RPGM - Princess & Conquest [v0.21.05] [Towerfag]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I like pretty much of everything of this game. The influence system is very cool. The pixel animation are ok. The story is ok and fun some parts. Theres a lot of characters to intereact and build your own story. And the preg system are cool!
    There's only two bad things for me: First is that the dev focus so much on new itens and costumes for the characters, instead of advancing more improtant things in the game.
    Secondly, the use of the keyboard. Adult games normaly ppl play with only one hand, if you know what I mean.
    I would give it four starts, but I had too much fun on this game, and that's the objective of the games; be fun. So full starts for it!
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Personally out of most games I've played this one is the most memorable. good game, good animations and a fun not so serious story. You just pick a directions and trying something, I will say the only gripe I have is some parts feel like you'd need to read a wiki, and sometimes you do, but you can ignore the complicated parts if they aren't for you and trying your own method with some quests which I enjoy the most.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    an excellent game that mixes hentai and rpg elements, with exploration, lore, combat and +18 content to pass the time, and many other details, achieving a perfect balance between genres and is my favorite game on my list
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Princess & Conquest gives me an almost nostalgia like feeling in my soul. There's a lot to love here, but you have to be honest with the fact that it's almost a complete mess gameplay-wise. I feel like it almost tried to be too ambitious and took this interesting story, shoving it into an engine it wasn't exactly designed for and putting no signposts anywhere. Visually inconsistent, almost ugly looking at times, however a competent look towards everything princess-related. All of their characters are so fun and cute, not to mention well-written, exciting and wonderfully animated. Everything else is essentially an RPG Maker wasteland with some customized code.

    Maybe you should go and get lost somewhere on the map. It might be a vibe. (It's not a big map, really.)
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    this is top notch!
    • Well-written
    • Visually stunning
    • Features fantastic animated sex scenes
    Playing Princess & Conquest is a wild ride! After hours of playing, I still hadn’t seen a single sex scene with a princess. The game’s progression is so convoluted that it feels like a giant, funny puzzle.

    For example, on day 3 or 4, I had to check the wiki to figure out how to move forward with the Cat Princess's quest. Just after helping her win a battle, she got invaded, and now she won’t talk to me, which means I can’t advance our relationship. It’s so ridiculous that it’s almost funny. Her quest hides some awesome animations, making the whole thing feel like a hilarious treasure hunt.

    The objectives are super unclear, and there are huge gaps between sex scenes, which just adds to the game’s unpredictable and fanny nature.

    The battle mechanics are another source of comedy. For instance, the Kobold Princess won’t have sex with me or advance her quest even though she has high Lust and Love stats. But she’ll have sex with any enemy she encounters, It’s so absurd that it becomes part of the fun.

    The game’s decisions are consistently surprising. The content hidden beneath the quirky design is top-notch, and while it forces players to rely on extensive wikis and step-by-step guides, it turns the whole experience stupide. T

    The writing gets even funnier as you go. The protagonist, who has been with many characters, suddenly becomes shy and hesitant with new ones, which is so out of character that it’s laugh-out-loud funny.

    This game might need a major overhaul to make sense, but its current state is a hilarious, chaotic mess that’s oddly entertaining. Instead of getting frustrated, I recommend using a cheat to view the gallery. It might not be as satisfying as experiencing the content naturally, but it’s far more fun and fits perfectly with the game’s funny and nonsensical vibe.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Well the game its good, i mean the gameplay its kinda fun with some thing ispired in souls games, But it has a lot of bug and errors that soflock you.
    The desings are good but everything else is Meh. lack of content and animations not even fappable. it needs a major update so not recomendable for now 3/10
    (Sorry for my bad english)
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    So this game is a mess but a kind of good mess.​
    Rating is based on Lore/Gameplay/Replayability/How fun it is.​
    And then give my overall conclusion.​
    This Rating may change once every route and princess is out.
    Lore: It's Good.

    This game is made out of Routes. Almost each princess is planned to have a route that may or may not be important for the Real plot that witch we known not much of lol.

    Routes don't give much but a bit of lore for that princess they are Not important except for a few, actually it makes the game harder becuse of it's Ng+ system.
    • 8.5/10 for all it's worth the Lore is the best thing in this game becuse of how many routes there are.
    Gameplay: It's mid.
    Summary-this game has too much gameplay for not much gameplay.
    Traits for the knight. The world. The combat. some Minigames. Exploration.

    All of it is part of this game gameplay but the things that matter is the Combat, Traits & world and those are lacking, Combat is wacky (enemys often misses or don't have interesting moveset, just like you), the traits are grindy but the world is Big even more so when you visit everything at least once with how many Ng+ you'll be doing, you'll get a chance to see everything in due time but that diminish exploration.
    • 4/10 the world's the only gameplay thing that's interesting here.
    Replayability: its great but broken.

    This game has a Ng+ ramp up making this game a grindy mess, but like the Lore its the most prevalant thing in the game.

    each time you complete a route you Ng+ so when you have 11+ routes you'll notice that the game becomes too grindy and then Boring, Ng+ also don't give much and if you don't have an specific item you'll lose Everything you had in previus playthrough.
    • 2/10 they should really let you upgrade your traits while also putting a Cap on how many Ng+ you can have, so that you don't die to 3 HITS from a BAT.
    How fun it is: The fun is there.
    Its one of the seven wonders of this game. with all of its problems is still fun.

    That may be becuse of it's scale, there is always new things to do and places to see and princess to lay and slay, with so many characters, youre bound to find someone you like or relate and then get hooked on the game.
    • 7/10 It WILL take a few hours out of you for better or worst.
    Overall it's above mid, its not a game that you'll play then let go nor a game you'll remember as a masterpiece but a game that you can always come back to.
    • 3/5 stars
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    I would rate this game way higher if it wasn't for its main flaw, this game loves to waste your time. After five hours I've barely gotten any guield quests done for the simple fact, you can only pick one at a time, it takes a whole day to be able to pick another AFTER you have gone back to them and finished a previous one (which means even if you got done with the quest you were one three days ago, you still need to wait one more day AFTER getting your reward for it). Not to mention the random events
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    wasting even more time on completing quests.

    I want to like this game, I really do but after spending over five hours on it. Is just so much stuff dragging it down. The battles are too easy and only waste time by having high health enemies or having you and the party be so low level (I genuine forgot how I level up for the first time, since it took so long and in my current save I'm only level 1 after five hours of gameplay). The quests can feel very arbitrary and jank in the ways you are meant to trigger them;
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    Random npcs you can fuck might not show if they are futa or not, leading to gifs you rather not see. Or that gifs that play can't be fast forward incase is one you have seen already and want to skip. You have to spend swirlies (money in the game) near constantly, and don't earn much at all from exploration, combat or quests (early on it least). You can skip a lot of unnecessary purchases but some are mandatory to complete certain quests or explore random places with no direct reward. Is much more I could go off on but in short. There is gameplay in this, but it doesn't feel engaging enough to deal with for hourse only to get crumbs as the reward.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Now this ones a famous piece, probably running close to a decade now in development if not more. Here's my two cents;


    - This is a real game, as in a real RPG game with quests, storylines, the whole cake. The sex is incidental, more like a reward than anything. Its like Hot Coffee in GTA.
    - The game is massive. Even main quests takes hours to complete and assuming you're wanting to finish most if not all the quests available it'll prob take you in excess of 40 hours.
    - The world feels believable. The princesses are at war with one another, can make peace, and their regime can be completely destroyed. Its all very fluid.
    - Gameplay is fine, active time not turn based. A very niche way to doing RPGs
    - Animation is good, above average and very fluid.
    - Princesses can get pregnant, and you can technically fuck every princess, get them knocked up and then replacing them with your own daughters.


    - The game tends to crash alot, at least in my playthrough. Make saves, and very often because you'll never know when the game will bugger you up.
    - H scenes are subpar. Yes, there may be a load of variety but you cant hide the fact that what it boils down at the end is essentially a gif of maybe 3 seconds of repetitive frames before the climax. No meaningful VA, no interaction. Its just your choice of action and then the humping begins until it ends. At some point you'll be wishing theres a skip button, or you'll just not bother to do it entirely.
    - Gameplay is fairly grindy in that both buying power and level ups depend on the same currency. Not to mention that most enemies fought naturally (and not via an OP dragonness) takes usually three hits minimum. And with hit boxes fucking with you what you essentially have is a clusterfuck where you're just kiting enemies endlessly while they absorb an unrealistic amount of punishment, especially the bosses.

    Unsurpsingly then that the game is full of exploits, such as the aforementioned OP dragonness which you can absolutely get very early in the game. And if that doesnt settle it for you, this game has a surprisingly robust cheat system. Perhaps the devs anticipated its audience? Or perhaps the gameplay is actually shallow by design, masked by layers of grind.

    - And finally, the biggest flaw Ive found with this game. Its too fucking slow. Everything from opening the menu, the many, many load screens, the fucking, the dialogues, its all very noticeably snail-like. Basically what Im saying is that this game makes you feel like youre playing a 90s gameboy game, like pokemon red/blue where everything feels like running through a bog. Perhaps unfair, considering the engine, the size/scope of this game. But its there, and should be pointed out.


    Alright, so this game is far from perfect but I'll still say that its one of the better RPG+H games Ive played. The artstyle is very nicely done, girls have very nice curves and yet still maintain a certain undeniable cuteness. The music is varied, one for each town, and it has a certain 90s game music vibe to it in that its all very catchy and memorable.

    Its just a shame that the combat is active time, because it absolutely could have been better as a turn based. Could give the girls more agency rather than simply act as eye candy while the knight (or more likely the dragonness) just solos everything himself. Three additional team members but it all really does seem more like you dragging your harem with you adventuring where their value doesnt go any higher other than as bunk mates.

    More interactions with your team members other than just fucking them would be nice. Sometimes boners are gotten from simply talk and understanding, because lord knows we dont tend to get many of that in real life.

    But can I recommend it? Yes, in fact you should consider paying for it if RPG games scratches that itch. Its one of a kind, and the devs deserves your support.

    Only comparable game in terms of size/scope, and total game hours is strive for power. Nothing else comes even remotely close.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    Enjoyed what I played of the game so far. The gameplay is engaging and the bustling world makes for a rather immersive experience. Finding items is also often more exciting than most rpgs given their sometimes rather strange and unique effects.

    That said the game definitely has a few too many flaws to rate it higher. To start with, it doesn't run all that great. The progression and gameplay systems are often absurdly convoluted. There are sadly too many characters/plotlines that go nowhere. And the game lacks basic fetish toggles for even the obvious stuff like futa.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    good game, sandbox/open world. indepth RPG with a branching story that gives you a diverse range of side quests, main quest sub branches, and choice based systems every now and then, that can reflect your outcome..

    unique NSFW game, with range of different creatures, and realms to explore ;)

    its still too early to call it right now, ive played this game since the early days, and sure its improved, for example the QOL improvements to the cheat menu, in comparison to the stupidily annoying one code per cheat system..

    this game is a game that i have been on the fence with actually buying on steam for a while, and ill be honest with why i Personally havent YET.,..
    so sure you get varied amounts of creatures, but the variety of animations is just ridiculously low, to a point that you could fuck three of the same creatures in the same room, and experience the same animation play out all three times.. its dull, and boring and the lack of variations of animations per creature/ creatures gender variations is just sorely lacking to where it essentially spoils the NSFW element for me, and whats left is a shallow RPG in comparison to the Non RPGS out there. by no means is this a bad game or a bad RPG, but what makes this game special is rating it on the basis of the NSFW RPG GENRE, rather than just an RPG.. i feel ALOT MORE ANIMATIONS need added, with different variations for all creatures, for both genders, so it gives straight players, gay players, and Bi players plenty of variety in their scenes, rather than the same ones playing OVER N OVER N OVER N OVER AGAIN. male kobalt, i never get any animations other than them sitting their balls on the MCs mouth, no ass licking or fucking, or playing.. add a bunch of varied sexual deeds, then the same sexual deeds but different position variations, so it keeps it fresh. as when you eventually build the number of varied animations up.. it'll be to a pooint that theres that much of them, iregardless of whether your partner is male or female, and what creature, you really cant guess which animation will come up.. so yeah, the lack of NSFW variations for animations ruin this experience for me. and personally is the BIGGEST reason why ive not YET bought this game, and instead use this site.

    summary: its a above average NSFW RPG that has a unique take on its genre, with furry/non furry parnters, and a diverse world to explore, with an ever branching narrative. however the lack of animations variety is what this game lacks, and ultimately due to that lack of variety, the game falls flat. atm id rate this a three stars. its got potential, but updates are too infrequent, and when they are released, theyre unfocused, and the content suffers due to it. dedicate updates to specific things. E.G. if you plan to add animations, dedicate the next several updates to adding JUST animations for the NPCS and main characters, build them up. its worth a play, and is fun.. but after a couple hours, due to the lack of variety you end up becoming bored, and go to better alternatives that seems to do everything better than whats currently going on here.

    lord knows the giant armpit animation is cool, but when youre stuck between two animations, and 90 percent of the time its the armpit, and the other 10 its a basic cowgirl vaginal anim.. GIVE US PICKED UP ORAL, BOOB JOBS, ASS JOB, ASS EATING, ANAL! so yeah, animations galore, more locations with different creatures.. more sleep events, more random encounters that can lead to death, sex etc. just more regular updates, and if not regular, atleast more focused, rather than trying to get to every single aspect of the game between two updates. focus your attention and dedicate time to specific things until you deem it to be satisfactory, then move onto the next. I PROMISE IF TONS MORE ANIMATIONS VARIETY FOR ALL CREATURES, AND GENDERS ARE ADDED, I WILL BUY YOUR GAME!
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    God of Debauchery

    This review is for v0.20.10

    I have been playing this game intermittently for years now, having paid for the game on Itch.io, and I really don't understand the people who have been trying to review bomb this game on here.

    The gameplay is easy although it does take a minute to get the hang of since it doesn't function like other RPGM games, having real-time events (that are honestly easy to deal with) and active combat rather than turn-based combat.
    It's all REALLY easy to get a hang of, so I don't know why so many people are complaining about it aside from it being a skill issue.

    the artwork is cute and detailed with the animations being sexy as well, albeit repetitive since each race has the same set of animations and the animation runtime tends to add up if you're a slut.

    People also seem to complain about the travel time in the world map, but it's literally not a problem once you get a character in your party that can fly, which doesn't take long at all.

    There are a lot of mechanics in the game that are pretty easy to figure out with a little patience, but apparently patience isn't a virtue among some of the other reviewers so they complain that you can use their wiki to figure out how to do everything speedrun style.

    There are other complaints about things like the real-time event system, but there is literally an option to turn off those events if you don't want to deal with them.

    Considering the amount of work that goes into this game compared to some other popular titles on this site, I genuinely can't comprehend people's distaste for this one.
    I literally started only playing once or twice a year specifically because there are updates so frequently that actually add content that I couldn't keep up, which is a GOOD problem to have.

    Fun fact: a bunch of these negative reviews actually violate the reviewing rules, such as complaining about the developer or focusing solely on one aspect they didn't like about it or even just complaining that there is a single thing they don't like (like someone review bombing just because they can't use a mouse or someone else being upset about the fact that there are some LGBT oriented interactions occasionally that you can opt into doing).
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    Princess & Conquest is a unique sandbox openworld h-game with a management element and top down RPGMaker hack and slash combat mechanics. Like other games, it has pros & cons which I'm gonna try to explain it as clearly and objective as possible. So let's start with the good part first!


    1. Vast amount of unique characters
    It has big amount of casts, ranging from your generic NPC to the main heroines. Almost every of them feels unique. Every main characters has their own gimmick that make them easy to distinguish between each other.

    2. Interesting lore & heroine plot
    There is no real main plot in the game, it's sandbox. But there are a lot of scattered lore around the world ranging from small trivia to important revelation on why a certain princess is hated or some kingdoms are hated. The small amount of heroines have their routes completed so you can explore their problem and maybe look together for the solution. It's fun.

    3. Many many animations

    What can I say? It has many fluid and tasty h-animations. It ranges from handjob to kinky stuff. They are all normal, rest assured (or not you sick fuck). It's also quite easy to collect. They're all basically whore lmao.

    Now, let's move to the neutral part. I called it neutral because it can be either hit or miss, depending on your taste.


    1. Art

    While personally I think it looks tasty, but I can see some people might be saying this is too simple or almost like random doodle rather than your fap fuel and I can actually sympathize with that.

    2. Sex with no real context (on many scenes)
    While this might be a plus for a people who aren't into complicated stuff A.K.A beating around the bush, I feel the game more like gallery collection rather than.. Uh, you know.. Proper porn? I can't established my connection with the MC and his partner without any proper context. The sex are just "I'm horny and you too, let's bang!". So yeah, not your best sex scene.

    3. Sandbox
    I have mixed feelings about this. In one side, I think the game mode is fun. Because it feels like I have no real urgency to do things that I'm not deeply interested on. But I also feel this game needs proper direction. At least main story, or something. To make us move forward before entering sandbox phase. Otherwise it feels a bit confusing.

    Now, let's move to the fun part hehe. The cons part.


    1. Bad font
    Idk who the fuck gave the idea to use this font set in the game. But I can say they done poor job and have bad taste. It's too distracting, it's hard to read, and it doesn't look appealing at all.

    2. Quick h-scenes
    The h-scenes are many, it's true. But they're just 5 seconds loop with the extra finishing scene for creampies. With no dialogues (most of the time) or any interaction, basically it feels like watching GIF. Can you imagine jerking off to GIF? LMAO. Sorry but I'm not super horny 2fast2furious type of dude who can just cum with 5 seconds GIF loop. But I appreaciate the GIF as warm-ups before actual jerking off session begin.

    3. Tedious gameplay
    Second biggest concern about this game. The gameplay is full of unnecessary grinding and very slow progression. The early game is the absolute worst. Since everything needs money and money needs to be grind by either engaging in battles or finishing quest which can only be done once a day (how much irl time for the day can be changed tho). Money also be used as your experience to level up LMAO, so yeah even the grinding process is pain in the ass and you need to think carefully before spending your money for item or to level up. Many ended up cheesing the game with a certain methods, but I suggest you use RPGM Save editor or go to saveditonline instead to cheat.

    4. Bad performance
    For me it's the ultimate 'think before you buy' for this game. The performance is the worse I've ever seen in RPG maker games. You open the menu? Slow. Map? Slow. Saving? For the love of god, slow. The only ones that not so slow are combat and sex scenes but it's only like 20% of the games, bruh. Most of the time you will get carpal tunnel because pressing your keyboard waiting the characters to move into the map and do dialogues.

    Overall, it's quite solid game. I must say it's good enough to buy (if not because the bad performance). I'd say you can support the game devs if you really want to. He definetely deserved it. But if you want to become full fledge Jack Sparrow follower, who am I to judge? By the current state of the game, it's still far from finished anyway.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Goated dev ngl, definitely worth supporting cuz there's practically nothing that has the same style and charm of this caliber, go try the game and buy it officially if you feel like it!! Yeah, I'm a sucker for pixel art, how did you know?
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    Slow to start and a bit boring. But most of all I hate the resolution issues that can cause the game to crash. There is no gallery even with cheats. The game expects you to just play and forces long dialogue sections.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    before you read this know i have over 80 hours in this game (and continue to play) so forgive me for any bias, 5 stars btw (P.S. TURN OFF BATTLE FUCK)

    There is ALOT to cover on this game

    without spoiling much you are put simply a knight thrown into an rpg maker open world with castles, princesses and conflict. And it is your duty as a knight to resolve disputes, save princesses when things go too far, build affinity with princesses and their kingdoms, adventure, quest and grind to become a powerful knight, this game is really all of it, and does not fail to provide fruitful content in all aspects (i would know)

    Whether it is the nostalgic nature of an rpg maker game or the sheer size of this game including the filler, there is something extremely replayable about it, i have delved many many many hours into many different versions of the game, playing from the start more than thrice and be surprised it's not just because i'm a coomer, sometimes i would play this game for 8 hours straight to just grind a certain aspect in order to unlock all the scenes easily at a later time.

    Yes. the funny sex game is entertaining enough to not require the sex to continue playing, you can blow your load then continue to desire story progression and swirly grinding (atleast i do) to setup your next time playing with even more scenes (which btw there are hundreds in an extremely hot and sexy pixel animated artstyle)

    This game is.. extremely hard to finish, even with all my playtime my adhd has managed to have me do everything but finish all the princess storyline quests, i've managed to procure 80 hours of dillydallying, but still this is an undyingly great game, and i still have gotten nowhere near finishing it (because i am incompetent, if you actually paid attention and kept forwardly progressing you could probably squeeze out a 100% completion in under 40 hours) there is so much work in this game, i urge you to give it just a few hours of your time and you will see, this game is so large that you get overwhelmed, and end up doing stuff that means nothing, it's an excellent timewaster, and an even better game to jerk off to.

    I really have to press hard to find bad things about this game, there are a few however, firstly is the battle fuck, this isn't really a problem since it can be turned off but the fact it is automatically on and part of the game by default rubs me the wrong way and i've never had it on apart from when i first discovered it years ago, secondly is the loadtimes and performance, this game pushes the engine it was built on TO THE LIMIT, with so many variables, content and advanced concepts it's like running a 3d game on flash player, this results in uncontrollable lag at times, unexpected crashes losing progression and of course about 20-40 seconds of loadtime every time you go to the huge main world or sleep, i can't really fault this, after all it must be well optimised to run at all on rpg maker as the game is right now.

    The last complaint before i start jumping on the devs dick again is the nature of it's characters, none of the characters displayed and i mean about 90% no exaggeration are not originally towerfag's original designs, they are all from the artistic renditions of a 4chan forum named "towergirls" (search it up!) basically all of the games content and it's extremely hot characters are not the devs idea, i know there was copyright dispute and at a point or presently he has paid for part copyright ownership over towergirls designs but this info is all outdated by years. however it still is off that all of the characters you see in this game are not original designed characters commissioned or made by towerfag himself, just thought i'd point that out.

    TL;DR this game is amazing, and immensely hot, it's combination of being extremely erotic while being so fun you don't need the sex to keep playing i cannot do anything less then immensely recommend you try it for atleast a few hours

    (Also a sidenote as i was writing this review i took a drink, looked above me and saw a huge spider on the ceiling, i spat out my drink and freaked out)
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    I wrote up a longer review prior to this, but in retrospect, it's just 1000 characters of me repeating the same two issues in different ways.
    1:The game was made in too much of piecemeal fashion, so the mechanics don't sync together in a meaningful and cohesive way.
    2: The limitations of VX Ace are blatant and development of a Unity, Gamemaker, or Godot port should have started 3 years ago.
    Still, the original /tg/ concept holds a place in my heart, and I'd consider Towerfag's game to be an important stepping stone in the western erotic game renaissance. I would have rated this a 3.75 if that was an option and if I kept personal bias and sunken cost aside.
    I certainly don't know his circumstances, but Towerfag might want to just pull back from duct-taping this game together and use his experience and assets to make the Tower & Blade Butterlord: Monster Girl Electric Boogaloo 4x game that he actually wants this game to be.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    Ok, this review will be my point of view bassed on my personal experience in the game. I'll try be objetive as i can so let's get started.

    The art of the game is really good, the style, sprites and colour palette is awesome, very unique. The animations are so smooth, but it feels a bit empty. When you get laid, there's a window with a looped animated gif, and the finish stance, that's all. I waited more of this kind of art...

    The story is nothing "mindblowing" but, is good. As a knight, you can choose which princess you wanna help and get involved in their story/route. So, "where's is the problem?", may you ask me.
    The execution. Why? Let me explain this with an example.
    There's a princess who needs to clear a level 9 quest on the guild, but reach that level, you need to complete a lot of quests just to finish her event. But, to add more salt in the injure, there's a limitation: One quest per day. You get the point now? This is one one example of the annoying desing choices this game have for you. So sad.

    The sound/BGM is fair, there's 2~3 really good, and the rest are ok. Nothing else to say, it works and don't feels too repetitive... Until they added "voices" to the princess. Well, the changelog says "voices" but the real feature is a really poor sound effect like Animal Crossing. So, when i wanna train my "soldier", i ussually mute the game. That... thing fuck the ambiance so quickly...

    Now the gameplay: An hybrid RPG and real time combat. It sounds good, right? There's so many, armours, accesory, waepons to choose. Now comeback to earth. It feels simple and you'll probably get bored in a few minutes. The difficulty affects the time-window to attack and move, the classical "hit and run". The new game+ feature increases the hp, attack and defense of the mobs, and you get oneshoted by a regular enemy the you are in NG+ 9 (The level system and equipment don't help enough)

    Now the characters (Only princess and knight). I really like how different and unique are. All have their tastes, personality and flaws, it made me emphatice and try to figure why they are like... they are...forgive the redundancy. In the opposite is the knight, a very plain protagonist, without charisma and nerves. Come on! He's a human, give him some blood and life! So alike a generic main character (MC) of never hearded harem manga. I can summary with one word: The MC don't have any motivation to be there.

    Now the pros, cons, summary and the veredict.

    - Good art
    - Good story
    - High varety of weapons, armours and clothes.
    - The princesses are interesting

    - Very repetitive
    - Boring world
    - Scripted events linked to luck/farming
    - Medriocre performance
    - A lot of bugs/crashes

    Conclusion: A few years before i see this game, and looks promising, but is the example of "i want, and i can't". A lot of mechanics but poorly implemented. Yes, "wasted potencial", let's see the future of the game, but now my rate is 2/5. Not buy now, be patient and see it when it's finished.

    That's all, and rememeber this is MY opinion, thank you for read and see ya!
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Do yourself a favor, BUY THIS GAME
    This game has it all! Interesting story telling, varied mechanics like corruption and wars, chivalry and nefariousness, and above all, SUPER CUTE PRINCESSES!
    I will warn you that this game won't always be for a quick fap, but the journey there to some HIGH QUALITY pixel animation will definitely be worth it.
    It is not without cons. Cut scenes may tend to lag a bit if they are too long, same with loading animations, and traveling can become tedious if you don't use a guide. Lastly, you may get overwhelmed at times, which can be a bit frustrating.
    That being said, a master piece of a game! 5 stars!
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    I had been playing this game around 0.13/0.14 version, at the moment there only goblin, cat, moth or any other princess. The game is quite promising back then. And now, when I get back to the game, it is a disappointed.
    The menu, saving game, and map is so slow, it didn't get improving much compared to the old version
    New animation and Illustrator is a +
    And after all these years. The walking is still slow, the travel is time consuming.
    And the game will slowly get boring really quick.