Unfortunately, we're not able to afford that much customisation, and we planned it out that way. So, for RPG's that would be similar to what we want to accomplish RPG and customisation would be something like Witcher, Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy, and other games where it more sets you in the role of an actual established character.To me it does not really feel like much of a RPG yet since there is zero customization of your character other than there name and choosing there clothing colour cause customization that is a big thing for me in a RPG being able to make a custom character choosing there name and what they wear but i will say this the art is damn good though and the the music is spot on and the game has the harem tag so that is another plus. So i am sort of in the middle of this i want to get a feel of the game by playing it now but at the same time i want to wait for a real custom character to make my own.
Divinity Original Sin 2 would be a good example based on what we would have LIKED to do, have a pre-done character you can't edit with options to play your own... but we just don't have the resources for that option. First and foremost I wanted Redic to be his own character with his own backstory, wants, needs, etc... but the player can work within his archetype.