VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Prince of Suburbia [v1.0 Beta] [ViM Studios]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    [0.4] version.
    Art is good which is the only thing going for it. I know ScarletAnn draws big boobs, so I'll let the huge udders pass. Animations are great, +1 star for the art.

    Otherwise, it is very bad. If you see it as a game, there is no gameplay here. At any given moment the game expects you to take a certain action, which can't be skipped or avoided. This action is not difficult or interesting to find as in some other games. Might as well just have one big button that says 'Next' which would make it into a visual novel.

    But if you see it as a visual novel, it is worse. All characters are flat, they are just a jumbo of tropes: 'MC is the only guy in the universe', 'MC never makes any choices at all', 'MC has horse penis and thus irresistible to all women', 'no one knows how to lock doors'. The plot is flat and serves only to perpetuate the tropes. The scene in the hospital when a nurse jerking off the mc is scolded by a doctor, who then immediately decides to give him a boob job had me rolling my eyes. Mother milking her breasts and lactating at all times made me think - go visit a doctor, that sounds like a hormone problem! If she was worried about making her son horny, then stop feeding him the milk?

    I would also like to mention the incredibly bad choice for the sound effect when you eat dinner. The screen goes black for like 5 whole seconds while you listen to slurpy and chewing noises. Can't skip and you have to eat dinner every day.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    only come here for 1 thing and im never disappointed
    normally i dont like the kinda animation used, i tend to prefer the good ol traditional types like from that Grim Reaper Vel game, but for some reason i really dig it this time around
    art is getting a 5 from me
    i hated Naomi and now that she's out of the mix im a happy camper
    this is all i care about as a subhuman and i hope my friends will join me in rating this beauty
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Review for the .3 version

    The sound effects are pretty annoying. I'm sure there was time and labor spent looking for sound effects to make the game feel more ambient rather than click and warp, but it just seemed pretty annoying. This is a case of too much being invested in an area that didn't require it.

    I actually muted the game because the SFX would get loud or quiet and do something every time I clicked something.

    The MC is the embodiment of sissification no self-esteem misery loser. And I really hate this type of character. The only reason I give these characters a chance is so that if they finally do grow balls, it makes the story all the more meaningful. However it doesn't.

    It attempts to appeal to hard-subs and that's cool, but there might need to be a heads up on it. There's no femdom tags and the entire game is femdom based. I want to make it clear, he tells a girl who is fucking him "GET OFF ME!" But she continues while his hands are tied up. The mc is literally raped and then molested by doctors in the next scene.

    Speaking of a missing tag: imagine, if you will, the mc says hes attracted to his sisters body, then in another scene a muscular black dude dominates his sister in front of him. And they imply she seemed to not want her cherry popped but after was pretty ok with it. And he jacks off thinking about it. Standard ntr right? Well, swap the black dude with a girl and that's this game. Just because it's a girl doing the ntr, doesn't mean it's not ntr.

    But let's delve deeper into the story, tags aside. The mc's mom, decides to feed him her breastmilk. She says early on it would be a waste not to use it. The reason she's producing is a result of the fertility drug. The drug goes through her breastmilk and into the son's body causing the son to get turned on constantly.

    The science might be right, the logic is all wrong. She's making him drink, literal breastmilk, without him knowing... because it would be a waste not to? The bad characterizations don't end there. None of them seem to have much depth to them at all, especially the mc.

    The weird thing is, it feels like this could be a solid story. But every time there's a need to center things around eroticism, the author gets blocked from getting it right. The mc says he makes fun of his sister. The sister punishes him by running around in underwear? One of these things only tries to add lust, the other tries to add relationship depth. When the writing is on the focus of the relationship, he'll occasionally strike gold such as the shift in relationship when he's coming home from the doctor with his mom. When it's on the perverted side it feels like he gave up trying to write something better.

    There's seemingly no genuine care the mc really gets from his "harem." The mc is getting the attention of Heather out of boredom, sis, because she's a slut and Heather's making it happen, mom, because she drugged, Naomi, because she wants a baby. The mc might be one of the most unloved protagonists in most f95 games.

    The art, at the very least is good. Big tits, attractive women, graphics beautifully made. Scarlette Anne is great. And the art is the only real reason I think this game is above 1 star. I feel like if this game had bad art you'd be seeing universal criticism for it.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    I saw this game Yesterday, last review then was 5 months old. There are actually two new ones now as of writing this review. But those two reviews are none. I get it.. you like a game or a character or something.. and then you feel like you have to give the game a good rating to show your appreciation or something. But thats the problem with those reviews.

    A review should be as fair and as objective as possible summary of the state of the game as of writing it

    Without further ado the review.

    The Story : Pretty basic "Man of the House" style story (and i dont mean that in a bad way, thats just a fact). Father is gone.. mother struggles to make ends meet. You (the MC) want to help provide some money, therefore you go and work in your summer holidays. There is the sister whos only job it is to threat you like shit whenever possible. You work for the hot milf neighbour, and things evolve.. you put your thing in her. Then you get caught by your mother who earlier startet to grow "more" feelings for you.
    You run outside and fall down and break both arms (Side note: Either that animation and some pictures that explain on what the fuck actually happened that you broke both arms was bugged for me or its just like it was for me.. one picture where you fall and kaboom both arms broken).
    Once back from the hospital your family will take care of your "needs". Oh and your sexy aunt with that skinny cousin is coming to your house too.

    Not the worst Story i''ve ever seen, but nothing above Average for sure.

    The Characters aka. Whats behind the pretty face : Well they are all perverts to some degree. However that mother is one crazy woman i can tell you that much and im not sure how i feel about that. There isnt really much depth into the characters, they either want to get pregnant or suck dicks or fuck. Which is fine for a sex game.. but thats nothing above average either.

    The Art : Thats really subjective.. you either like that style or you dont there is not much inbetween i's say. I kinda like it and in that category it is above average.

    The Girls : Same as with the Art.. you either like big (and i mean BIIIIIIIIIIIIIG) Boobs or you dont. I like big boobs, but even for me those boobs are a little bit over the top. But they are still nice to look at dont get me wrong.

    The English : Im no native english speaker myself as you can probably tell by now. The english is ok.. almost good i'd say.

    TL : DR // The basics of a "Man of the House" style harem game. Dont expect a 100 Million Dollar Hollywood Story. And dont expect too many sex scenes (yet). Its an average game that was ok to play through.. but i personally will not touch it for at least 3-6 months when some of the things might unfold and action is going on.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    As a big boob lover and a Scarlett Ann fan, this game is right up my alley. Although there isn't much content out right now, I see alot of potential if there are more steady updates. The animations are great and the h scenes so far are hot.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Arts looks great, the character design seems to be a little repetitive but it's working . I'm a little upset about the landlady and his sister because i think they need to be more older to be considered MILFs. The story is good, simple but all the ingredients to raise lust. The animation is THE powerful point of the game. Some are saccaded but it's okay, we know it'll be fix in the future (I hope !). So keep continue the great job you do, i will definitly watch the evolution till the final release :) 5 stars to increase the grade because 3 is underrated.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    This may be a petty thing to open a review with, but the sound management in this game is absolutely terrible.

    Not that the sounds are bad, it's nice to actually have contextual sounds and music that sound good, or at least not ridiculous, but the true problem is that the sound settings in the options do nothing. I generally don't like background music in games, call it an odd preference. This means I generally mute the music after a few minutes of play. Not only did muting it not actually, you know, mute it, but playing with the other sound settings revealed that they do absolutely nothing. If you don't want to be deafened by this you will need to either drop your computer's master sound to nearly mute, or manually shift the volume in Volume Mixer. Again, this seems petty, but if I'm looking at porn and my only thought is about the audio mixing then I take that as a significant problem.

    The artwork is good, the characters nearly universally unlikable, and so far it seems that what the dialogue tells you to do and what you are actually supposed to do are two different things.

    Frankly the only reason this isn't a one star is the art (not really my style, but shows some talent at the very least). Other reviews have mentioned the artist drew for another, better liked game, so I'd recommend saving time and eardrums by skipping this and checking that out instead.

    Edit: I should mention that after I posted this review the uploader contacted me to let me know they had addressed the sound issue. I appreciate the attention to complaints and will see how future releases hold up. Hopefully they will give me reason to change this review.
  8. 2.00 star(s)

    James Norm Lock

    terrible writing, the characters are all assholes apart from the mom and the interface is pretty bad as well..

    Everyone here talks about the art, the art is ok but not good, the worst part about it is the terrible "animations" if you can even call them that, it's basically bending the pictures back and forth, I'd say that this makes the art look way worse than it should be.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is terrible. The characters are unlikeable. The so called humor is cringe at best. And physically painful at worst. The MC is apparently 13 mentally. The older sister and neighbors daughter are just horrible. I don't want MC to sleep with them horrible, I want them to get hit by a bus horrible. And the artwork is just a lesser version of zombies retreat (a game which I loved).

    Don't waste your time.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    The art work is superb and want more of it.
    As far story and gameplay go, rather boring that you click through as quick as possible to see the next gorgeous scene

    For as short as it is now this is fine, but if the game grows and remains like it is now the text blocks will become an even bigger chore
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I wish there was a 4.5 star rating.
    Overall, 0.3 was a short but sweet update. The three new busts are all gorgeous (Nurse, Dr. O'Brien, and Officer Tanks) and it will be exciting to see where the story goes for them. The story is pretty much what you'd expect (it's a porn game, not The Odyssey, for God's sake!). I encountered no bugs in my playthrough, which is pretty solid for a brand new update.

    Visuals look amazing on my 4K TV, which is certainly a plus. Animation ranges from decent to excellent depending on the scene - I was quite impressed! ScarlettAnn's huge breasted models are fantastic, but not everyone's cup of tea. It appears that there will be one normal-sized bust added later: the MC's cous- step-cousin (PHEW!). If you are not a fan of huge melons... what the hell is wrong with you?! In all seriousness, if you don't like oversized breasts, stay away.

    Appropriate music and sound effects add to the porn immersion. I'd love to hear some moans and/or voices added later! The game's engine is much more streamlined and easy to use. There is also no grinding, though the story is paced well enough that women aren't just jumping all over you (well, MOSTLY...). I'm excited to see where the project goes next!
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    The following review is based off my personal experience with playing this Game/Visual Novel... I try to be as brutally honest and detailed as I can, and these are my own opinions and thoughts, from one or more play throughs... The version this review is based on is v0.2...

    Originally Reviewed on 12/31/2017

    This game/VN was ok, but not something I really enjoy playing... Plus it is yet another Family Sex game, which is such an overused theme...

    The visuals are 2D hand drawn for both the characters and the backdrops... There are some flip-screen animations and one full animation that I saw... The visuals themselves are alright, not Hentai, but they do seem somewhat inspired by hentai...

    The script only had a few spelling/grammar errors... Several times the immersion was broken when the dialogue/monologue referred to the male protagonist as MC rather then his name etc... I could tell there was a small attempt to add humor but it wasn't really funny enough to get me laughing... The plot for the current content revolves purely around sex stuff, with the next door neighbor ogling and eventually seducing the male protagonist when he comes over to do housework... There does seem to be some teasing at some sub-plots, but none of them actually go anywhere, yet...

    I do get a bit sick of always seeing how badly the older sisters always treat their male protagonist brothers in these things, as it happens a lot where the VN/game has siblings... Especially troublesome when they are so close in age... And in this VN/game she treats him doubly bad... It's as though she hates him to the point of wanting harm to actually befall him, with all the teasing and threatening... Of course, he reacts in kind, but I think the hate feels more one sided...

    Overall, there isn't a huge amount of content due to how early in development this game/VN is... And it focuses a lot more on sex stuff (with various fetishes) then anything else, and although there seems to be some story teasing with sub-plots, I don't think this game/VN is planned out to have a deep and meaningful story... Only time will tell... I will most likely never play future versions of this game, as it feels more like a sex fetish porn game then anything else...