Really solid Hypno game, honestly one of the best I can think of off-hand, in terms of that focus. If you're into the kink and can overlook some flaws (mostly unrelated), this is an absolute must-play.
- Has the subtle progression of the FMC slowly getting more and more open to each form of pleasure she can receive, and her reactions changing accordingly.
- Also has a whole list of more explicit hypnotic triggers placed on her as the game progresses, with pretty much every single one showing up at least once in free roam after the scene in which it was placed, to help reinforce that yeah, these are lasting.
- Has a great 'rigged against the FMC' setup, since (very early game spoilers) it turns out removing the hypnosis on others just makes it more powerful on herself, and that hypnosis on others just gets easily replaced anyway. For those who care about that sort of thing, it means you can have her fall further all you want and it not be 'out of character'.
- As others have pointed out, the game can be buggy. I personally don't think I actually ran into any, and I'm under the impression that some of the most egregious issues from earlier reviews may have been patched, but clearly some remain.
- The gameplay can be a bit grindy. It's simple enough that it's not a big issue, but can be a pain point depending on your tolerance for that.
- (Spoiler on general nature of ending(s)): there is only one ending, and it's a 'good' ending, where the hypnosis curse is removed. Given the setup of how inevitable 'defeat' was, it feels like a let-down to not at least have the option of a 'bad' ending.