Ren'Py - Power Vacuum [Ch. 12 Official] [What? Why? Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    The animations and models are top notch; easily the best out of most (if not all games). The story is hilarious too ( a major plus that brings people to the game again and again). The NTR is a plus, but doesn't become overbearing in the story. Fantastic job by the dev.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    I'm gonna have to agree with most of the lower-rating reviews on this one. I enjoyed the game up until the broken-dick became the main focus of the game and its humor. During and after that chapter, I found myself fed up with the constant jokes, the endless teasing, and the lack of relationship progression. We'd hit a milestone for a character (i.e. handjob or blowjob) and then it would just stagnate.

    I like most of the girls, but unfortunately, the game is just constantly bombarding you with jokes that derail (broken-dick) or stall progression. I'm not going to comment on the NTR aspects of the game because I'm not interested in that fetish and had it disabled.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    This game is full of content, but because it's served in a chapter by chapter format, it's an unbearable grindfest. You have to use the guide to play, because the dialogue is so poorly written and provides little to no context as to where you should go or what you should do next. If you don't, you'll end up skipping day after day to get to specific events just to progress.

    The CGs are plentiful, but the quality is subpar until the later chapters, and even then it can be hit or miss depending on if it was a DAZ template (good) or if the author animated it themselves (meh). Models are good looking, but they look incredibly plastic due to the overwhelmingly flat environments and the Windows XP wallpaper backgrounds that decided to take a dump on the skybox. Animations have a doll-like stiffness. I think this can be seen best in the characters breasts and legs--while these are very thick characters, they look like big chunky plastic dolls. They do get better as the chapters continue, but some character models (specifically Catherine) really need to be redone in their entirety. She looks almost alien in her face and robotic in her joints. You can see the improvement in newer character models in the later chapters, and when the new characters are put side by side with the older ones, it's incredibly noticeable.

    The writing in this game is bad. Truly cringeworthy, fully intact virginity incel levels of bad. There's a scene early on in the game where they poke fun at non-consent as being somewhat controversial while depicting it regularly in NTR scenes where the player has no control of the events unfolding. And in another scene later on, the mother character makes a sex game VN inside the game that is heavily uncanny valley levels of eye torture. There is an entire chapter of the game dedicated to the main character breaking his dick, and getting it to work again, and because of that writing you can thank the 200 or so CGs where you'll be staring at the MC's skinny broken pinky finger. None of it is funny.

    I think people overlook how important decent writing is when making sex games. This game's writing and pacing is so poor it holds the entire game back. It's so bad in fact I'd consider it translation error.

    I would suggest to the author of the game that they get an actual writer to translate the horrible writing to something somewhat cohesive in the now, so that as they continue to improve the game it can be enjoyed for what it excels at now: above par CGI.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    It was a good game but now no one can remember it.

    Beautiful female characters.


    Normal renders
    Character personalities
    Humor that doesn't make you laugh
    Boobs and butt look like sicolicone +fat grafting.
    Silly horror story
    Plot that doesn't intrigue
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't normally give a 5 star review. There is always something about a game that makes me go three, maybe 4 stars. But this game is a very rare occurrence.
    It has everything. Great renders. Great story. Hilarious moments.
    The women all are original, not the usual same characters you see in countless games just with different names.
    The NTR is actually some of the best parts. Or, let me say, trying to keep from getting the NTR is. I don't have a problem with the NTR content in games. Usually I can keep it or leave it. But with this game, I like to pick the wrong option just so I can see what happens, then go back and chose the correct one.
    If I had to pick one thing to nit-pick about, I think it would be the fact that Hunter has an obscenely oversized dick. I'd rather see characters who are more correct with real people. But, as I say, that is a small problem that I can deal with easily.
    Keep up the great work, and I'm anxiously awaiting the next installment!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I love NTR i.e. I love this game with it's sexy chicks who crave those big thick cocks LMAO
    No seriously, it's a pretty mwell done porn gameand the NTR add more spice to it. And adding some well done and beutiful woman make it even better. For me it's a turn-off when the dev hasn't put down enough time to make the people look good and such a game should just be a text game but certainly not yhis game. Well done WWG!
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    The story is a mix of two things:
    a>pornified landlady-based 'Friends' reboot
    b>semi-serious horror plot.

    It's more of a mess than a mix. The self-conceited 'Instagram comedy' of characters talking about their quotidian foibles and hijinks fell flat for me. But hey most reviewers seem to like it, so ymmv.

    The 'serious horror plot', where you prevent your demonic grandpa from fucking your landladies by fucking them yourself. Basically it's role is to punish you with grandpa cuckoldry followed by redeemable game over if you make bad choices.

    3dcg porno npcs tend to be quite annoying, and the ones here are above average in that regard. Everyone is a loquacious bipolar maniac about everything. It comes across as unnervingly cringey and fake. They literally act like reaction streamers. With a little bit of grounding in actual human behaviour, some of the humour might actually be funny but as it is the best I can manage is a polite smile.

    The sandbox aspect is completely redundant because you're just triggering scenes by visiting rooms in the house. You have to grind by repeating events, but the game has an in-built walkthrough that tells you where and how many times. It's annoying but well within my tolerance. There's also an in-built scene replay gallery which is cool.

    Renders are decent. Anims are pretty good. However the models' faces often look weird and sometimes grotesque (not talking about the plentiful ahegao, which I can take or leave). Most of the girls also have breasts, asses and hips completely out of proportion to the rest of their anatomy. It just doesn't look real, so isn't sexy. But given all the 5 star reviews, ymmv.

    Some of the h-scenes are kinky/weird (not counting the landlady stuff) and that's a good thing per se, but the aforesaid drawbacks/issues prevented me from enjoying them.

    In summary the game has some good things but they're misused and thus don't contribute much to fappability. 3 stars for gfx and h-scenes, -1 for everything else.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Great incest content w/ "funny" gags and ahegao faces that would make a Gobbo cry. With NTR spice that is completely optional but quality each time, I wish more games were made with this level of fun.
  9. 3.00 star(s)

    TM | Twisted Games

    I really wanted to love this game. It has great renders, tags that interest me, and while the plot of the story is nothing you haven't seen before, the writing is very polished, and doesn't pull you out of the experience.

    So, how does the game lose two stars?

    - First, because this game is desperately crying out to be a kinetic VN. Where you do have choices, they are clearly telegraphed, and there is no freedom provided by the sandbox elements...the game holds your hand as you move through them. On the positive side, this means the sandbox isn't confusing, but it does make it feel like a completely inessential part of the game....and when you've finished all the content for the chapter except for one or two events...the whole thing just becomes a click fest. Initially I thought this might have been done to pad out the game, but the dev has created a decent amount of content, so I'm not really sure what it's all about. Re-using assets, perhaps.

    - Second, while the MC isn't unlikable, they dip into the category of 'golly gee shucks' my sister wants me to take sexy photos of her! What an inconvenience! I appreciate that an MC who wants to bang all their family members right off the bat is unrealistic, but I think this VN would have been better served by having the MC lean into the competition with gramps right off the bat. This keeps most of the interactions at a surface level, and tends to let humor triumph over eroticism.

    This is by no means a bad game, and the two aspects that caused me to remove stars may not be issues for many readers. If they aren't, this VN may well be right up your alley.

    My recommendation is check it out and at least play the first chapter, by then you should be able to get a read on the MC and the gameplay, and know if it's for you or not.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This game should be ranked much much higher! In terms of animation and graphics, I would rank it way up there along with Being a Dik and Milfy City. The animations and renders are top-notch, specially with the hotel and Brenna scenes. There is something with the animations that indescribably sets it apart (and higher in my opinion) than BaD and Milfy City's Linda scenes.

    There is a substantial amount of content as of Ch.8, and despite some amount of grind - the Brenna, and Eve scenes more than makes up for it! Hopefully with the addition of Ophelia soon!
  11. 3.00 star(s)



    Summary: While not fresh or particularly creative, and definitely not a visual blowaway, I cannot help but give credit to the excellent linguism and clever humor. I feel like the dev would be doing a lot better as a comedy writer - no joke!


    Art-style: ☆ ☆ ☆
    Mostly unaltered DAZ screenshots, to the point you can sometimes see the reflection of the program's light sources in their eyes (-☆) . The proportions are exaggerated and silly, but again, it's not meant to be a serious game. The only sexual facial expression females do in the game is ahegao, which is overused and overdone. (-☆) . Still, the characters are appealing enough.

    Gameplay: ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
    Sandbox type of VN, you're allowed to transition between house divisions without much diversity or flavor to add (-☆). Additionally, there are no other areas for you to explore, hidden collectibles or specific mechanics. (-☆). However, this also means the path is straightforward and agile, allowing you to more quickly jump to H-scenes. (+ ☆)

    Storyline: ☆
    There's pretty much none (-☆). There's a pitiful attempt at tying Hunter, the NTR antagonist, to some italian secret order of sex (-☆; ???), but it comes out of nowhere and for no reason in a later chapter (-☆). All in all, you're just yet another "MC returns home and has grown so much" character (-☆).

    Grammar: ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
    The best part about this game, there are no grammatical mistakes and the lexical skills of the writers, as well as general knowledge, suprasses that of the average person. Not everyone will appreciate the punchlines and satire to real-life themes, nor the comical exchanges mid H-scene, but to me, it worked wonders and it extrapolates the genius behind the story writers.

    : 13
    Parameters: 4 (Art | Gameplay | Storyline | Grammar)
    Final calculus: 13/4 = 3.25 = 3

    Result: 3 ☆
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Man, I love the ahegao in this game.

    This game (with VN elements, there are points etc, but grinding is minimal, and its holds your hand)... This game is a pretty amazing combination of over-the-top excess and clever plotting and dialogue. There are only a handful of other games like it. It's like... it's like... imagine a theatre doing an Alan Ayckbourn sex farce, but they've set it in the present day, with set design by Jeff Koons, and directed by Ron Jeremy. Does that help?

    Some don't like the female body proportions, and I admit, there are scenes with the MC and his mother where you fear that he may suffer death by snoo-snoo. But apart from that, I think this game has some of the most brilliant renders you'll ever see. They're vibrant, often full of action, and vary wonderfully from subtle to over the top, so never get boring. Like when the sisters run from the table at the end of meals, with the mother and cousin sitting calmly. Or that amazing sequence at the pool where the younger sister pants the MC and he pokes the older sister in the face. The sex scenes are amazing, just exploding with "precious bodily fluids" and these amazing facial expressions. Love it.

    The MC is a bit of a "golly-jee, are those my mother's titties I see?" but he's pretty good and seems to be trying to do the right thing. He's just surrounded by beautiful women who are way, way smarter than he is. There's also the grandfather, who is this kind of Emperor Palpatine figure, you think he's behind everything, but then he sorta vanishes, but then he reappears, and it's really not clear. I actually love the tension of "if I don't fuck her, that wizened old goat will," and I wish it was stronger in the story.

    The story goes all over the place. They play DnD and that turns into a cosplay fantasy. And there's another bizarre interlude, sorta like Pixar meets futa? Not my thing at all. The plot is a Six Flags ride, best to just get in and let it take you. If you don't like what you see, cover your eyes.

    Or maybe it's episodes. Some of these games I like to imagine are like hardcore TV sitcoms, and this is a perfect example. If you just imagine each part like an episode, then it works perfectly. People come and go. Kangaroo courts are held. There's a costume party. Grandad makes a robot. But no one changes.

    Did I mention this game is very, very erotic?

    Anyways, there are maybe ten or so games on this site that really show what can be achieved by combining rendering skill, creativity, and a good sense of eroticism. This is one of them. Enjoy.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    The Pros:

    - Fair amount of content

    The Cons:

    -The Story
    -Main Character

    The story if you wanna call it that is mediocre, the "Humor" is cringe, the main character comes off as dimwitted and the body portions of some of the ladies are laughable. Aside from Catherine, but too bad she's even more dimwitted than the main character. This game was recommended to me, but it unfortunately wasn't for me.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Review for Power Vacuum Ch10:

    I browsed right on by this game many times because of the futa, netorare, and sandbox tags. The futa and netore are completely avoidable by disabling them at the start of the game or with other game choices. The sandbox is a shining example of what a good sandbox should be.

    The sandbox is very well executed. It can get boring at times with nothing at all going on in most time slots when there are very few unfinished quests. It's relatively easy to forward time, but still tedious. How it actually plays out will be different depending on how you play through different story lines and it will likely be different when played as a complete game instead of one update at a time.

    The writing is refreshing. The humor frequently had me laughing out loud. Graphics/renders are excellent. Sexual tension build-up and lewd scenes are also excellent. Some players say it's "slow" but I think it's perfect.

    While I like the humor and the sex, the overarching story could use some work. The MC doesn't even try to figure out how to defeat the antagonist (Hunter) and instead just passively waits for Hunter's next evil scheme. Note that I mostly played with NTR off, but even when it's on, the MC doesn't act differently toward his situation.

    The girls' body shapes (breasts/waist/hips/butt) are a little exaggerated, but not so much that they appear grotesque, and they generally fit in with the humorous theme.

    I still give the game a great rating because even though it's not perfect, most people still prefer mindless action, sex, and special effects over Oscar-winning acting.

    Review for the WhatIf episodes:

    The WhatIf releases started after the game development was in full-swing. These releases are non-canon content that focus on less mainstream fetishes like futa, netorare, and pregnancy. None of them are appealing to me, and that's likely the case for most players. I would be a monetary supporter if the dev didn't spend close to 50% of his time on the WhatIfs, time that could be spent on the further development of the actual game.
  15. 1.00 star(s)

    Before I Forget

    The story is more focused on humor that misses the mark with me versus and actual story. That's probably the goal though, to make another purely fap based game where comedy and sex is the priority.


    MC comes home, meets Landlady/Mom, we see the main obstacle/Hunter who acts and is more of an advarsary then his grandfather. And that's where the childish cat and mouse game begins sadly, the story consists of stopping this guy from drugging and possibly shagging your roomates. There's some weird form of ED which the MC suffers from or bent cock I don't know I spaced out by that time. But the story or lackthereof is about purely incest in family and druggy like behavior.


    Sandbox game, but not as bugging as I've been accustom to, this probably the only plus.


    Older model characters, big massive tits, unportioned bodies the status quo, the slider effect was present.

    This game isn't for me, but I'm older so maybe this game just missed the mark with me and that's fine. Cheers to everyone else.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I never expected the best part of a porn game to be it's self aware humor, but this one nails it. The models and scenes are good, but nothing groundbreaking. The dialogue however always makes me smile. Very few games, porn or otherwise get me audibly laughing but Power Vacuum constantly catches me off guard. It's a good time if I can jack it and laugh, 10/10. On chapter 8 so far and every addition has been fantastic.
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    I played this game expecting a masterpiece, but it's really nothing out of the ordinary.

    Renders: The renders look good not exactly blown away, and the models are okay as well, they do seem dated and reused models, I'm also not big on the facial expressions. Looks foolish sometimes to me.

    Story: He's a scrawny loser one minute and incredible hulk with a big dick the other. Still comes off as weak and passive even in his enhanced form. The girls aren't anything special personality wise just a bunch of recycled cliché's. The mother who hard to get, but really is a slut. The Sister that's rough around the edges, but slutty and to dimwitted, curious sister. His main competition is a older grotesque man who relies on rape like actions, scratch that sometimes he just oddly charms his way into the women legs. That's kind of where I laugh and say this game isn't for me. It voids all common sense. It's a reused cliché in these games and it's kind of boring.

    Gameplay: It's a sandbox but not excruciatingly painful to maneuver through.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best adult games I have played. The story is great and extremely funny and the animations and characters are well done. I also appreciate how the design of the game is helpful and shows you the way to go, too many games are a senseless grind to get anywhere which only adds hours of game time but for no actual pay off. Other games take a lot of time to figure out your next step. While rail-roading games too easily can also ruin them, certain types of games do not need to be a quiz. Adult games especially is about enjoyment, not time consuming challenges. Top marks for a great game!
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This shit is GOATED. Really good character designs, a funny story, and a dash of NTR if you so desire.

    The wide range of cast and the sub-stories are honestly all interesting in their own right. Though not all of them appealed to me (the younger sister and the best friend's story were not really my cup of tea), there is still plenty of other characters to make up for it. Pair that with characters that are actually likeable and have their own personalities rather than just being the typical sex slaves and you can actually get quite immersed in the story.

    Oh and the bodies. Life doesn't get any better than this.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    i love this game its not grindy its got slapstick humour which is a nice change ... the main plot is messed up but also funny ... the animations are great ...and the dialog while not perfect is better than lets say 95% of the other games ... and the models are at least all different .. looking forward to the next chapter keep up the great work