I know people always talk about letting the dev make whatever story they "want to tell" but is it just me, or do you ever really know everything you wanna tell at every moment? In my personal opinion I don't. I like to write short stories and I love feedback from friends and family. I think bouncing ideas off of someone and them giving you proper constructive feedback is valid. And if the Dev changes a few things or a lot of things because they now WANT to do it that way, what's the harm? When people scream "Don't influence the devs" I say: "The dev is influenced by what they want to be influenced by". Not one thing I say can change that, only they can decide what fits in their story.
This is a forum to talk to each other and the devs (if they are nice enough to grace us with their presence) and people that comment should understand that their opinions and suggestions are just that. Yet just as important is for the devs to see what their audience likes in their game, what they are doing well, and what they could improve on. I'm not talking about "REMOVE THIS FETISH OR I WILL ATTACK YOUR PUPPY!" but well constructed and thought out criticism, positives and negatives, and helpful feedback.
Personally, I like the premise of this VN, but am very wary of jumping in with all the "cringe" dialogue. I haven't played the game, so i can't judge the game, so I'm not too valuable to the dev. However, I stand assured that the devs can pick out the useful suggestions that add to their game and not change the story they wanted to tell from the beginning.
Good luck Burst out Games. Also that's a lowkey good name