the quality of the writing, the renders, and the sex scenes, it deserves a 4.5/5 rounded up to a 5.

    Quick note since I keep seeing people mention Ophelia's femdom phase being their reason for quitting: this is only temporary, for better or worse. The people who quit at this point are missing out.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is more hilarious than any other game I've played. I chuckle and cackle almost every time I play it. There is a lot of weird stuff that happens and a fair bit isn't my thing. The models are different but that makes it more real for me. Not everything is a finely sculpted sex doll, but that actually makes them feel more real and unique. It saddens me to know that I can't actually tell my friends what the funniest game I've ever played is. Because it's porn game with incest.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Absolutely LOVED this game, until I didn't. Good renders, great dialogue (I'm a sucker for word play and comedy), and even when the Dev blue balls you, they make up for it later. I played with NTR off as I'm not a fan, but while the constant threats were still there, I was comfortable knowing that the Big Bad wouldn't win. There were still some occurrences of your LIs with each other behind your back/walking in on them, and those scenes are unskippable and actually necessary to advance the story, so fair warning if that's a trigger for you. It usually is for me, but they were few and far enough between that I could press on for the other content.

    Then I hit late Chapter 9, into Chapter 10, and just couldn't bring myself to play it anymore. First, Mom goes full on Mominatrix. Degrading you, treating you like nothing but a tool, and then the dialogue goes off the deep end, with her pretending your dick is hers and talking about cucking you with all your lovers with your own dick. Starting Chapter 10, out of the last 10 scenes, the MC has either been nothing but a breathing vibrator for his mommy, or not even present while his LIs start raping each other with dildos, with the victim apparently being just fine with it.

    I unlocked the gallery through Chapter 9, but I don't think I will ever boot this game again except maybe for a quick fap from the earlier Gallery.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Tl;dr: I loved the tags, renders, and animations but hated the dialogue.

    If you like wincest and busty love interests then just play it.

    I had to give up on the game though and that rarely happens. The problem is that every character and the MC all talk in the same voice and tone, it might as well all be one person (the author) talking. It's one dry witticism after another, even in the sex scenes, it just wasn't erotic at any point.

    All the characters just do shtick the entire game, I laughed once or twice, but the endless humor and gags wore me down and killed my desire to nut.

    I really wanted to like it, but personally found it lacking. Still recommend checking it out, it does a lot right.
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 863067

    this is really one of those rare games that I look forward to seeing what the characters are up to. i'm sure that's weird but oh well. great game, great mood, great characters, it's really the whole package.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    I didnt like NTR, but stayed for the story and characters. My fav was by far Ophelia. until she wasnt, she was the reason for playing. every chapter you got closer to her, unitl chapter 9/10 when suddenly she went fully femdom. now it just sucks unfortunately
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    intriguing game that tells a complex story about power, corruption, and morality. The game features multiple branching storylines and a cast of well-developed characters, each with their own motivations and secrets.

    This helps to keep the focus on the story and the characters, without distracting the player with unnecessary details.

    The game's writing is also top-notch, with well-crafted dialogue and intricate plot twists that keep the player engaged from start to finish. While the game deals with some heavy themes, such as political corruption and abuse of power, it does so in a sensitive and thoughtful way that never feels exploitative or gratuitous.

    Overall, Power Vacuum is a must-play for fans of visual novels and those looking for a mature and thought-provoking gaming experience. With its engaging story, memorable characters, and unique art style, it is sure to leave a lasting impression
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    My expectation from this game: a high rated NTR game with overall humorous-goofy tone.

    My experience after two chapters (yeah that's how much I could endure): a grindfest with NTR tag being a basically game-over screen that reverts back to the choice you made. so an anti-NTR NTR game... WTF?!

    To extend upon my experience: the game has an overall poor game and UI design, arbitrary quest list tied to time-checks in a day that you have to do many many times to advance the story and there are also hidden checks that requires you to follow a certain path. I could endure all this grind if all of this were for character development or something else but no... 1/5

    What about audiovisuals? For 2023, renders can be considered average at best. Sound is nearly non-existent. Big sister and mother are the same girl anyway. 2/5

    What about lewd content? Before writing this review I downloaded the save file to check out lewd scenes for 11 chapters to make sure if all this grindfest worth it with quality visuals and animations but no... ROI too low boys. Nothing outstanding comes out for all this time and effort. 2/5

    What about the writing? The only conflict I can see is MC getting NTR in his harem. Story revolves around harem-building and NTR-avoiding. Basically no story. Dialogues are so bloated and long for this kind of game. Yeah material is readable but "why should I read?" you ask yourself. 1/5

    Basically I didn't play whole 9 chapters and wrote this review so take this with a grain of salt but is it my fault that the game is unplayable?
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Game is great. Writing is funny, avoids most of the suspension of disbelief plot holes, characters are well written, renders are solid, the separate subplots and game navigation are interesting, and it's just generally NOT trash. Would recommend.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    Besides this game being an absolutely terrible grindfest I don't what audience the dev is making this game for.

    We are tasked with saving our female family members from multiple antagonists, which is a noble cause if we also were to be rewarded for our hours spent relentlessly go to point A and certain time A, but what we come to find out is if we do hop through all these hoops perhaps we will get a chaste kiss on the cheek if we are lucky, where if we fail the enemy gets full sex scenes with little to no effort on their part.

    If this game is only intended for those who enjoy NTR that's fine but please just say so from the start. Sure you can turn it off but also tell people by doing so you will only see a small fraction of the content by doing that.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm absolutely enjoying this game so far (chapter 9 atm).
    I see people saying it repetitive or grindy(it's not), you just need to understand how the game works and you'll know exactly what to skip.

    Renders are great.
    Lewd scenes are abundant and really well made.
    Plot is fun and easy going, to my liking.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    I downloaded this game because of the tags, many of them match my tastes, besides the screenshots are pretty good. To my surprise I already had a saved game, I had already played it in 2021, how is it possible that I did not remember?

    After an hour of play I discovered why. I don't know how the last chapters of the game will be, but the first hour is TEDIOUS, and my brain did what it had to do, erase the trauma.

    The worst of all for me is that it's a sandbox game, which I love, when they are well done. This one is a nonsense

    If what you want is to play a VN with the most repeated storyline in the history of incest porn games, maybe this game is for you. If not... RUN
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    ch11 no ntr

    The older sister must have magic pubic hair
    One chapter you shave it off, next chapter it grows all back like you never shaved it off and later has a landing strip pubic hair :WaitWhat:

    Youngest sister pubic hair is suddenly gone No idea why It's just gone

    The renders are good

    Story is to long and boring

    sex scenes are good

    Lot of woman

    Uncle still being in the game with ntr off i don't understand why

    Mc is a coward Always saying he's gonna do that and do this but let himself boss around by the woman

    No bugs
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    Power Vacuum [Ch. 11 Official]

    Render Quality is OK
    Character Models are passable?

    terrible grind
    rinse and repeat
    Story is boring
    Dialogues are boring and repetitive
    Sex Scenes: Didn´t see any in Chapter 1

    The Dev really lives up to his name What? Why?, because what is this shit supposed to be, except some bloatware, and why waste yours and anyone's time with this game?
    This game is so terribly grindy. You have a list per chapter where you have to rinse and repeat, the same shit all over again.
    There are like 20 tasks and you have to repeat every single task and boring scene like 8-12 times.
    I stopped playing after the first chapter, because I don´t want to waste my time for this shit.
    I can´t imagine how anyone would waste their time with the same boring scenes time and time again.
    I also question how anyone can give this game more than 2*.
    Don´t waste your time if you don´t like extremely grindy and repetitive games.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    Normally I feel like I come in on the high-side of game ratings, but honestly I'm shocked at how highly this game is rated...

    The render quality is just passable, the story is mediocre, the writing is mediocre, but the grind is awful. The sandbox nature is there for no other reason than to present a grind, it literally offers no value, why not just put it on rails and avoid constantly repeating scenes?

    The NTR is not really "NTR", there are obviously planted "bad decisions" that lead to almost humorous "what if" scenes that then reboot back to the point to avoid the NTR... its almost like this is an anti-NTR game, and actually getting any fake-NTR then punishes you with having to replay some scene to exacerbate the already brutal grind.

    Grind is miserable, pace is glacial, NTR lacks punch... I got halfway through the second chapter before I came to my senses and removed the mind-numbing game.

    I give it 2 stars because there is real potential here. A remake into a straight VN with no sandbox and a legitimate impactful-NTR story path to parallel the existing anti-NTR path would be a really solid game. What we have is much more of a bloated, unfulfilling mess.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    This AVN is definitely for those who don't mind weird. If you like a more focused story line it's not going to be for you.

    To start with it supposedly allows you to turn off NTR content but the Dev obviously likes trying to push for it. The ugly uncle Fester looking character continues to pop up. I'll give the Dev credit, he knows how to make one nasty looking abomination of a human. I don't care how much I don't like a female, I wouldn't wish him on her, just too creepy.

    The physical transformation of the MC serves no real purpose other that to add weirdness. Some weirdness in a VN can be fine if it adds to the story line and not just for the sake of itself.

    There are a lot of hoops to jump through to get to where you want to go, to the point that it starts to feel grindy and not a good grind. The plot is thin at best, it's more a simple slice of life thing with no real storyline, albeit a weird life.

    You also have no control over which fetishes you want to partake in and which you want to skip such as lactating. A big detractor. Putting in a variety of fetishes is fine, even fringe ones but they should be optional.

    I get that writers generally write about things they like themselves but this is why you make it optional. This VN is too self serving for me.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    The game has a nice model design and is original that's why i put 2 stars. the rest is just bad there are a lot of repetitive things that you have to keep doing again and again at the same hours of the day and it is tiresome to play throught that, and if you add the amount of bullshit the dialogues has with jokes that noone understands (me, the player) then it's a whole mess, i played the first 2 chapters because brenna made me do it , i liked her a lot, but i cannot bear the jokes and dialogues that i don t understand the references, i skip that but what's the point on playing a game if you skip the dialogues? mate i really hope someone does a mod or something that removes that shit , i would rate this game 5 stars
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    elver galarge

    It is an outstanding game for lovers of ntr, and also for those who do not like ntr it is quite respectful. beautiful models, a solid story and great content for each update. I wish there were more than the two or three ntr scenes that you find per update.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    If someone is looking for the latest review this is it, Power Vaccum is a great visual novel no doubt about it, the story and the way it develops is just so damn interesting, plus the mc proceeds into gigachadom as the story goes on and if you ever have a fantasy of foiling Ntr plots or just hate ntr plots this game is your gateway into punishing the creeps. The Humor and script of this game is also incredibly creatively written and so funny that if the writer of these scripts spent as much time talking to women and charming them with these sort of words instead of writing for this game they would surely be drowning in pussy from making people laugh. Great Game for those who both hate ntrs and also those who love ntr.