RPGM - Princess & Conquest [v0.21.05] [Towerfag]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    disaster of a game. I was recommended this game as a good game with pregnancy mechanics but this is just atrocious.

    To begin with the menu is slow, saving is slow, dialogs are just boring and also laggy. Map design is not good. Quest clarity is terrible. Combat is terrible you should've went for a turn based combat. Switching characters during combat.. its so.. weird.. terrible mechanic.

    When it comes to art it is terrible as well. One of the worst art i've seen on this site and i played a ton of hentai games, it turns you off so bad.

    The beginning is terrible, as in, the game hand holds you for a long time during prologue. I dont like it. I want to explore the game for myself, or if you want prologue at least make it interesting, because this game doesnt

    Also there seems to be a big emphasis into big titted and wide hips women. I mean come on.. thats just a disgrace at this point. I hate cows.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    It amazes me that people review this game so highly when the game fails at the most important thing: it isn't fun.

    It is nothing but senseless grind for mediocre H content. It lures you in with early-game refinement and flair but it soon breaks down into a mishmash of confusion and boredom. Nothing is intuitive or rewarding in this game. It is nothing but let down after let down.

    Here's a tip, if your game requires spending as much time reading the wiki on what to do as playing the game, the game is bad.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    art is great 10/10. the game play however is more like a 2/10. its has an action combat system that is not implemented very well. the game's progression is odd, basically you need to use the wiki (thank god there is one) to figure out what and where you need to go and do. its also not a very chill game to play, you have a literal time limit on doing things, in real time, before all the princesses go and kill each other on there own (aka no harem route).
  4. 4.00 star(s)

    Al Gore

    As others have said, the actual porn component of this game is solid, but Princess & Conquest has such an extreme amount of grind and unintuitive prerequisites needed to access the porn that the game suffers from "too much game, too little porn" syndrome simply because the devs expect you to have a crystal ball. There is an (outdated) wiki which will tell you most of what you need to know, but a game should never have to force players to rely on cheating to make progress.

    The combat is good, and the overworld conquest mechanic is unique and interesting but can also be a pain because you will often need to rescue princesses from besieged castles to make progress, but there is no efficient fast travel system so you will often find yourself being too slow unless you obsessively patrol the map.

    In short, this game has the potential to be great if the devs implemented a few small quality-of-life changes, namely fast travel and better quest hints.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    Downloaded the game. Launched it. Found out you literally cant use the mouse, the game doesnt even recognize it. Closed the game. Uninstalled.

    This goes for every developer out there: if you release a game on any platform, and you dont make the game playable with the platform's native controls (which in this case is keyboard and mouse), you are a failure.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    What used to be a fun little sandbox game is now a poorly optimized mess with absolutely no focus. Add in the patron voting system that ensures whatever the high tier patrons want get into the game (and usually bypass the popular vote) and a dev that just keeps on piling new features that invariably break on each new release and you're better off just using the cheats and using it as a gallery viewer.
    Your first hours will be fun as you get smothered by the possibilities, but it will grow old as the depth of choice is meaningless and the mess will make you wish you could just do something without doing 15 convoluted steps.
  7. 3.00 star(s)

    NTR Recovery Experts

    I want to like it; I really, really want to... but god does this fail as a game. It's not even because the basics are wrong, overall their good, but the developers have gone out of their way to be obtuse, grindy, and bloated. I should not have to look at an outdated wiki every 5 minutes in fear of locking myself out of content, I shouldn't be expected to replay this game 5+ times to see all the routes, and I shouldn't need to spend 5 hours on an incomplete porn-game doing nothing but walking to my next objective.
    The princess affection/lust levels make no sense, their criterion to enter their route makes zero sense, and being unable to complete multiple routes at once also makes zero sense.
    The combat is good, give me more of it. The conquest system is decent, flesh it out and give me ALOT more of it. Walking around the entire map everyday fearing that I'm missing some siege or event is NOT good, either give me fast travel or give me a way to tell what is actually happening in the world.

    I like the idea behind this game, but the creators are ignoring the strengths of the idea and focusing on adding in 20 new pictures of furry porn. I played this game 3 years ago, and I honestly can't tell what's changed. There's more stuff, but none of my previous issues have been addressed.

    1. Conquest revamp: This is your secondary gameplay loop and it's pretty important to the idea... but it sucks and is buggy as all hell right now. It needs to be reworked from the bottom up. Give the player a map to track active conflicts/battles, give some indicator as to how reign stats work (I saw a 2 defense get pushed back by a 1 offense, how) or change it all together (cause it's kinda boring right now). Make a test build with two princesses at war and when you get the system to the point that it's fun, then patch it in.
    Make it fun or get it our of the way of the stuff that is.
    2. Princesses: The highlight... and the devs keep cockblocking me. So much content is locked behind obscure conditions (you need to let cat princess's reign fall... you can't do it if you recruit normally). And maybe that would be fun if this was a quick game, but it's not. Every piece of blocked/missed content is at the expense of the 5-10 hours it took me to get to that point.

    I would call this ambitious, I would also call it clueless. The project is being dragged in so many different directions that none of them get the polish they need to actually carry the game. So instead we get a game with hints of greatness, sadly buried beneath endless tides of tedium and blocked off content.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    I would forgive you for thinking it was one of the best games on the site in your first hour of playing, maybe even your first three. I adored my time with this game to begin with, because:
    • Well written
    • Aesthetically beautiful
    • Amazing sound design
    • Fantastic sex scenes with animated sprites
    However... If you keep with the game, you'll realize the true horror of "Princess & Conquest", the depth of such horror that I'd wish upon no fellow fapper.
    Princess & Conquest's initial presentation as a high-quality game with fantastic animations only makes the gameplay starkly more frustrating. This game is horribly designed; I cannot stress this enough.

    Let me give you an example of what getting a sex scene is like for a microcosm of this game's quality:
    The "Human Princess" is someone that appears early in the game as a potential candidate to develop a relationship with. The best way to build a relationship with a kingdom is to have sex with strangers that reside in said kingdom, and this can be a fun process, if not somewhat repetitive due to some monster girl species only sharing one scene.
    At 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 affection, you unlock a new scene with the Human Princess.
    And so, I visit her at 2. No sex scene.
    Grind for 30 more minutes.
    I visit her at 4. No sex scene.
    Grind for 30 more minutes.
    I visit her at 6. No sex scene.
    Grind for 30 more minutes.
    I visit her at 8. No sex scene.
    Grind for 30 more minutes.
    I visit her at 10. No sex scene.
    Wait... WTF is going on? Where's the porn in my porn game?
    I couldn't figure it out. I'd talk to her and there'd be no progress, she began repeating lines. There were no quests or anything particularly obvious missing. I was never told to do anything by the game. So I continued on with the game under the assumption that her content would come later. Surely?
    This vicious cycle wasn't exclusive to the Human Princess either, I also experienced it with the Cat Princess and Kobold Princess before I ended up giving up.
    So, despite playing for hours, why didn't I get a single sex scene with a princess? (Except the Fairy Princess, we'll get into that...)
    Turns out...
    1. Human Princess: To advance her relationship into something sexual, you must gift her a specific outfit, sold by a specific merchant. Okay... WHAT? I would never have done that unprompted.
    2. Cat Princess: To advance her relationship, you must camp outside her kingdom. Okay... WHAT? I could have literally gone 50 hours deep and never have done that. (Also, the only way I found to travel between the north and south of the map, something you will be doing very often, is a long 3-4 minute tunnel, which SUCKED.)
    3. Kobold Princess: To advance her relationship, you must raise her love to "3", well EXCUSE ME, I raised her lust to 8 and love to 2 and ended up with nothing.

    Everything in this game is like this, and it gets worse. If you don't figure out these obtuse, borderline impossible, needle-in-a-haystack type advancements fast enough, some of the most attractive girls in your game world can have their content seemingly permanently locked away from you. It was day 3/4, I'd finally given in and looked at the wiki to figure out how to advance the Cat Princess's quest. Only for her to immediately be invaded when I step out of her kingdom (this is after I'd helped her win a battle on that same day) and now she refuses to talk to me and I can't advance her relationship. And this is no small criticism, the Cat Princess has some GOD-TIER animations hidden behind that quest, and this game just committed one of the biggest sins of porn games by giving me the middle finger and preventing me from seeing any of that content.

    The objectives are extremely unclear, and the pacing is ruined by having such gigantic gaps between non-generic pornographic content.

    And I think the most hilarious part about this is the battle fucking. The Kobold Princess won't fuck me or have her quest advanced when she has 8 Lust and 2 Love, oh no, but she will happily fuck any enemy in the overworld. Losing her vaginal, anal and nipple? virginity with ease, and even potentially getting pregnant. Oh, but will she have sex with me? Nah, I have to solve this Rubik's Cube underwater while doing a handstand first, wiki said so.

    This game continues to shock me with how poor the decisions made regarding gameplay are time and time again. It'd be impressive if it wasn't so damn frustrating, and it's only more frustrating because you know there's absolute gold hidden under the shit. These animations are top tier, and I really want to try and unlock them, but I just don't care for scrawling through a giant wiki and completing exhausting step-by-step guides. We need to stop designing games with wikisyndrome. Tons of open world RPGMaker games on the site have this and it's not an acceptable practice. A game should be a complete package, and you shouldn't expect someone else to pick up the pieces and create a guide to make sense of the absolute absurdity that is buying a single, specific item from a single, specific merchant to advance the relationship of one of the first Princesses you meet.
    Also, a lot of princesses have "routes" that lock you out of every other princess's route. I'm here for the porn and you've just offered me a button that implies that I'm locking myself out of seeing more of it. Why would I EVER choose that option? I don't care if it's a requirement to see any of the content that I'd be locked out of in the first place, it just feels wrong to have an arbitrary lock.

    And... let's say you do finally complete a quest that leads to a sex scene. Perhaps you got lucky and found one that didn't require you to reference the wiki ten times. There's a chance you might get a "CG" sex scene. Everything about the game being beautiful takes a colossal nosedive. Some may enjoy it, but I'd wager that, to most, the CG art is certainly not fappable.

    Another thing to note is the writing quality dips greatly the further into the game you get. For some reason, the protagonist, John Monster Fucker, who has slept with 30 different strangers around the world to earn the affection of a single princess, gets extremely flustered at the prospect of sleeping with someone. Like... I literally just pumped a fairy full of cum behind the tree over there, why am I being skittish about fucking the Fairy Princess all of a sudden? How am I supposed to take that seriously?

    This game needs a giant overhaul. Like a puzzle, it needs to be fundamentally smashed and re-pieced into a better experience for everyone. But for some reason, the game just keeps getting more extremely random additions. It's like a Jenga tower that fell over years ago, but for some reason, the developer just keeps throwing more pieces into the pile!
    Not to mention, the colossal scope of this project seems to be dragging it down. This game didn't need to be this complicated, and it really doesn't add much that it is. Embarrassingly enough, this game would make a better animation gallery than it currently is. Bigger is NOT better. And the insane lag in menus, saving, and the overworld should say it all.

    Here's how to improve this game instantly and massively:
    1. Replace all ambiguous objectives and tie them into increasing affection.
    2. Give a reward with each princess for increasing their affection.
    2 Affection: Kiss/Tease/Nudity
    4 Affection: Handjob/Blowjob
    6 Affection: Virgin Sex
    8 Affection: Second Sex Scene
    10 Affection: +Party Member
    3. Remove the obtuse Princess stat function. It's far too easy to just miss the arbitrary requirements. Have it be affection-based again, where all the protagonist has to do is sleep with two NPCs of that character's species. This streamlines and focuses the game (something that it really needs).
    4. Remove route locking and just enable you to have all routes simultaneously. What's the point of locking players out of content? The pacing of this game is bad enough without being more restrictive.
    5. Quality of life, quality of life, quality of life. No more extremely long 5 minute journeys between the north and south. Give us fast travel, the ability to camp whenever we want, and more!
    6. Time to fix the lag and rethink the Conquest System. There are clearly too many parallel processes happening at once, and the save files are so bloated with variables and switches. It's cool what you're attempting, but it's not working; the engine can't handle it. It's time to kill your darlings and figure out a better solution. I don't think anyone is really that invested in the Conquest System, which effectively only functions as a timer on locking more content from you.
    7. Fix the Pacing! I make this point at the end because it ties into every point. If you complete all the other points, this one will be fixed. It takes far too long to grind for sexual content, and the game is too vapid and shallow to motivate you in any other way. Let's not kid ourselves, this game doesn't stand up to scrutiny if you remove the sex scenes. So let's try to get at least one new non-generic sex scene in the player's face per hour.

    Overall, this game is like an extremely shallow pool the size of a lake. If you jump around, very rarely, you'll find a deep pitfall in this lake and drown in it. As you can imagine, it's not even worth the effort.

    I recommend using a cheat to view the gallery. It's certainly not as much fun as playing a proper game and experiencing that content naturally, but it's certainly a lot more fun than playing this game.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I've been following the development of this game for a very long time (I can't even remember what version I played first) and I must say that is one of the best games with focus on mature content that there is. There's plenty of content and has a quality over quantity approach. Most RPGs have a turn-based combat system that makes it tedious to go through, but fortunately this game has a fast paced combat in real time instead, and while it can be a bit clunky for some, it is way better and more suitable for this type of game. The art style is great, the soundtrack is good, the character interactions are amusing and oh boy there is a lot of characters. It's a very enjoyable experience overall, although I've noticed that in recent releases the loading times have increased and the game tends to run slower in some areas compared to previous versions; I'm no expert in the matter but this is probably due to the engine not being designed to endure all the content and features that this ambicious project pushes forward with every update, can't be sure tho. But what I'm sure about is that this game succeds in something that every game should strive to achieve and that is: to be fun, just for that alone I say that this game (even if it's not finished yet) is worth to play.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    A very expansive and interesting RPG with a LOT of content (both optional and missable) which focuses on multiple playthroughs. The characters are all unique and well written and have varied quests / requirements to seduce and recruit them.

    Naturally, the game is still heavily in development, but there is a lot to do an explore in the meantime. I highly recommend supporting the game on steam, as this is one of the few in which launching from the executable DOESNT notify your entire friendslist what you are playing.

    Some recommendations:
    1) Use the wiki. It will save you from making stupid mistakes and bugs.

    2) There are situations that will feel unfair or silly, and these can be addressed with a standard rpgmaker save editor (e.g. one of the princesses dying where you dont have the required favor or time to save them).

    3) Also you may be tempted to hack for money, but just get a dragon progeny and grind the dungeons for equipment and rare monster parts. You will make PLENTY of money that way, which addresses many more annoying problems in the game.

    4) Buy LOTS of presents. You can reliably and repeatedly bribe basically every princess this way and that can save you from a war in a pinch.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    It is a great game, which gets a lot of updates. I bought it on steam to support it, so I recommend yall do it too, if ya got some extra cash.

    Also I need to write 200 letters/characters so I guess Ima just tell ya about the game.

    I like that it is unique, that you can go around conquer kingdoms and fight battles, most of the nsfw scenes are completely optional. And it has multiple endings.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Overall the game is interesting, however because there are still too many elements that need to be added/improved it still has a lot left before it deserves to be played without a bit of cheating. I will mostly talk about the main mechanics of the game and explain what I think should be added:

    -About wars: Let's be fair, current war system is so simple that it hurts, basically armies fight in the map and that's it, to be fair I don't critic this approach but I feel that the armies have it too easy to get to the princess territory and that it lacks proper rewards cause it doesn't have secondary objectives that would make the kingdom stronger (such as mines, farms or other territories that would be worthwhile to fight for even if you don't destroy the enemy kingdom).

    Even more the game needs to add the ability that even if kingdoms arent just next to each other they can make war. For example something that happens every game is that the goblin kingdom and the cat kingdom go to war, but because they aren't next to each other they cant fight.

    Basically I just feel that it needs to be expanded, just to give an example the holstaur territory is totally submissive to other kingdoms so it should be a point of control, having special events depending on which kingdom controls it, even to the point that perhaps a princess may want to have fun there.

    -Following the last part I said I think the game lacks a bit of fun between princesses. I can totally imagine the slime princess to have fun with the human princess if they conquered the human kingdom for example, and in fact seeing conquered kingdom population being raped by the conquerors feels more than normal.

    Conquest and relationships between princesses should be expanded, even more if it affects princesses that have racial conflicts (such as the mouse and the cat princess).

    -Related to the player I feel that at some point we should have our own house. Even more taking into account the prices of the inn... to be fair being able to build a good mansion in which princesses could live, get guards to protect it from monster attacks and have extra scenes for places like a bathroom... would be really nice.

    Albeit perhaps it isn't important to expand it so much I would at the very least ask to have a free place to sleep, the camp is quite... meh to say the least.

    To be fair I can still go on and on about stuff that needs to be improved and stuff that feels incomplete (Roaming NPC's doing nothing, frog kingdom needs to become a warring kingdom at some point, restoring a princess fallen kingdom...)

    But overall what I think is that the game is interesting, it can become much more interesting but it lacks on development at the moment. It still needs a lot of stuff to be improved and/or expanded. I would recommend to cheat at the current version so that you can do stuff much faster, however as the game gets more complete it would be a really nice experience to go bit by bit.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    this game is a pain in the ass to play and thus does not deserve a more detailed explanation. not one thing about it is good. every thing is half baked, the art is bad, the sex is bad, the dialogue is bad, the combat is bad the quest are poorly explained and bad AND also have their objectives spawn randomly some times, also the big world map does have a map most of the towns are empty, the game consists of you going to towns just to see that a merchent ISNT there today, fuck me, fuck you and fuck this game.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    From a porn rpg experience its 9.5/10. Always room for improvement but overall look and feel of the world is lived in. It feels connected in a way no other mediocre porn game does. We forgive porn games too often on lazy plots and boring stories for the H, but the H is only as satisfying as the work and build up of the world. The payoff is 100% more from that.

    TL: DR Art 9*/10, Story 8*/10, technical mechanics 10/10, and completion (depends on girl) 9*/10. Overall 9*/10 rpg porn game.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    the game feels like its not ready enough to be enjoying it, there were so many places i couldnt go without any hints what should i do to access those places, lets take kobold princess for example, i got her castle running somehow, build everything, and nowhere its said i need to find all kobolds knockers to make it run, or that i should find dragon princess to continue story... which i didnt know how to push forward after meeting dragon princess and building everything, i guess i didnt found all knockers but i can only speculate, OBJECTIVES ARENT CLEAR which makes you run amok all over the place and not having fun from it, and when ure told u need to concentrate on one princess per gameplay u would expect to have clear road to follow
    on the other side 140 animations which is impressive, gameplay has some colorization like stealth, fights are always "hit and run" u can block but what for when u can dodge?
    as of now its average i couldnt even finish my kobold route and DEV didnt even care to remove things from options that i already build, got potential but not playable yet
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    Time waster.
    -Good idea, bad execution.
    Nothing redeeming. Animations are nice, but boring and far few in between. Devs are adding everything everywhere at snails pace without flashing out previous things leaving the player slogging from one place to another endlessly trying to find events to actually do something.
    Playing this game without wiki is impossible(you can but you gonna waste time even more).
    Spaghetti nonsense. I tried playing this game two times. Both times I invested about 18 hours. 40+ hours of gameplay for two scenes , I understand we love story, character progression, but this game is so slow it's borderline insane.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    Man I hate to do this game like this because obviously a ton of effort went into it, but I just don't like it. It's an interesting concept, good writing, good art and animation, that was just let down by (in my opinion) poor game design. H games and normal games do not have the same needs, imo. Even with the cheats I'm just tired of this game. Maybe I'm just dumb and cant fucking manage all the BS going on between reign points and girl points and guild points and corruption points and etc etc, but man...

    I loaded up the gallery code, did the deed, and won't be coming back.

    Also yeah FUCK the load screens in this game. Make me want to blow my fucking brains out, there's no excuse for that. Character lagging all over the world map, like... fuck that
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    It's a bit slow and if you want a fast fap your gonna want to look elsewhere, but if you want an actual game then I can absolutely recommend this game. The fact you can choose sides and even defeat other princesses is amazing, you can make them fight each other or keep them in peace, if not you can get lost searching through all the various areas and its amazing. Once you do get the hang of things the sex part isnt even that hard but like i said this game takes a lot of patience, so if you want an actual game and not just a VN with a few button clicks every now and again then i highly recommend this.
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is just kind of... boring and feels like it purposely wastes time.

    Loading screens can take several seconds sometimes, going from North to South or vice versa over and over is extremely annoying, the skip text feature is awful since you can suddenly reengage conversation if you hit Z/Enter too many times while holding Ctrl, and it feels like the interface is designed to waste your time, like for example, the meaningless sorting of categories upon categories to use an item.

    Story wise it's yadda yadda yadda I don't care. It feels as shallow as the princesses who will love you if you burn a bunch of candy for them and whom go to war with each other for little reason.

    I like the combat a little and the art/animations are nice but that's about it. It's a bunch of good animations/art attached to a bloated whale of a game. This game has a lot wrong with it mechanically I feel, as it continued to test my patience and not in a good way.

    Update a year later:
    None of these issues have been fixed. Going north to south is still a 5 minute chore you do repeatedly. Dialogue skipping is still trash. There is still a lot of mechanical time wasters that get in the way of the fun. This developer has never heard the term QoL and it tanks the replay value.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games of this type I've EVER played.

    Start of the story is simple. You went to help Kobold Princess, stuff happened and angry Dragon Princess destroyed the entire Kobold domain, leaving you with a lonely princess without a castle... The world is yours.

    When I say the world is yours, it's pretty much is. After the intro you're thrown into a big world - that constantly grows and changes with updates - and you can basically decide it's fate.

    There's a ton of princesses to choose from already and a few that are still on the way. Every princess is diffrent - and I don't mean only species - and interesting. You're the knight in this story but you don't have to be a good guy. During sieges - when the army of one princess is besiege the castle of the other - you can go in and KILL the princess of besieged castle if you really hate her or want that kind of role play.

    Aside from the basic princesses you know about as leaders of their respectful reigns there are a few others hidden across the land that you can recruit. You can easily get lost in this world but in a good way. It provides many, many hours of gameplay!

    Some people complain about the gameplay mechanics in form of fighting and that tutorial gives you too little... Well, if your IQ is higher than your body temperature I can assure you that in a matter of an hour you will understand it easily.

    There's an entire Wikia for you! How to recruit princess, get their outfits, recruitable companions and pets among a few others things. Go there and you're golden, no problem with in-game quests at all.

    You can have sex with random NPCs on the street. What's more to it? Well, the scenes aren't boring and weak CGs, they're fully animated. The slightly pixel-like look of the game is amazing. Animated scenes looks very nice so no need to worry about quality here. Lacks a bit in quantity of scenes but that will probably change.

    Routes! A few of the current Princesses have their own routes that you can follow to reach the end of the game. For example, you can help your cute little Kobold Princess rebuild her kingdom and become her king and lover. Heck, you can romance a Skeleton Princess and her route makes you suicide and revive so you'll be together forever. That's just two of a few others.

    There's also a conquest end where you just up and join one of the Princesses on a path to glory and domination by paving the way with skulls of other races.

    You can raise kingdom lewdness so more and more people will want to have sex with knight!

    And, as I'm saying it - quite a few times already - there's still more and more that I HONESTLY and WHOLEHEARTEDLY suggest that YOU try it out yourself and immersed in what is waiting for you in this world.

    I was so happy with this game that I went out of my way and bought it on Steam to support the creator. Amazing game and give the highest rating without a regret about it.