Is there any way to like, win this without getting lucky/save abuse?
I try to make it so that I get most of the prisoners to get 2 clues from them, so I know who's a top and who's a bottom, and what kind of fetishes they like.
The guards reveal whether the warden is a top or bottom, if 1 or 2 of the three attackers were there because the warden wanted to have sex with them, and they tell you that at least one of the attackers had a certain fetish, or that none did.
So how am I supposed to evaluate the warden being a top or bottom, and how many attackers had consensual sex with the warden? I thought that meant if the warden was a bottom for example, and invited in 2 of his attacker himself, that two attackers were tops, and one attacker was a bottom. Then I see which of the prisoners I can exclude, because they have a fetish that the guards told me wasn't used on the warden. Then I also have the people prisoners and the guards tell me are innocent. Even if I'm lucky and can exclude like 14 or 15 guys, because I know they are innocent or they have the wrong fetishes, I still have too many people to choose from, and so I failed each time. So do I just have to get lucky with my final guesses, or am I doing something wrong?
Should I save scum, by interrogating one set of prisoner and noting down the details, then reload to do it to another set of prisoners, etc?
Or is my approach wrong? What conclusion should I draw from the fact that the warden is a top or bottom? That his consensual partner(s) are bottoms/tops, and the additional guy(s) is/are tops/bottoms, or does it only tell me the role of his consensual partners?
Does anybody have any hints how to do better?